I have the following problem to solve:
The numbers 545, 5995 and 15151 are the three smallest palindromes divisible by 109. There are nine palindromes less than 100000 which are divisible by 109.
How many palindromes less than 10**32 are divisible by 10000019 ?
So my code is shown below.
In theory my code will work, but to count all the way from 0 to 10**32 would take my computer literally YEARS.
Is there anyway to improve this code?
Python code:
for i in range (0,10**32):
strI = str(i)
printTrue = 1
if len(strI) == 1:
if len(strI)%2 ==0:
FinalVal = int(len(strI)/2)
for count in range (0,FinalVal):
if strI[count]!=strI[-count-1]:
printTrue = 0
if printTrue==1: listPalindroms.append(i)
FinalVal = int(round(len(strI)/2))-1
for count in range (0,FinalVal):
if strI[count]!=strI[-count-1]:
printTrue = 0
if printTrue ==1: listPalindroms.append(i)
for item in listPalindroms:
if item%10000019 ==0:
i = i + 1
print (i)
The problem is presented as Project Euler 655
You are getting all palindromes between 0 and 10**32 then filtering using divisibility. But you can do it the other way around also. Just find the multiples of 10000019 that are less than 10**32 then check if each multiple is a palindrome.
This way you can avoid checking palindromes for numbers that are not required.
i = 1
number = 10000019
list_palindromes = []
element = number * i
while element < (10**32):
e = str(element)
for j in range(len(e)):
if e[j] != e[len(e)-j-1]:
if len(e)-1 == j:
i += 1
element = number * i
Given that MathJax doesn't work here it's gonna be tough to present my solution.
When you look at a number, eg. 1991, you can write this as 1000*1+100*9+10*9+1*1.
If you look at the remainder when dividing by 19 we have that:
(1000*1+100*9+10*9+1*1)%19 = ((1000%19)*1+(100%19)*9+(10%19)*9+(1%19)*1)%19 = (12*1+5*9+10*9+1*1)%19 = 10.
Therefore 19 doesn't divide 1991
For a palindrome, abcba, we can use this property of modular arithmetic to see that 19 divides abcba if and only if:
(7*a + 3*b + 5*c)%19 = 0
(10000*a+1000*b+100*c+10*b+a)%19 = (10001*a+1010*b+100*c)%19 = (10001*a%19+1010*b%19+100*c%19)%19 = (7*a + 3*b + 5*c)%19
By using this method we can cut the number of iterations down to the square root of the max value. A routine for calculating the sum of ever palindrome less than 10**10 that is divisible by 109 will look some thing like this.
maxValue = 10**5
divisor = 109
moduli = []
for i in range(0,33):
def test(n,div):
n = str(n)
sum_odd = 0
sum_even = 0
for i in range(len(n)):
sum_even = sum_even + int(n[i])*(moduli[i]+moduli[2*len(n)-i-1])
if i != len(n)-1:
sum_odd = sum_odd + int(n[i])*(moduli[i]+moduli[2*len(n)-i-2])
sum_odd = sum_odd + int(n[i])*(moduli[i])
if sum_odd%div==0 and sum_even%div==0:
return 2
if sum_odd%div==0 or sum_even%div==0:
return 1
return 0
# The sum starts at -1 because 0 is counted twice
sum = -1
for a in range(maxValue):
sum = sum + test(a,divisor)
Running the calculation for every palindrome less than 10**32, still requires 10**16 iterations, so it's not efficient enough for your problem, it's however better than previous answers (requiring about 10**24 iterations).
Well, you just need to check for numbers divisible by your divisor, so why check numbers before that, and while incrementing, why not just increment the divisor amount?
def is_palin(num):
num_str = str(num)
for index in range(len(num_str)/2):
if num_str[index]==num_str[len(num_str)-1-index]:
return False
return True
def multiple(divisor, end):
index = divisor*2
while index<end:
if is_palin(index):
return count
if __name__=="__main__":
print(multiple(109, 100000))
# print(multiple(10000019, 10**32))
This approach still takes a lot of time, and I'd recommend finding a better method.
