I have plotted histogram and now I want to have curve which will represent the histogram trend. I want my histogram binning to be logarithmic (as I have below in the code; Mass variable is predefined variable, ranging from 10^43-10^45 gram).
I have looked for many many codes but could not suit any of them to my case (tried to modify as well). Do you know how I can make this curve? Actually, I just want to modify my code in the way that it will also include plotting this curve above the histogram.
See the attached image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
hist, bins = np.histogram(x, bins=10)
logbins = np.logspace(np.log10(bins[0]),np.log10(bins[-1]),len(bins))
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x=Mass, bins=logbins, color='#0504aa', alpha=0.8, rwidth=0.85)
plt.xlabel('Mass $(g)$ ')
plt.ylabel('Number of halos')
I have data in the CSV file. I am trying to plot a histogram using matplotlib.
Here is the code that I am trying.
This is the plot that I get.
Now using the same code, I need to create a normalized histogram that shows the probability distribution of the data. But now on the y-axis, instead of plotting the number of data points that fall in each bin, you will plot the number of data points in that data bin divided by the total number of data points.
How should I do it?
Pandas' histogram adds some functionality to the underlying pyplot.hist(). Many of the parameters are passed through. One of them is density=.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.uniform(258.1, 262.3, 20))
data.hist(bins=10, density=True)
A related library, seaborn, has a command to create a density histogram together with a kde curve as an approximation of the probability distribution.
import seaborn as sns
sns.distplot(data, bins=10)
How would I make a plot of this style in python with matplotlib? (Cumulative probability plot) I don't need complete code, mostly just need a place to start and a general idea of what I need to do for it.
A cumulative probability plot is really easy to make:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = np.random.randn(1000)
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
plt.ylabel(r'$P(X \leq x)$')
Note that it can have a strong advantage over a probability density plot as it does not require binning of your data. (Should you be looking for the latter you can check this code).
I am having trouble using the pyplot.hist function to plot 2 histograms on the same figure. For each binning interval, I want the 2 bars to be centered between the bins (Python 3.6 user). To illustrate, here is an example:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
I get this:
A and B series are overlapping, which is not good. Knowing there are only 3 option for 'align', (centered on left bin, middle of 2 bins, centered on right bin), i see no other options than modifying the bins, by adding:
Before plotting A, and adding:
Before plotting B. That gives me: Histogram
That's better! However, I had to modify the binning, so it is not the same for A and B.
I searched for a simple way to use the same bins, and then shift the 1st and 2nd plot so they are correctly displayed in the binning intervals, but I didn't find it. Any advice?
I hope I explained my problem clearly.
As previously was mentioned in the above comment you do not need a hist plot function. Use numpy histogram function and plot it results with bar function of matplotlib.
According to bins count and count of data types you can calculate bin width. Ticks you may adjust with xticks method:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
# calculate heights and bins for both lists
ahist, abins = np.histogram(A, bins)
bhist, bbins = np.histogram(B, abins)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# calc bin width for two lists
w = (bbins[1] - bbins[0])/3.
# plot bars
# adjsut xticks
plt.xticks(abins[:-1], np.arange(bins))
I am using matplotlib.pyplot.specgram and matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh to make spectrogram plots of a seismic signal.
Background information -The reason for using pcolormesh is that I need to do arithmitic on the spectragram data array and then replot the resulting spectrogram (for a three-component seismogram - east, north and vertical - I need to work out the horizontal spectral magnitude and divide the vertical spectra by the horizontal spectra). It is easier to do this using the spectrogram array data than on individual amplitude spectra
I have found that the plots of the spectrograms after doing my arithmetic have unexpected values. Upon further investigation it turns out that the spectrogram plot made using the pyplot.specgram method has different values compared to the spectrogram plot made using pyplot.pcolormesh and the returned data array from the pyplot.specgram method. Both plots/arrays should contain the same values, I cannot work out why they do not.
The plot of
PxN, freqsN, binsN, imN = plt.specgram(trN.data, NFFT = 20000, noverlap = 0, Fs = trN.stats.sampling_rate, detrend = 'mean', mode = 'magnitude')
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
plt.ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
plt.clim(0, 150)
#np.savetxt('PxN.txt', PxN)
looks different to the plot of
plt.pcolormesh(binsZ, freqsZ, PxN)
even though the "PxN" data array (that is, the spectrogram data values for each segment) is generated by the first method and re-used in the second.
Is anyone aware why this is happening?
P.S. I realise that my value for NFFT is not a square number, but it's not important at this stage of my coding.
P.P.S. I am not aware of what the "imN" array (fourth returned variable from pyplot.specgram) is and what it is used for....
First off, let's show an example of what you're describing so that other folks
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Brownian noise sequence
x = np.random.normal(0, 1, 10000).cumsum()
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(8, 10))
values, ybins, xbins, im = ax1.specgram(x, cmap='gist_earth')
fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax1)
mesh = ax2.pcolormesh(xbins, ybins, values, cmap='gist_earth')
ax2.set(title='Raw Plot of Returned Values')
fig.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax2)
Magnitude Differences
You'll immediately notice the difference in magnitude of the plotted values.
By default, plt.specgram doesn't plot the "raw" values it returns. Instead, it scales them to decibels (in other words, it plots the 10 * log10 of the amplitudes). If you'd like it not to scale things, you'll need to specify scale="linear". However, for looking at frequency composition, a log scale is going to make the most sense.
With that in mind, let's mimic what specgram does:
plotted = 10 * np.log10(values)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(xbins, ybins, plotted, cmap='gist_earth')
ax.set(title='Plot of $10 * log_{10}(values)$')
Using a Log Color Scale Instead
Alternatively, we could use a log norm on the image and get a similar result, but communicate that the color values are on a log scale more clearly:
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(xbins, ybins, values, cmap='gist_earth', norm=LogNorm())
ax.set(title='Log Normalized Plot of Values')
imshow vs pcolormesh
Finally, note that the examples we've shown have had no interpolation applied, while the original specgram plot did. specgram uses imshow, while we've been plotting with pcolormesh. In this case (regular grid spacing) we can use either.
Both imshow and pcolormesh are very good options, in this case. However,imshow will have significantly better performance if you're working with a large array. Therefore, you might consider using it instead, even if you don't want interpolation (e.g. interpolation='nearest' to turn off interpolation).
As an example:
extent = [xbins.min(), xbins.max(), ybins.min(), ybins.max()]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
mesh = ax.imshow(values, extent=extent, origin='lower', aspect='auto',
cmap='gist_earth', norm=LogNorm())
ax.set(title='Log Normalized Plot of Values')
How can I make a figure like the following one but with flat curve using matlibplot in Python?
Instead of using a histogram to bin your data have a look at using a KDE for a continuous estimate of the probability distribution. There is an implementation using a gaussian kernel in scipy.stats.gaussian_kde.
As an example:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data = np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, 10000) #Generate some data
kde = gaussian_kde(data)
xplot = np.linspace(-5,5,1000)
plt.plot( xplot, kde(xplot), label='KDE' )
plt.hist( data, bins=50, histtype='step', normed=True, label='histogram' )
Will produce the plot:
Note that when using KDEs the bandwidth of the kernel that you choose can have a very big impact on the representation of the data that gets produced, this is similar to the effect that the bin size would have when making a histogram. Both the scipy documentation that I linked to and the wikipedia page have good writeups on how to make this selection in a well motivated way.