How to fill up the entire internal contour using opencv - python

In the following image, I'm trying to blacken out the internal design band with the name "jupiter"
I've tried using RETR_EXTERNAL in and then fillPoly but it only blackens out the "white" portion(the band) of the binary image and not completely as i want it to.
How would I need to improvise to get it to blacken it out completely?

You can use the masking technique to get your work done. Here is my code:
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
%matplotlib inline
I = cv2.imread('E:\\Mukul\\others\\stof.png') #input image
I_cnt = np.where(I[:,:,2] == 255) #location of your bounding box region
I_mask = np.zeros_like(I[:,:,2]) # mask for the input image
I_mask[list(I_cnt[0]), list(I_cnt[1])] = 255
plt.imshow(I_mask, cmap = 'gray')
I_cnt1, _ = cv2.findContours(I_mask, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
np.array(I_cnt1).shape # (1, 1420, 1, 2)
cv2.fillConvexPoly(I_mask, I_cnt1[0], 255)
plt.imshow(I_mask,cmap = 'gray')
Since we want our bounding box region to be black, we will invert our image using cv2.bitwise_not() and then use cv2.bitwise_and() to get the required output image.
I_mask1 = cv2.bitwise_not(I_mask)
out = cv2.bitwise_and(I_mask1, I[:,:,2])
plt.imshow(out,cmap = 'gray')
Instead of using the above lines to find contours of our binary mask which can be used to fill our region using cv2.fillConvexPoly() , we can directly convert I_cnt[0](array containing x-coordinate) and I_cnt[1](array containing y-coordinate) to an array of (x,y) coordinates using the following code:
temp_list = []
for a, b in zip(I_cnt[0], I_cnt[1]):
temp_list.append([a, b])
ctr = np.array(temp_list).reshape((-1,1,2)).astype(np.int32)
I_mask2 = np.zeros_like(I[:,:,2])
I_mask2[list(I_cnt[0]), list(I_cnt[1])] = 255
plt.imshow(I_mask2, cmap = 'gray')
cv2.fillConvexPoly(I_mask1, ctr, 255)
plt.imshow(I_mask2,cmap = 'gray')


Images are changed to different colors (with pillow), how to get it back to the original colors?

I am trying to find the dominant color in a frame in a video. This works well, however, my frames are somehow converted into different colors. Yellow/pink becomes blue/purple-ish, but black and white stay the same (thus it is not the inverted colors).
Does anyone know where it comes from and how I can change it so that the original colors are kept? This is my code:
import cv2
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from collections import Counter
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
video = cv2.VideoCapture('video.mp4')
def show_blurred_image(image, dominant_color):
frame_to_blur = Image.fromarray(image)
blurred_frame = cv2.blur(image, (200,200))
blurred_frame = Image.fromarray(blurred_frame)
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
R = round(dominant_color[0])
G = round(dominant_color[1])
B = round(dominant_color[2])
custom_color = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (R, G, B)
rect = patches.Rectangle((1620,0),300,1080,linewidth=1,
fill = True,
ax = plt.gca()
def get_dominant_color(image, k=4, image_processing_size = None):
takes an image as input
returns the dominant color of the image as a list
dominant color is found by running k means on the
pixels & returning the centroid of the largest cluster
processing time is sped up by working with a smaller image;
this resizing can be done with the image_processing_size param
which takes a tuple of image dims as input
>>> get_dominant_color(my_image, k=4, image_processing_size = (25, 25))
[56.2423442, 34.0834233, 70.1234123]
#resize image if new dims provided
if image_processing_size is not None:
image = cv2.resize(image, image_processing_size,
interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
#reshape the image to be a list of pixels
image = image.reshape((image.shape[0] * image.shape[1], 3))
#cluster and assign labels to the pixels
clt = KMeans(n_clusters = k)
labels = clt.fit_predict(image)
#count labels to find most popular
label_counts = Counter(labels)
#subset out most popular centroid
dominant_color = clt.cluster_centers_[label_counts.most_common(1)[0][0]]
return list(dominant_color)
dominant_colors = []
show_frame = 10
frame_nb = 0
ret, frame =
if ret == True:
if (frame_nb == show_frame):
dominant_color = get_dominant_color(frame)
show_blurred_image(frame, dominant_color)
frame_nb += 1
OpenCV loads images in a BGR format, while PIL and matplotlib works with the RGB format. If you want to use the libraries together, you need to convert the images in the right color spaces.
In your case :
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

How to get histogram of intensity of individual masked cells in an image?

