Let me start by posting some little helper functions I'll use to formulate my questions:
import textwrap
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from PyQt5.Qsci import QsciScintilla
from PyQt5.Qt import * # noqa
def set_style(sci):
# Set default font
sci.font = QFont()
# Set paper
sci.setPaper(QColor(39, 40, 34))
# Set margin defaults
fontmetrics = QFontMetrics(sci.font)
sci.setMarginWidth(0, fontmetrics.width("000") + 6)
sci.setMarginLineNumbers(0, True)
sci.setMarginsForegroundColor(QColor(128, 128, 128))
sci.setMarginsBackgroundColor(QColor(39, 40, 34))
sci.setMarginType(1, sci.SymbolMargin)
sci.setMarginWidth(1, 12)
# Set indentation defaults
sci.setFoldMarginColors(QColor(39, 40, 34), QColor(39, 40, 34))
# Set caret defaults
sci.setCaretForegroundColor(QColor(247, 247, 241))
# Set edge defaults
sci.setEdgeColor(QColor(221, 221, 221))
# Set folding defaults (http://www.scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html#Folding)
# Set wrapping
# Set selection color defaults
sci.setSelectionBackgroundColor(QColor(61, 61, 52))
# Set scrollwidth defaults
sci.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETSCROLLWIDTHTRACKING, 1)
# Current line visible with special background color
sci.setCaretLineBackgroundColor(QColor(255, 255, 224))
# Set multiselection defaults
sci.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETMULTIPLESELECTION, True)
sci.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_SETMULTIPASTE, 1)
def set_state1(sci):
base = "line{} state1"
view.setText("\n".join([base.format(i) for i in range(10)]))
for i in range(0, 10, 2):
region = (len(base) * i, len(base) * (i + 1) - 1)
if i == 0:
def set_state2(sci):
base = "line{} state2"
view.setText("\n".join([base.format(i) for i in range(10)]))
for i in range(1, 10, 2):
region = (len(base) * i, len(base) * (i + 1) - 1)
if i == 1:
class Editor(QsciScintilla):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clear_selections(self):
sci = self
def set_selection(self, r):
sci = self
sci.SendScintilla(sci.SCI_SETSELECTION, r[1], r[0])
def add_selection(self, r):
sci = self
sci.SendScintilla(sci.SCI_ADDSELECTION, r[1], r[0])
def sel(self):
sci = self
regions = []
for i in range(sci.SendScintilla(sci.SCI_GETSELECTIONS)):
sci.SendScintilla(sci.SCI_GETSELECTIONNSTART, i),
sci.SendScintilla(sci.SCI_GETSELECTIONNEND, i)
return sorted(regions)
I've got a couple of questions actually:
Question 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
view = Editor()
view.move(1000, 100)
view.resize(800, 300)
I'll get this (you can see the question in the below snapshot):
Question 2)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
view = Editor()
view.move(1000, 100)
view.resize(800, 300)
How can I modify the code so I'll be able to restore state1 when pressing ctrl+z?
Right now when using ctrl+z you won't be able to get state1:
mainly because how setText behaves:
Replaces all of the current text with text. Note that the undo/redo
history is cleared by this function.
I've already tried some of the functions posted in the undo and redo docs but no luck so far.
For instance, one of my attempts has been first selecting all text and then using replaceSelectedText and finally restoring the selections from the previous state manually, the result was ugly (i don't want the editor scrolling messing up when undoing/redoing)... Basically, I'd like to get the same feeling than SublimeText.
Btw, this is a little minimal example but in the real-case I'll be accumulating a bunch of operations without committing to scintilla very often... that's why I'm interested to figure out how to rollback to a previous state when using the undoable setText... Said otherwise, i'd like to avoid using Scintilla functions such as insertAt, replaceSelectedText or similars... as I'm using python string builtin functions to modify the buffer internally.
I'm pretty sure beginUndoAction & endUndoAction won't help me to answer question2 but... what about SCI_ADDUNDOACTION? Although the docs are pretty confusing though... :/
Question 1:
The last selection added is automatically set as the Main selection. To remove it, add line sci.SendScintilla(sci.SCI_SETMAINSELECTION, -1) at the end of the set_state1 function.
Question 2:
The way you described it by storing the selections, using the replaceSelectedText, and then using setCursorPosition / reselecting all selections and setFirstVisibleLine to restore the scroll position is one way to go.
Looking at the C++ source of the setText function:
// Set the given text.
void QsciScintilla::setText(const QString &text)
bool ro = ensureRW();
SendScintilla(SCI_SETTEXT, ScintillaBytesConstData(textAsBytes(text)));
You could try setting the text using sci.SendScintilla(sci.SCI_SETTEXT, b"some text"), which doesn't reset the undo/redo buffer.
