Advance processing multiple Data Frames in python - python

I got a few (15) data frames. They contain values based on one map, but they have fragmentary form.
List of samples looks like A1 - 3k records, A2 - 6k records. B1 - 12k records, B2- 1k records, B3 - 3k records. C1... etc.
All files have the same format and it looks that:
name sample position position_ID
String1 String1 num1 num1
String2 String2 num2 num2
All files come from a variety of biological microarrays. Different companies have different matrices, hence the scatter in the size of files. But each of them is based on one common, whole database. Just some of the data from the main database is selected. Therefore, individual records can be repeated between files. I want to see if they are compatible.
What do I want to achieve in this task?
I want to check that all records are the same in terms of name in all files have the same position and pos_ID values.
If the tested record with the same name differs in values ​​in any file, it must be written to error.csv.
If it is everywhere the same - result.csv.
And to be honest I do not know how to bite it, so I am guided here with a hint that someone is taking good advise to me. I want do it in python.
I have two ideas.
Load in Pandas all files as one data frame and try to write a function filtering whole DF record by record (for loop with if statements?).
Open separate all files by python read file and adding unique rows to the new list, and when read function would encounter again the same recordName, it would check it with previous. If all rest of values are tha same it will pass it without writing, if no, the record will be written in error.csv.
I am afraid, however, that these may not be the most optimal methods, hence asking you for advice and directing me for something better? I have read about numpy, I have not studied it yet, but maybe it is worth it to be in the context of this task? Maybe there is a function that has already been created for this, and I do not know about it?
Can someone help a more sensible (maybe easier) solution?

I think I have a rough idea of where you are going. This is how I would approach it
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.read_csv("file1.csv")
df2 = pd.read_csv("file2.csv")
df1["filename"] ="file1.csv"
df2["filename"] ="file2.csv"
df_total = pd.concat([df1,df2],axis=1) # stacks them vertically
df_total_no_dupes = df_total.drop_duplicates() # drops duplicate rows
# this gives you the cases where id occures more than once
name_counts = df_total_no_dupes.groupby("name").size().reset_index(name='counts')
names_which_appear_more_than_once = name_counts[name_counts["counts"] > 1]["name"].unique()
filter_condition = df_total_no_dupes["name"].isin(names_which_appear_more_than_once)
# this should be your dataframe where there are at least two rows with same name but different values.


Working and grouping data from csv files - using pandas

In relation to this topic Convert data from CSV to list of dict, I would like to ask a few additional questions regarding the processing of data contained in the CSV file.
How best to rename values for "school_subject" with condition: where term = 2 and school_subject == "foreign language" - I would like rename "foreign language" to "oth_lang" - I am looking the best performance way to do this. I could make a loop and change the value, but it is the easiest way but not the best,
Partial answer for 1 question.
df.loc[(df['school_subject'].str.contains('foreign language')) & (df['term'] == '2'), 'school_subject'] = 'oth_language'
Is it possible to put another group of conditions in the same "loc" for example to (df['school_subject'].str.contains('Informatics'))? In current version I need to create 2 lines of similar code with next conditions.
#jezrael helped me create the correct "query" for grouping data. How can we:
exclude data using code from linked code? I need separate data by term?
how to join data - ex. the students from term 1 and 2 I would like joining like a one year
Thank you for help and potential example of code.

Is there a pandas function to merge 2 dfs so that repeating items in the second df are added as columns to the first df?

I have a hard time to formulate this problem in abstract terms, therefore I will mostly try to explain it with examples.
I have 2 pandas dataframes (I get them from a sqlite DB).
First DF:
Second DF:
So the thing is: There are several images per "capture". I would like to add the images to the capture df as columns, so that each capture has 9 image columns, each with a path. There are always 9 images per capture.
I solved it in pandas with what I know in the following way:
cam_idxs = sorted(list(range(9)) * 2)
for cam_idx in cam_idxs:
sub_df = images.loc[(images["camera_id"]==cam_idx)]
captures = captures.merge(sub_df[["image", "capture_id"]], left_on="id",
I imagine though that there must be a better way. At least I imagine people probably stumble into this problem more often when getting data from a sql database.
Since I am getting the data into pandas from a sql database, I am also open to SQL commands that get me this result. And I'm also grateful for people telling me what this kind of operation is called, I did not find a good way to google for this, therefore I am asking here. Excuse me when this question was asked somewhere, I did not find anything with my searchterms.
So the question at the end is: Is there a better way to do this, especially a more efficient way to do this?
What you are looking for is the pivot table.
You just need to create a column containing the index of the number of image by capture_id that you will use as columns in the pivot table.
For example this could be :
images['column_pivot'] = [x for x in range(1,10)]*int(images.shape[0]/9)
In your case 'column_pivot' would be [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9...7,8,9] (e.g. rolling from 1 to 9)
Then you pivot :
pd.pivot_table(images, columns='column_pivot', index='capture_id', values='image')
This will give the expected result.

Fastest approach to read and process 10k Excell cells in Python/Pandas?