OK so newbie here that has been working on a set of homework problems with the original post here: How do I make a mask from one image and then transfer it to another?
. The original idea was to take the DAPI image (grey image) and apply it as a mask to the NPM1 (green) image. After implementing the suggested code from HansHirse (thanks!) along with some other code I had been making for the homework problem I finally got a working histogram of all compatible cells in the image. The "compatibility" bit is that any cells touching the border weren't supposed to be counted. However, I still need to find a way to get histograms of each individual cell as well. I've attached the original images from the post too:
To do this, I tried blob_doh and one other method to get segmented regions of each cell but have no idea as to how I can apply these coordinates to an image for the histogram.
PS. The code is a bit messy. I segmented the code such that the blob_doh is near the bottom and the other method is also its own separate piece at the very bottom. Sorry!
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from skimage.feature import blob_dog, blob_log, blob_doh
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
import cv2
import mahotas as mh
import scipy
from scipy import ndimage
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
from skimage import data
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops
from skimage.morphology import closing, square
from skimage.color import label2rgb
# Read image into numpy array
image = cv2.imread("NOTREATDAPI.jpg",0)
dna = np.array(image) # must be gray-scale image
# Remove extraneous artifacts from image; set the threshold
dnaf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(dna, 8) #gaussian filter for general image
T = mh.thresholding.otsu(dnaf) # set threshold via mahotas otsu thresholding
theta=np.array(dnaf > T) #setting mask of values in image to calculated otsu threshold
cleared = clear_border(theta) #removes all cells that are in contact with the image border
epsilon = np.array(cleared) #final masked DAPI product
# Load and reset original images
image = cv2.imread("NOTREATDAPI.jpg",0) #The DAPI Image
image1 = cv2.imread("NOTREATNPM1.jpg",0) #The NPM1 Image
print("Original DAPI Image");plt.imshow(image); #The DAPI Image
print("Original NPM1 Image");plt.imshow(image1); #The NPM1 Image
# Create an array of bool of same shape as image
maskAboveThreshold = epsilon > 0 #Use mask array from above - include only values above non-masked zeros
print("Final Masked Image of NPM1"); plt.imshow(image1 *
maskAboveThreshold, cmap='gray')
True_NPM1= image1 * maskAboveThreshold # Final masked version of NPM1 set back to grayscale
# Create a mask using the DAPI image and binary thresholding at 25
_, mask = cv2.threshold(True_NPM1, 1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# Do some morphological opening to get rid of small artifacts
mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN,
cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (15, 15)))
# Calculate the histogram using the NPM1 image and the obtained binary
hist = cv2.calcHist([image1], [0], mask, [256], [0, 256])
# Show bar plot of calculated histogram, np.squeeze(hist))
# Show mask image
#blob_doh way of segmenting the cells ------
import cv2 as cv
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
image10 = np.array("OXALIDAPI.jpg"))
#Convert to gaussian image with thresholds
image10 = cv2.imread("OXALIDAPI.jpg",0)
dna = np.array(image10) # gray-scale image
# Remove extraneous artifacts from image; set the threshold
dnaf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(dna, 8) #gaussian filter for general image
T = mh.thresholding.otsu(dnaf) # set threshold via mahotas otsu thresholding
theta=np.array(dnaf > T) #setting mask of values in image to calculated otsu threshold
cleared = clear_border(theta) #removes all cells that are in contact with the image border
image = np.array(cleared) #final masked DAPI product
# Convert image to grayscale
image_gray = rgb2gray(image)
def plot_blobs(img,blobs):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.imshow(img, interpolation='nearest')
for blob in blobs:
y, x, r = blob
c = plt.Circle((x, y), r*1.25, color="red", linewidth=1, fill=False)
# blob_doh
blobs_doh = blob_doh(image_gray, min_sigma=10, max_sigma=256,
#get blob coordinates
def filter_blobs(blobs,r_cutoff=5):
new_blobs = []
for b in blobs:
if b[2] > r_cutoff:
return new_blobs
new_blobs = filter_blobs(blobs_doh)
#Other method of segmenting cells. maybe useful?
yeta = cv2.imread("NOTREATDAPI.jpg",0)
image = np.array(yeta)
# apply threshold
dnaf = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image, 8)
T = mh.thresholding.otsu(dnaf) # set threshold
plt.imshow(dnaf > T)
epsilon=np.array(dnaf > T)
# remove artifacts connected to image border
cleared = clear_border(epsilon)
# label image regions
label_image = label(cleared)
image_label_overlay = label2rgb(label_image, image=image)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
for region in regionprops(label_image):
# take regions with large enough areas
if region.area >= 50:
# draw rectangle around individual cells
minr, minc, maxr, maxc = region.bbox
rect = mpatches.Rectangle((minc, minr), maxc - minc, maxr - minr,
fill=False, edgecolor='red', linewidth=0.5)
What you are looking for is cv2.connectedComponents. Basically, once you have the binary mask that separate the cells, you try to label each connected component of the mask as one cell:
# I choose OTSU instead of binary, but they are not much different in this case
_, mask = cv2.threshold(dapi, 25, 255, cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
# compute the connected component
labels, markers = cv2.connectedComponents(mask)
# load 2nd image in grayscale
# as your 2nd image is only green/black
npm1 = cv2.imread('npm1.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# for you image (and usually), labels[0] is the background
for label in labels[1:]:
# compute the histogram over the entire 256 levels of intensity
hist, bins = np.histogram(npm1[markers==label], bins=range(256))
# do whatever you like to hist
# note that bins=range(256) and hist only have 255 values[1:], hist)
plt.title('cell number: {:}'.format(label))
So for example the histogram of the first and second cells:
And the cell markers are:

