How to make spatial plot of irregular geographical data - python

I have lat=[13.7,21,23.7,10.6,34.5,20.7,33.1,15.5]
lon=[65.7,87.5,69.8,98.3,67,79.8,88.8,77.9] and
How can I make a spatial plot these data over map ? My code look like
lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
m = Basemap(projection='merc', resolution=None,
llcrnrlat=0, urcrnrlat=40,
llcrnrlon=60, urcrnrlon=100, )

To be able to use contourf, you need gridded data (i.e. if you have an 8x8 lon-lat grid, you need 64 z values). As you have only (lon,lat,z) triplets, it is better to use a tricontourf plot. However, Basemap does not have that function, but has an additional tri keyword for the contourf function:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import basemap
#lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat) <-- do not use this
m = basemap.Basemap(projection='merc', resolution=None,
llcrnrlat=0, urcrnrlat=40,
llcrnrlon=60, urcrnrlon=100, )
##need to convert coordinates
x,y = m(lon,lat)
##add the `tri=True` kwarg
m.contourf(x,y,val, tri=True)


Plotting 2D scalar velocity field with matplotlib

I have the following dataframe which I'm trying to plot,
where u,v and x,y are positional coordinates and the velocity vectors at that point. (full dataset -
I want to plot my data like so (Contour lines and arrows are not required.) .
How do I do this?
So far I've tried:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Meshgrid
#x, y = np.meshgrid(box_df['x'], box_df['y'])
x,y = box_df['x'], box_df['y']
# Directional vectors
#u, v = np.meshgrid(box_df['u'], box_df['v'])
u = box_df['u']
v = box_df['v']
# Plotting Vector Field with QUIVER
plt.quiver(x, y, u, v, color='g')
plt.title('Vector Field')
# Show plot with gird
If you want to plot a scalar field with irregular data points, you can either interpolate between data points to form a regular grid, or you can use matplotlib.pyplot.tricontour and tricontourf to interpolate for you to fill.
Using tricontour you could try:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x, y = box_df.x, box_df.y
# make scalar field
speed = np.hypot(box_df.u, box_df.v)
# Plotting scalar field with tricontour
plt.tricontourf(x, y, speed)
plt.title('Scalar Field')
# Show plot with gird
However it appears that you only have data around the edge of a rectangle, so interpolation into the interior of the rectangle is likely to be poor.

Plotting geographic data in 3d with matplotlib

I'm trying to plot data that contains lat, lon, and altitude as a 3d scatter plot in mpl. What I've found for documentation so far is either how to plot 2d geographic data using Basemap, OR how to plot 3d data using Axes3D, but not both. The specific coding issue I'm running into is how to set my lat/lon data to be interpreted as geographic lat and lon, but to keep my alt data as... well, altitude. I know Basemap contains the latlon setting:
"If latlon keyword is set to True, x,y are intrepreted as longitude
and latitude in degrees. Data and longitudes are automatically shifted
to match map projection region for cylindrical and pseudocylindrical
projections, and x,y are transformed to map projection coordinates."
However if I'm plotting in 3d, Axes3D doesn't support the latlon argument. The reason having geographic coordinates is so important is that I'm plotting the data over a basemap for visual reference.
My code:
import os
os.environ['PROJ_LIB'] = r'E:\Programs\Anaconda3\pkgs\proj4-5.2.0-ha925a31_1\Library\share'
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# Define lower left, uperright lontitude and lattitude respectively
extent = [-180, 180, -90, 90]
# Create a basemap instance that draws the Earth layer
#bm = Basemap(llcrnrlon=extent[0], llcrnrlat=extent[2],
# urcrnrlon=extent[1], urcrnrlat=extent[3],
# projection='cyl', resolution='l', fix_aspect=False, ax=ax)
bm = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-73,llcrnrlat=41,urcrnrlon=-69.5,urcrnrlat=43.5,projection='lcc', resolution='i', lat_0=42, lon_0=-71, ax=ax, fix_aspect=True)
# Add Basemap to the figure
ax.view_init(azim=230, elev=50)
ax.set_xlabel('Longitude (°E)', labelpad=20)
ax.set_ylabel('Latitude (°N)', labelpad=20)
ax.set_zlabel('Altitude (ft)', labelpad=20)
# Add meridian and parallel gridlines
#lon_step = 5
#lat_step = 5
#meridians = np.arange(extent[0], extent[1] + lon_step, lon_step)
#parallels = np.arange(extent[2], extent[3] + lat_step, lat_step)
ax.set_zlim(0., 50000.)
#ax.set_xlim(-69., -73.)
# empty array for place holder
lons = np.array([]) # longtitude
lats = np.array([]) # latitude
alt = np.array([]) # altitude
# Make sure your working directory is the directory contains this script and the data file.
#directory = os.fsencode('.')
# Import data to illustrate
lons, lats, alt = np.loadtxt('adsb-csv-2019-07-07_xzyonly_small.csv', delimiter=',', unpack=True, skiprows=1)
#alons, alats = map(lons, lats, latlon=True)
# scatter map based on lons, lats, alts
p = ax.scatter(lons, lats, alt, c=alt, cmap='jet')
# Add a colorbar to reference the intensity
#fig.colorbar(p, label='Aircraft Altitude')
This was adapted from code written by Phúc Lê.
Any help would be much appreciated!

