I have an app that is meant to integrate with third-party apps. These apps should be able to trigger a function when data changes.
The way I was envisioning this, I would use a node function to safely prepare data for the third parties, and get the url to call from the app's configuration on firestore. I would call that url from the node function, and wait for it to return, updating results as necessary (actually, triggering a push notification). -- these third-party functions would tend to be python functions, so my demo should be in python.
I have the initial node function and firestore setup so that I am currently triggering a ECONNREFUSED -- because I don't know how to set up the third-party function.
Let's say this is the function I need to trigger:
def hello_world(request):
request_json = request.get_json()
if request_json and 'name' in request_json:
name = request_json['name']
name = 'World'
return 'Hello, {}!\n'.format(name)
Do I need to set up a separate gcloud account to host this function, or can I include it in my firestore functions? If so, how do I deploy this to firestore? Typically with my node functions, I am running firebase deploy and it automagically finds my functions from my index.js file.
If you're asking whether Cloud Functions that are triggered by Cloud Firestore can co-exist in a project with Cloud Functions that are triggered by HTTP(S) requests, then the answer is "yes they can". There is no need to set up a separate (Firebase or Cloud) project for each function type.
However: when you deploy your Cloud Functions through the Firebase CLI with firebase deploy, it will remove any functions that it finds in the project, that are not in the code. If you have functions both in Python and in Node.js, there is never a single codebase that contains both, so a blanket deploy would always delete some of your functions. So in that case, you should use the granular deploy option of the Firebase CLI.
I have a API Gateway that calls a Cloud Function..
I want to create a config file to 3 routes:
My problem is that I would like to use the same Cloud Function wrote in Python to deal with each scenario since it's just a function to get the data and write in BigQuery, in the end my need is just to know if the data is from user, client or order to switch correctly the insert target load.
Today I am using 3 different cloud functions for each path in the API spec.
I'm building a flask server in python with Cloud Run, for a chatbot to call.
Sometimes if user wants to do something with the chatbot, the bot need ask the user to login to a 3rd party server before doing the things.
I have two routes:
Route 1 is "/login", it returns a simple iframe which will open a login page in a 3rd party server, generate a "session_id", and save some info I already get to a global variable dict called "runtimes" with the "session_id" as key, so that I can use it later when visitor successfully logged in.
Route 2 is "/callback/<session_id>". After user successfully login to its account, the 3rd party server will call this route with a token in url parameters. Then I will use the "session_id" to read the saved info from "runtimes", and do later things.
It works well in my local machine. But in Google Cloud Run, because it support multiple instances, sometimes it will trigger a new instance when server calls "callback", so it cannot get the "runtime" because they are in different instances.
I know that I can save the runtimes dict to a database to solve this problem, but it looks too overkill...Just not seem right.
Is there any easy way that I can make the "runtimes" be shared between instances?
The solution here is to use a central point of storage: database, memorystore, firestore,... something out of Cloud Run itself.
You can also try the Cloud Run execution runtime v2 that allow you to mount a network disk, such as Cloud Storage or Filestore. You can imagine to store the session data in a file which has the name of the session ID.
Note: On Cloud Run side, something is cooking, but it's not 100% safe, it will be a best effort. A database backup will be required even with that new feature
I am trying to deploy a rest api in cloud run where one endpoint launches an async job. The job is defined inside a function in the code.
It seems one way to do it is to use Cloud Task, but this would mean to make a self-call to another endpoint of the deployed api. Specifically, to create an auxiliary endpoint that contains the job code (e.g. /run-my-function) and another one to set the queue to cloud task that launches the /run-my-function?
Is this the right way to do it or I have misunderstand something? In case it's the right way how to specify the url of the /run-my-function endpoint without explicitly hard-code the cloud run deployed uRL name?
The code for the endpoint that launches the endpoint with the run-my-function code would be:
from google.cloud import tasks_v2
client = tasks_v2.CloudTasksClient()
project = 'myproject'
queue = 'myqueue'
location = 'mylocation'
url = 'https://cloudrunservice-abcdefg-ca.b.run.app/run-my-function'
service_account_email = '12345#cloudbuild.gserviceaccount.com'
parent = client.queue_path(project, location, queue)
task = {
"http_request": {
"http_method": tasks_v2.HttpMethod.POST,
'url': url,
"oidc_token": {"service_account_email": service_account_email},
response = client.create_task(parent=parent, task=task)
However, this requires to hard-code the service name https://cloudrunservice-abcdefg-ca.b.run.app and to define an auxiliary endpoint /run-my-function that can be called via http
In your code you are able to get the Cloud Run URL without hardcoding it or setting it in an environment variable.
You can have a look to a previous article that I wrote, in the gracefull termison part. I provide a working code in Go, not so difficult to re-implement in Python.
