I have a Flask application running at backend, and delivering some data to a client Web application through some endpoints. E.g.
#app.route('/extract_entities_from_matching_docs', methods=['POST'])
def extract_entities_from_matching_docs():
data = request.form
entities = storage.get_entities_in_docs_by_keywords(data[“keywords”])
return jsonify(entities)
This is just an example, but the thing is sometimes, these kinds of methods take too much time to process, and the user may want to cancel the processing from the client (e.g. imagine you have a “Cancel” button on the client).
My question is: how can I cancel a running process at backend from the frontend? I thought that I may include a flag in the loops, so if the flag is set to true it continues looping and processing, otherwise, it just returns. But the problem with such a simple alternative is: what if the client just closes the browser’s tab? The process will continue running at the backend with no reason to do it. Maybe by posting to another flag from the client every x minutes, to make the backend know that there is a client waiting for the response. But maybe there is a more elegant solution that I'm ignoring.
I’m not really into the backend, but I need to solve this. So, can you suggest me any other alternative? Something to read? Or do you know if is there any good practice to face this?
What you want is not easily possible. Generally the solution is to not bother and keep the request running in the background and just live with it. In the end most requests will probably not be "cancelled" and thus the overhead for developing this kind of solution outweighs the minor benefits.
If your tasks are really long-running (and with that I mean minutes or even much more), then you should off-load them to something like Celery tasks. In that case, you can keep a reference to the task ID and revoke it (passing terminate=True should deal with an already-running task as well).
I need your opinion on a challenge that I'm facing. I'm building a website that uses Django as a backend, PostgreSQL as my DB, GraphQL as my API layer and React as my frontend framework. Website is hosted on Heroku. I wrote a python script that logs me in to my gmail account and parse few emails, based on pre-defined conditions, and store the parsed data into Google Sheet. Now, I want the script to be part of my website in which user will specify what exactly need to be parsed (i.e. filters) and then display the parsed data in a table to review accuracy of the parsing task.
The part that I need some help with is how to architect such workflow. Below are few ideas that I managed to come up with after some googling:
generate a graphQL mutation that stores a 'task' into a task model. Once a new task entry is stored, a Django Signal will trigger the script. Not sure yet if Signal can run custom python functions, but from what i read so far, it seems doable.
Use Celery to run this task asynchronously. But i'm not sure if asynchronous tasks is what i'm after here as I need this task to run immediately after the user trigger the feature from the frontend. But i'm might be wrong here. I'm also not sure if I need Redis to store the task details or I can do that on PostgreSQL.
What is the best practice in implementing this feature? The task can be anything, not necessarily parsing emails; it can also be importing data from excel. Any task that is user generated rather than scheduled or repeated task.
I'm sorry in advance if this question seems trivial to some of you. I'm not a professional developer and the above project is a way for me to sharpen my technical skills and learn new techniques.
Looking forward to learn from your experiences.
You can dissect your problem into the following steps:
User specifies task parameters
System executes task
System displays result to the User
You can either do all of these:
Sequentially and synchronously in one swoop; or
Step by step asynchronously.
You can run your script when generating a response, but it will come with the following downsides:
The process in the server processing your request will block until the script is finished. This may or may not affect the processing of other requests by that same server (this will depend on the number of simultaneous requests being processed, workload of the script, etc.)
The client (e.g. your browser) and even the server might time out if the script takes too long. You can fix this to some extent by configuring your server appropriately.
The beauty of this approach however is it's simplicity. For you to do this, you can just pass the parameters through the request, server parses and does the script, then returns you the result.
No setting up of a message queue, task scheduler, or whatever needed.
Ideally though, for long-running tasks, it is best to have this executed outside of the usual request-response loop for the following advantages:
The server responding to the requests can actually serve other requests.
Some scripts can take a while, some you don't even know if it's going to finish
Script is no longer dependent on the reliability of the network (imagine running an expensive task, then your internet connection skips or is just plain intermittent; you won't be able to do anything)
The downside of this is now you have to set more things up, which increases the project's complexity and points of failure.
Whatever you choose, it's usually best to follow the producer-consumer pattern:
Producer creates tasks and puts them in a queue
Consumer takes a task from the queue and executes it
The producer is basically you, the user. You specify the task and the parameters involved in that task.
This queue could be any datastore: in-memory datastore like Redis; a messaging queue like RabbitMQ; or an relational database management system like PostgreSQL.
The consumer is your script executing these tasks. There are multiple ways of running the consumer/script: via Celery like you mentioned which runs multiple workers to execute the tasks passed through the queue; via a simple time-based job scheduler like crontab; or even you manually triggering the script
The question is actually not trivial, as the solution depends on what task you are actually trying to do. It is best to evaluate the constraints, parameters, and actual tasks to decide which approach you will choose.
But just to give you a more relevant guideline:
Just keep it simple, unless you have a compelling reason to do so (e.g. server is being bogged down, or internet connection is not reliable in practice), there's really no reason to be fancy.
The more blocking the task is, or the longer the task takes or the more dependent it is to third party APIs via the network, the more it makes sense to push this to a background process add reliability and resiliency.
In your email import script, I'll most likely push that to the background:
Have a page where you can add a task to the database
In the task details page, display the task details, and the result below if it exists or "Processing..." otherwise
Have a script that executes tasks (import emails from gmail given the task parameters) and save the results to the database
Schedule this script to run every few minutes via crontab
Yes the above has side effects, like crontab running the script in multiple times at the same time and such, but I won't go into detail without knowing more about the specifics of the task.
I need to integrate Stripe into a Django project and I noticed that there's a stripe-python package. This runs entirely synchronously though. Is it a bad idea to make these types of call from the main web server? Since it makes external calls, this presumably means the webserver will be blocked while we wait for a response, which seems bad.
