Word Tokenization When There is No Space - python

I am wondering for the term in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, or in Natural Language Processing that split the word in a paragraph when there is no space between them.
"i want to cook"
It wouldn't be easy since you do not have the character to tokenize the word.
I appreciate any help

You could achieve this using the polyglot package. There is an option for morphological analysis.
This kind of analysis is based on morfessor models trained on most frequent words to encounter morphemes ("primitive units of syntax, the smallest individually meaningful elements in the utterances of a language").
From the documentation:
from polyglot.text import Text
blob = "Wewillmeettoday."
text = Text(blob)
text.language = "en"
The output would be:
WordList([u'We', u'will', u'meet', u'to', u'day', u'.'])
Note that if you want to start working with polyglot, you should first read the documentation carefully, as there are a few things to consider, for example the downloading of language specific models.

I created an simple application using Scala to do this.


Can I use Natural Language Processing while identifying given words in a paragraph Or do I need to use machine learning algorithms

I need to identify some given words using NLP.
As an example,
Mary Lives in France
If we consider in here the given words are Australia, Germany,France. But in this sentence it include only France.
So Among the above 3 given words I need to identify the sentence is include only France
I would comment but I don't have enough reputation. It's a bit unclear exactly what you are trying to achieve here and how representative your example is - please edit your question to make it clearer.
Anyhow, like Guy Coder says, if you know exactly the words you are looking for, you don't really need machine learning or NLP libraries at all. However, if this is not the case, and you don't know have every example of what you are looking for, the below might help:
It seems like what you are trying to do is perform Named Entity Recognition (NER) i.e. identify the named entities (e.g. countries) in your sentences. If so, the short answer is: you don't need to use any machine learning algorithms. You can just use a python library such as spaCy which comes out of the box with a pretrained language model that can already perform a bunch of tasks, for instance NER, to high degree of performance. The following snippet should get you started:
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
doc = nlp("Mary Lives in France")
for entity in doc.ents:
if (entity.label_ == "GPE"):
The output of the above snippet is "France". Named entities cover a wide range of possible things. In the snippet above I have filtered for Geopolitical entities (GPE).
Learn more about spaCy here: https://spacy.io/usage/spacy-101

Find most SIMILAR sentence/string to a reference one in text corpus in python

my goal is very simple: I have a set of strings or a sentence and I want to find the most similar one within a text corpus.
For example I have the following text corpus: "The front of the library is adorned with the Word of Life mural designed by artist Millard Sheets."
And I'd like to find the substring of the original corpus which is most similar to: "the library facade is painted"
So what I should get as output is: "fhe front of the library is adorned"
The only thing I came up with is to split the original sentence in substrings of variable lengths (eg. in substrings of 3,4,5 strings) and then use something like string.similarity(substring) from the spacy python module to assess the similarities of my target text with all the substrings and then keep the one with the highest value.
It seems a pretty inefficient method. Is there anything better I can do?
It probably works to some degree, but I wouldn't expect the spacy similarity method (averaging word vectors) to work particularly well.
The task you're working on is related to paraphrase detection/identification and semantic textual similarity and there is a lot of existing work. It is frequently used for things like plagiarism detection and the evaluation of machine translation systems, so you might find more approaches by looking in those areas, too.
If you want something that works fairly quickly out of the box for English, one suggestion is terp, which was developed for MT evaluation but shown to work well for paraphrase detection:
Most methods are set up to compare two sentences, so this doesn't address your potential partial sentence matches. Maybe it would make sense to find the most similar sentence and then look for substrings within that sentence that match better than the sentence as a whole?

