I am trying to create a program in python which can create an oscilloscope from live audio (through a microphone)
The difference to a normal oscilloscope is that this will only show one wave length, for example (desired output):
This shows three different wavelengths, and how they will each show on the program.
My progress so far:
I've created a program to show a graph and clear and redraw it
I've then created a program which will display the sound live (Although it's very slow, which would ideally be fixed if possible)
Code #1:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
#y1 is the data
y1 = [0,0.309,0.587,0.809,0.951,1,0.951,0.809,0.587,0.309,0, -0.309, -0.587, -0.809, -0.951, -1, -0.951, -0.809, -0.587, -0.309, 0]
plt.plot(y1, 'r.-') #Graph with data
plt.plot([0 for _ in y1]) #Straight line at y=0
while True:
#Update data to new data
#y1 = new data
plt.plot(y1, 'r.-') #Graph with data
plt.plot([0 for _ in y1]) #Straight line at y=0
plt.pause(0.5) #Time for one wave? Need some way to find this...
Code #2:
import pyaudio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
RATE = 44100
CHUNK = int(RATE/20) # RATE / number of updates per second
def soundplot(stream):
data = np.fromstring(stream.read(CHUNK),dtype=np.int16)
plt.pause(0.1) #To draw graph!
print("took %.02f ms"%((time.time()-t1)*1000))
if __name__=="__main__":
for i in range(int(20*RATE/CHUNK)): #do this for 10 seconds
Edit: To make it clear, my desired outcome is to show one single wave length as seen in the picture, instead of multiple which is what the second code produces
To show a single wavelength, first scan forward in time until you find a non-negative data point. (This would happen at once, with the very first entry, with the data in Code #1.)
Then continue scanning forward in time, and maintain a delta between successive samples. Initially the delta (or discrete derivative) will be positive as the curve approaches its max, then will turn negative till hitting a min, then will turn positive again.
Stop scanning forward in time when you encounter a non-negative data point and the delta is positive. At that point you have a full wavelength.
If you have lots of data then it's OK to skip some preamble data samples. The key here is we want to find a zero crossing with positive derivative, and then keep going until we find another zero crossing with positive derivative. So that first decision should both look for a non-negative data point and insist on positive delta.
In the presence of noise, we might see sign changes on delta more often than the period of the waveform. So an initial step might be to find min and max values for a bunch of samples (implying a range), then pick arbitrary thresholds like min + .25 * range and min + .75 * range, record the first positive zero crossing, wait for signal to exceed the high threshold, wait for it to go below the low threshold (after a negative zero crossing), then record the next positive zero crossing. That gives you an estimate of wavelength. Make repeated estimates if you find that helpful, and take some convenient aggregate like the mean or (better) the median.
Armed with a wavelength estimate, you're in a better position to evaluate whether a pair of positive zero crossings appear to be "correct" or due to noise. Reject pairs that are much closer together than your estimate would suggest. You may also find it convenient to compute a smoothed derivative, so instead of delta of last two points seen (K=2), you are averaging over the last K points, perhaps half a dozen of them. The average function is a low pass filter which rejects high frequency noise.
I am new to spectrogram and try to plot spectrogram by using relative velocity variations value of ambient seismic noise.
So the format of the data I have is 'time', 'station pair', 'velocity variation value' as below. (If error is needed, I can add it on the data)
But I searched for it, I can only see people using data of network, station, location, channel, or wav data.
Therefore, I have no idea what I have to start because the data format is different..
If you know some ways to get spectrogram by using 'value' of timeseries.
p.s. I would compute cross correlation with velocity variation value and other environmental data such as air temperature, air pressure etc.
###Edit (I add two pictures but the notice pops up that I cannot post images yet but only link)
I would write about groundwater level or other environmental data because those are easier to see variations.
The plot that I want to make similarly is from David et al., 2021 as below.
enter image description here
X axis shows time series and y axis shows cycles/day.
So when the light color is located at 1 then it means diurnal cycle (if 2, semidiurnal cycle).
Now I plot spectrogram and make the frequency as cycles / 1day.
enter image description here
But what I found to edit are two.
In the reference, it is normalized as log scale.
