I'm trying to transform a pandas function over two dataframes to a pyspark function.
In particular, I have a dataframe of Keys and functions as strings, namely:
> mv
| Keys | Formula | label |
| key1 | 'val1 + val2 - val3' | name1 |
| key2 | 'val3 + val4' | name2 |
| key3 | 'val1 - val4' | name3 |
and a dataframe df:
> df
| Keys | Datetime | names | values |
| key1 | tmstmp1 | val1 | 0.3 |
| key1 | tmstmp1 | val2 | 0.4 |
| key1 | tmstmp1 | val3 | 0.2 |
| key1 | tmstmp1 | val4 | 1.2 |
| key1 | tmstmp2 | val1 | 0.5 |
| key2 | tmstmp1 | val1 | 1.1 |
| key2 | tmstmp2 | val3 | 1.0 |
| key2 | tmstmp1 | val3 | 1.3 |
and so on.
I've created two functions that read the code, evaluate the string ok the measure expression, and return a list of pandas.DataFrame that in the end I concat.
def evaluate_vm(x, regex):
m = re.findall(regex, x)
to_replace = ['#[' + i + ']' for i in m]
replaces = [i.split(', ') for i in m]
replacement = ["df.loc[(df.Keys == %s) & (df.names == %s), ['Datetime', 'values']].dropna().set_index('Datetime')"%tuple(i) for i in replaces]
for i in range(len(to_replace)):
x = x.replace(to_replace[i], replacement[i])
return eval(x)
def _mv_(X):
formula = evaluate_vm(X.Formula)
formula['Keys'] = X.Keys
formula.reset_index(inplace = True)
formula.rename_axis({'Formula': 'Values'}, axis = 1, inplace = True)
return formula[['Keys', 'Datetime', 'names', 'Values']]
After that my code is
res = pd.concat([_mv_(mv.loc[i]) for i in mv.index])
and res is what I need to obtain.
NOTE: I've slightly modified the functions and inputs in order to make it understandable: anyway, I don't think the problem lies here.
Here's the thing. I'm trying to transform this stuff in pyspark.
This is the code I wrote this far.
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, PandasUDFType, struct
from pyspark.sql.types import FloatType, StringType, IntegerType, TimestampType, StructType, StructField
EvaluateVM = pandas_udf(lambda x: _mv_(x),\
functionType = PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP, \
returnType = StructType([StructField("Keys", StringType(), False),
StructField("Datetime", TimestampType(), False),\
StructField("names", StringType(), False),\
StructField("Values", FloatType(), False)])
res = EvaluateVM(struct([mv[i] for i in mv.columns]))
That is "almost" working: when I print res here's the result.
> res
Column<<lambda>(named_struct(Keys, Keys, Formula, Formula))>
And I can't see inside res: I think it created something like a python iterable, but I would like to have the same result I get in pandas.
What should I do? Did I get it all wrong?
EDIT: I think the problem might be in the fact that in pandas I create a list of dataframes that I concatenate after evaluating them, in pyspark I use a sort of apply(_mv_, axis = 1): this kind of syntax gave me error even in pandas (cannot concatenate dataframe of dimension 192 into one of size 5, something like that), and my workaround was the pandas.concat([…]). I don't know if this works in pyspark too, or if there's some way to avoid this.
EDIT 2: Sorry, I didn't write the expected output:
| Keys | Datetime | label | values |
| key1 | tmstmp1 | name1 | 0.3 + 0.4 - 0.2 |
| key1 | tmstmp1 | name2 | 0.2 + 1.2 |
and so on. The values column should contain the numeric result, here I wrote the operands in order to let you understand.
I am trying to compare two different dataframe that have the same column names and indexes(not numerical) and I need to obtain a third df with the biggest value for the row with the same column name.
| | col_1 | col2 | col-3 |
| rft_12312 | 4 | 7 | 4 |
| rft_321321 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
| | col_1 | col2 | col-3 |
| rft_12312 | 7 | 3 | 4 |
| rft_321321 | 3 | 7 | 6 |
Required result
| | col_1 | col2 | col-3 |
| rft_12312 | 7 (because df2.value in this \[row :column\] \>df1.value) | 7 | 4 |
| rft_321321 | 3(when they are equal doesn't matter from which column is the value) | 7 | 6 |
I've already tried pd.update with filter_func defined as:
def filtration_function(val1,val2):
if val1 >= val2:
return val1
return val2
but is not working. I need the check for each column with same name.
also pd.compare but does not allow me to pick the right values.