So, should I be running this from something like Celery? Or is it fine to run on the main thread? Anyone have experience with this?
Based on a previous project, I think using it synchronously is much better from a design prospective. WIth most payments, you want to keep the user on the page until the payment goes through so they know for certain that there was no issue with the payment and you can handle any issues with the payment right there rather than taking the task from the queue and handling it. If you think about most payments you have done online, these all are happening in the main thread for this reason
I have a Django application that uses large data structures in-memory (due to performance constraints). This wouldn't be a problem, but I'm using Heroku, where if the python web process takes more than 30s to start, it will be stopped as it's considered a timeout error. Because of the problem aforementioned, I've used a daemon process(worker in Heroku) to handle the construction of the data structures and Redis to handle the message passing between processes.
When the worker finishes(approx 1 minute), it stores the data structures(50Mb or so) in Redis.
And now comes the crux of the matter...Django follows the request/response paradigm and it's synchronised. This implies a Django view should exist to handle the callback from the worker announcing it's done. Even if I use something fancier like a pub/sub from Redis, I'm still forced to evaluate the queue populated by a publisher in a view.
How can I circumvent the necessity of using a Django view? Isn't there an async way of doing this?
Below is the solution where I use a pub/sub inside a view. This seems bad, but I can't think of another way.
# data_handler can enqueue tasks on the default queue
data_handler = DataHandler()
strict_redis = redis.from_url(settings.DEFAULT_QUEUE)
pub_sub = strict_redis.pubsub()
# this puts the job of constructing the large data structures
# on the default queue so a worker can pick it up. Being async,
# it returns with an empty set of data structures.
data_structures = data_handler.start()
def store_and_fetch(request):
user_data = json.load(request.body.decode('utf8'))
message = pub_sub.get_message()
if message:
command = message['data'] if 'data' in message else ''
if command == settings.FINISHED_DATA_STRUCTURES_INIT.encode('utf-8'):
# this takes the data from redis and updates data_structures
return HttpResponse(compute_response(user_data, data_structures))
Update: After working for multiple months with this, I can now say it's definitely better(and wiser) NOT to fiddle with Django's request/response cycle. There are things like Django RQ Scheduler, or Celery that can do async tasks just fine. If you want to update the main web process after some repeatable job completed, it's simpler to use something like python requests package, sending a POST to the web process from the worker that did the scheduled job. In this way we don't circumvent Django's mechanisms, and more importantly, it's simpler to do overall.
Regarding the Heroku constraints I mentioned at the beginning of the post. At the moment I wrote this question I was quite a newbie with heroku and didn't know much about the release phase. In the release phase we can set up all the complex logic we need for the main process. Thus, at the end of the release phase, we simply need to notify the web process, in the manner I've described above and use some distributed memory buffer (even Redis will work just fine).
I want the user to be able to click a button to generate a report, show him a generating report animation and then once the report finishes generating, display the word success on the page.
I am thinking of creating a celery task when the generate report button is clicked. What is the best way for me to update the UI once the task is over? Should I constantly be checking via AJAX calls if the task has been completed? Is there a better way or third party notification kind of app in Django that helps with this process?
Edit: I did more research and the only thing I could find is three way data bindings with django-angular and django-websocket-redis. Seems like a little bit of an overkill just for this small feature. I guess without web sockets, the only possible way is going to be constantly polling the backend every x seconds to check if the task has completed. Any more ideas?
Note that polling means you'll be keeping the request and connection open. On web applications with large amount of hits, this will waste a significant amount of resource. However, on smaller websites the open connections may not be such a big deal. Pick a strategy that's easiest to implement now that will allow you to change it later when you actually have performance issues.
Polling is a good and simple solution for this. Avoid adding unnecessary overhead to your site for simple features.
while Result.state == u'PENDING':
#do your stuff
if Result.state == u'SUCCESS':
#something wrong
I'm planning to use Celery to handle sending push notifications and emails triggered by events from my primary server.
These tasks require opening a connection to an external server (GCM, APS, email server, etc). They can be processed one at a time, or handled in bulk with a single connection for much better performance.
Often there will be several instances of these tasks triggered separately in a short period of time. For example, in the space of a minute, there might be several dozen push notifications that need to go out to different users with different messages.
What's the best way of handling this in Celery? It seems like the naïve way is to simply have a different task for each message, but that requires opening a connection for each instance.
I was hoping there would be some sort of task aggregator allowing me to process e.g. 'all outstanding push notification tasks'.
Does such a thing exist? Is there a better way to go about it, for example like appending to an active task group?
Am I missing something?
I recently discovered and have implemented the celery.contrib.batches module in my project. In my opinion it is a nicer solution than Tommaso's answer, because you don't need an extra layer of storage.
Here is an example straight from the docs:
A click counter that flushes the buffer every 100 messages, or every
10 seconds. Does not do anything with the data, but can easily be
modified to store it in a database.
# Flush after 100 messages, or 10 seconds.
#app.task(base=Batches, flush_every=100, flush_interval=10)
def count_click(requests):
from collections import Counter
count = Counter(request.kwargs['url'] for request in requests)
for url, count in count.items():
print('>>> Clicks: {0} -> {1}'.format(url, count))
Be wary though, it works fine for my usage, but it mentions that is an "Experimental task class" in the documentation. This might deter some from using a feature with such a volatile description :)
An easy way to accomplish this is to write all the actions a task should take on a persistent storage (eg. database) and let a periodic job do the actual process in one batch (with a single connection).
Note: make sure you have some locking in place to prevent the queue from being processes twice!
There is a nice example on how to do something similar at kombu level (http://ask.github.com/celery/tutorials/clickcounter.html)
Personally I like the way sentry does something like this to batch increments at db level (sentry.buffers module)