I'm new to programming. While trying to solve this problem, I'm getting the wrong answer. I checked my code a number of times but was not able to figure out the mistake. Please, help me on this simple problem. The problem is as follows:
Given a positive integer N, calculate the sum of all prime numbers between 1 and N (inclusive). The first line of input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. T testcases follow. Each testcase contains one line of input containing N. For each testcase, in a new line, print the sum of all prime numbers between 1 and N.
And my code is:
from math import sqrt
sum = 0
test = int(input())
for i in range(test):
max = int(input())
if max==1:
sum = 0
elif max==2:
sum += 2
sum = sum + 2
for x in range(3,max+1):
half = int(sqrt(max)) + 1
for y in range(2,half):
res = x%y
if res==0:
sum = sum + x
For input 5 and 10, my code is giving output 6 and 48 respectively, while the correct answer is 10 and 17 respectively. Please, figure out the mistake in my code.
Here, I implemented simple program to find the sum of all prime numbers between 1 to n.
Consider primeAddition() as a function and ip as an input parameter. It may help you to solve your problem.Try it.
Code snippet:
def primeAddition(ip):
# list to store prime numbers...
prime = [True] * (ip + 1)
p = 2
while p * p <= ip:
# If prime[p] is not changed, then it is a prime...
if prime[p] == True:
# Update all multiples of p...
i = p * 2
while i <= ip:
prime[i] = False
i += p
p += 1
# Return sum of prime numbers...
sum = 0
for i in range (2, ip + 1):
sum += i
return sum
#The program is ready... Now, time to call the primeAddition() function with any argument... Here I pass 5 as an argument...
#Function call...
print primeAddition(5)
This is the most broken part of your code, it's doing the opposite of what you want:
res = x%y
if res==0:
sum = sum + x
You only increment sum if you get through the entire loop without breaking. (And don't use sum as you're redefining a Python built-in.) This can be checked using the special case of else on a for loop, aka "no break". I've made that change below as well as corrected some inefficiencies:
from math import sqrt
T = int(input())
for _ in range(T):
N = int(input())
sum_of_primes = 0
if N < 2:
elif N == 2:
sum_of_primes = 2
sum_of_primes = 2
for number in range(3, N + 1, 2):
for odd in range(3, int(sqrt(number)) + 1, 2):
if (number % odd) == 0:
else: # no break
sum_of_primes += number
> python3 test.py
A slight modification to what you have:
from math import sqrt
sum = 0
test = int(input())
max = int(input())
for x in range(test,max+1):
if x == 1:
half = int(sqrt(x)) + 1
for y in range(2,half):
res = x%y
if res==0:
sum = sum + x
Your biggest error was that you were doing the sum = sum + x before the break rather than outside in an else statement.
PS: (although you can) I'd recommend not using variable names like max and sum in your code. These are special functions that are now overridden.
Because your logic is not correct.
for y in range(2,half):
res = x%y
if res==0:
sum = sum + x
here you check for the factors and if there is a factor then adds to sum which is opposite of the Primes. So check for the numbers where there is no factors(except 1).
from math import sqrt
test = int(input())
for i in range(test):
sum = 0
max = int(input())
if max==1:
sum = 0
elif max==2:
sum += 2
sum = sum + 2
for x in range(3,max+1):
half = int(sqrt(x)) + 1
if all(x%y!=0 for y in range(2,half)):
sum = sum + x
First of all, declare sum to be zero at the beginning of the for i loop.
The problem lies in the if statement at almost the very end of the code, as you add x to the sum, if the res is equal to zero, meaning that the number is indeed not a prime number. You can see that this is the case, because you get an output of 6 when entering 5, as the only non-prime number in the range 1 to and including 5 is 4 and you add 2 to the sum at the beginning already.
Last but not least, you should change the
half = int(sqrt(max)) + 1
line to
half = int(sqrt(x)) + 1
Try to work with my information provided and fix the code yourself. You learn the most by not copying other people's code.