So I need to find the way to edit it as log scale.
In the reference, the x axis becomes 1*10^7.
But in my data, there are only 755 points in time series (dates in 2013-2015).
So what do I have to do to make x axis to time series?
p.s. The code I made
nfft=128 #The number of data points
fs=1/86400 #Hz [0, fs/2] cycles / unit time
spec, freq, tt, pplot = pylab.specgram(cf, NFFT=nfft, Fs=fs, detrend=pylab.detrend,
window=pylab.window_hanning, noverlap=100, mode='psd')
pylab.title('%s' % e_n)
plt.ylabel("Frequency (cycles / %s Day)" % str(1/fs/86400))
If you look closely at it, wav data is basically just an array of numbers (sound amplitude), recorded at a certain interval.
Note: You have an array of equally spaced samples, but they are for velocity difference, not amplitude. So while the following is technically valid, I don't think that the resulting frequencies represent seismic sound frequencies?
So the discrete Fourier transform (in the form of np.fft.rfft) would normally be the right thing to use.
If you give the function np.fft.rfft() n numbers, it will return n/2+1 frequencies. This is because of the inherent symmetry in the transform.
However, one thing to keep in mind is the frequency resolution of FFT. For example if you take n=44100 samples from a wav file sampled at Fs=44100 Hz, you get a convenient frequency resolution of Fs/n = 1 Hz. Which means that the first number in the FFT result is 0 Hz, the second number is 1 Hz et cetera.
It seems that the sampling frequency in your dataset is once per day, i.e. Fs= 1/(24x3600) =0.000012 Hz. Suppose you have n = 10000 samples, then the FFT will return 5001 numbers, with a frequency resolution of Fs/n= 0.0000000012 Hz. That means that the highest frequency you will be able to detect from data sampled at this frequncy is 0.0000000012*5001 = 0.000006 Hz.
So the highest frequency you can detect is approximately Fs/2!
I'm no domain expert, but that value seems to be a bit low for seismic noise?
I've got a time series of sunspot numbers, where the mean number of sunspots is counted per month, and I'm trying to use a Fourier Transform to convert from the time domain to the frequency domain. The data used is from https://wwwbis.sidc.be/silso/infosnmtot.
The first thing I'm confused about is how to express the sampling frequency as once per month. Do I need to convert it to seconds, eg. 1/(seconds in 30 days)? Here's what I've got so far:
fs = 1/2592000
#the sampling frequency is 1/(seconds in a month)
fourier = np.fft.fft(sn_value)
#sn_value is the mean number of sunspots measured each month
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(sn_value.size,d=fs)
power_spectrum = np.abs(fourier)
plt.title("Power Spectral Density of the Sunspot Number Time Series")
I don't think this is correct - namely because I don't know what the scale of the x-axis is. However I do know that there should be a peak at (11years)^-1.
The second thing I'm wondering from this graph is why there seems to be two lines - one being a horizontal line just above y=0. It's more clear when I change the x-axis bounds to: plt.xlim(0,1).
Am I using the fourier transform functions incorrectly?
You can use any units you want. Feel free to express your sampling frequency as fs=12 (samples/year), the x-axis will then be 1/year units. Or use fs=1 (sample/month), the units will then be 1/month.
The extra line you spotted comes from the way you plot your data. Look at the output of the np.fft.fftfreq call. The first half of that array contains positive values from 0 to 1.2e6 or so, the other half contain negative values from -1.2e6 to almost 0. By plotting all your data, you get a data line from 0 to the right, then a straight line from the rightmost point to the leftmost point, then the rest of the data line back to zero. Your xlim call makes it so you don’t see half the data plotted.
Typically you’d plot only the first half of your data, just crop the freqs and power_spectrum arrays.
I am trying to understand the function fftfreq and the resulting plot generated by adding real and imaginary components for one row in the image. Here is what I did:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image = cv2.imread("images/construction_150_200_background.png", 0)
image_fft = np.fft.fft(image)
real = image_fft.real
imag = image_fft.imag
real_row_bw = image_fft[np.ceil(image.shape[0]/2).astype(np.int),0:image.shape[1]]
imag_row_bw = image_fft[np.ceil(image.shape[0]/2).astype(np.int),0:image.shape[1]]
sum = real_row_bw + imag_row_bw
plt.plot(np.fft.fftfreq(image.shape[1]), sum)
Here is image of the plot generated :
I read the image from the disk, calculate the Fourier transform and extract the real and imaginary parts. Then I sum the sine and cosine components and plot using the pyplot library.
