I'm a JS dev trying to learn a bit of Python while working on a Raspberry-Pi3 project that reads data from a Bluetooth temperature sensor.
I need to write the data to my file.txt every 10 seconds, how could I do that please? I found similar topic here (Run certain code every n seconds ), but I don't know how to make it work in my current scenario.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import re
import logging
import sys
import time
from btlewrap import available_backends, BluepyBackend, GatttoolBackend, PygattBackend
from mitemp_bt.mitemp_bt_poller import MiTempBtPoller, \
def valid_mitemp_mac(mac, pat=re.compile(r"4C:65:A8:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}")):
"""Check for valid mac adresses."""
if not pat.match(mac.upper()):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('The MAC address "{}" seems to be in the wrong format'.format(mac))
return mac
def poll(args):
"""Poll data from the sensor."""
backend = _get_backend(args)
poller = MiTempBtPoller(args.mac, backend)
line1 = "Temperature: {}".format(poller.parameter_value(MI_TEMPERATURE))
line2 = "Humidity: {}".format(poller.parameter_value(MI_HUMIDITY))
print("Getting data from Mi Temperature and Humidity Sensor")
print("FW: {}".format(poller.firmware_version()))
print("Name: {}".format(poller.name()))
print("Battery: {}".format(poller.parameter_value(MI_BATTERY)))
f = open('file.txt', 'w')
f.write("%s \n %s \n" % (line1, line2))
def _get_backend(args):
"""Extract the backend class from the command line arguments."""
if args.backend == 'gatttool':
backend = GatttoolBackend
elif args.backend == 'bluepy':
backend = BluepyBackend
elif args.backend == 'pygatt':
backend = PygattBackend
raise Exception('unknown backend: {}'.format(args.backend))
return backend
def list_backends(_):
"""List all available backends."""
backends = [b.__name__ for b in available_backends()]
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--backend', choices=['gatttool', 'bluepy', 'pygatt'], default='gatttool')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_const', const=True)
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help', )
parser_poll = subparsers.add_parser('poll', help='poll data from a sensor')
parser_poll.add_argument('mac', type=valid_mitemp_mac)
parser_scan = subparsers.add_parser('backends', help='list the available backends')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
if not hasattr(args, "func"):
if __name__ == '__main__':
You can use the time module to pause the program for 10 seconds on each iteration;
from time import sleep
def func(n):
for i in range(5):
# (every 10 seconds)
However this will block the rest of the program running, although a simple multi-threading script to call the writing function would suffice.
And in relation to the code you are using, insert the sleep call within the poll function and wrap what you have there. If you want to loop the program 10 times then;
def poll(args):
"""Poll data from the sensor."""
for _ in range(10):
# code things
f = open('file.txt', 'a') # << Use append here or you will keep overwriting file contents
Or if you want it to run forever until you KeyboardInterrupt or exit somehow:
def poll(args):
"""Poll data from the sensor."""
while True:
# code things
f = open('file.txt', 'a') # << Use append here or you will keep overwriting file contents
you need some kind of loop that polls your sensor - I do not see one glancing over your code. You got while and for loops in JS as well - look them up in http://docs.python.org/3/tutorial if you are unsure about the syntax.
store the time you wrote to a variable , sleep a bit poll the next value, check if 10s passed, write if, else not. (or simply sleep 10s between polls if you do not want intermediate values printed
Readup about loops:
for statement
looping techniques
import time
def poll():
return time.time(), 42
last_write = None # when did we record to file last?
# loop for as long as you want - while True would loop endlessly
for _ in range(7):
t,c = poll() # call poll() to get time and temperature from mocked data reader
# check if enough time has passed
if last_write is None or (t-last_write) > 2: # check if new reading needed
with open("t.txt","a") as f:
f.write(f"{t} {c}\n")
print("in file ", t,c)
print("just output ", t,c)
time.sleep(0.7) # sleep some
in file 1552978725.5224085 42 # ...25.5
just output 1552978726.2232893 42 # ...26.2 - not 2s passed
just output 1552978726.9241226 42 # ...26.9 - not 2s passed
in file 1552978727.6249442 42 # ...27.6 - 2.1s passed
just output 1552978728.3259027 42 # ...28.3 - not 2s passed
just output 1552978729.0267787 42 # ...29.0 - not 2s passed
in file 1552978729.7275977 42 # ...29.7 - 2.1s passed
More remarks:
use with open(filename,mode) as f: and scope the file opeations below it - it will autoclose your file after scope and handle exceptions by closing the filehandle as well.
