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I'm getting a TypeError. How do I fix it?
(2 answers)
TypeError: 'function' object is not subscriptable - Python
(4 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
I'm working on a tkinter GUI API-based application.
I'm attempting to modularize my code in which each function has a specific task to do and some functions just call other functions.
In my case, I bind the search button to the function, search, whose job is to call other API-based functions, such as full_name.
When I did this, an error is thrown, saying that in search full_name() TypeError: 'Label' object is not callable
what's interesting is that
I see no mention of creating instances of Label classes in full_name()
when I bind the search button to function, full_name(), it works just fine. However, I want to bind it to a function that will call all API-based functions, and so far, it's not working
Here's the code below:
#MER for frames placement through .Grid()
#import necessary modules
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
from tkinter import messagebox
import requests
import json
root = Tk()
root.title("F1 Desktop Application")
#generate 2022 drivers-list [can scale to drivers-list by changing the]
drivers_list_request = requests.get("")
#initialize empty-list
drivers_list = []
drivers_list_object = json.loads(drivers_list_request.content)
for elements in drivers_list_object["MRData"]["DriverTable"]["Drivers"]:
drivers_list.append(elements["givenName"] + " " + elements["familyName"])
top_frame = LabelFrame(root, width = 300, height = 125)
top_frame.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
top_frame.rowconfigure(0, minsize = 75)
top_frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize = 300)
# Update the Entry widget with the selected item in list
def check(e):
v= entry_box.get()
if v=='':
for item in drivers_list:
if v.lower() in item.lower():
def update(data):
# Clear the Combobox
menu.delete(0, END)
# Add values to the combobox
for value in data:
def fillout(event):
#handle a complete deletion of entry-box via cursor double tap
def hide_button(widget):
def show_button(widget):
def full_name():
user_input = entry_box.get()
lower_user_input = user_input.lower().split(" ")[1]
response = requests.get("{}.json".format(lower_user_input))
response_object = json.loads(response.content)
name = response_object["MRData"]["DriverTable"]["Drivers"][0]["givenName"] + " " + response_object["MRData"]["DriverTable"]["Drivers"][0]["familyName"]
def search():
#once works, then make API request
header_label = Label(top_frame, text = "F1 2022 Drivers App", font = ("Arial bold",14), bg = "white")
header_label.grid(row = 0, column = 0, padx = 30)
search_button = Button(top_frame, text = "search" , command = search)
search_button.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
entry_box= Entry(top_frame)
entry_box.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
menu= Listbox(top_frame, height = 4)
menu.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
left_frame = LabelFrame(root, width = 250, height = 225, borderwidth = 0, highlightthickness = 2)
left_frame.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = NW, padx = 10, pady = 15)
left_frame.rowconfigure(0, minsize = 100)
left_frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize = 200)
#left_frame_content = LabelFrame(, width = 125, height = 70)
#left_frame_content.grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = W)
basic_info = Label(left_frame, text = "Basic Info ", font = ("Arial bold",14))
basic_info.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
full_name = Label(left_frame, text = "Full Name :")
full_name.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W)
driver_code = Label(left_frame, text = "Driver Code : ")
driver_code.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = W)
nationality = Label(left_frame, text = "Nationality : ")
nationality.grid(row = 3, column = 0, sticky = W)
bottom_left_frame = LabelFrame(root, width = 250, height = 225)
bottom_left_frame.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = N, padx = 10)
bottom_left_frame.rowconfigure(0, minsize = 50)
bottom_left_frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize = 200)
F1_career = Label(bottom_left_frame, text = "F1 Career ", font = ("Arial bold",14))
F1_career.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
wins = Label(bottom_left_frame, text = "Wins :")
wins.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W)
wins.configure(text = "Wins :" + " 7")
poles = Label(bottom_left_frame, text = "Poles :")
poles.grid(row = 2, column = 0, sticky = W)
test = Label(bottom_left_frame, text = "test")
test.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
podiums = Label(bottom_left_frame, text = "Podiums :")
podiums.grid(row = 3, column = 0, sticky = W)
podiums.configure(text = "Podiums :" + "Lewis Hamilton")
drivers_championships = Label(bottom_left_frame, text = "Championships :")
drivers_championships.grid(row = 4, column = 0, sticky = W)
bottom_right_frame = LabelFrame(root, width = 250, height = 225)
bottom_right_frame.grid(row = 2, column = 1, sticky = W)
bottom_right_frame.rowconfigure(0, minsize = 50)
bottom_right_frame.columnconfigure(0, minsize = 150)
Feel free to ask for more clarity. I would be grateful if anyone has a reason/solution
You have used the same name for a label:
full_name = Label(left_frame, text = "Full Name :")
So it will override the full_name().
