python3 running old version of script - python

I've changed a script by commenting out a section and adding some print statements above it for testing purposes, the problem is when I run the script from any other directory than the one it's in, python is running the old version of the script.
Clearing __pycache__ had no effect.
Here's the python script in question:
import discord
import watson
import configparser
import os
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from getpass import getuser
#if(not os.path.isfile("./config.ini")):
# print("No config file found, make sure you have one in the same directory as this python script\nexiting")
# quit()
config = configparser.ConfigParser()"./config.ini")
BOT_PREFIX = ("!", "$")
client = Bot(command_prefix=BOT_PREFIX)
description="When uploading image include command \"!memealyze\" | \"!Memealyze\" | \"!MemeAlyze\" | \"!ma\" as a comment",
brief="Neural network put to good use",
aliases=["Memealyze", "MemeAlyze", "ma"],
async def GetMemeContents(context):
await client.say("Sending image to the mothership, hold tight.")
if(not context.message.attachments):
await client.say(
"Couldn't find image attachement. Make sure you include \"!memealyze\" or any of it's variants as a comment when submitting an image")
imageUrl = str(context.message.attachments[0]["url"])
messageContent = ""
resultDict = watson.ReturnWatsonResults(imageUrl)
for key,val in resultDict.items():
messageContent += "{} : {}%\n".format(key, val)
await client.say("Done, the boys at IBM said they found this:\n" + messageContent)
And here's the issue:
yugnut#RyzenBuild:~$ python3 discordBotStaging/
No config file found, make sure you have one in the same directory as this python script
yugnut#RyzenBuild:~/discordBotStaging$ python3
#ShadowRanger suggestions:
Try moving the print above all the imports in your script.
This yields promising results, I do get output by trying this but right after that I still run into the same issue
You can't use relative paths like that if the config file is expected to be in the same directory as the script; you have to do, 'config.ini'))
I think my ignorance is showing :^), I changed this in my script as well
After making these edits along with trying to run the script after commenting out my import configparser line I still get the same error.


PyObjc/AppKit - launch Mac app without stealing focus

I'm not sure if what I want to do is possible. I'm using PyObjc and the iTerm2 API to create a split and send some text. Works great, but I'd like it to not steal focus if the user is doing something else; i.e. don't put iTerm in the foreground if it's not there, already.
What I have, now (also my first ever Python program - be kind):
#!/usr/bin/env python3
'''Upgrade Homebew Casks in a new iTerm2 vertical split'''
import os
import iterm2
import osascript
import AppKit
def get_term_cookie():
Launch iTerm and get a security token.
Get a token from iTerm and store in $ITERM_COOKIE env variable.
This is required to run iterm API's without a "Do you really trust this program?"
dialog box from being presented.
iterm = AppKit.NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().launchApplication_("iTerm")
if not iterm:
print("Failed to launch iTerm2")
return False
ret_code,os.environ["ITERM2_COOKIE"],err = ('tell application "iTerm2" to request cookie'))
if os.environ["ITERM2_COOKIE"]:
return True
print("Failed to get a cookie from iTerm")
print("ret_code: " + ret_code)
print ("err: " + err)
return False
async def upgrade_brew_casks(connection):
'''Connect to iTerm2 and upgrade brew casks.'''
# get a connection to iTerm app
app = await iterm2.async_get_app(connection)
# get the current session and make a new vertical split
active_session = app.current_terminal_window.current_tab.current_session
await active_session.async_split_pane(vertical=True)
# run the cask upgrade in the new split
new_session = app.current_terminal_window.current_tab.current_session
await new_session.async_send_text('brew cu -ay --no-brew-update\n')
# return focus to the original split
await active_session.async_activate()
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
if get_term_cookie():
# Passing True for the second parameter means keep trying to
# connect until the app launches.
iterm2.run_until_complete(upgrade_brew_casks, True)

import python module when launching from VBA

It is the first time I write as I really didn't find any solution to my issue.
I want to allow my user to launch some Python program from Excel.
So i have this VBA code at some point:
lg_ErrorCode = wsh.Run(str_PythonPath & " " & str_PythonArg, 1, bl_StopVBwhilePython)
If lg_ErrorCode <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Couldn't run python script! " _
+ vbCrLf + CStr(lg_ErrorCode)
Run_Python = False
End If
str_PythonPath = "C:\Python34\python.exe C:\Users\XXXX\Documents\4_Python\Scan_FTP\"
str_PythonArg = "arg1 arg2"
After multiple testing, the row in error in Python is when I try to import another module (I precise that this VBA code is working without the below row in Python):
import fct_Ftp as ftp
The architecture of the module is as follow:
-folder: Scan_FTP
- file: (The one launch from VBA)
(For information, I change the architecture of the file, and try to copy the file at some other position just to test without success)
The import has no problem when I launch directly with:
import sys, os
But from VBA, this import is not working.
So I figured out this more generic solution, that dont work as well from Excel/VBA
import sys, os
def m_importingFunction():
str_absPath = os.path.abspath('')
str_absPathDad = os.path.dirname(str_absPath)
l_absPathSons = [os.path.abspath(x[0]) for x in os.walk('.')]
l_Dir = l_absPathSons + [str_absPathDad]
l_DirPy = [Dir for Dir in l_Dir if 'Python' in Dir]
for Dir in l_DirPy:
import fct_Ftp as ftp
# ftp = __import__ ("fct_Ftp")
write += 'YAAAA' # write a file YAAAA from Python
write += 'NOOOOOO' # write a file NOOOOO from VBA
f= open(write + ".txt","w+")
Can you please help me as it is a very tricky questions ?
Many thanks to you guys.
You are able to start your program from the command line?
Why not create a batch file with excel which you then start in a shell?