Using mode "w" will truncate the file before writing to it - you might want to use append instead: reading and writing files
I have a task function like this:
def task (s) :
# doing some thing
return res
The original program is:
res = []
for i in data :
# using pickle to save res every 30s
I need to process a lot of data and I don't care the output order of the results. Due to the long running time, I need to save the current progress regularly. Now I'll change it to multiprocessing
pool = Pool(4)
status = []
res = []
for i in data :
status.append(pool.apply_async(task, (i,))
for i in status :
# using pickle to save res every 30s
Supposed I have processes p0,p1,p2,p3 in Pool and 10 task, (task(0) .... task(9)). If p0 takes a very long time to finish the task(0).
Does the main process be blocked at the first "res.append(i.get())" ?
If p1 finished task(1) and p0 still deal with task(0), will p1 continue to deal with task(4) or later ?
If the answer to the first question is yes, then how to get other results in advance. Finally, get the result of task (0)
I update my code but the main process was blocked somewhere while other process were still dealing tasks. What's wrong ? Here is the core of code
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(4) as ex :
for i in self.inBuffer :
futuresList.append(ex.submit(warpper, i))
for i in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futuresList) :
(word, r) = i.result()
self.resDict[word] = r
self.logger.info("{} --> {}".format(word, r))
cur = datetime.now()
if (cur - self.timeStmp).total_seconds() > 30 :
self.timeStmp = datetime.now()
The length of self.inBuffer is about 100000. self.logger.info will write the info to a log file. For some special input i, the wrapper function will print auxiliary information with print. self.resDict is a dict to store result. self.outputPickle() will write a .pkl file using pickle.dump
At first, the code run normally, both the update of log file and print by warpper. But at a moment, I found that the log file has not been updated for a long time (several hours, the time to complete a warper shall not exceed 120s), but the warpper is still printing information(Until I kill the process it print about 100 messages without any updates of log file). Also, the time stamp of the output .pkl file doesn't change. Here is the implementation of outputPickle()
def outputPickle (self) :
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wordDir, self.outFile)) :
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.wordDir, "{}_backup".format(self.outFile))):
os.remove(os.path.join(self.wordDir, "{}_backup".format(self.outFile)))
shutil.copy(os.path.join(self.wordDir, self.outFile), os.path.join(self.wordDir, "{}_backup".format(self.outFile)))
with open(os.path.join(self.wordDir, self.outFile), 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(self.resDict, f)
Then I add three printfunction :
print("getting res of something")
(word, r) = i.result()
print("finishing i.result")
self.resDict[word] = r
print("finished getting res of {}".format(word))
Here is the log:
getting res of something
finishing i.result
finished getting res of CNICnanotubesmolten
getting res of something
finishing i.result
finished getting res of CNN0
getting res of something
message by warpper
message by warpper
message by warpper
message by warpper
message by warpper
The log "message by warpper" can be printed at most once every time the warpper is called
Yes, as processes are submitted asynchronously. Also p1 (or other) will take another chunk of data if the size of the input iterable is larger than the max number of processes/workers
"... how to get other results in advance"
One of the convenient options is to rely on concurrent.futures.as_completed which will return the results as they are completed:
import time
import concurrent.futures
def func(x):
return x ** 2
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = range(1, 5)
results = []
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(4) as ex:
futures = [ex.submit(func, i) for i in data]
# processing the earlier results: as they are completed
for fut in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
res = fut.result()
Sample output:
Another option is to use callback on apply_async(func[, args[, kwds[, callback[, error_callback]]]]) call; the callback accepts only single argument as the returned result of the function. In that callback you can process the result in minimal way (considering that it's tied to only a single argument/result from a concrete function). The general scheme looks as follows:
def res_callback(v):
# ... processing result
with open('test.txt', 'a') as f: # just an example
print(v, flush=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = range(1, 5)
results = []
with Pool(4) as pool:
tasks = [pool.apply_async(func, (i,), callback=res_callback) for i in data]
# await for tasks finished
But that schema would still require to somehow await (get() results) for submitted tasks.
