python selenium action chain - python

Need help here about "paste" action in web selenium in linux python3.
the copied content in local test.txt can successfully be paste into web context by using search.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL+ "v").
However, while I try to use actionchains to simulate the mouse "right click" and "paste", it failed. The script hang at "right click" board prompt out without doing anything like expected to in the piucture "arrow down" and "paste" action.
seems I need to find the correct "element" to locate then execute "arrow down" and then "paste".
any idea are much appreciated.
def paste(self):
file = 'test.txt'
f = open(file,'r')
c = clipboard.copy(
actions = ActionChains(self.driver)
element = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[#type='text'][#id='idtboxSensorSearch']")

The right-click menu is an Operating System UI element, it is beyond Selenium's control - it simply cannot interact with it. It's the same as if you try to control toolbar buttons or the browser menu - you can't do that with Selenium.
This is what happened with the ActionChains - it sends those events to the web element, not to the right click menu - and you see no interaction.
If you really want to do this - though ctrl-v is enough, it does the same, you should use a desktop applications automation tools. AutoIt, and Java's robot package come to mind as free options.


Firefox browser wont open maximized and wont switch tabs using Selenium

I'm opening Firefox browser through selenium(3.141.0) on python 3.9, and it will always start minimized, even though in code I passed function .maximise_window() after opening the browser. When its started this way, it wont execute code to maximise and it wont execute code to switch tabs, and it wont even do it if im trying to switch tabs manually with my mouse.
If I immediately click on the initiated firefox browser on my taskbar when the program is started, it will function normally, but it will open my browsers home tab, and execute my code in new tab. Thats why you may see in code a part that closes that first tab. When i dont do it and when it starts "faulty", the home tab wont be opened.
Im also using the lenght of tabs as an indicator if the browser initiated faulty, where I tried to put it into loop and make it restart till it opens with 2 tabs, but it just wont unless I manually click it.
The only solution so far I can think of is kinda "hacky"...using pyautogui to scan my taskbar after initializing browser and clicking it fast, but I dont really like the idea.
The code goes through my company data warehouse site and manipulates it to download data.
Other hacky solution I found is starting 2 browsers. First won't work, but second will. Meaning that browser works normally IF there is another Firefox browser open at the time.
Snippets of code:
from selenium import webdriver
import time
from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
class DWH_browser:
def __init__(self):
self.browser = webdriver.Firefox()
self.len_windows = len(self.browser.window_handles)
print(len(self.browser.window_handles))#this next part is used to close the extra tab when browser
#started normally and opens an extra tab
if len(self.browser.window_handles) == 2:
self.a = ActionChains(self.browser)
DWH = DWH_browser()#and i initiate it in the code "normally"
#This was the other code I tried using to initate the browser and restart till its in 2 tabs, but not working
# issue_lenght = 1
# while issue_lenght == 1:
# DWH = DWH_browser()
# issue_lenght = DWH.len_windows
# if DWH.len_windows == 1:
# DWH.browser.quit()
Summarizing your issues:
Always start minimized.
Passed function maximise_window() after opening the browser.
Won't execute code to switch tabs.
To get rid of all these issues you need to ensure that:
Selenium is upgraded to current levels Version 4.4.0.
GeckoDriver is updated to current GeckoDriver v0.31.0 level.
Firefox Browser is updated to current firefox=103.0.2.
Additionally, you won't be needing self.browser.maximize_window() as firefox by default opens in a maximized mode.
Finally, trying to switch tabs manually with my mouse is a big no as the program execution may get interupted.

Python selenium code seems to wait after calling javascript that display modal dialog box

I'm using Python and Selenium to write an automation script in Internet Explorer.
When the web page throws up some kind of modal dialog box, the Python code stops running and just waits for some action to be taken on the popup. After you press the "yes" or "no" button, then the Python code continues.
I believe the underlying Javascript function that is getting called (saveClicked()) is generating the popup box using this line of code:
var result=window.showModalDialog('whatever....')
Does anyone know how to handle this in Selenium? I want my code to click "ok" in this window or to just accept it. I tried right-clicking on the window to look at source code, etc. but those options are not given to me...the only options are "move/close".
I've looked to see if there is some kind of default IE capability in Selenium that will just automatically accept all modal dialog boxes but haven't found any. I also thought of maybe wrapping the call to the Javascript function with something that would somehow send a keystroke to the alert. I'm open to anything!
Here is the code: It never moves past the .execute_script just sits there waiting.
# I have to do this because I can't get the handle to the save button
# using any of the known Selenium methods but calling the JS works
The code just STOPS after the Javascript is executed and never moves to the print('test') line or any other code I put there.
Any python selenium code suggestions to solve this would be greatly appreciated.
one way: you can try to use Alert to manage popups
otherwise you can see the active window or tab with:
#get current window handle
p = driver.current_window_handle
#get windows
chwd = driver.window_handles
message = "saveClicked()" # or any other of your messages

How to refer to active browser window and click in something there?

