I created some code to show 2 balls moving, but when I run it, it doesn't show the movement of the balls.Furthermore it stops running and ignores the infinite loop This is my code up to now:
import tkinter as tk
class ObjectHolder:
def __init__(self, pos, velocity, radius, id):
self.id = id # the id of the canvas shape
self.pos = pos # the position of the object
self.r = radius # the radius of incluence of the object
self.velocity = velocity # the velocity of the object
def moveobject(object):
x = object.pos[0] + object.velocity[0] # moves the object where
y = object.pos[1] + object.velocity[1] # 0=x and 1=y
object.pos = (x, y)
canvas.move(object, x, y)
class App():
def __init__(self, canvas):
self.canvas = canvas
self.objects = []
for i in range(0, 2):
position = ((i+1)*100, (i+1)*100)
velocity = (-(i+1)*10, -(i+1)*10)
radius = (i + 1) * 20
x1 = position[0]-radius
y1 = position[1]-radius
x2 = position[0]+radius
y2 = position[1]+radius
id = canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2)
self.objects.append(ObjectHolder(position, velocity, radius, id))
def symulation(self, objects):
for object in objects: # this moves each object
# This part doesn't work. It is supposed to update the canvas
# and repeat forever.
self.canvas.after(50, self.symulation, objects)
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=800, height=600, bg="light blue")
There are a number of issues with your code. One big one was the way you were updating the position of the existing canvas objects. The move() method needs to know the amount of movement (change in x and y value), not the new absolute position.
When I fixed that it turned out that the velocities were too big, so I reduced them to only be 10% of the values you had.
Another problem was with the way the ObjectHolder class was implemented. For one thing, the moveobject() method had no self argument, which it should have been using instead of having an object argument. You should probably also rename the method simply move().
The code below runs and does animate the movement.
import tkinter as tk
class ObjectHolder:
def __init__(self, pos, velocity, radius, id):
self.id = id # the id of the canvas shape
self.pos = pos # the position of the object
self.r = radius # the radius of incluence of the object
self.velocity = velocity # the velocity of the object
def moveobject(self):
x, y = self.pos
dx, dy = self.velocity
self.pos = (x + dx, y + dy)
canvas.move(self.id, dx, dy) # Amount of movement, not new position.
class App():
def __init__(self, canvas):
self.canvas = canvas
self.objects = []
for i in range(0, 2):
position = ((i+1)*100, (i+1)*100)
# velocity = (-(i+1)*10, -(i+1)*10)
velocity = (-(i+1), -(i+1)) # Much slower speed...
radius = (i + 1) * 20
x1 = position[0]-radius
y1 = position[1]-radius
x2 = position[0]+radius
y2 = position[1]+radius
id = canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2)
self.objects.append(ObjectHolder(position, velocity, radius, id))
def simulation(self, objects):
for object in objects: # this moves each object
# This part doesn't work. It is supposed to update the canvas
# and repeat forever.
# self.canvas.update() # Not needed.
# root.update() # Not needed.
self.canvas.after(50, self.simulation, objects)
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=800, height=600, bg="light blue")
app = App(canvas)
root.mainloop() # Added.
I've managed to initialise the board using a class, but I've been struggling to get the pieces to initialise on the black tiles.
I've attempted using create_oval to make the pieces and also tried to use create_image, but each time I can only get one piece to appear on the board.
I have the following code for initialising the board. I hope someone can help me get the pieces to initialise on this board.
from tkinter import Canvas, PhotoImage
def create_black_piece(canvas, x, y, radius):
x0 = x - radius
y0 = y - radius
x1 = x + radius
y1 = y + radius
return canvas.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1)
class Board(Canvas):
"""Class to create a board object"""
def __init__(self):
self.square = None
def create_row_black(self, row):
"""Creates a row with a light tile in the left-most position"""
for n in range(8):
self.square = Canvas(width=50, height=50)
self.square.grid(row=row, column=n)
if n % 2 == 0:
self.square.config(bg="tan", highlightthickness=0)
self.square.config(bg="black", highlightthickness=0)
def create_row_red(self, row):
"""Creates a row with a black tile in the left-most position"""
for n in range(8):
self.square = Canvas(width=50, height=50)
self.square.grid(row=row, column=n)
if n % 2 == 0:
self.square.config(bg="black", highlightthickness=0)
self.square.config(bg="tan", highlightthickness=0)
black_piece = PhotoImage(file="black_piece.png")
self.square.create_image(25, 25, image=black_piece)
def create_board(self):
"""Creates the full checkers board, with each row alternating to create the checkered pattern"""
for i in range(8):
if i % 2 == 0:
Is it wise to be using OOP to initialise the pieces and the board, or should I have all of the initialisation code in main?