Use another name for the label, for example full_name_label:
full_name_label = Label(left_frame, text = "Full Name :")
full_name_label.grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W)
I have a database with a customers table with the fields(id, name,surname, DOB).
I have created a treeview which displays name and surname but soon as i try to insert the DOB in to the treeview i get an error Column index 3 out of bounds.
Also please can you explain how treeview actually works as i have copied the code from a tutorial and adapted it but still dont fully understand it.
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
import sqlite3
import os.path
class Product:
db_name = 'database.db'
def __init__(self, wind):
self.wind = wind
self.wind.title('IT Products')
frame = LabelFrame (self.wind, text = 'Add new record')
frame.grid (row = 0, column = 1)
Label (frame, text = 'Name: ').grid (row = 1, column = 1) = Entry (frame) = 1, column = 2)
Label (frame, text = 'Surname: ').grid (row = 2, column = 1)
self.price = Entry (frame)
self.price.grid(row = 2, column = 2)
ttk.Button (frame, text= 'Add record', command = self.adding).grid (row = 3, column =2 )
self.message = Label (text = '',fg = 'red')
self.message.grid (row = 3, column = 0)
self.tree = ttk.Treeview (height = 10, colum = 2)
self.tree.grid(row = 100, column = 0, columnspan = 100)
self.tree.heading('#0', text = 'Name', anchor = W)
self.tree.heading(2, text = 'Surname', anchor = W)
self.tree.heading(3, text = 'DOB', anchor = W)
self.tree.heading(3, text = "column B")
ttk.Button (text = 'Delete record', command = self.deleting).grid (row = 10, column = 5)
ttk.Button (text = 'Edit record').grid (row = 10, column = 1)
def run_query (self, query, parameters = ()):
with sqlite3.connect(self.db_name) as conn:
cursor = conn.cursor()
query_result = cursor.execute (query, parameters)
return query_result
def viewing_records(self):
records = self.tree.get_children()
for element in records:
self.tree.delete (element)
query = 'SELECT * FROM customers '
db_rows = self.run_query (query)
for row in db_rows:
## self.tree.insert('', 2, text=str(), values=(row[1], row[2],
self.tree.insert ('', 2, text = row[1], values=(row[1], row[2], row[3]))
def validation(self):
return len ( != 0 and len (self.price.get()) != 0
def adding (self):
if self.validation ():
query = 'INSERT INTO customersVALUES (NULL, ?, ?)'
parameters = (, self.price.get())
self.run_query (query, parameters)
self.message['text'] = 'Record {} added'.format ( (0, END)
self.price.delete (0,END)
self.message['text'] = 'Name field or price is empty'
def deleting (self):
self.message ['text'] = ''
self.tree.item(self.tree.selection()) [ 'values'] [0]
except IndexError as e:
self.message[text] = 'Please select record'
self. message['text'] = ''
name = self.tree.item(self.tree.selection())['text']
query = 'DELETE FROM customers WHERE name = ?'