I wrote a very simple script in python 2.7 called slowcat.py which allows me to cat a file with a certain byte rate per second. Now the problem is that the rate that's given is doubled on the output stream. So rate=1 byte results in 2 bytes per second and rate=4 bytes results in 8 bytes per second. See the code snippet for the actual program:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import time
import sys
import os
def get_configuration():
Returns a populated configuration
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('file', metavar='FILE', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
nargs='?', help="Input file")
parser.add_argument('--rate', type=int, default=666880,
help="Output rate in bytes per second")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
cfg = get_configuration()
size = os.path.getsize(cfg.file.name)
bytes_read = 0
t1 = time.time()
while True:
n = min(cfg.rate, size-bytes_read)
if n <= 0:
buf = cfg.file.read(n)
bytes_read += n
t2 = time.time()
if t2-t1 < 1.0:
time.sleep(1.0 - (t2-t1))
t1 = t2
if __name__ == "__main__":
Now my question is: Why is the output rate double of what I pass it on the command line? If you copy paste the code snippet you can easily try it out on your system e.g. python slowcat.py --rate 2 slowcat.py
The problem is the t1 = t2 at the end of the while loop. That sets t1 to the time before the sleep delay, so the next time you test the elapsed time interval it will be more than 1 second, and thus the sleep call will be skipped.
To fix it, change that last line to
t1 = time.time()
BTW, it may be more accurate to use the new time.perf_counter() rather than time.time()
I have a python script that calls a system program and reads the output from a file out.txt, acts on that output, and loops. However, it doesn't work, and a close investigation showed that the python script just opens out.txt once and then keeps on reading from that old copy. How can I make the python script reread the file on each iteration? I saw a similar question here on SO but it was about a python script running alongside a program, not calling it, and the solution doesn't work. I tried closing the file before looping back but it didn't do anything.
I already tried closing and opening, it didn't work. Here's the code:
import subprocess, os, sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
file = open(filename,'r')
foo = open('foo','w')
foo = open('foo','a')
crap = open(os.devnull,'wb')
numSolutions = 0
while True:
subprocess.call(["minisat", "foo", "out"], stdout=crap,stderr=crap)
out = open('out','r')
if out.readline().rstrip() == "SAT":
numSolutions += 1
clause = out.readline().rstrip()
clause = clause.split(" ")
print clause
clause = map(int,clause)
clause = map(lambda x: -x,clause)
output = ' '.join(map(lambda x: str(x),clause))
print output
print "There are ", numSolutions, " solutions."
You need to flush foo so that the external program can see its latest changes. When you write to a file, the data is buffered in the local process and sent to the system in larger blocks. This is done because updating the system file is relatively expensive. In your case, you need to force a flush of the data so that minisat can see it.
I rewrote it to hopefully be a bit easier to understand:
import os
from shutil import copyfile
import subprocess
import sys
TEMP_CNF = "tmp.in"
TEMP_SOL = "tmp.out"
NULL = open(os.devnull, "wb")
def all_solutions(cnf_fname):
Given a file containing a set of constraints,
generate all possible solutions.