Thank you in advance :)
I think one possibility would be to use "combine". This method generates an element-wise comparsion between the two dataframes and returns the maximum value of each element.
import pandas as pd
def filtration_function(val1, val2):
return max(val1, val2)
result = df1.combine(df2, filtration_function)
I think method "where" can work to:
import pandas as pd
result = df1.where(df1 >= df2, df2)
I'm trying to figure out the condition to check if the values of one PySpark dataframe exist in another PySpark dataframe, and if so extract the value and compare again. I was thinking of doing a multiple withColumn() with a when() function.
For example my two dataframes can be something like:
| id | value |
| ----- | ---- |
| hello | 1111 |
| world | 2222 |
| id | value |
| ------ | ---- |
| hello | 1111 |
| world | 3333 |
| people | 2222 |
And the result I wish to obtain is to check first if the value of df1.id exists in df2.id and if true return me the df2.value, for example I was trying something like:
df1 = df1.withColumn("df2_value", when(df1.id == df2.id, df2.value))
So I get something like:
| id | value | df2_value |
| ----- | ---- | --------- |
| hello | 1111 | 1111 |
| world | 2222 | 3333 |
So that now I can do another check between these two value columns in the df1 dataframe, and return a boolean column (1or 0) in a new dataframe.
The result I wish to get would be something like:
| id | value | df2_value | match |
| ----- | ---- | --------- | ----- |
| hello | 1111 | 1111 | 1 |
| world | 2222 | 3333 | 0 |
Left join df1 with df2 on id after prefixing all df2 columns except id with df2_*:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df1 = spark.createDataFrame([("hello", 1111), ("world", 2222)], ["id", "value"])
df2 = spark.createDataFrame([("hello", 1111), ("world", 3333), ("people", 2222)], ["id", "value"])
df = df1.join(
df2.select("id", *[F.col(c).alias(f"df2_{c}") for c in df2.columns if c != 'id']),
Then using functools.reduce you can construct a boolean expression to check if columns match in the 2 dataframes like this:
from functools import reduce
check_expr = reduce(
lambda acc, x: acc & (F.col(x) == F.col(f"df2_{x}")),
[c for c in df1.columns if c != 'id'],
df.withColumn("match", check_expr.cast("int")).show()
#| id|value|df2_value|match|
#|hello| 1111| 1111| 1|
#|world| 2222| 3333| 0|
In pyspark, I have a DataFrame with a column that contains a list of ordered nodes to go through:
| id | nodes | tags |
| 62960871 | [783186590,783198852] | "{""foo"":""bar""}" |
| 211528816 | [2215187080,2215187140,2215187205,2215187256] | "{""foo"":""boo""}" |
| 62960872 | [783198772,783183397,783167527,783169067,783198772] | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
I need to create a dataframe with a row for each consecutive combination of 2 nodes the list of nodes, then save it as parquet.
The expected result will have a length of n-1, with n len(nodes) for each rows. It would look like this (with other columns that I'll add):
| id | from | to | tags |
| 783186590_783198852 | 783186590 | 783198852 | "{""foo"":""bar""}" |
| 2215187080_2215187140 | 2215187080 | 2215187140 | "{""foo"":""boo""}" |
| 2215187140_2215187205 | 2215187140 | 2215187205 | "{""foo"":""boo""}" |
| 2215187205_2215187256 | 2215187205 | 2215187256 | "{""foo"":""boo""}" |
| 783198772_783183397 | 783198772 | 783183397 | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
| 783183397_783167527 | 783183397 | 783167527 | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
| 783167527_783169067 | 783167527 | 783169067 | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
| 783169067_783198772 | 783169067 | 783198772 | "{""foo"":""buh""}" |
I tried to initiate with the following
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
def split_ways_into_arcs(row):
arcs = []
for node in range(len(row['nodes']) - 1):
arc = dict()
arc['id'] = str(row['nodes'][node]) + "_" + str(row['nodes'][node + 1])
arc['from'] = row['nodes'][node]
arc['to'] = row['nodes'][node + 1]
arc['tags'] = row['tags']
return arcs
# Declare function as udf
split = udf(lambda row: split_ways_into_arcs(row.asDict()))
The issue I'm having is I don't know how many nodes there are in each row of the original DataFrame.
I know how to apply a udf to add a column to an existing DataFrame, but not to create a new one from lists of dicts.