Basemap plotting a contour figure over coastlines

I am trying to superimpose a contour plot onto a basemap plot of coastlines. Right now it either plots both separately or just the basemap.
Xa = np.linspace(-93.6683,-93.2683,25)
Ya = np.linspace(29.005,29.405,25)
m = Basemap(width=1200000,height=900000,projection='lcc',resolution='f',lat_1=29.205,lat_2=29.5,lat_0=29.205,lon_0=-93,4683)
The Result in the code are the concentrations that are plotted as a contour. I would add them, but there are 625 values for concentration from running my code.
Im wondering how I can write the plotting part of my code to be able to superimpose the two graphs. Thanks!
You would want to use basemap's contour function here. This has however some particularities.
It accepts only 2D arrays as input, meaning, you need to create a meshgrid of coordinates first.
and the input must be the mapped coordinates, x,y = m(X,Y)
Also pay attention to the dimensions. The first dimension of a numpy array is the y axis, the second dimension is the x axis.
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
Xa = np.linspace(-93.6683,-93.2683,25)
Ya = np.linspace(29.005,29.405,25)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(Xa,Ya)
Result = np.random.rand(len(Ya)*len(Xa))
m = Basemap(width=1200000,height=900000,projection='lcc',resolution='c',
mx,my = m(X,Y)

Drawing a graph with NetworkX on a Basemap

I want to plot a graph on a map where the nodes would be defined by coordinates (lat, long) and have some value associated.
I have been able to plot points as a scatterplot on a basemap but can't seem to find how to plot a graph on the map.
EDIT: I have added code on how I plotted the points on a basemap. Most of it has been adapted from code in this article.
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPoint
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
m = Basemap(
ellps = 'WGS84',
# Create Point objects in map coordinates from dataframe lon
# and lat values
# I have a dataframe of coordinates
map_points = pd.Series(
[Point(m(mapped_x, mapped_y))
for mapped_x, mapped_y in zip(df['lon'],
amre_points = MultiPoint(list(map_points.values))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, axisbg='w', frame_on=False)
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
# Create a scatterplot on the map
dev = m.scatter(
[geom.x for geom in map_points],
[geom.y for geom in map_points],
20, marker='o', lw=.25,
facecolor='#33ccff', edgecolor='w',
I get this image:
Here is one way to do it:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap as Basemap
m = Basemap(
# position in decimal lat/lon
# convert lat and lon to map projection
# The NetworkX part
# put map projection coordinates in pos dictionary
# draw
# Now draw the map
plt.title('How to get from point a to point b')
As of today there is a nice alternative to basemap. Mplleaflet is a library inspired by mpld3. It plots faster than basemap, is more easy to use and allows to visualizing geographic data on beautiful interactive openstreetmap. The input can be longitude and latitude the library automatically projects the data properly.
Input dictionary pos, where the node (country) is the key and long lat are saved as value.
pos = {u'Afghanistan': [66.00473365578554, 33.83523072784668],
u'Aland': [19.944009818523348, 60.23133494165451],
u'Albania': [20.04983396108883, 41.14244989474517],
u'Algeria': [2.617323009197829, 28.158938494487625],
Plotting is as easy as:
import mplleaflet
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(GG,pos=pos,node_size=10,node_color='red',edge_color='k',alpha=.5, with_labels=True)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(GG,pos=pos,edge_color='gray', alpha=.1)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(GG,pos, label_pos =10.3)