How to remove multiple polygons using Opencv python

Hi StackOverflow team,
I have an image and I want to remove many portions/parts from the image. I tried to use the below code taken from Cropping Concave polygon from Image using Opencv python
Assume I have this image . Also, I have multiple polygons (such as rectangular shapes or any form of a polygon) from the image achieved via lebelme annotation tool. So, I want to remove those shapes from the images or simply changing their pixels to white.
In other words, Labelme Tool will give you a dictionary file, where the dictionary has a key consisting of the points of each portion/polygon/shape)
Then the polygon points can be easily extracted from the dictionary file. After points are extracted, we can define our points by giving names (e.g a,b,s...h), and each one is in this multidimensional format "[[1526, 319], [1526, 376], [1593, 379], [1591, 324]]"
Here I thought of whitening each region. but whitening of multidimensional array seems to be unreliable.
import numpy as np
import cv2
import json
with open('ann1.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)
a = data['shapes'][0]['points']; b = data['shapes'][1]['points']; c = data['shapes'][2]['points'];
img = cv2.imread("lena.jpg")
pts = np.array(a) # Points
## (1) Crop the bounding rect
rect = cv2.boundingRect(pts)
x,y,w,h = rect
croped = img[y:y+h, x:x+w].copy()
## (2) make mask
pts = pts - pts.min(axis=0)
mask = np.zeros(croped.shape[:2], np.uint8)
cv2.drawContours(mask, [pts], -1, (255, 255, 255), -1, cv2.LINE_AA)
## (3) do bit-op
dst = cv2.bitwise_and(croped, croped, mask=mask)
## (4) add the white background
bg = np.ones_like(croped, np.uint8)*255
cv2.bitwise_not(bg,bg, mask=mask)
dst2 = bg+ dst
#cv2.imwrite("croped.png", croped)
#cv2.imwrite("mask.png", mask)
#cv2.imwrite("dst.png", dst)
cv2.imwrite("dst2.png", dst2)
Using Lena I have this output .
But I need to go further and whiten other points/polygons, for example, the eyes.
As you can see my code can use only one polygon points. I tried appending two other polygon points in my case the two eyes and got .
By appending, I mean I added the multidimensional points (e.g. pts = np.array(a+b+c)).
In short, having an image is there a short way to remove these multiple polygons from the image (by keeping the dimensions of the image) using OpenCV and python.
Json File:
You'll need to use to loop to go through all the points in the JSON file. I've edited your code to reflect this.
import cv2
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
img_path =r"/path/to/lena.png"
json_path = r"/path/to/lena.json"
with open(json_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
img = cv2.imread(img_path)
for idx in np.arange(len(data['shapes'])):
if idx == 0: #can remove this
continue #can remove this
a = data['shapes'][idx]['points']
pts = np.array(a) # Points
## (1) Crop the bounding rect
rect = cv2.boundingRect(pts)
x,y,w,h = rect
img[y:y+h, x:x+w] = (255, 255, 255)
I ignored the first line, since it didn't visualize the results nicely. I took your lead and used rectangles instead of polygons. If you need polygons, you'll need to use something like cv2.drawContours() or cv2.polylines() or cv2.fillPoly() as is recommnded in the SO answer you have linked here, to achieve it.
I would like to share with you my expected solution which is a bit modified version of #Shawn Mathew answer.
Input image:
with open('lena.json') as f:
json_file = json.load(f)
img = cv2.imread("folder/lena.jpg")
for polygon in np.arange(len(json_file['shapes'])):
pts = np.array(json_file['shapes'][polygon]['points'])
# If your polygons are rectangular, you can fill with white color to the areas you want be removed by uncommenting the below two lines
# x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(pts)
# cv2.rectangle(img, (x, y), (x+w, y+h), (255, 255, 255), -1)
# if your polygons are different shapes other than rectangles you can just use the below line
cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =[pts], color=(255,255,255))
The color of the image changed because of Matplotlib, if you want to preserve the color save the image using cv2.imwrite