Here the principle:
Get the Region and the project Number from the Metadata server. Keep in mind that Cloud Run has specific metadata like the region
Get the K_SERVICE env var (it's a standard Cloud Run env var)
Perform a call to the Cloud Run Rest API to get the service detail and customize the request with the data got previously
Extract the status.url JSON entry from the response.
Now you have it!
Let me know if you have difficulties to achieve that. I'm not good at Python, but I will be able to write that piece of code!
I am in the process of writing a Cloud Function for Firebase via the Python option. I am interested in Firebase Realtime Database Triggers; in other words I am willing to listen to events that happen in my Realtime Database.
The Python environment provides the following signature for handling Realtime Database triggers:
def handleEvent(data, context):
# Triggered by a change to a Firebase RTDB reference.
# Args:
# data (dict): The event payload.
# context (google.cloud.functions.Context): Metadata for the event.
This is looking good. The data parameter provides 2 dictionaries; 'data' for notifying the data before the change and 'delta' for the changed bits.
The confusion kicks in when comparing this signature with the Node.js environment. Here is a similar signature from theNode.js world:
exports.handleEvent = functions.database.ref('/path/{objectId}/').onWrite((change, context) => {}
In this signature, the change parameter is pretty powerful and it seems to be of type firebase.database.DataSnapshot. It has nice helper methods such as hasChild() or numChildren() that provide information about the changed object.
The question is: Does Python environment have a similar DataSnapshot object? With Python, do I have to query the database to get the number of children for example? It really isn't clear what Python environment can and can't do.
Related API/Reference/Documentation:
Firebase Realtime DB Triggers: https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/calling/realtime-database
DataSnapshot Reference: https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.database.DataSnapshot
The python runtime currently doesn't have a similar object structure. The firebase-functions SDK is actually doing a lot of work for you in creating objects that are easy to consume. Nothing similar is happening in the python environment. You are essentially getting a pretty raw view at the payload of data contained by the event that triggered your function.
If you write Realtime Database triggers for node, not using the Firebase SDK, it will be a similar situation. You'll get a really basic object with properties similar to the python dictionary.
This is the reason why use of firebase-functions along with the Firebase SDK is the preferred environment for writing triggers from Firebase products. The developer experience is superior: it does a bunch of convenient work for you. The downside is that you have to pay for the cost of the Firebase Admin SDK to load and initialize on cold start.
Note that might be possible for you to parse the event and create your own convenience objects using the Firebase Admin SDK for python.
I am new to Flask.
I have a public api, call it api.example.com.
def api():
name = request.args.get('name')
return jsonify({'address':'100 Main'})
I am building an app on top of my public api (call it www.coolapp.com), so in another app I have:
def index():
params = {'name':'Fred'}
r = requests.get('http://api.example.com', params=params)
return render_template('really_cool.jinja2',address=r.text)
Both api.example.com and www.coolapp.com are hosted on the same server. It seems inefficient the way I have it (hitting the http server when I could access the api directly). Is there a more efficient way for coolapp to access the api and still be able to pass in the params that api needs?
Ultimately, with an API powered system, it's best to hit the API because:
It's user testing the API (even though you're the user, it's what others still access);
You can then scale easily - put a pool of API boxes behind a load balancer if you get big.
However, if you're developing on the same box you could make a virtual server that listens on localhost on a random port (1982) and then forwards all traffic to your api code.
To make this easier I'd abstract the API_URL into a setting in your settings.py (or whatever you are loading in to Flask) and use:
r = requests.get(app.config['API_URL'], params=params)
This will allow you to make a single change if you find using this localhost method isn't for you or you have to move off one box.
Looking at your comments you are hoping to hit the Python function directly. I don't recommend doing this (for the reasons above - using the API itself is better). I can also see an issue if you did want to do this.
First of all we have to make sure the api package is in your PYTHONPATH. Easy to do, especially if you're using virtualenvs.
We from api import views and replace our code to have r = views.api() so that it calls our api() function.
Our api() function will fail for a couple of reasons:
It uses the flask.request to extract the GET arg 'name'. Because we haven't made a request with the flask WSGI we will not have a request to use.
Even if we did manage to pass the request from the front end through to the API the second problem we have is using the jsonify({'address':'100 Main'}). This returns a Response object with an application type set for JSON (not just the JSON itself).
You would have to completely rewrite your function to take into account the Response object and handle it correctly. A real pain if you do decide to go back to an API system again...
Depending on how you structure your code, your database access, and your functions, you can simply turn the other app into package, import the relevant modules and call the functions directly.
You can find more information on modules and packages here.
Please note that, as Ewan mentioned, there's some advantages to using the API. I would advise you to use requests until you actually need faster requests (this is probably premature optimization).
Another idea that might be worth considering, depending on your particular code, is creating a library that is used by both applications.