Iterate over the nodes array using transform and explode the array afterwards:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = ...
df.withColumn("nodes", F.expr("transform(nodes, (n,i) -> named_struct('from', nodes[i], 'to', nodes[i+1]))")) \
.withColumn("nodes", F.explode("nodes")) \
.filter("not nodes.to is null") \
.selectExpr("concat_ws('_', nodes.to, nodes.from) as id", "nodes.*", "tags") \
|id |from |to |tags |
|783198852_783186590 |783186590 |783198852 |{""foo"":""bar""}|
|783183397_783198772 |783198772 |783183397 |{""foo"":""buh""}|
|783167527_783183397 |783183397 |783167527 |{""foo"":""buh""}|
|783169067_783167527 |783167527 |783169067 |{""foo"":""buh""}|
|783198772_783169067 |783169067 |783198772 |{""foo"":""buh""}|
I am practicing pandas and I have an exercise with which I have a problem
I have an excel file that has a column where two types of urls are stored.
df = pd.DataFrame({'id': [],
'url': ['www.something/12312', 'www.something/12343', 'www.somethingelse/42312', 'www.somethingelse/62343']})
| id | url |
| -------- | -------------- |
| | 'www.something/12312' |
| | 'www.something/12343' |
| | 'www.somethingelse/42312' |
| | 'www.somethingelse/62343' |
I am supposed to transform this into ids, but only number should be part of the id, the new id column should look like this:
df = pd.DataFrame({'id': [id_12312 , id_12343, diffid_42312, diffid_62343], 'url': ['www.something/12312', 'www.something/12343', 'www.somethingelse/42312', 'www.somethingelse/62343']})
| id | url |
| -------- | -------------- |
| id_12312 | 'www.something/12312' |
| id_12343 | 'www.something/12343' |
| diffid_42312 | 'www.somethingelse/42312' |
| diffid_62343 | 'www.somethingelse/62343' |
My problem is how to get only numbers and replace them if that kind of id?
I have tried the replace and extract function in pandas
id_replaced = df.replace(regex={re.search('something', df['url']): 'id_' + str(re.search(r'\d+', i).group()), re.search('somethingelse', df['url']): 'diffid_' + str(re.search(r'\d+', i).group())})
df['id'] = df['url'].str.extract(re.search(r'\d+', df['url']).group())
However, they are throwing an error TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object.
Sorry for the tables in codeblock. The page was screaming that I have code that is not properly formatted when it was not in a codeblock.
Here is one solution, but I don't quite understand when do you use the id prefix and when to use diffid ..
>>> df.id = 'id_'+df.url.str.split('/', n=1, expand=True)[1]
>>> df
id url
0 id_12312 www.something/12312
1 id_12343 www.something/12343
2 id_42312 www.somethingelse/42312
3 id_62343 www.somethingelse/62343
Or using str.extract
>>> df.id = 'id_' + df.url.str.extract(r'/(\d+)$')
Hopefully a very simple question from a Pandas newbie.
How can I make the value of one column equal the value of another in a dataframe? Replace the value in every row. No conditionals, etc.
I have two CSV's, loaded into dataframe 'a' and dataframe 'b' respectively.
These CSVs are basically the same, except 'a' has a field that was improperly carried forward from another process - floats were rounded to ints. Not my script, can't influence it, I just have the CSVs now.
In reality I probably have 2mil rows and about 60-70 columns in the merged dataframe - so if it's possible to address the columns by their header (in the example these are Col1 and xyz_Col1), that would sure help.
I have joined the CSVs on their common field, so now I have a scenario where I have a dataframe that can be represented by the following:
| CellID | Col1 | Col2 | xyz_CellID | xyz_Col1 | xyz_Col2 |
| 1 | 0 | apple | 1 | 0.23 | apple |
| 2 | 0 | orange | 2 | 0.45 | orange |
| 3 | 1 | banana | 3 | 0.68 | banana |
The result should be such that Col1 = xyz_Col1:
| CellID | Col1 | Col2 | xyz_CellID | xyz_Col1 | xyz_Col2 |
| 1 | 0.23 | apple | 1 | 0.23 | apple |
| 2 | 0.45 | orange | 2 | 0.45 | orange |
| 3 | 0.68 | banana | 3 | 0.68 | banana |
What I have in code so far:
import pandas as pd
a = pd.read_csv('csv1.csv')
b = pd.read_csv('csv2.csv')
#b = b.dropna(axis=1) drop any unnamed fields
#defind 'b' cols by adding an xyz_ prefix as xyz is unique
b = b.add_prefix('xyz_')
#Join the dataframes into a new dataframe named merged
merged = pd.merge(a, b, left_on='Col1', right_on='xyz_Col1')
#This is where the xyz_Col1 to Col1 code goes...
#drop unwanted cols
merged = merged[merged.columns.drop(list(merged.filter(regex='xyz')))]
#output to file
merged.to_csv("output.csv", index=False)
merged['col1'] = merged['xyz_Col1']
merged.loc[:, 'col1'] = merged.loc[:, 'xyz_Col1']