I am having infinite loop waiting for messages, once i receive messages for example 30 seconds messages accumulated and dividing into chunks and processing it in parallel.
def process_data(data, i):
#process data for chunks
parsed_records = []
for msg in msgs:
#just deleting unnecessary keys and few key data manipulated
with open(name, "w") as outfile:
return True
while true:
threads = []
for n in range(len(num_of_chunks)):
t = threading.Thread(target=process_data, args=(num_of_chunks[n], n))
# Stop the threads
for x in threads:
But, leading into MemoryError after few iterations.
Anything to be updated to avoid memory issue and work smoothly
Even i tried below code,
import multiprocessing
from faker import Faker
# Create Faker object to generate fake data for Producer
fake = Faker()
def myrandomdata(i,j):
return fake.random_int(min = 1, max = j)
def divide_chunks(l, n):
small_msgs = []
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
small_msgs.append(l[i:i + n])
return small_msgs
def process_data(data, i):
#process data for chunks
parsed_records = []
for msg in msgs:
#just deleting unnecessary keys and few key data manipulated
rnd = myrandomdata(1, 2000)
with open(name, "w") as outfile:
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
while true:
#sample data
msgs = [{"id":123,"min_position":7,"has_more_items":"true","items_html":"Bike","new_latent_count":3,"data":{"length":28,"text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."},"numericalArray":[29,32,32,25,31],"StringArray":["Nitrogen","Carbon","Carbon","Carbon"],"multipleTypesArray":"true","objArray":[{"class":"middle","age":7},{"class":"middle","age":5},{"class":"lower","age":6},{"class":"upper","age":0},{"class":"middle","age":7}]},{"id":173,"min_position":7,"has_more_items":"true","items_html":"Bike","new_latent_count":3,"data":{"length":28,"text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."},"numericalArray":[29,32,32,25,31],"StringArray":["Nitrogen","Carbon","Carbon","Carbon"],"multipleTypesArray":"true","objArray":[{"class":"middle","age":7},{"class":"middle","age":5},{"class":"lower","age":6},{"class":"upper","age":0},{"class":"middle","age":7}]},{"id":173,"min_position":7,"has_more_items":"true","items_html":"Bike","new_latent_count":3,"data":{"length":28,"text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."},"numericalArray":[29,32,32,25,31],"StringArray":["Nitrogen","Carbon","Carbon","Carbon"],"multipleTypesArray":"true","objArray":[{"class":"middle","age":7},{"class":"middle","age":5},{"class":"lower","age":6},{"class":"upper","age":0},{"class":"middle","age":7}]},{"id":123,"min_position":7,"has_more_items":"true","items_html":"Bike","new_latent_count":3,"data":{"length":28,"text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."},"numericalArray":[29,32,32,25,31],"StringArray":["Nitrogen","Carbon","Carbon","Carbon"],"multipleTypesArray":"true","objArray":[{"class":"middle","age":7},{"class":"middle","age":5},{"class":"lower","age":6},{"class":"upper","age":0},{"class":"middle","age":7}]},{"id":123,"min_position":7,"has_more_items":"true","items_html":"Bike","new_latent_count":3,"data":{"length":28,"text":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."},"numericalArray":[29,32,32,25,31],"StringArray":["Nitrogen","Carbon","Carbon","Carbon"],"multipleTypesArray":"true","objArray":[{"class":"middle","age":7},{"class":"middle","age":5},{"class":"lower","age":6},{"class":"upper","age":0},{"class":"middle","age":7}]}]
#msgs are nothing but bulk data recieving from server continuously am appending to msgs
chunk_msgs = divide_chunks(msgs, 3)
#clearing msgs to append next data after chunking previous data
with multiprocessing.Pool(len(chunk_msgs)) as pool:
pool.starmap(process_data, [(chunk_msgs[n],n) for n in range(len(chunk_msgs))])
no luck :(
You should be creating the pool only once to avoid the repetitive creation and destruction of processes.