import time
from tkinter import *
import random
class SpaceField:
def __init__(self):
self.window = Tk()
self.canvas = self.canvas_display() #creates canvas
self.asteriods = self.asteriod_creation_seperation() #creates asteroids
self.active = True
self.move_active() #Moves asteroids
def asteriod_creation_seperation(self): #creation of multple asteriods
asteriod_spacingx = random.randint(1,800)
asteriod_spacingy = random.randint(1,800)
asteriod_list = list() # could list([])
for i in range(15):
asteriod = self.canvas.create_oval( 30, 50 , 80 , 100 , tags="asteriod", width=2, outline="white")
self.canvas.move(asteriod, asteriod_spacingx, asteriod_spacingy)
asteriod_spacingx = random.randint(1,500)
asteriod_spacingy = random.randint(1,500)
return asteriod_list
Asteroid Creation. Creates asteroids and gives them random positions.
def asteriod_update(self): #asteriods movement method #MAin problem
x12 = 1
self.canvas.move("asteriod", 3, x12)
pos = self.canvas.coords("asteriod")
if (pos)[2] > 500:
x12 *= 5
I think this is where I need to add the collision detection. I just have no idea how to combine the lists of the circles and the collisions.
def move_active(self): #Basically a true loop
if self.active:
self.window.after(40, self.move_active)
def canvas_display(self): #canvas
canvas = Canvas(self.window, width=500, height=400, background='black')
canvas.pack(expand=True, fill="both")
return canvas
Canvas display nothing special
def run(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
SpaceF = SpaceField()
Asteroids is a classic game but there were a number of problems in your code. The main one was calling move_active during initialization. This prevented the code from completing its mainloop initialization.
The other problem was the asteroid_update method that basically didn't do anything, also using tags to control all asteroids didn't work either.
Everything else was OK, although you might consider using polygons.
Here is one way to produce a bouncing objects program. I've inserted remarks that describe the methods used.
Objects change the speed and direction when they hit the boundary so their trajectories are randomized.
from tkinter import *
from random import randint as rnd
class SpaceField:
def __init__(self):
self.window = Tk()
# Define canvas size and active flag
self.wide, self.high, self.active = 500, 400, True
def asteriod_creation_seperation(self):
self.asteroids, self.speed = [], []
size, radius = 50, 25
for i in range(15):
spacex = rnd(size, self.wide - size)
spacey = rnd(size, self.high - size)
self.asteroids.append( # Store oval item id
spacex, spacey, spacex+size, spacey+size,
width=2, tags = "asteriod", outline = "white"))
self.speed.append((rnd(1,4),rnd(1,4))) # Store random speed x, y
def asteriod_update(self): # MAIN DRIVER: Work on ALL asteroids
for i, a in enumerate(self.asteroids):
xx, yy = self.speed[i] # get speed data
x, y, w, h = self.canvas.coords(a)
# check for boundary hit then change direction and speed
if x < 0 or w > self.wide:
xx = -xx * rnd(1, 4)
if y < 0 or h > self.high:
yy = -yy * rnd(1, 4)
# Limit max and min speed then store it
self.speed[i] = (max( -4, min( xx, 4)), max( -4, min( yy, 4 )))
self.canvas.move(a, xx, yy) # update asteroid position
def move_active(self):
if self.active:
self.window.after(40, self.move_active)
def canvas_display(self):
self.canvas = Canvas(
self.window, width = self.wide,
height = self.high, background = "black")
self.canvas.pack(expand = True, fill = "both")
def run(self): # Begin asteroids here so that mainloop is executed
self.window.after(200, self.move_active)
if __name__ == "__main__":
SpaceF = SpaceField()
import time
from tkinter import *
class Template:
def __init__(self):
self.window = Tk()
self.window.title("2D Display")
self.canvas = self.canvas_display()
self.line1 = self.line_creation(650,350,500 * .3, 1000)
self.line3 = self.line_movement_creation(0, 350,2000, 350)
self.horizon = self.canvas.create_line(0,350,2000, 350, width = 2, fill ="white")
self.speedx = 0 # x movement of line3
self.speedy = 9 # y movement of line3
self.active = True
self.pos1 = []
self.move_active() #Code that creates the problem