self.run_query(query, (name,))
self.message['text'] = 'Record {} deleted'.format(name)
if __name__ == '__main__':
wind = Tk()
application = Product (wind)
To avoid column index error, provide a list of column identifiers as show below:
self.tree = ttk.Treeview(height=10, columns=("lname", "sex", "sdate", "dob"))
self.tree.grid(row=100, column=0, columnspan=100)
self.tree.heading('#0', text='First Name', anchor=W)
self.tree.heading("lname", text='Last Name', anchor=W)
self.tree.heading("sex", text='Gender', anchor=W)
self.tree.heading("sdate", text='Start Date', anchor=W)
self.tree.heading("dob", text='Birth Date', anchor=W)
I am having a problem with adding status bar at the bottom of my program. When I do status.pack() it gives me this error : _tkinter.TclError: cannot use geometry manager grid inside . which already has slaves managed by pack. In My (
def init(self): ) If I delete (self.grid(sticky = W+E+N+S) then the window pops up an then the status bar is on the window, but then the rest of the program isn't there. I was wondering if someone give some insight on how to fix this
from tkinter.constants import END
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import font
from tkinter import messagebox
import tkinter as tk
import turtle
import random
from tkinter import filedialog
from PIL import Image
class App(Frame):
'''The code below Creates a Menu Bar across the top of the window '''
App = Tk()
menu = Menu (App)
App.config(menu = menu)
'''Lines 20 - 22 are basic setup for drop down meun box at the top of the page.'''
fileMenu = Menu(menu, tearoff = 0)
fileMenu.add_command(label = "New Project", command = turtle)
fileMenu.add_command(label = "Open", command = turtle)
fileMenu.add_command(label = "Save", command = turtle)
fileMenu.add_command(label = "Save as", command = turtle)
fileMenu.add_command(label = "Close", command = turtle)
menu.add_cascade(label = "File", menu = fileMenu)
'''This bit of code adds a separator between the buttons on the drop down menu.'''
fileMenu.add_command(label = "Exit", command = App.quit)
editMenu = Menu(menu, tearoff = 0)
editMenu.add_command(label = "Cut", command = turtle)
editMenu.add_command(label = "Copy", command = turtle)
editMenu.add_command(label = "Paste", command = turtle)
editMenu.add_command(label = "Delete", command = turtle)
editMenu.add_command(label = "Select All", command = turtle)
menu.add_cascade(label = "Edit", menu = editMenu)
helpMenu = Menu(menu, tearoff = 0)
helpMenu.add_command(label = "Help Index", command = turtle)
helpMenu.add_command(label = "About", command = turtle)
menu.add_cascade(label = "Help", menu = helpMenu)
''' The code below creates a Status Bar Across the bottom of the page. '''
status = Label(App, text = "This is a status bar...", bd = 1, relief = SUNKEN, anchor = W)
def __init__(self):
'''Sets up the window and widgets.'''
Frame.__init__(self, bg = "white" ) #this sets the background color of the window.
self.master.title("Auto Body Buddy Estimator") #this is the title of the screen
self.master.geometry("600x600") #this is the specs for the window size
self.master.resizable(0, 0) #this makes the window none resizable
self.master.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
self.master.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)
self.grid(sticky = W+E+N+S)