Happy coding!
I believe the mistake in your code might be coming from the following lines of code:
for x in range(3,max+1):
half = int(sqrt(max)) + 1
Since you are looping using x, you should change int(sqrt(max)) to int(sqrt(x)) like this:
for x in range(3,max+1):
half = int(sqrt(x)) + 1
Your code is trying to see if max is prime N times, where you should be seeing if every number from 1-N is prime instead.
This is my first time answering a question so if you need more help just let me know.
I am trying to write a program in python to answer the following problem:
A perfect number is a number for which the sum of its proper divisors is exactly equal to the number. For example, the sum of the proper divisors of 28 would be 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28, which means that 28 is a perfect number.
A number n is called deficient if the sum of its proper divisors is less
than n and it is called abundant if this sum exceeds n.
As 12 is the smallest abundant number, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16, the smallest number that can be written as the sum of two abundant numbers is 24.
By mathematical analysis, it can be shown that all integers greater than 28123 can be written as the sum of two abundant numbers. However, this upper limit cannot be reduced any further by analysis, even though it is known that the greatest number that cannot be expressed as the sum of two abundant numbers is less than this limit.
Find the sum of all the positive integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.
So here is my code which should theoretically work but which is way too slow.
import math
import time
l = 28123
abondant = []
def listNumbers():
for i in range(1, l):
s = 0
for k in range(1, int(i / 2) + 1):
if i % k == 0:
s += k
if s > i:
def check(nb):
for a in abondant:
for b in abondant:
if a + b == nb:
return False
return True
def main():
abondant_sum = 0
for i in range(12, l):
if check(i):
abondant_sum += i
return abondant_sum
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
print("le programme a mis ", end - start, " ms")
How can I make my program more efficient?
Checking until half and summing up all passing numbers is very inefficient.
Try to change
for k in range(1, int(i / 2) + 1):
if i % k == 0:
s += k
for k in range(1, int(i**0.5)+1):
if i % k == 0:
s += k
if k != i//k:
s += i//k
The thing is that you make a double iteration on "abondant" in the check function that you call 28111 times.
It would be much more efficient to only compute a set of all a+b once and then check if your number is inside.
Something like:
def get_combinations():
return set(a+b for a in abondant for b in abondant)
And then maybe for the main function:
def main():
combinations = get_combinations()
non_abondant = filter(lambda nb: nb not in combinations, range(12,l))
return sum(non_abondant)
Once you have the list of abundant number you can make a list result = [False] * 28123 and then
for a in abondant:
for b in abondant:
result[min(a+b, 28123)] = True
l = []
for i in range(len(result)):
if not result[i]:
I am trying to list all the factors of a number called count. Whenever I run it, it returns 1. For example: if 6 = count, then what should be returned when calling findFactor(6) is 1 2 3 6. What is returned is 1
divisors = ""
def findFactor(count):
divisors = ""
valueD = 0
for i in range(1, count+1):
valueD = count/i
if isinstance(valueD,int) == True:
divisors = str(valueD)+" "
print divisors
This can be done on one line using list comprehension.
def factorize(num):
return [n for n in range(1, num + 1) if num % n == 0]
You can refer this code:
def find_factor(n):
factor_values = []
for i in range(1, n + 1):
if n % i == 0:
values = ""
for v in factor_values:
values += str(v) + " "
return values
The function will return 1 2 3 6
First of all, you have an indentation error. print divisors need to be tabbed to inside the for-loop.
divisors = ""
def findFactor(count):
divisors = ""
valueD = 0
for i in range(1, count+1):
valueD = count/i
if isinstance(valueD,int) == True:
divisors = str(valueD)+" "
print divisors
Furthermore like #juanpa.arrivillaga mentioned, your results will vary between Python 2 and Python 3.