Could someone please help me understand the fftfreq function? Also what does the peak represent in the plot for the following image:
I understand that Fourier transform maps the image from spatial domain to the frequency domain but I cannot make much sense from the graph.
Note: I am unable to upload the images directly here, as at the moment of asking the question, I am getting an upload error.
I don't think that you really need fftfreq to look for frequency-domain information in images, but I'll try to explain it anyway.
fftfreq is used to calculate the frequencies that correspond to each bin in an FFT that you calculate. You are using fftfreq to define the x coordinates on your graph.
fftfreq has two arguments: one mandatory, one optional. The mandatory first argument is an integer, the window length you used to calculate an FFT. You will have the same number of frequency bins in the FFT as you had samples in the window. The optional second argument is the time period per window. If you don't specify it, the default is a period of 1. I don't know whether a sample rate is a meaningful quantity for an image, so I can understand you not specifying it. Maybe you want to give the period in pixels? It's up to you.
Your FFT's frequency bins start at the negative Nyquist frequency, which is half the sample rate (default = -0.5), or a little higher; and it ends at the positive Nyquist frequency (+0.5), or a little lower.
The fftfreq function returns the frequencies in a funny order though. The zero frequency is always the zeroth element. The frequencies count up to the maximum positive frequency, and then flip to the maximum negative frequency and count upwards towards zero. The reason for this strange ordering is that if you're doing FFT's with real-valued data (you are, image pixels do not have complex values), the negative frequency data is exactly equal to the corresponding positive frequency data and is redundant. This ordering makes it easy to throw the negative frequencies away: just take the first half of the array. Since you aren't doing that, you're plotting the negative frequencies too. If you should choose to ignore the second half of the array, the negative frequencies will be removed.
As for the strong spike that you see at the zero frequency in your image, this is probably because your image data is RGB values which range from 0 to 255. There's a huge "DC offset" in your data. It looks like you're using Matplotlib. If you are plotting in an interactive window, you can use the zoom rectangle to look at that horizontal line. If you push the DC offset off scale, setting the Y axis scale to perhaps ±500, I bet you will start to see that the horizontal line isn't exactly horizontal after all.
Once you know which bin contains your DC offset, if you don't want to see it, you can just assign the value of the fft in that bin to zero. Then the graph will scale automatically.
By the way, these two lines of code perform identical calculations, so you aren't actually taking the sine and cosine components like your text says:
real_row_bw = image_fft[np.ceil(image.shape[0]/2).astype(np.int),0:image.shape[1]]
imag_row_bw = image_fft[np.ceil(image.shape[0]/2).astype(np.int),0:image.shape[1]]
And one last thing: to sum the sine and cosine components properly (once you have them), since they're at right angles, you need to use a vector sum rather than a scalar sum. Look at the function numpy.linalg.norm.
I have two time series of 3D accelerometer data that have different time bases (clocks started at different times, with some very slight creep during the sampling time), as well as containing many gaps of different size (due to delays associated with writing to separate flash devices).
The accelerometers I'm using are the inexpensive GCDC X250-2. I'm running the accelerometers at their highest gain, so the data has a significant noise floor.
The time series each have about 2 million data points (over an hour at 512 samples/sec), and contain about 500 events of interest, where a typical event spans 100-150 samples (200-300 ms each). Many of these events are affected by data outages during flash writes.
So, the data isn't pristine, and isn't even very pretty. But my eyeball inspection shows it clearly contains the information I'm interested in. (I can post plots, if needed.)
The accelerometers are in similar environments but are only moderately coupled, meaning that I can tell by eye which events match from each accelerometer, but I have been unsuccessful so far doing so in software. Due to physical limitations, the devices are also mounted in different orientations, where the axes don't match, but they are as close to orthogonal as I could make them. So, for example, for 3-axis accelerometers A & B, +Ax maps to -By (up-down), +Az maps to -Bx (left-right), and +Ay maps to -Bz (front-back).