'''import cgi, os
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
# Get filename here.
fileitem = form['filename']
# Test if the file was uploaded
if fileitem.filename:
# strip leading path from file name to avoid
# directory traversal attacks
fn = os.path.basename(fileitem.filename)
open('/tmp/' + fn, 'wb').write(
message = ('The file "' + fn + '" was uploaded successfully')
message = 'No file was uploaded'
print """\
Content-Type: text/html\n
""" % (message,) '''
''' Creates the nested frame for the Data pane for the image '''
self._dataPane1 = Frame(self)#, bg = "orange")
self._dataPane1.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self._pictureImage = PhotoImage(file = "../logo.gif")
self._imageLabel = Label(self._dataPane1, image = self._pictureImage)
self._imageLabel.grid(row = 0, column= 0)
''' Creates the nested frame for the Data pane'''
self._dataPaneEntryInfo = Frame(self, bg = "white")
self._dataPaneEntryInfo.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
''' Label and field for First Name '''
self._firstNameLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "First Name ")
self._firstNameLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
self._firstNameVar = DoubleVar()
self._firstNameEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._firstNameVar)
self._firstNameEntry.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
''' Label and field for Last Name '''
self._LastNameLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "Last Name ")
self._LastNameLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
self._LastNameVar = DoubleVar()
self._LastNameEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._LastNameVar)
self._LastNameEntry.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
''' Label and field for Phone Number '''
self._phoneNumberLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "Phone Number ")
self._phoneNumberLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
self._phoneNumberVar = DoubleVar()
self._phoneNumberEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._phoneNumberVar)
self._phoneNumberEntry.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
''' Label and field for Email '''
self._EmailLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "Email Address ")
self._EmailLabel.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
self._EmailVar = DoubleVar()
self._EmailEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._EmailVar)
self._EmailEntry.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
''' Label and field for Address '''
self._addressLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "Address \n (OPITIONAL) ")
self._addressLabel.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
self._addressVar = DoubleVar()
self._addressEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._addressVar)
self._addressEntry.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
''' Label and field for Year of the Car '''
self._yearLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "Year ")
self._yearLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 2)
self._yearVar = DoubleVar()
self._yearEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._yearVar)
self._yearEntry.grid(row = 0, column = 3)
''' Label and field for Make of the Car '''
self._makeLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "Make ")
self._makeLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 2)
self._makeVar = DoubleVar()
self._makeEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._makeVar)
self._makeEntry.grid(row = 1, column = 3)
''' Label and field for Model of the Car '''
self._modelLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "Model ")
self._modelLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 2)
self._modelVar = DoubleVar()
self._modelEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._modelVar)
self._modelEntry.grid(row = 2, column = 3)
''' Label and field for Package of the Car '''
self._packageLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "Package ")
self._packageLabel.grid(row = 3, column = 2)
self._packageVar = DoubleVar()
self._packageEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._packageVar)
self._packageEntry.grid(row = 3, column = 3)
''' Label and field for VIN # of the Car '''
self._vinLabel = Label(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, bg = "white", text = "VIN # ")
self._vinLabel.grid(row = 4, column = 2)
self._vinVar = DoubleVar()
self._vinEntry = Entry(self._dataPaneEntryInfo, textvariable = self._vinVar)
self._vinEntry.grid(row = 4, column = 3)
''' Creates the nested frame for the Data pane'''
self._dataPaneComment = Frame(self, bg = "black")
self._dataPaneComment.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
'''# Label and info field for Comment Box .'''
self._text = "Enter text here. "
self._outputArea = Text(self._dataPaneComment, width = 50, height = 10, wrap = WORD)
self._outputArea.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
''' Creates the nested frame for the Button pane for the Submit'''
self._buttonPane = Frame(self) #this creates a box for the buttons to be placed in one area.
self._buttonPane.grid(row = 3, column = 0)#this gives the button pane a position in the GUI
''' Black and White button '''
self._button1 = Button(self._buttonPane, text = "SUBMIT", command = self._NameEntry)#This creates the button.
self._button1.grid(row = 0, column = 0) #This gives the button a position in the GUI.
def _NameEntry(self):
open("Results.txt", "w").close()
first = self._firstNameEntry.get()
last = self._LastNameEntry.get()
phone = self._phoneNumberEntry.get()
email = self._EmailEntry.get()
address = self._addressEntry.get()
year = self._yearEntry.get()
make = self._makeEntry.get()
model = self._modelEntry.get()
package = self._packageEntry.get()
vin = self._vinEntry.get()
with open("../" + first + " " + last + ".txt", "a") as the_file:
the_file.write("First Name: " + first + "\n" "Last Name: " + last + "\n" "Phone Number: " + phone + "\n" "Email: " + email + "\n"
"Address: " + address + "\n" "Year: " + year + "\n" "Make: " + make + "\n" "Model: " + model + "\n"
"Package: " + package + "\n" "Vin: " + vin + "\n")
'''open("Results.txt", "w").close()
last = self._LastNameEntry.get()
with open("../Results.txt", "a") as the_file:
the_file.write("Last Name: " + last)'''
'''first = self._firstNameEntry.get()
name = open("Results.txt", "w")
name.write("First Name: ".insert(first))
def main():
'''Instantiate and pop up the window.'''
