Hello I'm trying to gain the number values from this kind of format:
{'Hello' : {'Values': [{'Number': 2, 'Name': 'John'},{'Number': 5, 'Name' : 'Bob'}, {'Number':7, 'Name' : 'Fred'}]}}
How will this be possible in python? I'm trying to get this output
['John', 'Bob', 'Fred']
Thank you very much.
So far I've tried to see how many times the for loop would run so I ran
for i in dictionary_name['Hello']['Values']
dict = {'Hello' : {'Values': [{'Number': 2, 'Name': 'John'},{'Number': 5, 'Name' : 'Bob'}, {'Number':7, 'Name' : 'Fred'}]}}
numbers = []
names = []
for val in dict['Hello']['Values']:
You can use list comprehension :
my_dict = {'Hello' : {'Values': [{'Number': 2, 'Name': 'John'},{'Number': 5, 'Name' : 'Bob'}, {'Number':7, 'Name' : 'Fred'}]}}
numbers = [key['Number'] for key in my_dict['Hello']['Values']]
names = [key['Name'] for key in my_dict['Hello']['Values']]
I'll try to be the more concise that I can.
Two dictionary lists as follows:
dictlist1 = [{'name': 'john', 'age': 30}, {'name': 'jessica', 'age': 56}, {'name': 'kirk', 'age': 20}, {'name': 'mario, 'age': 25}]
dictlist2 = [{'name': 'john', 'job': 'engineer'}, {'name': 'jessica', 'job':'nurse'}, {'name': 'mario', 'job': 'electrician'}]
My objective is to match base on the key "name" on both dictionaries and, at the end, create a third dictionary list with the key that has no match, in this case {'name':'kirk' , 'age':20}, like this:
listfinal = [{'name': 'kirk', 'age': 20}]
I've tried successfully compare the equal keys, creating a new dictionary with keys that matches and adding "job" key to it, doing this:
for dict2 in dictlist2:
for dict1 in dictlist1:
if dict1['name'] == dict2['name']:
matchname1 = dict2['name']
dictoutput = {'name': matchname1, 'age': dict1['age'], 'group': dict2['group']}
for dictionay in templist:
{'name': 'john', 'age': '30', 'job': 'engineer'}
{'name': 'jessica', 'age': '56', 'job': 'nurse'}
{'name': 'mario', 'age': '25', 'job': 'electrician'}
But absolutely no luck to get kirk user alone, not even using "else" in the inner if statement or creating a new if statement and using not equal (!=). I always get all the users when printing.
Any orientation will be highly appreciated.
Enumerate the lists and then collect the indices of matched pairs in a list inside the loop and delete corresponding elements outside the loop.
matched_d1 = []
matched_d2 = []
for j2, dict2 in enumerate(dictlist2):
for j1, dict1 in enumerate(dictlist1):
if dict1['name'] == dict2['name']:
matchname1 = dict2['name']
dictoutput = {'name': matchname1, 'age': dict1['age'], 'group': dict2['group']}
for j in sorted(matched_d1, reverse = True):
for j in sorted(matched_d2, reverse = True):
ans = dictlist1 + dictlist2
You can use sets to find the names that are only in dictlist1, in dictlist2 and also the common names. Then create the listfinal by keeping only the item with the name not in the common names:
dictlist1 = [{"name": "john", "age": 30}, {"name": "jessica", "age": 56}, {"name":"kirk" , "age": 20}, {"name": "mario", "age": 25}]
dictlist2 = [{"name": "john", "job": "engineer"}, {"name": "jessica", "job": "nurse"}, {"name": "mario", "job": "electrician"}]
names_dictlist1 = {item["name"] for item in dictlist1}
names_dictlist2 = {item["name"] for item in dictlist2}
common_names = names_dictlist1 & names_dictlist2
listfinal = [item for item in dictlist1 + dictlist2 if item["name"] not in common_names]
If you want one-line solution there it is
print([person for person in dictlist1 if person['name'] not in map(lambda x: x['name'], dictlist2)])
This code prints element from fist list wich "name" key doesnt occur in second list
you can use set operations to get the unique name, first make a set of the names on each one and subtract both, then use that to get the appropriate item form the list
>>> name1 = set(d["name"] for d in dictlist1)
>>> name2 = set(d["name"] for d in dictlist2)
>>> name1 - name2
>>> name2 - name1
>>> unique = name1 - name2
>>> listfinal = [d for n in unique for d in dictlist1 if d["name"]==n]
>>> listfinal
[{'name': 'kirk', 'age': 20}]
Additionally, looking at #freude answers, you can make it a dictionary of name:index for each list an subtracts its keys, given that they dict.keys behave set-like in order to avoid a double loop from before to get the right item from the list
>>> name1 = {d["name"]:i for i,d in enumerate(dictlist1)}
>>> name2 = {d["name"]:i for i,d in enumerate(dictlist2)}
>>> unique = name1.keys() - name2.keys()
>>> unique
>>> [ dictlist1[name1[n]] for n in unique]
[{'name': 'kirk', 'age': 20}]
Im trying to create a type of todo list application. The problem is this:
All the task names are stored in a list.