More specifically... I used (and a bit modified, but nothing much) the code from latextools webpage.
import latextools
import drawSvg as draw
def renderLatexEquation(f):
latex_eq = latextools.render_snippet(r'$' + f + r'$', commands=[latextools.cmd.all_math])
return latex_eq.as_svg()
d = draw.Drawing(100, 100, origin='center', displayInline=False)
d.append(draw.Circle(0, 0, 49, fill='yellow', stroke='black', stroke_width=2))
d.draw(renderLatexEquation(r'x^2'), x=0, y=0, center=True, scale=2.5)
The result looks almost perfect, the only problem - the "x" has a tiny bit of it cut off (at the bottom). How can I fix that? Thank you for any hints!
Okay, maybe this isn't the best solution, but it still works.
I compiled whole pdf (using 'standalone' documentclass with border equal to 1pt) and then converted it to svg.
import latextools
import drawSvg as draw
def renderLatexEquation(f, border = '1pt'):
packages = []
commands = []
config = latextools.DocumentConfig('standalone', ('border=' + border,))
proj = latextools.LatexProject()
content = latextools.BasicContent(r'$'+f+r'$')
doc = content.as_document(path='figs/test.tex', config=config)
doc = latextools.LatexDocument(path='figs/test.tex', config=config, contents=(content,))
proj.add_file(latextools.LatexDocument(path='main.tex', config=config, contents=doc.contents))
pdf = proj.compile_pdf()
# pdf.save('figs/test.pdf')
return pdf.as_svg()
d = draw.Drawing(100, 100, origin='center', displayInline=False)
d.draw(renderLatexEquation('x^3'), x=0, y=0, center=True, scale=2.5, stroke='black')
I'm trying to have a progress window which shows the progress, alongside having tasks happening in the background. Everything works as expected, except the window partially loads on to the screen (how much of it does depends on every run). Here is the relevant part of the code:
def loading(): #Displays loading progress while setting up the exam
global load, progress
load = Toplevel()
load.attributes('-topmost', True)
lab = Label(load, text = ("Preparing Your Exam, Please Wait!\nPlease DO NOT Open any Other Window.\n"
+"Doing so may lead to immidiate Termination."))
lab.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx = 20, pady = 20)
progress.grid(row = 1, column = 1, padx = 20, pady = 20)
log = Label(load, image = logo)
log.image = logo
log.grid(row = 0, column = 0, rowspan = 2, padx = 20, pady = 20)
w_req, h_req = load.winfo_width(), load.winfo_height()
w_form = load.winfo_rootx() - load.winfo_x()
w = w_req + w_form*2
h = h_req + (load.winfo_rooty() - load.winfo_y()) + w_form
x = (load.winfo_screenwidth() // 2) - (w // 2)
y = (load.winfo_screenheight() // 2) - (h // 2)
Here's what happens after calling loading:
conv_th = Thread(target = Convert).start()
The Convert function converts and processes images, I'm not sharing that because it might not be relevant.
I far as I think, it might be because it is not getting enough time to load completely, but I couldn't really figure out what could be causing the program to behave this way. Any help will be appreciated!
Update: This behavior is seen even if conv_th = Thread(target = Convert).start() is omitted, implying that there could be a problem within the loading() function.
So, I ended up solving the problem myself. I'm telling the reason that I think is most probable, please correct me if the reason that I give is incorrect or there is another solution for this.
This part of the code,
w_req, h_req = load.winfo_width(), load.winfo_height()
w_form = load.winfo_rootx() - load.winfo_x()
w = w_req + w_form*2
h = h_req + (load.winfo_rooty() - load.winfo_y()) + w_form
x = (load.winfo_screenwidth() // 2) - (w // 2)
y = (load.winfo_screenheight() // 2) - (h // 2)
was being executed too early, before the window could actually load itself up completely, and hence whatever amount of it got loaded before this, was taken as the dimensions and then the values were set.
Adding the command load.update_idletasks() before the above part of the code resolved the problem. Thanks #martineau, your comment was really helpful in figuring this out.
very new to scripting with python in maya so excuse my limited knowledge.
I need help figuring out how to define the variable for a floatSlider. I need two float sliders for the assignment I'm doing. I need one that will change the size of the selected or specified objects, and I need another that will use MASH to change the count of that object.
I have script with those sliders and a Distribute button laid out. I'm not sure what I need to include to link the scale of the object to the slider I have.