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm exactly sure on how to upload the gif file with this code.
The error message is telling you what's wrong. If you have already used one geometry manager within a widget you cannot use another.
e.g. - You cannot use both pack and grid within a frame. You must use one or the other.
You could make another widget and then use the seperate geometry manager within this widget but you would have to use the original manager to place it within the master widget.
(Python 3.3) With no formal instruction, I am trying to advance my very basic knowledge of Python into Tkinter. Below is a program I am trying to write. I have two problems:
1 - When I run this, both radio buttons are active until I click one. Not a huge deal, but it annoys me.
2 - I can't seem to get the .get() method to pull the data entered in the Entry box from the data_window function to the check_data function. As my program eludes, the next step after it passes the check data function will be to send it on to the formatEntry function, which is not written yet. But until I figure this put, that obviously won't work either.
I have a functional version of this without using TKinter and I am trying to adapt that knowledge into this for the purpose of learning. So please feel free to point out any other problems you see, just please keep the explanations very basic for a newb! Thanks
from tkinter import *
import os, shelve
food_entry = None
# Opens a new window for entering food items
def data_window():
global food_entry
new_window_entry = Tk()
new_window_entry.title('Data Entry Window')
Label(new_window_entry, text = 'Enter the food items you have eaten below, separated by commas:').grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
Label(new_window_entry, text = '(i.e. Apple, Eggs, Ground Beef)').grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
food_entry = Text(new_window_entry, width = 55, height = 2, wrap = WORD)
food_entry.grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
#food_entry = Entry(new_window_entry)
Label(new_window_entry, text = 'Within two hours after eating, did you experience any of the following symptoms:').grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
Label(new_window_entry, justify = LEFT, wraplength = 450, text = 'bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, irritable bowel, skin rashes, fatigue, joint pain, dark circles under the eyes, night sweats, or tingling or swelling of the face, fingers, feet or other extemities?').grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
inflam = StringVar(master = new_window_entry)
Radiobutton(new_window_entry, text = 'Yes', variable = inflam, value = 'y').grid(row = 9, column = 0, sticky = E)
Radiobutton(new_window_entry, text = 'No', variable = inflam, value = 'n').grid(row = 9, column = 1, sticky = W)
Button(new_window_entry, text = 'Submit', command = check_data).grid(row = 10, column = 0, sticky = W + E)
Button(new_window_entry, text = 'Cancel', command = new_window_entry.destroy).grid(row = 10, column = 1, sticky = W + E)
#Check to ensure all fields have been entered
#Convert entry into formatted list
def check_data():
global food_entry
print(food_entry.get(1.0, END))
if food_entry.get(1.0, END) == None:
print('Nothing Entered')
# tkMessageBox.showwarning(message = 'Please complete all fields of the form.')
print('Next Function')
# formatEntry()
root = Tk()
Label(root, text = 'Food Tracker v3.0').grid(columnspan = 2)
Button(root, text = 'Enter Data', command = data_window).grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W)
Button(root, text = 'View Data', command = view_window).grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = E)
First of all you defined food_entry twice, and the second time you never did anything with it (food_entry = Entry(new_window_entry)). You'll need to remove that 2nd definition.