My initial goal is to correlate shock events on the vertical axis, though I would eventually like to a) automatically discover the axis mapping, b) correlate activity on the mapped aces, and c) extract behavior differences between the two accelerometers (such as twisting or flexing).
The nature of the times series data makes Python's numpy.correlate() unusable. I've also looked at R's Zoo package, but have made no headway with it. I've looked to different fields of signal analysis for help, but I've made no progress.
Anyone have any clues for what I can do, or approaches I should research?
Update 28 Feb 2011: Added some plots here showing examples of the data.
My interpretation of your question: Given two very long, noisy time series, find a shift of one that matches large 'bumps' in one signal to large bumps in the other signal.
My suggestion: interpolate the data so it's uniformly spaced, rectify and smooth the data (assuming the phase of the fast oscillations is uninteresting), and do a one-point-at-a-time cross correlation (assuming a small shift will line up the data).
import numpy
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
sig1 and sig 2 are assumed to be large, 1D numpy arrays
sig1 is sampled at times t1, sig2 is sampled at times t2
t_start, t_end, is your desired sampling interval
t_len is your desired number of measurements
t = numpy.linspace(t_start, t_end, t_len)
sig1 = numpy.interp(t, t1, sig1)
sig2 = numpy.interp(t, t2, sig2)
#Now sig1 and sig2 are sampled at the same points.
Rectify and smooth, so 'peaks' will stand out.
This makes big assumptions about your data;
these assumptions seem true-ish based on your plots.
sigma = 10 #Tune this parameter to get the right smoothing
sig1, sig2 = abs(sig1), abs(sig2)
sig1, sig2 = gaussian_filter(sig1, sigma), gaussian_filter(sig2, sigma)
Now sig1 and sig2 should look smoothly varying, with humps at each 'event'.
Hopefully we can search a small range of shifts to find the maximum of the
cross-correlation. This assumes your data are *nearly* lined up already.
max_xc = 0
best_shift = 0
for shift in range(-10, 10): #Tune this search range
xc = (numpy.roll(sig1, shift) * sig2).sum()
if xc > max_xc:
max_xc = xc
best_shift = shift
print 'Best shift:', best_shift
If best_shift is at the edges of your search range,
you should expand the search range.
If the data contains gaps of unknown sizes that are different in each time series, then I would give up on trying to correlate entire sequences, and instead try cross correlating pairs of short windows on each time series, say overlapping windows twice the length of a typical event (300 samples long). Find potential high cross correlation matches across all possibilities, and then impose a sequential ordering constraint on the potential matches to get sequences of matched windows.
From there you have smaller problems that are easier to analyze.
This isn't a technical answer, but it might help you come up with one:
Convert the plot to an image, and stick it into a decent image program like gimp or photoshop
break the plots into discrete images whenever there's a gap
put the first series of plots in a horizontal line
put the second series in a horizontal line right underneath it
visually identify the first correlated event
if the two events are not lined up vertically:
select whichever instance is further to the left and everything to the right of it on that row
drag those things to the right until they line up
This is pretty much how an audio editor works, so you if you converted it into a simple audio format like an uncompressed WAV file, you could manipulate it directly in something like Audacity. (It'll sound horrible, of course, but you'll be able to move the data plots around pretty easily.)
Actually, audacity has a scripting language called nyquist, too, so if you don't need the program to detect the correlations (or you're at least willing to defer that step for the time being) you could probably use some combination of audacity's markers and nyquist to automate the alignment and export the clean data in your format of choice once you tag the correlation points.
My guess is, you'll have to manually build an offset table that aligns the "matches" between the series. Below is an example of a way to get those matches. The idea is to shift the data left-right until it lines up and then adjust the scale until it "matches". Give it a try.