word2vec gensim multiple languages

This problem is going completely over my head. I am training a Word2Vec model using gensim. I have provided data in multiple languages i.e. English and Hindi. When I am trying to find the words closest to 'man', this is what I am getting:
model.wv.most_similar(positive = ['man'])
[('woman', 0.7380284070968628),
('lady', 0.6933152675628662),
('monk', 0.6662989258766174),
('guy', 0.6513140201568604),
('soldier', 0.6491742134094238),
('priest', 0.6440571546554565),
('farmer', 0.6366012692451477),
('sailor', 0.6297377943992615),
('knight', 0.6290514469146729),
('person', 0.6288090944290161)]
Problem is, these are all English words. Then I tried to find similarity between same meaning Hindi and English words,
model.similarity('man', 'आदमी')
__main__:1: DeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated `similarity` (Method will
be removed in 4.0.0, use self.wv.similarity() instead).
Out[13]: 0.078265618974427215
This accuracy should have been better than all the other accuracies. The Hindi corpus I have has been made by translating the English one. Hence the words appear in similar contexts. Hence they should be close.
This is what I am doing here:
#Combining all the words together.
all_reviews=HindiWordsList + EnglishWordsList
#Training FastText model
I have been dealing with a very similar problem and came across a reasonably robust solution. This paper shows that a linear relationship can be defined between two Word2Vec models that have been trained on different languages. This means you can derive a translation matrix to convert word embeddings from one language model into the vector space of another language model. What does all of that mean? It means I can take a word from one language, and find words in the other language that have a similar meaning.
I've written a small Python package that implements this for you: transvec. Here's an example where I use pre-trained models to search for Russian words and find English words with a similar meaning:
import gensim.downloader
from transvec.transformers import TranslationWordVectorizer
# Pretrained models in two different languages.
ru_model = gensim.downloader.load("word2vec-ruscorpora-300")
en_model = gensim.downloader.load("glove-wiki-gigaword-300")
# Training data: pairs of English words with their Russian translations.
# The more you can provide, the better.
train = [
("king", "царь_NOUN"), ("tsar", "царь_NOUN"),
("man", "мужчина_NOUN"), ("woman", "женщина_NOUN")
bilingual_model = TranslationWordVectorizer(en_model, ru_model).fit(train)
# Find words with similar meanings across both languages.
bilingual_model.similar_by_word("царица_NOUN", 1) # "queen"
# [('king', 0.7763221263885498)]
Don't worry about the weird POS tags on the Russian words - this is just a quirk of the particular pre-trained model I used.
So basically, if you can provide a list of words with their translations, then you can train a TranslationWordVectorizer to translate any word that exists in your source language corpus into the target language. When I used this for real, I produced some training data by extracting all the individual Russian words from my data, running them through Google Translate and then keeping everything that translated to a single word in English. The results were pretty good (sorry I don't have any more detail for the benchmark yet; it's still a work in progress!).
First of all, you should really use self.wv.similarity().
I'm assuming there are very close to no words that exist in both between your Hindi corpus and English corpus, since Hindi corpus is in Devanagari and English is in, well, English. Simply adding two corpuses together to make a model does not make sense. Corresponding words in the two languages co-occur in two versions of a document, but not in your word embeddings for Word2Vec to figure out most similar.
Eg. Until your model knows that
from the word embeddings, it can never make out the
relation. And for that, you need some anchor between the two corpuses.
Here are a few suggestions that you can try out:
Make an independent Hindi corpus/model
Maintain and lookup data of a few English->Hindi word pairs that you have will have to create manually.
Randomly replace input document words with their counterparts from the corresponding document while training
These might be enough to give you an idea. You can also look into seq2seq if you want only want to do translations. You can also read the Word2Vec theory in detail to understand what it does.
After reading the comments, I think that the problem is in the very different grammatical construction between English and Hindi sentences. I have worked with Hindi NLP models and it is much more difficult to get similar results as English (since you mention it).
In Hindi there's no order between words at all, only when declining them. Moreover, the translation of a sentence between languages that are not even descendants of the same root language is somewhat random and you can not assume that the contexts of both sentences are similar.