This is the code I have so far:
from maya import cmds
if cmds.window('mainUI2', exists=True):
win = cmds.window("mainUI2", title="Bush Generator", widthHeight=(300, 300))
# Layout
cmds.text(label='Bush Generator')
cmds.button(label='Distribute', command='DistributeMesh()')
cmds.text(label=' ')
# need help defining Leaf_size
Leaf_size = cmds.floatSlider(min=0, max=100, value=0, step=1)
# I tried another type of slider
LeafScale = cmds.intSliderGrp(min=0, max=100, f=True)
cmds.text(label='Leaf Size')
# need defining Leaf_amount and linking to mash count
Leaf_amount = cmds.floatSlider(min=0, max=100, value=0, step=1)
cmds.text(label='Leaf Amount')
# Bush tool
def DistributeMesh():
cmds.loadPlugin("MASH", quiet=True)
import MASH.api as mapi
count = 3000
source_mesh = "pCube2"
scatter_mesh = "pSphere1"
source_shape = cmds.listRelatives(scatter_mesh, children=True)[0]
mash_network = mapi.Network()
mash_network.createNetwork(name="Test", geometry="Instancer")
# set to use meshes to scatter
cmds.setAttr(mash_network.distribute + ".arrangement", 4)
cmds.setAttr(mash_network.distribute + ".pointCount", count)
# connect mesh
source_shape + ".worldMesh[0]",
mash_network.distribute + ".inputMesh",
Scale is a float value so you can use cmds.floatSliderGrp to set the source mesh's scale. First you have to define a separate function that will be triggered when you change the value of floatSliderGrp, then in floatSliderGrp set its changeCommand parameter to that function:
from maya import cmds
# Define a function that will be called when the slider changes values.
def on_size_slider_changed(value):
source_mesh = "pCube2"
if cmds.objExists(source_mesh): # Check if it exists.
cmds.setAttr("{}.scale".format(source_mesh), value, value, value) # Set its scale.
if cmds.window('mainUI2', exists=True):
win = cmds.window("mainUI2", title="Bush Generator", widthHeight=(300, 300))
# Layout
cmds.text(label='Bush Generator')
cmds.button(label='Distribute', command='DistributeMesh()')
# Use `changeCommand` to define what function it should call.
leaf_size_slider = cmds.floatSliderGrp(label="Size", field=True, min=0, max=100, value=1, changeCommand=on_size_slider_changed)
# Bush tool
def DistributeMesh():
cmds.loadPlugin("MASH", quiet=True)
import MASH.api as mapi
count = 3000
source_mesh = "pCube2"
scatter_mesh = "pSphere1"
source_shape = cmds.listRelatives(scatter_mesh, children=True)[0]
mash_network = mapi.Network()
mash_network.createNetwork(name="Test", geometry="Instancer")
# set to use meshes to scatter
cmds.setAttr(mash_network.distribute + ".arrangement", 4)
cmds.setAttr(mash_network.distribute + ".pointCount", count)
# connect mesh
source_shape + ".worldMesh[0]",
mash_network.distribute + ".inputMesh",
Dragging the slider will now set the scale of the cube. Though to be honest the structure of the code here is very messy and a bit too hard-coded (think about how it would work with the current selection instead of explicitly using the object's names)
I made a program that receives every transaction information of crude oil futures in real time. Basically, OnReceiveRealData executes when a transaction is executed and calls real_get method. In the method, current time, price and volume data are collected and a dictionary is made with them. There are more methods to make OHLC format data from this real time streaming data, but the point of my question is how to update a custom graphic item(a candlestick plot) whenever real_get method is called?
class COM_Receiver(QAxWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.list_items = ['CLF18']
def _create_com_instance(self):
def _event_connect(self, err_code):
if err_code == 0:
def connect(self):
self.login_event_loop = QEventLoop()
def real_set(self):
self.dynamicCall("SetInputValue(str, str)", "itemCode", ';'.join(self.list_items))
ret = self.dynamicCall("CommRqData(str, str, str, str)", "itemCurrent", "opt10005", "", "1001")
def real_get(self, code, realtype, realdata):
if realtype == 'itemCurrent':
eventTime = ( datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=2) )
currentPrice = self.dynamicCall("GetCommRealData(str, int)", "itemCurrent", 140)
currentVolume = self.dynamicCall("GetCommRealData(str, int)", "itemCurrent", 15)
dic_current = {'eventTime':eventTime, 'currentPrice':currentPrice, 'currentVolume':currentVolume}
self.make_ohlc(self.plt, dic_current)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
c = COM_Receiver()
I referred to this article(The fastest way to add a new data bar with pyqtgraph) and realized that I could update candlesticks without removing and creating a CandlestickItem() instance whenever new data is received(which is how I do it now and it consumes a lot of resources).
I tried making a CandlestickItem() instance and updating it with set_data method in the article, however, it doesn't work well and deosn't show updated candlesticks unless I click the chart(plt = pg.plot()). That is, if I leave the program for about 10 minutes, the chart doesn't show any difference, but once I click the chart, it shows all new candlesticks for the last 10 minutes at once. I want it to show new candlesticks in real time, even when I don't click the chart continuously.