All the due dates are stored in a different list.
And so on. How can I combine these lists to get a dictionary like this.
task_names = ['test1', 'hw 1']
date_due = ['17 Dec', '16 Jan']
given_task = [{
'name' : 'test1',
'date_due' : '17 Dec',
, {
'name' : 'hw1',
'date_due' : '16 Jan',
I guess you want something like this
given_task = [{'name': i, 'date_due': j} for i, j in zip(task_names, date_due)]
This is one approach using zip and dict in a list comprehension
task_names = ['test1', 'hw 1']
date_due = ['17 Dec', '16 Jan']
keys = ['name', 'date_due']
print([dict(zip(keys, i)) for i in zip(task_names, date_due)])
[{'date_due': '17 Dec', 'name': 'test1'},
{'date_due': '16 Jan', 'name': 'hw 1'}]
First of all: given_task is no valid python structure. I think you want a list filled with dictionaries like
given_task = [{
'name' : 'test1',
'date_due' : '17 Dec',
, {
'name' : 'hw1',
'date_due' : '16 Jan',
As far as I understand, there are always the same amount of task names and taskdates. In this case you can iterate over all tasks and add them to a list.
given_task = []
for i in range(len(task_names)):
I have a dictionary like the one above and I want to remove the element with id=2 from the list inside it. I wasted half a day wondering why modify2 is not working with del operation. Tried pop and it seems to be working but I don't completely understand why del doesn't work.
Is there a way to delete using del or pop is the ideal way to address this use case?
import copy
test_dict = {'tbl': 'test', 'col':[{'id':1, 'name': "a"}, {'id':2, 'name': "b"}, {'id':3, 'name': "c"}]}
def modify1(dict):
new_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict)
# new_dict = dict.copy()
for i in range(len(dict['col'])):
if dict['col'][i]['id'] == 2:
return new_dict
def modify2(dict):
new_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict)
# new_dict = dict.copy()
for i in new_dict['col']:
if i['id']==2:
del i
return new_dict
print("Output 1 : " + str(modify1(test_dict)))
print("Output 2 : " + str(modify2(test_dict)))
Output 1 : {'tbl': 'test', 'col': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'a'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'c'}]}
Output 2 : {'tbl': 'test', 'col': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'a'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'b'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'c'}]}
I tried looking for answers on similar questions but didn't find the one that clears my confusion.
In Python 3, you can do this:
test_dict = {**test_dict, 'col': [x for x in test_dict['col'] if x['id'] != 2]}
del i just tells the interpreter that i (an arbitrary local variable/name that happens to reference to a dictionary) should not reference that dictionary any more. It does not change the content of that dictionary whatsoever.
This can be visualized on http://www.pythontutor.com/visualize.html:
Before del i. Note i references the second dictionary (noted by the blue line):
After del i. Note how the local variable i is removed from the local namespace (the blue box) but the dictionary it referenced to still exists.
Contrary to del i (which modifies the reference to the dictionary), dict.pop(key) modifies the dictionary.
This is one approach using a comprehension.
data = {'tbl': 'test', 'col': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'a'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'b'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'c'}]}
data['col'] = [i for i in data['col'] if i["id"] != 2]
{'col': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'a'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'c'}], 'tbl': 'test'}
The reason it is not working is that you are using del wrong.
If you have a dictionary d = {'a': [{'id':1}, {'id':2}]} Then to delete the second element of the dictionary you use del d['a'][1] this returns
d = {'a': [{'id':1}]}
So for your problem you iterate to find the position of id 2 in the list and then you can simply do del dict['col'][ix] where ix is the index of id 2 in the list
You can't delete an element referenced by the iterating variable (the i)in the for loop
l = [1,2,3]
for i in l:
if i == 2:
del i
won't work. l will still be [1,2,3]
what you can do is get the index of that element and delete by using the index
l = [1,2,3]
for idx, elem in enumerate(l):
if elem == 2:
del l[idx]
Considering the following structure:
myObj1 = [{"id":1, "name":"john"},
{"id":2, "name":"roger"},
{"id":3, "name":"carlos"}]
myObj2 = [{"group": "myGroup1","persons":[1, 2, 3]},
{"group": "myGroup2", "persons":[2]},
{"group": "myGroup3", "persons":[1,3]}]
I would like the produce the following result:
result = [{"group": "myGroup1","persons":[{"id":1, "name":"john"},
{"id":2, "name":"roger"},
{"id":3, "name":"carlos"}]},
{"group": "myGroup2", "persons":[{"id":2, "name":"roger"}]},
{"group": "myGroup3", "persons":[{"id":1, "name":"john"},
{"id":3, "name":"carlos"}]}]
The challenge is for each value in the "persons" array substitute it for the entire myObj1 item value where the id matches.