def canvas_display(self): #canvas
canvas = Canvas(self.window, width=500, height=400, background='black')
canvas.pack(expand=True, fill="both")
return canvas
Upwards is Initialization
def line_creation(self,x,y,x1,y1): #creation of multple lines
spacing = 0
lines = [] # could list([])
for i in range(11):
id = self.canvas.create_line( x, y, x1 + spacing, y1, width=2, fill="white")
spacing += 100
pos1 = self.canvas.coords(id)
self.pos1 = pos1
return lines
This is the creation method for the vertices lines
def line_movement_creation(self,x,y,x1,y1):
spacing1 = 0
lines = []
for i in range(4):
id = self.canvas.create_line(x , y+spacing1, x1, y1 + spacing1, width=2, fill="white")
spacing1 += 100
#line = [] equal all horizontal and vertical, 12 - 15 equal horizontal moving lines
return lines
The is the creation for the horizontal lines
def line_update(self): #line movement method
for line in self.line3:
self.canvas.move(line, self.speedx, self.speedy)
#Create variables for all x and y values for the lines
pos = self.canvas.coords(line)
if pos[3] >= 800:
self.canvas.move(line, self.speedx, self.speedy - 460)
def move_active(self):
if self.active:
self.window.after(40, self.move_active)
This is what moves the lines creating an illusion of movement. I want to take the list of horizontal lines and set them between the outer most vertical lines. So it would stay between the vertical lines. Creating a road like image. I think I need to make a separate list for both but I am not sure. So to clarify I can someone help show me how to make the horizontal lines not attach to the ends of the screen but to inside the horizontal lines Code Demonstration
def run(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
Temp = Template()
So, first I would suggest that you use some game engine like pygame because it is faster and provides a bit more options and other stuff but here it is with tkinter (basically it is some simple trigonometry):
import tkinter as tk
import math
class Canvas(tk.Canvas):
def __init__(self, parent, width=700, height=500, **kwargs):
super().__init__(parent, width=width, height=height, **kwargs)
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.angle = 70
self.speedy = 10
self.change_speed_ms = 50
self.draw_angle(self.angle, 5)
self.lines, self.interval = self.init_lines(amount=5)
def radians(self):
return math.radians(self.angle)
def draw_angle(self, view_angle, lines):
orient = 0
adjacent = self.height // 2
step = view_angle // lines
half = view_angle // 2
for angle in range(orient - half, orient + half + step, step):
rad = math.radians(angle)
delta = math.tan(rad) * adjacent
x1, y1 = self.width // 2, self.height // 2
x2, y2 = x1 + delta, y1 + adjacent
self.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
def init_lines(self, amount=5):
interval = round((self.height // 2) / amount)
coordinate_list = list()
offset = self.height // 2
for y in range(0, self.height // 2 + interval, interval):
delta = math.tan(self.radians / 2) * y
x1 = self.width // 2 - delta
x2 = self.width // 2 + delta
y1 = y2 = y + offset
line = self.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
coordinate_list.append((line, (x1, y1, x2, y2)))
return coordinate_list, interval
def draw_lines(self):
tmp_lst = list()
for id_, (x1, y1, x2, y2) in self.lines:
y1 += self.speedy
if y1 > self.height + self.interval - self.speedy:
y1 = self.height // 2
y = y2 = y1
adjacent = y - self.height // 2
delta = math.tan(self.radians / 2) * adjacent
x1 = self.width // 2 - delta
x2 = self.width // 2 + delta
self.coords(id_, x1, y1, x2, y2)
tmp_lst.append((id_, (x1, y1, x2, y2)))
self.lines = tmp_lst
self.after(self.change_speed_ms, self.draw_lines)
root = tk.Tk()
Canvas(root, highlightthickness=0).pack()
So the main method here is Canvas().draw_lines(). First of you get a list of line IDs and their coordinates at set intervals based on the amount of total lines, then you iterate over them, change their y value and accordingly calculate the opposite side of a right-angle triangle using tan and the adjacent side which is known from the current y coordinate and the starting point (the middle).