Assuming your processing is CPU-intensive, you should be creating a pool whose size is the number of CPU cores you have. Let's call this n_cores. Then you should split your msgs list into n_cores chunks where each chunk has approximately len(msgs) // n_cores messages. Your current divide_chunks method's n argument determines how many elements are in each chunk but it would be more convenient for it to specify the total number of chunks and let it figure out how many elements needs to be in each chunk.
import multiprocessing
def divide_chunks(iterable, n):
if type(iterable) is range and iterable.step != 1:
# algorithm doesn't work with steps other than 1:
iterable = list(iterable)
l = len(iterable)
n = min(l, n)
k, m = divmod(l, n)
return [iterable[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n)]
def process_data(chunk_number, msg_chunk):
#process data for chunks
for msg in msg_chunk:
# data processing here according to my requirement
# it may take 20-25 seconds of process that is why am planning for parallel
# processing
except Exception as e:
print("exception", e)
return True
if __name__ == "__main__": # only imports and function/class defs before this line.
n_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
with multiprocessing.Pool(n_cores) as pool:
while True:
# Process next list of messages:
msgs = [...]
chunks = divide_chunks(msgs, n_cores)
results = pool.starmap(process_data, enumerate(chunks))
Update to Use Multithreading
Read all the comments in the code and make sure you understand them!!!
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from threading import Lock
def divide_chunks(iterable, n):
if type(iterable) is range and iterable.step != 1:
# algorithm doesn't work with steps other than 1:
iterable = list(iterable)
l = len(iterable)
n = min(l, n)
k, m = divmod(l, n)
return [iterable[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n)]
lock = Lock()
# What purpose does argument i serve? As long as you know ...
def process_data(i, msgs): # arguments must be in this order
global FILE_NO
#process data for chunks
parsed_records = []
for msg in msgs:
#just deleting unnecessary keys and few key data manipulated
# Get next file number
# Do not use random number generator:
with lock:
file_no = FILE_NO
FILE_NO += 1
name = f"sample_{file_no}.json"
with open(name, "w") as outfile:
return True
if __name__ == "__main__": # only imports and function/class defs before this line.
# The number of chunks you want msgs split into
# (this will be the number of files created for each invocation of process_data)
# For now I wll assume a fixed value of 10. If this is not true, then set
# POOL_SIZE to be what you think the maximum number of chunks you will have.
# But note this: depending upon where you are creating your files, writing more than
# one concurrently could hurt performance. This would be the case if you were, for example,
# writing to a non-solid state drive.
# Or recompute N_CHUNKS on each iteration based on size
# of msgs:
with ThreadPool(POOL_SIZE) as pool:
while True:
# Process next list of messages:
msgs = [...]
chunks = divide_chunks(msgs, N_CHUNKS)
results = pool.starmap(process_data, enumerate(chunks))
Would there be a way to limit the amount of characters that are printed per line?
while 1:
user_message = ""
messageQ = input("""\nDo you want to enter a message?
[1] Yes
[2] No
[>] Select an option: """)
if messageQ == "1":
message = True
elif messageQ == "2":
message = False
if message == True:
You can enter a custom message that is below 50 characters.
custom_message = input("""\nPlease enter your custom message:\n \n> """)
if len(custom_message) > 50:
print("[!] Only 50 characters allowed")
Your Custom message is:
{custom_message}""") #here is where I need to limit the number of characters per line to 25
So where I print it here:
Your Custom message is:
{custom_message}""") #here is where I need to limit the number of characters per line to 25
I need to limit the output to 25 characters per line.
You can do
message = "More than 25 characters in this message!"
More than 25 characters i
You might use textwrap.fill to break excessively long string into lines, example usage
import textwrap
message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
print(textwrap.fill(message, 25))
Lorem ipsum dolor sit
amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip
ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in
reprehenderit in
voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat
nulla pariatur. Excepteur
sint occaecat cupidatat
non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim id
est laborum.