However, if you want your divisors to print in the order you want, i.e. start with 1 you need to change your range to for i in range(count,0, -1). You will get multiple 1's , but that's something I'll leave for you to figure out. A little challenge, if you will. ;)
This is the total code I have come up with. Thank you for all the help.
def findFactor(n):
factorValues = []
for i in range(1, n + 1):
if n % i == 0:
values = ""
for v in factorValues:
values += str(v) + " "
print values.count(" ")
# prints the number of factors
print values
It will print the number of factors, and then the factors on the next line.
The answers given so far are all brute force methods.
For n=10000, they will have to iterate ten thousand times.
The following will iterate only 100 times:
def find_factors(n):
factors = []
i = 1
j = n
while True:
if i*j == n:
if i == j:
i += 1
j = n // i
if i > j:
return factors
If there were a list of prime numbers available, it could be made even faster.
I have two numbers say A = 10 and B =20.
Now I need to count the palindrome numbers in Range (A,B)
I tried this:
s = list(map(int,raw_input().split()))
a = s[0]
b = s[1]
l = range(s[0],s[1]+1)
# print "list : ",l
def isNumberPalindrome(n):
return str(n) == str(n)[::-1]
x = filter(isNumberPalindrome, l)
# print " All Palindorme numbers : ",x
count = len(x)
print count
I have problem of memory exceeding if A and B are in range of 10^18.
Can somebody suggest me how to solve this.
Thanks in Advance
Use a generator instead of calling range().
from __future__ import print_function
def isNumberPalindrome(n):
return str(n) == str(n)[::-1]
a = pow(10, 18)
b = pow(10, 19) + 1
def gen_range(start, end):
i = long(start)
while i < end:
yield i
i = i + 1
count = 0
for l in gen_range(a, b):
count += isNumberPalindrome(l)
It is not the whole answer. But consider this:
For range 10^n to 10^n+1 you can find the number of palindromes in constant time. It is 10^ceil(n/2) - 10^ceil(n/2)-1. Because (for example) for n = 6 and range from 10^6 to 10^7 (1 000 000 - 10 000 000) number of palindromes is the number of possible numbers from 1000 to 10000 (that represent the first half of original numbers. 4315 is the first half of 4315134 and so on).
So you don't filter numbers but find how many palindromes you can generate in such range.
I'm having trouble with my code. The question is:
"By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the 10 001st prime number?"
This is what it looks like:
div = 10001
i = 2
count = 0
prime = 0
now = []
while count < div:
for x in range (2,i+1):
if len(now) ==2:
elif i%x == 0:
if len(now)==1:
prime = i
count += 1
now = []
I have tried div up to 1000 and it seems to work fine(for div 1000 I receive 7919). However, when I try div = 10001 I get nothing, not even errors. If someone would help me out I would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
# 7 10001st prime
import itertools
def is_prime(n):
for i in range(2, n//2 + 1):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
p = 0
for x in itertools.count(1):
if is_prime(x):
if p == 10001:
p += 1
Try this code:
prime_list = lambda x:[i for i in xrange(2, x+1) if all([i%x for x in xrange(2, int(i**0.5+1))])][10000]
print prime_list(120000)
Lambda in Python defines an anonymous function and xrange is similar to range, defining a range of integer numbers. The code uses list comprehension and goes through the numbers twice up to the square root of the final number (thus i**0.5). Each number gets eliminated if it is a multiple of the number that's in the range count. You are left with a list of prime numbers in order. So, you just have to print out the number with the right index.
With just some simple modifications (and simplifications) to your code, you can compute the number you're looking for in 1/3 of a second. First, we only check up to the square root as #Hashman suggests. Next, we only test and divide by odd numbers, dealing with 2 as a special case up front. Finally, we toss the whole now array length logic and simply take advantage of Python's break logic:
limit = 10001
i = 3
count = 1
prime = 2
while count < limit:
for x in range(3, int(i ** 0.5) + 1, 2):
if i % x == 0:
else: # no break
prime = i
count += 1
i += 2
As before, this gives us 7919 for a limit of 1000 and it gives us 104743 for a limit of 10001. But this still is not as fast as a sieve.
while s<=10001:
for i in range(1,m):
if m%i==0:n=i
if n==1:print(m,'is prime',s);s+=1