Next, this assigns what grid() returns to food_entry, which is None
food_entry = Text(new_window_entry, width = 55, height = 2, wrap = WORD).grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
So instead you'll need to grid() on a separate line. This keeps the Text() object assigned to food_entry as you intended:
food_entry = Text(new_window_entry, width = 55, height = 2, wrap = WORD)
food_entry.grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
Finally, when accessing a Text() with get() you need to specifiy the start and ending points that you're trying to obtain:
print(food_entry.get(1.0, END))
if food_entry.get(1.0, END) == None:
Edit: One last thing to cover your question about the Radiobutton() displaying as selected initially, you can correct this by explicitly declaring the master of your StringVar():
inflam = StringVar(master = new_window_entry)
Edit 2: For your if / else statement not working:
if food_entry.get(1.0, END) == None:
This is checking to see if the string in the Text is None, which it's not, it's actually an empty string, so we need to check it accordingly:
if food_entry.get(1.0, END).strip() == '': # Use .strip() to remove spaces and newlines
Here's a complete code sample:
from tkinter import *
import os, shelve
food_entry = None
# Opens a new window for entering food items
def data_window():
global food_entry
new_window_entry = Toplevel() # Change to Toplevel (a popup) instead of a new Tk instance
new_window_entry.title('Data Entry Window')
Label(new_window_entry, text = 'Enter the food items you have eaten below, separated by commas:').grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
Label(new_window_entry, text = '(i.e. Apple, Eggs, Ground Beef)').grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
food_entry = Text(new_window_entry, width = 55, height = 2, wrap = WORD)
food_entry.grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
Label(new_window_entry, text = 'Within two hours after eating, did you experience any of the following symptoms:').grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
Label(new_window_entry, justify = LEFT, wraplength = 450, text = 'bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, irritable bowel, skin rashes, fatigue, joint pain, dark circles under the eyes, night sweats, or tingling or swelling of the face, fingers, feet or other extemities?').grid(sticky = W, columnspan = 2)
Radiobutton(new_window_entry, text = 'Yes', variable = inflam, value = 'y').grid(row = 9, column = 0, sticky = E)
Radiobutton(new_window_entry, text = 'No', variable = inflam, value = 'n').grid(row = 9, column = 1, sticky = W)
Button(new_window_entry, text = 'Submit', command = check_data).grid(row = 10, column = 0, sticky = W + E)
Button(new_window_entry, text = 'Cancel', command = new_window_entry.destroy).grid(row = 10, column = 1, sticky = W + E)
#new_window_entry.mainloop() No need for this, the mainloop is already running
def check_data():
global food_entry
print(food_entry.get(1.0, END))
if food_entry.get(1.0, END).strip() == '':
print('Nothing Entered')
print('Next Function')
root = Tk()
inflam = StringVar() # move inflam init to a broader scope so that the buttons don't but
inflam.set('n') # initialize it as 'n'
Label(root, text = 'Food Tracker v3.0').grid(columnspan = 2)
Button(root, text = 'Enter Data', command = data_window).grid(row = 1, column = 0, sticky = W)
#Button(root, text = 'View Data', command = view_window).grid(row = 1, column = 1, sticky = E)
The purpose of this post is to determine the error within the code, I have spent countless hours trying to alter the code to see what the error is. I am trying to add a employee to a database through a python GUI (tkinter). Currently it is only inserting " " information, this is checked within our the def delete with a print statement. A similar problem I am having with def delete however the information in the tuple is not displaying in a listBox. Does anyone have a solution to why these faults are occurring?