>>> my_str = """This is a really long message that is longer than 25 characters"""
#For 25 characters TOTAL
>>> print(f"This is your custom message: {my_str}"[:25])
'This is your custom messa'
#For 25 characters in custom message
>>> print(f"This is your custom message: {my_str[:25]}")
This is your custom message: This is a really long mes
This takes advantage of the substring operator. This cuts off any characters past the 25th character.
As have already checked that the message is not more than 50 characters we just need to know whether it is more or less than 25 characters long.
ln = len(custom_message) -1 # because strings are 0 indexed
if ln < 25:
print(f"This is your custom message: {my_str}"[:ln])
print(f"This is your custom message: {my_str}"[25:ln])
I have attempted making a program that counts the number of occurrences of "[AB]" in a text file by searching each file individually (after loading and opening the file of course) but it doesn't seem to work, and I have no idea why.
Here is the program:
# NOTE: to make it work try making more functions that return values and check if
# for the beginning and end of the names
# to deal with the issue of local variable scope
#imports and reads first line of text file
print("Opening and closing file")
print("\nReading characters from file.")
text_file = open("chat3.txt", "r")
#prints current line just for checking(can remove later)
x = 0
ABcount = 0
d = 0
length = len(text_file.readlines())
print("There are no of lines ", length)
line = text_file.readline()
print("the current line is ", line)
#loop to find most commonly used words( a tuple with word(string): no of occurences(int))
print("point 1(before loop 1)")
for d in range(0, length):
print("point 2(just into loop 1)")
c = text_file.readline()#reads one line and stores it in variable c as a string
count = len(c)#gets the length of line/no of characters in it as the next loop will iterate for each one
print("point 3(in loop 1 after printing current line)")
for x in range(0, count):
print("This is count number", x+1)
c2 = c[x]
print("Current char is ", c2)
if(('[' in c) and (c2 == '[')):
start = c.index('[') + 1
end = c.index(':')
ABcount += 1
print("There is/are ", ABcount, c[start:end])
elif ( not '[' in c):
And chat3.txt content's are:
nn an an [AB:2020]
And the results from comp + running are
PS C:\Users\test> python counter.py
Opening and closing file
Reading characters from file.
There are no of lines 3
the current line is
point 1(before loop 1)
point 2(just into loop 1)
point 3(in loop 1 after printing current line)
point 2(just into loop 1)
point 3(in loop 1 after printing current line)
point 2(just into loop 1)
point 3(in loop 1 after printing current line)
PS C:\Users\test>
Use regex for this kind of thing
Deserunt velit ipsum quis id aliquip commodo deserunt nulla officia ea dolor reprehenderit pariatur. Sit laboris culpa in non et. Do laborum aliqua sunt voluptate occaecat anim magna eu. Est tempor ad non consectetur ea reprehenderit est quis et. Culpa eu sit amet est ullamco eiusmod et sit excepteur et cupidatat ullamco consectetur Lorem. Dolore elit dolore proident consectetur ipsum non. Sunt veniam incididunt duis veniam dolor sunt fugiat irure eiusmod.
Nulla eiusmod voluptate aute tempor amet aliquip ad culpa dolor labore consequat ut ea proident. Qui minim velit elit ut excepteur fugiat nisi esse do et sit. Consequat est pariatur officia incididunt et pariatur laborum aute veniam do adipisicing.
Eu aliqua ex ex irure. Mollit adipisicing est id quis eiusmod aliqua ullamco cupidatat. Lorem ea esse magna aliqua aute occaecat. Velit in enim ut ad eu magna amet fugiat labore amet ea.
Adipisicing duis enim tempor ipsum magna duis. Consectetur ullamco adipisicing est aute fugiat qui excepteur nostrud nisi laboris ipsum. Officia sunt eiusmod consectetur dolor do et adipisicing duis cillum. Adipisicing esse exercitation deserunt labore Lorem deserunt consectetur ad laboris anim sit veniam ex ea. Minim voluptate pariatur dolor adipisicing commodo voluptate consectetur aute id officia irure elit. Cillum eiusmod esse nulla enim nostrud mollit voluptate incididunt ullamco anim cillum officia.
with open('r.txt','r') as file:
import re
# ['ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab', 'ab']
To answer your question, it does not enter your loop because when you first call readlines, it set the cursor at the end of the file and so the next readline returns nothing. This might help: Why the second time I run "readlines" on the same file nothing is returned?