generating Paraphrases of English text using PPDB

I need to generate paraphrase of an english sentence using the PPDB paraphrase database
I have downloaded the datasets from the website.
I would say your first step needs to be reducing the problem into more manageable components. Second figure out whether you want to paraphrase on a one-to-one, lexical, syntactical, phrase or combination basis. To inform this decision I would take one sentence and paraphrase it myself in order to get an idea of what I am looking for. Next I would start writing a parser for the downloaded data. Then I would remove the stopwords and incorporate a part-of-speech tagger like the ones included in spaCy or nltk for your example phrase.
Since they seem to give you all the information needed to make a successive dictionary filter that is where I would start. I would write a filter which found the parts of speech for each word in my sentence in the [LHS] column of the dataset and select a source that matches the word while minimizing/maximizing the value of 1 feature (like minimizing WordLenDiff) which in the case of "businessnow" <- "business now" = -1.5. Keeping track of the target feature you will then have a basic paraphrased sentence.
using this strategy your output could turn:
"the business uses 4 gb standard."
sent_score = 0
"businessnow uses 4gb standard"
sent_score = -3
After you have a basic example the you can start exploring feature selection algorithms in like those in scikit-learn, etc. and incorporate word alignment. But I would seriously cut down on the scope of the problem and increase it gradually. In the end, how you approach the problem it depends on what the designated use is and how functional it needs to be.
Hope this helps.

How to tokenize a Malayalam word?