New to programming. Working on a simple pong clone. Started the ball but want to make sure all sides of the window (500x500) will have the ball bounce off of it. How could I do this? Thanks!
P.S. This is my current code if needed.
import threading
import random
import time
import string
import os.path
from random import randint
from tkinter import *
class Pong:
Title = 'Pong'
Size = '500x500'
class Ball:
def __init__(self,canvas,x1,y1,x2,y2):
self.x1 =x1
self.y1 = y1
self.x2 = x2
self.y2 = y2
self.canvas = canvas
self.ball = canvas.create_oval(self.x1, self.y1, self.x2, self.y2, fill="black")
def move_ball(self):
deltax = randint(0,5)
deltay = randint(0,5)
def PongGame():
print("Moved to PongGame.")
ball1 = Ball(canvas,10,10,30,30)
def titleButtonClicked(event):
print("Title screen button clicked.")
root = Tk()
msg = Label(root, text = Pong.Title, font = ("", 50))
canvas = Canvas(root, width = 500, height = 500)
btn=Button(root, text = "Start")
btn.bind('<Button-1>', titleButtonClicked)
Collisions are not trivial; the simplest is to reverse the x or the y velocity after checking which edge of the bounding box of the ball intersects with the boundaries of the canvas.
Maybe something like this:
import random
import tkinter as tk
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 500, 500
class Ball:
radius = 10
spawn_center = (250, 100)
def __init__(self, canvas):
self.canvas = canvas
self.id = None
self.velocity = None
self.keep_moving = True
def create_ball(self):
xc, yc = self.spawn_center
x0, y0, = xc - self.radius, yc + self.radius
x1, y1, = xc + self.radius, yc - self.radius
self.id = self.canvas.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y1)
def assign_random_velocity(self):
dx = random.randrange(1, 5) * random.choice((1, -1))
dy = random.randrange(1, 5) * random.choice((1, -1))
self.velocity = (dx, dy)
def move(self):
if self.keep_moving is None:
self.canvas.move(self.id, *self.velocity)
self.keep_moving = self.canvas.after(10, self.move)
def cancel_move(self):
if self.keep_moving is not None:
self.keep_moving = None
def check_collision(self):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.canvas.coords(self.id)
dx, dy = self.velocity
if x0 < 0:
x0 = 0
dx = -dx
elif x1 > WIDTH:
x1 = WIDTH
dx = -dx
if y0 < 0:
y0 = 0
dy = -dy
elif y1 > HEIGHT:
dy = -dy
self.velocity = dx, dy
class PongBoard(tk.Canvas):
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
self.ball = None
def spawn_new_ball(self):
if self.ball is not None:
self.ball = Ball(self)
root = Tk()
board = PongBoard(root)
new_ball_btn = tk.Button(root, text='spawn new ball', command=board.spawn_new_ball)
board.pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH)
This will get you started, but you will have to implement the paddles, the paddles movement, the collision checking of the ball with the paddles, and keep the score by yourself.
I am in the process of learning tkinter on Python 3.X. I am writing a simple program which will get one or more balls (tkinter ovals) bouncing round a rectangular court (tkinter root window with a canvas and rectangle drawn on it).
I want to be able to terminate the program cleanly by pressing the q key, and have managed to bind the key to the root and fire the callback function when a key is pressed, which then calls root.destroy().
However, I'm still getting errors of the form _tkinter.TclError: invalid command name ".140625086752360" when I do so. This is driving me crazy. What am I doing wrong?
from tkinter import *
import time
import numpy
class Ball:
def bates():
Generator for the sequential index number used in order to
identify the various balls.