If you want to loop a file line by line just do for line in file:
For the rest, as suggested in other answers there are most certainly better way to do this, but I believe it is not the question here.
For some context behind this project, I have a file with over 500 text documents that look like the following example:
Case: 44951651558
Sex: M
Age: 50
COLLECTED: 07/26/2019
REPORTED: 07/29/2019
A. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
This is the structure of the txt files that I have. I have the task of taking these text files and assigning the given values to variables such as case, sex, age, collected, reported, and diagnosis. Here is the code that I currently have :
import os
directory = "E:\\Tubular Adenoma\\"
keywords = ["Case: ",
"Sex: ",
"Age: ",
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(".txt"):
lines = []
with open(directory + filename, "rt") as file:
for line in file:
I am attempting to assign the values in the text files to keywords as given in the keywords array. I believe that this is going to be a dead-end and there is probably an easier way to do this. Anything helps.
The desired output is an array that contains the elements listed in the keywords array. For example, in the example project the array would look like the following:
["44951651558", "M", "50", "07/26/2019", "07/29/2019", "A. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod..."]
I made it work with other files and it will now return a list of lists.
import os
directory = "E:\\Tubular Adenoma\\"
# changed keywords list to dictionary to store the total characters to remove
# when applying slices on line #21
keywords = {'Case:': 6, 'Sex:': 5, 'Age:': 5, 'COLLECTED:': 12, \
'REPORTED:': 11}
entities = []
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(".txt"):
lines = []
with open(directory + filename, "rt") as file:
for line in file:
# added .strip() to remove all \n after lines
# Added a list to store all the values
info = []
for l in lines:
for k, v in keywords.items():
if l.find(k) == 0:
diagnoses = ''
# Gets index of DIAGNOSIS and adds 2 to remove the empty line
slice_value = lines.index("DIAGNOSIS") + 2
# Loops over every line after DIAGNOSIS in the lines list and appends them to
# a string called diagnoses.
for l in lines[slice_value:]:
diagnoses += l
for e in entities:
If I have a string like /Hello how are you/, how am I supposed to grab this line and delete it using a python script.
import sys
import re
i_file = sys.argv[1];
def stripwhite(text):
lst = text.split('"')
for i, item in enumerate(lst):
if not i % 2:
lst[i] = re.sub("\s+", "", item)
return '"'.join(lst)
with open(i_file) as i_file_comment_strip:
i_files_names = i_file_comment_strip.readlines()
for line in i_files_names:
with open(line, "w") as i_file_data:
i_file_comment = i_file_data.readlines();
for line in i_file_comment:
i_file_comment_data = i_file_comment.strip()
In the i_file_comment I have the lines from i_file_data and i_file_comment contains the lines with the "/.../" format. Would I use a for loop through each character in the line and replace every one of those characters with a ""?
If you want to remove the /Hello how are you/ you can use regex:
import re
x = 'some text /Hello how are you/ some more text'
print (re.sub(r'/.*/','', x))
some text some more text
If you know you have occurences of a fixed string in your lines, you can simply do
for line in i_file_comment:
line = line.replace('/Hello how are you/', '')
however, if what you have is multiple occurences of strings delimited by / (i.e. /foo/, /bar/), I think using a simple regex will sufice:
>>> import re
>>> regex = re.compile(r'\/[\w\s]+\/')
>>> s = """
... Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
... /Hello how are you/ ++ tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
... /Hello world/ -- ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
... """
>>> print re.sub(regex, '', s) # find substrings matching the regex, replace them with '' on string s
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
++ tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
-- ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
just adjust the regex to what you need to get rid of :)