How can I find the center of the pattern and the distribution of a color around it on python with opencv/skimage?

I have an image, that I want to process. I'm using Opencv and skimage. My goal is to find the distribution of the red dots around the barycenter of all the dots. I proceed as follows : first I select the color, and then I binarize the image that I obtain. Eventually, I would just count the red pixel that are on the rings with a certain width around that barycenter, in order to have an average distribution with regards to the radius supposing a cylindrical symmetry.
My issue is that I have no idea how to find the position of the barycenter.
I would also like to know if there is an short way to count the red pixels in the rings.
Here is my code :
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import io, filters, measure, color, external
I'm uploading the image :
sph = cv2.imread('image_sper.jpg')
sph = cv2.cvtColor(sph, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
I want to select the red color. Following, I'm converting it in HSV, and I'm using a mask.
hsv_sph = cv2.cvtColor(sph, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
light_red = (1, 100, 100)
dark_red = (18, 255, 255)
mask = cv2.inRange(hsv_sph, light_red, dark_red)
result = cv2.bitwise_and(sph, sph, mask=mask)
And here is the result :
Now I'm binarizing the image, since it'll be easier to process it afterwards.
red_image = result[:,:,1]
red_th = filters.threshold_otsu(red_image)
red_mask = red_image > red_th;
red_mask.dtype ;
And here we are :
What I would like some help now to find the barycenter of the white pixels.
Edit : The binarization gives the image boolean values False/True for the pixels. I don't know how to transform them to 0/1 pixels. If False was 0 and True 1, a code to find the barycenter would be :
(* (321L, 316L) *)
for i in range(321):
for j in range(316):
Another question that should have been asked here:
But, let's go!
The process that I have implemented uses mostly structural analysis (
First I got your image:
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from skimage import io, filters, measure, color, external
sph = cv2.imread('points.png')
ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(sph,200,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
Then eroded and converted it for noise reduction
kernel = np.ones((2,2),np.uint8)
opening = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
opening = cv2.cvtColor(opening, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
opening = cv2.convertScaleAbs(opening)
Then used "cv::findContours (InputOutputArray image, OutputArrayOfArrays contours, OutputArray hierarchy, int mode, int method, Point offset=Point())" to find all blobs.
After that, just calculate the center of each region and do a weighted average based on the contour area. This way, I got the points centroid (X:143.4202820443726 , Y:154.56471750651224).
im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(opening, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
areas = []
centersX = []
centersY = []
for cnt in contours:
M = cv2.moments(cnt)
centersX.append(int(M["m10"] / M["m00"]))
centersY.append(int(M["m01"] / M["m00"]))
full_areas = np.sum(areas)
acc_X = 0
acc_Y = 0
for i in range(len(areas)):
acc_X += centersX[i] * (areas[i]/full_areas)
acc_Y += centersY[i] * (areas[i]/full_areas)
print (acc_X, acc_Y), (int(acc_X), int(acc_Y)), 5, (255, 0, 0), -1)

Simple method to extract specific color range from an image in Python?