def addEmp():
top = Toplevel()
top.title("Add Employee")
app = Frame(top)
firstName = StringVar()
lastName = StringVar()
address = StringVar()
payRate = StringVar()
inUnion = StringVar()
paymentMethod = StringVar()
grp1 = StringVar()
firstNameLabel = Label (app, text = "First Name:", font = 15)
firstNameLabel.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
firstNameEntry = Entry (app, text = "", textvariable = firstName)
firstNameEntry.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
surNameLabel = Label (app, text = "Surname:", font = 15)
surNameLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
lastNameEntry= Entry (app, text = "", textvariable = lastName)
lastNameEntry.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
addressLabel = Label (app, text = "Address:", font = 15)
addressLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
addressEntry = Entry (app, text = "", textvariable = address)
addressEntry.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
payRateLabel = Label (app, text = "Pay Rate Hourly:", font = 15)
payRateLabel.grid(row = 3, column = 0)
payRateEntry = Entry (app, text = "", textvariable = payRate)
payRateEntry.grid(row = 3, column = 1)
salaryLabel = Label (app, text = "Pay Rate Monthly:", font = 15)
salaryLabel.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
salaryEntry = Entry (app, text = "")
salaryEntry.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
payTypeLabel = Label (app, text = "Work Type:", font = 15)
payTypeLabel.grid(row = 5, column = 0)
radio1 = Radiobutton(app, text = "Full Time (Monthly Salary)", value = 'Monthly', variable = grp1)
radio1.grid(row = 6, column = 1)
radio2 = Radiobutton(app, text = "Part Time (Hourly Pay per Week)", value = 'Weekly', variable = grp1)
radio2.grid(row = 7, column = 1)
radio3 = Radiobutton(app, text = "Commission", value = 'Commission', variable = grp1)
radio3.grid(row = 8, column = 1)
paymentOptionsLabel = Label (app, text = "Payment Option:", font = 15)
paymentOptionsLabel.grid(row = 9, column = 0)
radio4 = Radiobutton(app, text = "Mail to current address", value = "Mail", variable = paymentMethod)
radio4.grid(row = 10, column = 1)
radio5 = Radiobutton(app, text = "Held by Paymaster", value = "Hold", variable = paymentMethod)
radio5.grid(row = 11, column = 1)
radio6 = Radiobutton(app, text = "Directly Deposit into bank account", value = "Bank", variable = paymentMethod)
radio6.grid(row = 12, column = 1)
unionLabel = Label (app, text = "Union:", font = 15)
unionLabel.grid(row = 13, column = 0)
radio1union = Radiobutton(app, text = "Yes", value = '1', variable = inUnion)
radio1union.grid(row = 14, column = 1)
radio2union = Radiobutton(app, text = "No", value = '0', variable = inUnion)
radio2union.grid(row = 15, column = 1)
submitButton = Button (app, command = addEmpSubmit, text = "Submit", font = 15)
submitButton.grid(row = 20, column = 3)
def addEmpSubmit():
c.execute("INSERT INTO employees (first_name, last_name, address, in_union, pay_type, payment_method) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(str(firstName), str(lastName), str(address), str(inUnion), str(payType), str(paymentMethod)))
if payType == "Weekly":
c.execute("UPDATE employees SET pay_rate=? WHERE employee_id=?", (payRate, c.lastrowid))
elif payType == "Monthly":
c.execute("UPDATE employees SET monthly_salary=? WHERE employee_id=?", (monthlySalary, c.lastrowid))
elif payType == "Commission":
c.execute("UPDATE employees SET monthly_salary=?, commission_rate=? WHERE employee_id=?",
(monthlySalary, commissionRate, c.lastrowid))
def deleteEmp():
top = Toplevel()
top.title("Delete Employee")
deleteList = Listbox(app)
deleteList.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
listItem = ""
c.execute("SELECT * FROM employees")
allEmp = c.fetchall()
for line in allEmp:
for item in line:
listItem += str(item)
deleteList.insert(END, listItem)
empIDLabel = Label (app, text = "Please select an Emp ID:", font = 15)
empIDLabel.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
empIDEntry = Entry (app, text = "")
empIDEntry.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
deleteButton = Button (app, text = "Delete", font = 15)
deleteButton.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
Read properly the documentation on ControlVariables / StringVar.
The values you provide for INSERT INTO - queries are not the values of the entry widgets.
>>> name=tk.StringVar()
>>> name.set("First Name")
>>> name
<Tkinter.StringVar instance at 0x01EB4CB0>
>>> str(name)
>>> name
<Tkinter.StringVar instance at 0x01EB4CB0>
>>> name.get()
'First Name'
Please make sure you post only code samples that can reproduce your error on (at least) your system. As for this reason it is very hard to reproduce the issues you have got.
Split your code up and debug it in smaller slices. Check the different components on their own (e.g. first the sql part with some dummy data but using variables, StringVars, etc.).
Do you receive any error messages? If so, please add them to your post so that we can see if you are struggling at a certain point. Something like - "my code is not working - why?" is hard to analyze if even possible with correct information.