I'm quite new in Python, and I'm creating a robot to export some reports from a system that is in Silverlight. Therefore, I can't use elements of the page to click/select/insert dates, etc.
Then, my solution was using pyautogui to move the mouse, click on the right buttons and save the files...
The process is:
-Select dates of the report
-Click on the "team" I need the report for
-Click on preview button (a new window opens here)
-Maximise this window which contains the report
-Click on 'Export' button (drop-down)
-Select 'Export to CSV'
And then, via code, get last downloaded file and move it into the folder where I save the reports.
The bottleneck on this is: sometimes, due to an unknown reason, 'Export' button is 20/'30 pixels aside. It means that the robot clicks in nowhere, and the code stops since there is no "last downloaded file" to handle.
I already noticed this second window (where the report opens) is not in Silverlight. It's simple HTML. I know I could use some methods in selenium to select the Export/Export to CSV option (similarly as I've done to login into this system). But my problem is: how do I refer to this new window?
The code I'm using refers to the main page using selenium.wedriver but I couldn't find a way to refer to the new window (that is closed after I downloaded the CSV. Then I click again in "Preview" and another window opens, and the process repeat hundreds of times)...
wsite='https://WEBSITE TO EXTRACT'
driver = webdriver.Ie('C:\\MyFolder\\IEDriverServer.exe')
driver.get(wsite) #opens the site
driver.find_element_by_id ('passwordInput').send_keys('PASSWORD')
Then, there are a lots of lines of code (where the mouse clicks where it's needed...
pyautogui.moveTo(1846,1000,intervaltoclick)#Preview button
hwnd = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
win32gui.ShowWindow(hwnd, win32con.SW_MAXIMIZE)
if i<1:
pyautogui.moveTo(603,205,intervaltoclick)#Save as CSV
pyautogui.moveTo(1270,1025,intervaltoclick)#close window
Would someone have any idea on how can I do that?
You can try to keep the selenium object of IE browser that you used for login. You can keep it hidden if you don't want to show on a screen. You can than try to loop through the IE windows and switch to desired window.
Set<String> allWindowHandles = browser.getWindowHandles();
for(String handle : allWindowHandles)
System.out.println("Window handle - > " + handle);
Here is a helpful link which shows the examples to switch the window.
Selenium WebDriver Switch Window Commands

Using Winium (+ Selenium) with python only allows me to open the app, but then won't interact with it?

When I try to run any kind of code using winium, it will open the app, but then won't execute any of the code afterwards. It's not as if it throws up an error, it just hangs there and won't move on.
I Am using Python 3.7 on a Windows 10 PC.
I have tried the two 'magic' examples that are listed on the github wiki page for Winium, but even that doesn't work. I am able to use selenium to do automated web testing, so I don't think the selenium module is the issue. I have tried importing the time module and making it sleep for 10 seconds in between lines but this has no effect on the outcome.
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Remote(
"debugConnectToRunningApp": 'false',
"app": r"C:/windows/system32/calc.exe"
window = driver.find_element_by_class_name('CalcFrame')
view_menu_item = window.find_element_by_id('MenuBar').find_element_by_name('View')
I would expect it to press the corresponding buttons, but it doesn't seem to do anything except open the calculator app.
I think this example is written for an older version of calculator. In Windows 10, the "Scientific" button is under the Menu button.
You'll have to find the menu button, click it, and then look for the element "Scientific" in the list.
Also, the numeric values for your arithmatic case are not correct. Pick up a UI inspector tool (inspect.exe, uispy, etc...) to make sure you are targeting the elements correctly.

How to handle javascript alert/pop up window: Python+Selenium IE webdriver

The webpage I need to go to has a javascript popup message with an OK button that appears before the page can finish loading.
There's ways to get rid of the message by either clicking the button, pressing enter, pressing the x to close, or pressing ALT+F4. But all attempts to either click or press keys fails and just remains on the page with the popup.
I must be missing something.
Everything is current and installed, even the registry additions for the IE server executable.
If this Java popup is generated by IE you could be able to handle it using Alert(driver).accept()
I have run into this issue a couple of times where the popup is not part of IE at all and this does not work. there are a couple different methods you can try to get around this:
try switching your browser to phantomJS (this is a headless browser that works with selenium and runs in the background so you will not be able to see what selenium does anymore but it often will eliminate popups and is good if you don't actually need to click the popup)
try using the mouse or keyboard packages to hit that button.