pyinstaller Error starting service: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

I have been searching since a couple of days for a solution without success.
We have a windows service build to copy some files from one location to another one.
So I build the code shown below with Python 3.7.
The full coding can be found on Github.
When I run the service using python all is working fine, I can install the service and also start the service.
This using commands:
Install the service:
python install
Run the service:
python start
When I now compile this code using pyinstaller with command:
pyinstaller -F --hidden-import=win32timezone
After the exe is created, I can install the service but when trying to start the service I get the error:
Error starting service: The service did not respond to the start or
control request in a timely fashion
I have gone through multiple posts on Stackoverflow and on Google related to this error however, without success. I don't have the option to install the python 3.7 programs on the PC's that would need to run this service. That's why we are trying to get a .exe build.
I have made sure to have the path updated according to the information that I found in the different questions.
Image of path definitions:
I also copied the pywintypes37.dll file.
From -> Python37\Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32
To -> Python37\Lib\site-packages\win32
Does anyone have any other suggestions on how to get this working?
Windows service to copy a file from one location to another
at a certain interval.
import sys
import time
from distutils.dir_util import copy_tree
import servicemanager
import win32serviceutil
import win32service
from HelperModules.CheckFileExistance import check_folder_exists, create_folder
from HelperModules.ReadConfig import (check_config_file_exists,
create_config_file, read_config_file)
from ServiceBaseClass.SMWinService import SMWinservice
sys.path += ['filecopy_service/ServiceBaseClass',
class Jis53Backup(SMWinservice):
_svc_name_ = "Jis53Backup"
_svc_display_name_ = "JIS53 backup copy"
_svc_description_ = "Service to copy files from server to local drive"
def start(self):
self.conf = read_config_file()
if not check_folder_exists(self.conf['dest']):
self.isrunning = True
def stop(self):
self.isrunning = False
def main(self):
while self.isrunning:
# Copy the files from the server to a local folder
# TODO: build function to trigger only when a file is changed.
copy_tree(self.conf['origin'], self.conf['dest'], update=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
if sys.argv[1] == 'install':
if not check_config_file_exists():
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
I was also facing this issue after compiling using pyinstaller. For me, the issue was that I was using the paths to configs and logs file in dynamic way, for ex:
curr_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
configs_path = os.path.join(curr_path, 'configs', 'app_config.json')
opc_configs_path = os.path.join(curr_path, 'configs', 'opc.json')
log_file_path = os.path.join(curr_path, 'logs', 'application.log')
This was working fine when I was starting the service using python install/start. But after compiling it using pyinstaller, it always gave me error of not starting in timely fashion.
To resolve this, I made all the dynamic paths to static, for ex:
configs_path = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ScantechOPC\\configs\\app_config.json'
opc_configs_path = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ScantechOPC\\configs\\opc.json'
debug_file = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\ScantechOPC\\logs\\application.log'
After compiling via pyinstaller, it is now working fine without any error. Looks like when we do dynamic path, it doesn't get the actual path to files and thus it gives error.
Hope this solves your problem too. Thanks

Updating database after exporting to EXE

I am exporting a script I have made in Python that sends commands to IP Addresses of projectors to shut them down. The functionality of the code works, and the projectors will shut down. The list of projectors is stored in a dictionary in a different file to the script to allow it to be edited and accessed by other scripts.
Once I export my script to an exe using Pyinstaller v3.3.1 for Python 3.5.1, the .exe file no longer updates from the .py file that contains the dictionary, and instead has a version already stored in memory that I cannot update.
How can I make the executable file still read from the dictionary and update every time it is run?
Code: (reduced for security, but format shown).
projectors = {
'1': ''
Script that performs shutdown
from pypjlink import Projector
from file3 import projectors
for item in projectors:
myProjector = Projector.from_address(projectors[item])
myProjector.authenticate('PASSWORD REMOVED FOR SECURITY')
state = myProjector.get_power()
if state == 'on':
print('Successfully powered off: ', item)
print('The projector in ', item, ', raised an error, shutdown
may not have occurred')
print(item, 'did not respond to state request, it is likely powered
off at the wall.')
As you noticed, once an exe is made, you can't update it. A workaround for a problem like this is ask for the location of in your code-
from pypjlink import Projector
projector_location = input('Enter projector file location')
with open(projector_location) as f:
for line in f:
# extract data from f
For applications like these, it's a good idea to take a configuration file(.ini) and python has Configparser to read from config files. You could create your config file as -
1 = ''
2 = '' # ..and so on
And read projectors from this file with Configparser -
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
projectors = config['PROJECTORS']
for k, v in projectors.items():
# your code here