I'm trying to extract a specific color from an image within a defined RGB range using the OpenCV for python module. In the example below I am trying to isolate the fire from the exhaust of the space shuttle between yellow and white RGB values and then print out the percentage of RGB values within that range compared to the rest of the image.
Here is my minimal working example:
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import imageio
img = imageio.imread(r"shuttle.jpg")
This is the output image. Its from wikipedia.
img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
color1 = (255,255,0) #yellow
color2 = (255,255,255) #white
boundaries = [([color1[0], color1[1], color1[2]], [color2[0], color2[1], color2[2]])]
for (lower, upper) in boundaries:
lower = np.array(lower, dtype=np.uint8)
upper = np.array(upper, dtype=np.uint8)
mask = cv.inRange(img, lower, upper)
output = cv.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask)
ratio = cv.countNonZero(mask)/(img.size/3)
print('pixel percentage:', np.round(ratio*100, 2))
However this does not seem to work because I get 0% of pixels between the yellow and white values. I'm not really sure where I'm going wrong:
[([255, 255, 0], [255, 255, 255])]
pixel percentage: 0.0
And the output graph appears to be blank with a blue/purple image:
Note I haven't used OpenCV's built-in image viewers such as cv.imshow(), cv.waitKey() and cv.destroyAllWindows() because calling them kept crashing my IDE (Spyder 3.3.1) on Windows 8.1. Not sure if this is why the image is appearing blue/purple?
Also when I just try to output the original image, it appears in a strange inverted color format:
Anyway, I have tried following a similar method to detect a specific color range previously described here however that particular method gave me problems during compilation and has frozen and crashed my computer several times, when I try to implement something like this:
imask = mask>0
exhaust_color = np.zeros_like(img, np.uint8)
green[imask] = img[exhaust_color]
I guess what I'm tried to achieve here is something like the image below where only the colors between yellow and white are displayed, and then print out the percentage of pixels consisting of these colors. For the image below I just filtered out all colors below RGB (255, 255, 0) using a basic image processing software.
Is there a way to achieve this using the code I have already written or similar?
EDIT 1: Followed the advice below to convert to HSV color space first. However it still doesn't work and the yellow to white pixel percentage is still 0%. Output graphs are still the same and showing all black or purple. Also I managed to get cv.imshow() working by passing 1 to cs2.waitKey(1). (Doesn't work with 0 for some reason.)
hsv_img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
color1 = np.uint8([[[0, 255, 255 ]]]) #yellow
color2 = np.uint8([[[255, 255, 255]]]) #white
hsv_color1 = cv.cvtColor(color1,cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
hsv_color2 = cv.cvtColor(color2,cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
#Define threshold color range to filter
mask = cv.inRange(hsv_img, hsv_color1, hsv_color2)
# Bitwise-AND mask and original image
res = cv.bitwise_and(hsv_img, hsv_img, mask=mask)
ratio = cv.countNonZero(mask)/(hsv_img.size/3)
print('pixel percentage:', np.round(ratio*100, 2))
[[[ 30 255 255]]]
[[[ 0 0 255]]]
pixel percentage: 0.0
It was a pretty simple issue; you gave a larger color before a smaller one to cv.inRange, so there was no valid intersection! Here's some working code that shows the output. This should be easy to adapt into your own script.
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
img = cv.imread('shuttle.jpg') # you can read in images with opencv
img_hsv = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
hsv_color1 = np.asarray([0, 0, 255]) # white!
hsv_color2 = np.asarray([30, 255, 255]) # yellow! note the order
mask = cv.inRange(img_hsv, hsv_color1, hsv_color2)
plt.imshow(mask, cmap='gray') # this colormap will display in black / white
you can download colorgram module from pypi in this method you can extract as many colors you want from one picture
note : your image name should be in the same file of your main , that you can see here in my code (turtle.jpg) otherwise you can give the colorgram the number of colors that you want to be extracted : as in my case (30)
import colorgram
from extraction import Extraction
colors = colorgram.extract('turtle.jpg',30)
# print(colors)
list = []
for color in colors:
# print(color)
r = color.rgb.r
g = color.rgb.g
b = color.rgb.b
new_color = (r,g,b)