# make a copy of original input file
copyfile(cnf_fname, TEMP_CNF)
while True:
# run minisat to solve the constraint problem
subprocess.call(["minisat", TEMP_CNF, TEMP_SOL], stdout=NULL,stderr=NULL)
# look at the result
with open(TEMP_SOL) as result:
line = next(result)
if line.startswith("SAT"):
# Success - return solution
line = next(result)
solution = [int(i) for i in line.split()]
yield solution
# Failure - no more solutions possible
# disqualify found solution
with open(TEMP_CNF, "a") as constraints:
new_constraint = " ".join(str(-i) for i in sol)
def main(cnf_fname):
Given a file containing a set of constraints,
count the possible solutions.
count = sum(1 for i in all_solutions(cnf_fname))
print("There are {} solutions.".format(count))
if __name__=="__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
print("Usage: {} cnf.in".format(sys.argv[0]))
You take your file_var and end the loop with file_var.close().
for ... :
ga_file = open(out.txt, 'r')
... do stuff
Demo of an implementation below (as simple as possible, this is all of the Jython code needed)...
__author__ = ''
import time
var = 'false'
while var == 'false':
out = open('out.txt', 'r')
content = out.read()
print content
generates this output:
2015-01-09, 'stuff added'
2015-01-09, 'stuff added' # <-- this is when i just saved my update
2015-01-10, 'stuff added again :)' # <-- my new output from file reads
I strongly recommend reading the error messages. They hold quite a lot of information.
I think the full file name should be written for debug purposes.
I'm creating a LAN speed test which creates a data file in a specified location of a specified size and records the speed at which it is created/read. For the most part this is working correctly, there is just one problem: the read speed is ridiculously fast because all it's doing is timing how long it takes for the file to open, rather than how long it takes for the file to actually be readable (if that makes sense?).
So far I have this:
import time
import pythoncom
from win32com.client import Dispatch
import os
# create file - write speed
myPath = input('Where do you want to write the file?')
size_MB = int(input('What sized file do you want to test with? (MB)'))
size_B = size_MB * 1024 * 1024
fName = '\pydatafile'
#start timer
start = time.clock()
f = open(myPath + fName,'w')
f.write("\x00" * size_B)
# how much time it took
elapsed = (time.clock() -start)
print ("It took", elapsed, "seconds to write the", size_MB, "MB file")
writeMBps = size_MB / elapsed
print("That's", writeMBps, "MBps.")
writeMbps = writeMBps * 8
print("Or", writeMbps, "Mbps.")
# open file - read speed
startRead = time.clock()
f = open(myPath + fName,'r')
# how much time it took
elapsedRead = (time.clock() - startRead)
print("It took", elapsedRead,"seconds to read the", size_MB,"MB file")
readMBps = size_MB / elapsedRead
print("That's", readMBps,"MBps.")
readMbps = readMBps * 8
print("Or", readMbps,"Mbps.")
# delete the data file
os.remove(myPath + fName)
# record results on Excel
xl = Dispatch('Excel.Application')
xl.visible= 0
wb = xl.Workbooks.Add(r'C:\File\Location')
ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
# Write speed result
# loop until empty cell is found in column
col = 1
row = 1
empty = False
while not empty:
val = ws.Cells(row,col).value
print("Looking for next available cell to write to...")
if val == None:
print("Writing result to cell")
ws.Cells(row,col).value = writeMbps
empty = True
row += 1
# Read speed result
# loop until empty cell is found in column
col = 2
row = 1
empty = False
while not empty:
val = ws.Cells(row,col).value
print("Looking for next available cell to write to...")
if val == None:
print("Writing result to cell")
ws.Cells(row,col).value = readMbps
empty = True
row += 1
How can I make this so the read speed is correct?
Thanks a lot
Try to actually read the file:
f = open(myPath + fName, 'r')
Or (if the file is too large to fit in memory):
f = open(myPath + fName, 'r')
while f.read(1024 * 1024):
But operating system could still make read fast by caching file content. You've just written it there! And even if you manage to disable caching, your measurement (in addition to network speed) could include the time to write data to file server disk.
If you want network speed only, you need to use 2 separate machines on LAN. E.g. run echo server on one machine (e.g. by enabling Simple TCP/IP services or writing and running your own). Then run Python echo client on another machine that sends some data to echo server, makes sure it receives the same data back and measures the turnaround time.
I am filtering huge text files using multiprocessing.py. The code basically opens the text files, works on it, then closes it.