How to compile multiple subprocess python files into single .exe file using pyinstaller

I have a similar question to this one:Similar Question.
I have a GUI and where the user can input information and the other scripts use some of that information to run.I have 4 different scripts for each button. I run them as a subprocess so that the main gui doesn’t act up or say that it’s not responding. This is an example of what I have since the code is really long since I used PAGE to generate the gui.
import subprocess
def resource_path(relative_path):
#I got this from another post to include images but I'm also using it to include the scripts"
# PyInstaller creates a temp folder and stores path in _MEIPASS
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
except Exception:
base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
Class aclass:
def get_info(self):
global ModelNumber, Serial,SpecFile,dateprint,Oper,outputfolder
SpecFile= self.Spec_File.get()
return ModelNumber,Serial,SpecFile,outputfolder
def First(self):
aclass.get_info(self) #Where I use the resource path function
First_proc = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, resource_path(''),str(ModelNumber),str(Serial),str(path),str(outputfolder)])
import numpy as np
import scipy
from main import aclass
ModelNumber = sys.argv[1]
Serial = sys.argv[2]
path = sys.argv[3]
path_save = sys.argv[4]
and this goes on for my second,third, and fourth scripts.
In my spec file, I added:
a.datas +=[('','C\\path\\to\\script\\','DATA')]
a.datas +=[('','C\\path\\to\\script\\','DATA')]
this compiles and it works, but when I try to convert it to an .exe, it crashes because it can't import properly and its own libraries (numpy,scipy....etc). I've tried adding it to the a.datas, and runtime_hooks=[''] in the spec file...and I can't get it to work. Any ideas? I'm not sure if it's giving me this error because it is a subprocess.
Assuming you can't restructure your app so this isn't necessary (e.g., by using multiprocessing instead of subprocess), there are three solutions:
Ensure that the .exe contains the scripts as an (executable) zipfile—or just use pkg_resources—and copy the script out to a temporary directory so you can run it from there.
Write a multi-entrypoint wrapper script that can be run as your main program, and also run as each script—because, while you can't run a script out of the packed exe, you can import a module out of it.
Using pkg_resources again, write a wrapper that runs the script by loading it as a string and running it with exec instead.
The second one is probably the cleanest, but it is a bit of work. And, while we could rely on setuptools entrypoints to some of the work, trying to explain how to do this is much harder than explaining how to do it manually,1 so I'm going to do the latter.
Let's say your code looked like this:
import subprocess
import sys
spam, eggs = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2][sys.executable, '', spam])[sys.executable, '', spam, eggs])
import sys
print(' '.join(['spam'] * int(sys.argv[1])))
import sys
import time
spam, eggs = int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2]))
if eggs > spam:
print("You can't have more eggs than spam!")
raise Exception("This sketch is getting too silly!")
So, you run it like this:
$ python3 3 4
spam spam spam
You can't have more eggs than spam!
We want to reorganize it so there's a script that looks at the command-line arguments to decide what to import. Here's the smallest change to do that:
import subprocess
import sys
if sys.argv[1][:2] == '--':
script = sys.argv[1][2:]
if script == 'vikings':
import vikings*sys.argv[2:])
elif script == 'waitress':
import waitress*sys.argv[2:])
raise Exception(f'Unknown script {script}')
spam, eggs = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2][sys.executable, __file__, '--vikings', spam])[sys.executable, __file__, '--waitress', spam, eggs])
def run(spam):
print(' '.join(['spam'] * int(spam)))
import sys
import time
def run(spam, eggs):
spam, eggs = int(spam), int(eggs)
if eggs > spam:
print("You can't have more eggs than spam!")
raise Exception("This sketch is getting too silly!")
And now:
$ python3 3 4
spam spam spam
You can't have more eggs than spam!
A few changes you might want to consider in real life:
DRY: We have the same three lines of code copied and pasted for each script, and we have to type each script name three times. You can just use something like __import__(sys.argv[1][2:]).run(sys.argv[2:]) with appropriate error handling.
Use argparse instead of this hacky special casing for the first argument. If you're already sending non-trivial arguments to the scripts, you're probably already using argparse or an alternative anyway.
Add an if __name__ == '__main__': block to each script that just calls run(sys.argv[1:]), so that during development you can still run the scripts directly to test them.
I didn't do any of these because they'd obscure the idea for this trivial example.
1 The documentation is great as a refresher if you've already done it, but as a tutorial and explanatory rationale, not so much. And trying to write the tutorial that the brilliant PyPA guys haven't been able to come up with for years… that's probably beyond the scope of an SO answer.