How could I update a custom graphic item whenever real_get method is called by OnReceiveRealData event in COM_Receiver class? I think item.set_data(data=dic_current) should be run in real_get method, but what I have tried so far doesn't work as what I expect.
The source below is the whole source of the candlestick example from the article.
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph import QtCore, QtGui
import random
## Create a subclass of GraphicsObject.
## The only required methods are paint() and boundingRect()
## (see QGraphicsItem documentation)
class CandlestickItem(pg.GraphicsObject):
def __init__(self):
self.flagHasData = False
def set_data(self, data):
self.data = data ## data must have fields: time, open, close, min, max
self.flagHasData = True
def generatePicture(self):
## pre-computing a QPicture object allows paint() to run much more quickly,
## rather than re-drawing the shapes every time.
self.picture = QtGui.QPicture()
p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture)
w = (self.data[1][0] - self.data[0][0]) / 3.
for (t, open, close, min, max) in self.data:
p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(t, min), QtCore.QPointF(t, max))
if open > close:
p.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(t-w, open, w*2, close-open))
def paint(self, p, *args):
if self.flagHasData:
p.drawPicture(0, 0, self.picture)
def boundingRect(self):
## boundingRect _must_ indicate the entire area that will be drawn on
## or else we will get artifacts and possibly crashing.
## (in this case, QPicture does all the work of computing the bouning rect for us)
return QtCore.QRectF(self.picture.boundingRect())
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
data = [ ## fields are (time, open, close, min, max).
[1., 10, 13, 5, 15],
[2., 13, 17, 9, 20],
[3., 17, 14, 11, 23],
[4., 14, 15, 5, 19],
[5., 15, 9, 8, 22],
[6., 9, 15, 8, 16],
item = CandlestickItem()
plt = pg.plot()
plt.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: customGraphicsItem')
def update():
global item, data
data_len = len(data)
rand = random.randint(0, len(data)-1)
new_bar = data[rand][:]
new_bar[0] = data_len
app.processEvents() ## force complete redraw for every plot
timer = QtCore.QTimer()
## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside.
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):
In the CandlestickItem class, at the end of the generatePicture method call self.update()
I'm trying to implement system where when the user points to an object, a text box appears with certain information which I haven't implemented yet, then disappears when they move their mouse away. I'm trying to do that by binding the < Enter > and < Leave > commands, but nothing happens when I run the following code, except that in the terminal it says that destroy requires two arguments, so I know it is calling the functions.
from tkinter import *
xhig, yhig = 425,325
bkgnclr = '#070707'
currentmouseoverevent = ''
c = Canvas(master, width=xhig*2, height=yhig*2, bg=bkgnclr, cursor = 'crosshair',)
def mouseovertext(event):
mouseover = "Jack"
currentmouseoverevent = event
c.create_rectangle(bbox=(event.x,event.y, (event.x + 5), (event.y +len(mouseover)*5)),outline="white", fill=bkgnclr, width= len(mouseover))
c.create_text(position=(event.x,event.y),text=mouseover, fill="white", currentmouseoverevent=event)
def closemouseover(x):
c.bind("<Enter>", mouseovertext)
c.bind("<Leave>", closemouseover)
What arguments does destroy take, and why is the rectangle not being created?
A bounding box (bbox) in tkinter is a 4-tuple which stores the bounds of the rectangle. You are only passing in the mouse location, which is a 2-tuple.
Also, you are never actually assigning to the variable "currentmouseoverevent" before using it in the code you show, so your closemouseover function will fail.
The corrected code is as follows.
It turns out I was calling bbox wrong. Instead of passing the coords as a tuple, I should have passed them as the first four agrguments of create_rectangle. c.destroy is only for objects like canvas, entry or textbox, instead I used c.delete for deleting items, and used the event number returned by c.create_rectangle and c.create_text.
from tkinter import *
xhig, yhig = 425,325
bkgnclr = '#070707'
currentmouseoverevent = ['','']
c = Canvas(master, width=xhig*2, height=yhig*2, bg=bkgnclr, cursor = 'crosshair',)
def mouseovertext(event):
mouseover = "Jack"
if currentmouseoverevent[0] != '':
currentmouseoverevent[0] = c.create_rectangle(event.x,event.y, (event.x + 5), (event.y +len(mouseover)*5),outline="white", fill=bkgnclr, width= len(mouseover))
currentmouseoverevent[1] = c.create_text(event.x,event.y,text=mouseover, fill="white", currentmouseoverevent=event,anchor=NW)
def closemouseover(x):
c.bind("<Button-3", mouseovertext)