Thing is, I'd like to be able to launch it successively on multiple text files. Hence, I tried to add a loop, but for some reason it doesn't work (while the code works on each file). I believe this is an issue with:
if __name__ == '__main__':
However, I am looking for something else. I tried to create a Launcher and a LauncherCount files like this:
def setLauncherCount(n):
global LauncherCount
LauncherCount = n
import os
import LauncherCount
I import LauncherCount.py, and use LauncherCount.LauncherCount as my loop index.
Of course, this doesn't work too as it edits the variable LauncherCount.LauncherCount locally, so it won't be edited in the imported version of LauncherCount.
Is there any way to edit globally a variable in an imported file? Or, is there any way to do this in any other way? What I need is running a code multiple times, in changing one value, and without using any loop apparently.
Edit: Here is my main code if necessary. Sorry for the bad style ...
import multiprocessing
import config
import time
import LauncherCount
class Filter:
""" Filtering methods """
def __init__(self):
print("launching methods")
# Return the list: [Latitude,Longitude] (elements are floating point numbers)
def LatLong(self,line):
comaCount = []
comaCount.append(line.find(',',comaCount[0] + 1))
comaCount.append(line.find(',',comaCount[1] + 1))
Lat = line[comaCount[0] + 1 : comaCount[1]]
Long = line[comaCount[1] + 1 : comaCount[2]]
return [float(Lat) , float(Long)]
except ValueError:
return [0,0]
# Return a boolean:
# - True if the Lat/Long is within the Lat/Long rectangle defined by:
# tupleFilter = (minLat,maxLat,minLong,maxLong)
# - False if not
def LatLongFilter(self,LatLongList , tupleFilter) :
if tupleFilter[0] <= LatLongList[0] <= tupleFilter[1] and
tupleFilter[2] <= LatLongList[1] <= tupleFilter[3]:
return True
return False
def writeLine(self,key,line):
def filteringProcess(dico):
myFilter = Filter()
while True:
currentLine = readFile.readline()
except ValueError:
if len(currentLine) ==0: # Breaks at the end of the file
if len(currentLine) < 35: # Deletes wrong lines (too short)
LatLongList = myFilter.LatLong(currentLine)
for key in dico:
if myFilter.LatLongFilter(LatLongList,dico[key][0]):
# Main
# Open read files:
readFile = open(config.readFileList[LauncherCount.LauncherCount][1], 'r')
# Generate writing files:
pathDico = {}
filterDico = config.filterDico
# Create outputs
for key in filterDico:
output_Name = config.readFileList[LauncherCount.LauncherCount][0][:-4]
+ '_' + key +'.log'
pathDico[output_Name] = config.writingFolder + output_Name
filterDico[key] = [filterDico[key],open(pathDico[output_Name],'w')]
p = []
CPUCount = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
CPURange = range(CPUCount)
startingTime = time.localtime()
if __name__ == '__main__':
### Create and start processes:
for i in CPURange:
p.append(multiprocessing.Process(target = filteringProcess ,
args = (filterDico,)))
### Kill processes:
while True:
if [p[i].is_alive() for i in CPURange] == [False for i in CPURange]:
for key in config.filterDico:
print(key,"is Done!")
endTime = time.localtime()
print("Process started at:",startingTime)
print("And ended at:",endTime)
To process groups of files in sequence while working on files within a group in parallel:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from multiprocessing import Pool
def work_on(args):
"""Process a single file."""
i, filename = args
print("working on %s" % (filename,))
return i
def files():
"""Generate input filenames to work on."""
#NOTE: you could read the file list from a file, get it using glob.glob, etc
yield "inputfile1"
yield "inputfile2"
def process_files(pool, filenames):
"""Process filenames using pool of processes.
Wait for results.
for result in pool.imap_unordered(work_on, enumerate(filenames)):
#NOTE: in general the files won't be processed in the original order
def main():
p = Pool()
# to do "successive" multiprocessing
for filenames in [files(), ['other', 'bunch', 'of', 'files']]:
process_files(p, filenames)
if __name__=="__main__":
Each process_file() is called in sequence after the previous one has been complete i.e., the files from different calls to process_files() are not processed in parallel.