I could achieve that using like 3 for's but I want to know if there's a pythonic way of doing this using interpolation, map, filter, sets and etc.. I'm knew to the python word but got this question from an interviewer and he told me that I was supposed to do that with 1-2 lines of code.
Here's what was my newbie approach:
for item in myObj1:
id = item["id"]
for item2 in myObj2:
for i in range(len(item2["persons"])):
if item2["persons"][i] == id:
item2["persons"][i] = item
result = myObj2.copy()
for d in result:
d['persons'] = [[j for j in myObj1 if j['id']==i][0] for i in d['persons']]
[{'group': 'myGroup1',
'persons': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'john'},
{'id': 2, 'name': 'roger'},
{'id': 3, 'name': 'carlos'}]},
{'group': 'myGroup2', 'persons': [{'id': 2, 'name': 'roger'}]},
{'group': 'myGroup3',
'persons': [{'id': 1, 'name': 'john'}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'carlos'}]}]
How about the following:
result = [dict(x) for x in myObj2]
for grp in result:
grp["persons"] = [p for p in myObj1 if p["id"] in grp["persons"]]
We create a new list (using dict(x) to ensure we don't retain references to the elements ofmyObj2`), and then update accordingly.
You can try this:
myObj1 = [{"id":1, "name":"john"},
{"id":2, "name":"roger"},
{"id":3, "name":"carlos"}]
myObj2 = [{"group": "myGroup1","persons":[1, 2, 3]},
{"group": "myGroup2", "persons":[2]},
{"group": "myGroup3", "persons":[1,3]}]
final_dict = [{a:b if a != "persons" else c for a,b in d.items()} for c, d in zip(myObj1, myObj2)]
[{'persons': {'id': 1, 'name': 'john'}, 'group': 'myGroup1'}, {'persons': {'id': 2, 'name': 'roger'}, 'group': 'myGroup2'}, {'persons': {'id': 3, 'name': 'carlos'}, 'group': 'myGroup3'}]
What you're trying to do is essentially a group by operation followed by mapping over dictionary values. This is an example of where the itertools module really shines.
from itertools import chain, groupby
def concat(lists):
Helper function to make concatenating lists/iterables easier
return list(chain.from_iterable(lists))
by_group = {
id: list(people)
for id, people in groupby(myObj1, key=lambda person: person['id'])
result = [
{'group': group['group'],
'persons': concat(by_group[id] for id in group['persons'])}
for group in myObj2
In this example, you still need the for-loops, but it is now clear what those loops are trying to do. The first is making an intermediate data structure to keep track of who has what id. The second is then going through another data structure and calculating who's in what group based on the groupby operation.
one approach is to substitute the values for the "persons" key, like this:
[group.update({'persons':[myObj1[next(index for (index, d) in enumerate(myObj1) if d["id"] == idstud)] for idstud in group['persons'] if idstud in [i['id'] for i in myObj1]]}) for group in myObj2]
How can I remove a key in a dic in a list
for exemple
My_list= [{'ID':0,'Name':'Paul','phone':'1234'},{'ID':1,'Name':'John','phone':'5678'}]
I want to remove in ID 1 the phone key
My_list= [{'ID':0,'Name':'Paul','phone':'1234'},{'ID':1,'Name':'John'}]
thanks in advance for your help
Just iterate through the list, check whether if 'ID' equals to 1 and if so then delete the 'phone' key. This should work:
for d in My_list:
if d["ID"] == 1:
del d["phone"]
And finally print the list:
print My_list
When the id you are looking for matches 1, then reconstruct the dictionary excluding the key phone, otherwise use the dictionary as it is, like this
l = [{'ID': 0, 'Name': 'Paul', 'phone': '1234'},
{'ID': 1, 'Name': 'John', 'phone': '5678'}]
k, f = 1, {"phone"}
print([{k: i[k] for k in i.keys() - f} if i["ID"] == k else i for i in l])
# [{'phone': '1234', 'ID': 0, 'Name': 'Paul'}, {'ID': 1, 'Name': 'John'}]
Here, k is the value of ID you are looking for and f is a set of keys which need to be excluded in the resulting dictionary, if the id matches.