itu oru stalam anu
This is a Unicode string meaning this is a place
import nltk
nltk.wordpunct_tokenize('ഇതുഒരുസ്ഥാലമാണ് '.decode('utf8'))
is not working for me .
nltk.word_tokenize('ഇതുഒരുസ്ഥാലമാണ് '.decode('utf8'))
is also not working
other examples
"കണ്ടില്ല " = കണ്ടു +ഇല്ല,
"വലിയൊരു" = വലിയ + ഒരു
Right Split :
ഇത് ഒരു സ്ഥാലം ആണ്
I just need to split the words as shown in the other example. Other example section is for testing.The problem is not with Unicode. It is with morphology of language. for this purpose you need to use a morphological analyzer
Have a look at this paper.
After a crash course of the language from wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malayalam), there are some issues in your question and the tools you've requested for your desired output.
Conflated Task
Firstly, the OP conflated the task of morphological analysis, segmentation and tokenization. Often there is a fine distinction especially for aggluntinative languages such as Turkish/Malayalam (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agglutinative_language).
Agglutinative NLP and best practices
Next, I don't think tokenizer is appropriate for Malayalam, an agglutinative language. One of the most studied aggluntinative language in NLP, Turkish have adopted a different strategy when it comes to "tokenization", they found that a full blown morphological analyzer is necessary (see http://www.denizyuret.com/2006/11/turkish-resources.html, www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/ko/downloads/lrec.pdf‎).
Word Boundaries
Tokenization is defined as the identification of linguistically meaningful units (LMU) from the surface text (see Why do I need a tokenizer for each language?) And different language would require a different tokenizer to identify the word boundary of different languages. Different people have approach the problem for finding word boundary different but in summary in NLP people have subscribed to the following:
Agglutinative Languages requires a full blown morphological analyzer trained with some sort of language models. There is often only a single tier when identifying what is token and that is at the morphemic level hence the NLP community had developed different language models for their respective morphological analysis tools.
Polysynthetic Languages with specified word boundary has the choice of a two tier tokenization where the system can first identify an isolated word and then if necessary morphological analysis should be done to obtain a finer grain tokens. A coarse grain tokenizer can split a string using certain delimiter (e.g. NLTK's word_tokenize or punct_tokenize which uses whitespaces/punctuation for English). Then for finer grain analysis at morphemic level, people would usually use some finite state machines to split words up into morpheme (e.g. in German http://canoo.net/services/WordformationRules/Derivation/To-N/N-To-N/Pre+Suffig.html)
Polysynthetic Langauges without specified word boundary often requires a segmenter first to add whitespaces between the tokens because the orthography doesn't differentiate word boundaries (e.g. in Chinese https://code.google.com/p/mini-segmenter/). Then from the delimited tokens, if necessary, morphemic analysis can be done to produce finer grain tokens (e.g. http://mecab.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/mecab/doc/index.html). Often this finer grain tokens are tied with POS tags.
The answer in brief to OP's request/question, the OP had used the wrong tools for the task:
To output tokens for Malayalam, a morphological analyzer is necessary, simple coarse grain tokenizer in NLTK would not work.
NLTK's tokenizer is meant to tokenize polysynthetic Languages with specified word boundary (e.g. English/European languages) so it is not that the tokenizer is not working for Malayalam, it just wasn't meant to tokenize aggluntinative languages.
To achieve the output, a full blown morphological analyzer needs to be built for the language and someone had built it (aclweb.org/anthology//O/O12/O12-1028.pdf‎), the OP should contact the author of the paper if he/she is interested in the tool.
Short of building a morphological analyzer with a language model, I encourage the OP to first spot for common delimiters that splits words into morphemes in the language and then perform the simple re.split() to achieve a baseline tokenizer.
A tokenizer is indeed the right tool; certainly this is what the NLTK calls them. A morphological analyzer (as in the article you link to) is for breaking words into smaller parts (morphemes). But in your example code, you tried to use a tokenizer that is appropriate for English: It recognizes space-delimited words and punctuation tokens. Since Malayalam evidently doesn't indicate word boundaries with spaces, or with anything else, you need a different approach.
So the NLTK doesn't provide anything that detects word boundaries for Malayalam. It might provide the tools to build a decent one fairly easily, though.
The obvious approach would be to try dictionary lookup: Try to break up your input into strings that are in the dictionary. But it would be harder than it sounds: You'd need a very large dictionary, you'd still have to deal with unknown words somehow, and since Malayalam has non-trivial morphology, you may need a morphological analyzer to match inflected words to the dictionary. Assuming you can store or generate every word form with your dictionary, you can use an algorithm like the one described here (and already mentioned by #amp) to divide your input into a sequence of words.
A better alternative would be to use a statistical algorithm that can guess where the word boundaries are. I don't know of such a module in the NLTK, but there has been quite a bit of work on this for Chinese. If it's worth your trouble, you can find a suitable algorithm and train it to work on Malayalam.
In short: The NLTK tokenizers only work for the typographical style of English. You can train a suitable tool to work on Malayalam, but the NLTK does not include such a tool as far as I know.
PS. The NLTK does come with several statistical tokenization tools; the PunctSentenceTokenizer can be trained to recognize sentence boundaries using an unsupervised learning algorithm (meaning you don't need to mark the boundaries in the training data). Unfortunately, the algorithm specifically targets the issue of abbreviations, and so it cannot be adapted to word boundary detection.
maybe the Viterbi algorithm could help?
This answer to another SO question (and the other high-vote answer) could help: https://stackoverflow.com/a/481773/583834
It seems like your space is the unicode character u'\u0d41'. So you should split normally with str.split().
import sys
x = 'ഇതുഒരുസ്ഥാലമാണ്'.decode('utf8')
y = x.split(u'\u0d41')
print " ".join(y)
ഇത ഒര സ്ഥാലമാണ്`
I tried the following:
# encoding=utf-8
import nltk
cheese = nltk.wordpunct_tokenize('ഇതുഒരുസ്ഥാലമാണ്'.decode('utf8'))
for var in cheese:
print var.encode('utf8'),
And as output, I got the following:
ഇത ു ഒര ു സ ് ഥ ാ ലമ ാ ണ ്
Is this anywhere close to the output that you want, I'm a little in the dark here, since its difficult to get this right without understanding the language.
Morphological analysis example
from mlmorph import Analyser
analyser = Analyser()
[('കേരളം<np><genitive>', 179)]
url: mlmorph
if you using anaconda then:
install git in anaconda prompt
conda install -c anaconda git
then clone the file using following command:
git clone https://gitlab.com/smc/mlmorph.git