k = 0
while True:
yield k
k += 1
index = bates()
def __init__(self, parent, x, y, v=0.0, angle=0.0, accel=0.0, radius=10, border=2):
self.parent = parent # The parent Canvas widget
self.index = next(Ball.index) # Fortunately, I have all my feathers individually numbered, for just such an eventuality
self.x = x # X-coordinate (-1.0 .. 1.0)
self.y = y # Y-coordinate (-1.0 .. 1.0)
self.radius = radius # Radius (0.0 .. 1.0)
self.v = v # Velocity
self.theta = angle # Angle
self.accel = accel # Acceleration per tick
self.border = border # Border thickness (integer)
self.widget = self.parent.canvas.create_oval(
self.px() - self.pr(), self.py() - self.pr(),
self.px() + self.pr(), self.py() + self.pr(),
fill = "red", width=self.border, outline="black")
def __repr__(self):
return "[{}] x={:.4f} y={:.4f} v={:.4f} a={:.4f} r={:.4f} t={}, px={} py={} pr={}".format(
self.index, self.x, self.y, self.v, self.theta,
self.radius, self.border, self.px(), self.py(), self.pr())
def pr(self):
Converts a radius from the range 0.0 .. 1.0 to window coordinates
based on the width and height of the window
assert self.radius > 0.0 and self.radius <= 1.0
return int(min(self.parent.height, self.parent.width)*self.radius/2.0)
def px(self):
Converts an X-coordinate in the range -1.0 .. +1.0 to a position
within the window based on its width
assert self.x >= -1.0 and self.x <= 1.0
return int((1.0 + self.x) * self.parent.width / 2.0 + self.parent.border)
def py(self):
Converts a Y-coordinate in the range -1.0 .. +1.0 to a position
within the window based on its height
assert self.y >= -1.0 and self.y <= 1.0
return int((1.0 - self.y) * self.parent.height / 2.0 + self.parent.border)
def Move(self, x, y):
Moves ball to absolute position (x, y) where x and y are both -1.0 .. 1.0
oldx = self.px()
oldy = self.py()
self.x = x
self.y = y
deltax = self.px() - oldx
deltay = self.py() - oldy
if oldx != 0 or oldy != 0:
self.parent.canvas.move(self.widget, deltax, deltay)
def HandleWallCollision(self):
Detects if a ball collides with the wall of the rectangular
class Court:
A 2D rectangular enclosure containing a centred, rectagular
grid of balls (instances of the Ball class).
def __init__(self,
width=1000, # Width of the canvas in pixels
height=750, # Height of the canvas in pixels
border=5, # Width of the border around the canvas in pixels
rows=1, # Number of rows of balls
cols=1, # Number of columns of balls
radius=0.05, # Ball radius
ballborder=1, # Width of the border around the balls in pixels
cycles=1000, # Number of animation cycles
tick=0.01): # Animation tick length (sec)
self.root = Tk()
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.border = border
self.cycles = cycles
self.tick = tick
self.canvas = Canvas(self.root, width=width+2*border, height=height+2*border)
self.rectangle = self.canvas.create_rectangle(border, border, width+border, height+border, outline="black", fill="white", width=border)
self.root.bind('<Key>', self.key)
self.CreateGrid(rows, cols, radius, ballborder)
self.afterid = self.root.after(0, self.Animate)
def __repr__(self):
s = "width={} height={} border={} balls={}\n".format(self.width,
for b in self.balls:
s += "> {}\n".format(b)
return s
def key(self, event):
print("Got key '{}'".format(event.char))
if event.char == 'q':
def CreateGrid(self, rows, cols, radius, border):
Creates a rectangular rows x cols grid of balls of
the specified radius and border thickness
self.balls = []
for r in range(1, rows+1):
y = 1.0-2.0*r/(rows+1)
for c in range(1, cols+1):
x = 2.0*c/(cols+1) - 1.0
self.balls.append(Ball(self, x, y, 0.001,
numpy.pi/6.0, 0.0, radius, border))
def Animate(self):
Animates the movement of the various balls
for c in range(self.cycles):
for b in self.balls:
b.v += b.accel
b.Move(b.x + b.v * numpy.cos(b.theta),
b.y + b.v * numpy.sin(b.theta))
I've included the full listing for completeness, but I'm fairly sure that the problem lies in the Court class. I presume it's some sort of callback or similar firing but I seem to be beating my head against a wall trying to fix it.
You have effectively got two mainloops. In your Court.__init__ method you use after to start the Animate method and then start the Tk mainloop which will process events until you destroy the main Tk window.
However the Animate method basically replicates this mainloop by calling update to process events then time.sleep to waste some time and repeating this. When you handle the keypress and terminate your window, the Animate method is still running and attempts to update the canvas which no longer exists.
The correct way to handle this is to rewrite the Animate method to perform a single round of moving the balls and then schedule another call of Animate using after and provide the necessary delay as the after parameter. This way the event system will call your animation function at the correct intervals while still processing all other window system events promptly.