How can I rotate vectors onto a Basemap map projection?

I'm making wind vector barb plots using the matplotlib barb function and basemap in python.
I have a list of vectors (wind observations) at arbitrary latitudes and longitudes, i.e. not on a regular grid.
I need to rotate the vectors onto the map projection before plotting or the barbs point in the wrong direction. What is the best way to do this?
import numpy
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define locations of my vectors
lat = numpy.array([50.1,46.2,51.6,52.2,54.4])
lon = numpy.array([-3.3,-1.0,-5.2,-1.2,0.2])
# Define some east-west vectors to illustrate the problem
u = numpy.array([5,5,5,5,5])
v = numpy.array([0,0,0,0,0])
# Set up map projection
m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-15.,llcrnrlat=46.,urcrnrlon=15.,urcrnrlat=59.,
resolution ='l')
# Calculate positions of vectors on map projection
x,y = m(lon,lat)
# Draw barbs
m.barbs(x,y,u,v, length=7, color='red')
# Draw some grid lines for reference
parallels = numpy.arange(-80.,90,20.)
meridians = numpy.arange(0.,360.,20.)
Note that in the plot, the vectors do not point east-west.
I have tried using the rotate_vector and transform_vector routines, but these only work for gridded vector data.
Is there a routine to rotate the vectors onto the map projection for an arbitrary list of lat,lon u,v pairs?
Any help would be much appreciated!
For people with gridded data who stumpled upon this question
Rather use the built-in function rotate_vector, you can find it here:
Your problem is that you're specifying your u and v in lat, long. At the same time, you're specifying your x and y in map coordinates. barbs seems to expect both of them in map coordinates, rather than a mix.
The simplest way is to just calculate the endpoints to get the components. (My description makes no sense, so here's what I had in mind:)
x, y = m(lon, lat)
x1, y1 = m(lon+u, lat+v)
u_map, v_map = x1-x, y1-y
You'll then need to rescale the magnitudes, as well. As a full example:
import numpy
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Define locations of my vectors
lat = numpy.array([50.1,46.2,51.6,52.2,54.4])
lon = numpy.array([-3.3,-1.0,-5.2,-1.2,0.2])
# Define some east-west vectors to illustrate the problem
u = numpy.array([5,5,5,5,5])
v = numpy.array([0,0,0,0,0])
# Set up map projection
m = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-15.,llcrnrlat=46.,urcrnrlon=15.,urcrnrlat=59.,
resolution ='l')
# Calculate positions of vectors on map projection
x,y = m(lon,lat)
# Calculate the orientation of the vectors
x1, y1 = m(lon+u, lat+v)
u_map, v_map = x1-x, y1-y
# Rescale the magnitudes of the vectors...
mag_scale = np.hypot(u_map, v_map) / np.hypot(u, v)
u_map /= mag_scale
v_map /= mag_scale
# Draw barbs
m.barbs(x,y,u_map,v_map, length=7, color='red')
# Draw some grid lines for reference
parallels = numpy.arange(-80.,90,20.)
meridians = numpy.arange(0.,360.,20.)