#Generate the x1 and x2 data
n1 <- rnorm(500)
n2 <- rnorm(200)
x1 <- c(n1, rep(0,100), n2, rep(0,150))
x2 <- c(rep(0,50), 2*n1, rep(0,150), 3*n2, rep(0,50))
#Build the panel function that will draw/update the graph
lvm.draw <- function(panel) {
plot(x=(1:length(panel$dat3))+panel$off, y=panel$dat3, ylim=panel$dat1, xlab="", ylab="y", main=paste("Alignment Graph Offset = ", panel$off, " Scale = ", panel$sca, sep=""), typ="l")
lines(x=1:length(panel$dat3), y=panel$sca*panel$dat4, col="red")
#Build the panel
xlimdat <- c(1, length(x1))
ylimdat <- c(-5, 5)
panel <- rp.control(title = "Eye-Ball-It", dat1=ylimdat, dat2=xlimdat, dat3=x1, dat4=x2, off=100, sca=1.0, size=c(300, 160))
rp.slider(panel, var=off, from=-500, to=500, action=lvm.draw, title="Offset", pos=c(5, 5, 290, 70), showvalue=TRUE)
rp.slider(panel, var=sca, from=0, to=2, action=lvm.draw, title="Scale", pos=c(5, 70, 290, 90), showvalue=TRUE)
It sounds like you want to minimize the function (Ax'+By) + (Az'+Bx) + (Ay'+Bz) for a pair of values: Namely, the time-offset: t0 and a time scale factor: tr. where Ax' = tr*(Ax + t0), etc..
I would look into SciPy's bivariate optimize functions. And I would use a mask or temporarily zero the data (both Ax' and By for example) over the "gaps" (assuming the gaps can be programmatically determined).
To make the process more efficient, start with a coarse sampling of A and B, but set the precision in fmin (or whatever optimizer you've selected) that is commensurate with your sampling. Then proceed with progressively finer-sampled windows of the full dataset until your windows are narrow and are not down-sampled.
Edit - matching axes
Regarding the issue of trying to identify which axis is co-linear with a given axis, and not knowing at thing about the characteristics of your data, i can point towards a similar question. Look into pHash or any of the other methods outlined in this post to help identify similar waveforms.
I have been working on a program where I need to slowly and smoothly change the pitch of a sine wave from one pitch to another. I am able to get an array of the frequency the pitch should be at any given moment (for instance, [440, 526.5, 634.2 794.8, 880], though much, much longer) but it seems I am unable to actually apply that frequency to a wave. My best attempt is:
where "freq" is the array of frequencies and x is an enumeration array ([0,1, 2, 3, 4...]). This method sort of works, however it makes the frequency go above the expected frequency, and then back down. I have been working on this problem for a very long time and have been unable to make any progress on finding a more appropriate method. Any advice? Was I clear enough in expressing my dilemma?
Thank you.
The issue is that as you ramp through the frequencies, each frequency effectively has a different phase for the given time. When you scroll through these phases quickly and continuously, they drive the sine wave at higher frequency (or lower is also possible).
Imagine, for example, that you changed the frequency instantaneously -- to do this you'd have to supply the phase correction p_1 = p_0 + 2*pi*t*(f_0-f_1) to make the phases match up at time t. As you do this is little steps, you also have to make a similar phase correction, with each phase correction adding to the previous.
Here's the resulting figure, with the code below. The top figure is the frequency the middle is without the phase correction, and the bottom has the continuously corrected phase.
from pylab import *
sample_rate = .001
f0, f1 = 10, 20
t_change = 2
times = arange(0, 4, sample_rate)
ramp = 1./(1+exp(-6.*(times-t_change)))
freq = f0*(1-ramp)+f1*ramp
phase_correction = add.accumulate(times*concatenate((zeros(1), 2*pi*(freq[:-1]-freq[1:]))))
plot(times, freq)
plot(times, sin(2*pi*freq*times))
plot(times, sin(2*pi*freq*times+phase_correction))
I like to think of frequency as the rate at which you are stepping through your sound sample - in this case a sine wave. Here's an attempt at some Python code to do what you want. We assume that the freq() method gives frequency as a function of time. For your purposes, it will be some kind of exponential. We are trying to fill a pre-allocated list called wave.
index = 0
t = 0
while t < len(wave):
wave[t] = math.sin(2*math.pi*index/sample_rate)
t = t+1
index = index + freq(t/sample_rate)
Excuse my Python, I'm still learning the language.