I want to read and process realtime DDE data from a trading platform, using Excel as 'bridge' between trading platform (which sends out datas) and Python which process it, and print it back to Excel as front-end 'gui'. SPEED IS CRUCIAL. I need to:
read 6/10 thousands cells in Excel as fast as possible
sum ticks passed at same time (same h:m:sec)
check if DataFrame contains any value in a static array (eg. large quantities)
write output on the same excel file (different sheet), used as front-end output 'gui'.
I imported 'xlwings' library and use it to read data from one sheet, calculate needed values in python and then print out results in another sheet of the same file. I want to have Excel open and visible so to function as 'output dashboard'. This function is run in an infinite loop reading realtime stock prices.
import xlwings as xw
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
tickdf = pd.DataFrame(xw.Book('datafile.xlsx').sheets['raw_data'].range((1,5)(1500, 8)).value)
tickdf.columns = ['time', 'price', 'all-tick','symb']
tickdf = tickdf[['time','symb', 'price', 'all-tick']]
#read data and fill a pandas.df with values, then re-order columns
global ttt #this is used as temporary global pandas.df
global tttout #this is used as output global pandas.df copy
#they are global as they can be zeroed with another function
ttt= ttt.append(tickdf, ignore_index=False)
#at each loop, newly read ticks are added as rows to the end of ttt global.df.
tttout = ttt.copy()
#to prevent outputting incomplete data,for extra-safety, I use a copy of the ttt as DF to be printed out on excel file. I find this as an extra-safety step
tttout = tttout.groupby(['time','symb'], as_index=False).agg({'all-tick':'sum', 'price':'first'})
tttout = tttout.set_index('time')
#sort it by time/name and set time as index
tttout = tttout.loc[tttout['all-tick'].isin(target_ticker)]
#find matching values comparing an array of a dozen values
tttout = tttout.sort_values(by = ['time', 'symb'], ascending = [False, True])
xw.Book(file_path).sheets['OUTPUT'].range('B2').value = tttout
I run this on a i5#4.2ghz, and this function, together with some other small other code, runs in 500-600ms per loop, which is fairly good (but not fantastic!) - I would like to know if there is a better approach and which step(s) might be bottlenecks.
Code reads 1500 rows, one per listed stock in alphabetical order, each of it is the 'last tick' passed on the market for that specific stock and it looks like this:
'10:00:04 | ABC | 10.33 | 50000'
'09:45:20 | XYZ | 5.260 | 200 '
being time, stock symbol, price, quantity.
I want to investigate if there are some specific quantities that are traded on the market, such as 1.000.000 (as it represent a huge order) , or maybe just '1' as often is used as market 'heartbeat', a sort of fake order.
My approach is to use Pandas/Xlwings/ and 'isin' method. Is there a more efficient approach that might improve my script performance?
It would be faster to use a UDF written with PyXLL as that would avoid going via COM and an external process. You would have a formula in Excel with the input set to your range of data, and that would be called each time the input data updated. This would avoid the need to keep polling the data in an infinite loop, and should be much faster than running Python outside of Excel.
See if you're not already familiar with PyXLL.
PyXLL could convert the input range to a pandas DataFrame for you (see, but that might not be the fastest way to do it.
The quickest way to transfer data from Excel to Python is via a floating point numpy array using the "numpy_array" type in PyXLL (see
As speed is a concern, maybe you could split the data up and have some functions that take mostly static data (eg rows and column headers), and other functions that take variable data as numpy_arrays where possible or other types where not, and then a final function to combine them all.
PyXLL can return Python objects to Excel as object handles. If you need to return intermediate results then it is generally faster to do that instead of expanding the whole dataset to an Excel range.
#Tony Roberts, thank you
I have one doubt and one observation.
DOUBT: Data get updated very fast, every 50-100ms. Would it be feasible to use a UDF fuction to be called so often ? would it be lean ? I have little experience in this.
OBSERVATION: PyXLL is for sure extremely powerful, well done, well maintained but IMHO, costing $25/month it goes beyond the pure nature of free Python language. I although do understand quality has a price.

HDFStore get column names

I have some problems with pandas' HDFStore being far to slow and unfortunately I'm unable to put together a satisfying solution from other questions here.
I have a big DataFrame, containing mostly floats and sometimes integer columns which goes through multiple processing steps (renaming, removing bad entries, aggregating by 30min). Each row has a timestamp associated to it. I would like to save some middle steps to a HDF file, so that the user can do a single step iteratively without starting from scratch each time.
Additionally the user should be able to plot certain column from these saves in order to select bad data. Therefore I would like to retrieve only the column names without reading the data in the HDFStore.
Concretely the user should get a list of all columns of all dataframes stored in the HDF then they should select which columns they would like to see whereafter I use matplotlib to present them the corresponding data.
shape == (5730000, 339) does not seem large at all, that's why I'm confused... (Might get far more rows over time, columns should stay fixed)
In the first step I append iteratively rows and columns (that runs okay), but once that's done I always process the entire DataFrame at once, only grouping or removing data.
My approach
I do all manipulations in memory since pandas seems to be rather fast and I/O is slower (HDF is on different physical server, I think)
I use datetime index and automatically selected float or integer columns
I save the steps with hdf.put('/name', df, format='fixed') since hdf.put('/name'.format(grp), df, format='table', data_columns=True) seemed to be far too slow.
I use e.g. df.groupby(df.index).first() and df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='30Min')).agg(agg_dict) to process the data, where agg_dict is a dictonary with one function per column. This is incredibly slow as well.
For plotting, I have to read-in the entire dataframe and then get the columns: hdfstore.get('/name').columns
How can I retrieve all columns without reading any data from the HDFStore?
What would be the most efficient way of storing my data? Is HDF the right option? Table or fixed?
Does it matter in term of efficiency if the index is a datetime index? Does there exists a more efficient format in general (e.g. all columns the same, fixed dtype?)
Is there a faster way to aggregate instead of groupby (df.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='30Min')).agg(agg_dict))
similar questions
How to access single columns using .select
I see that I can use this to retrieve only certain columns but only after I know the column names, I think.
Thank you for any advice!
You may simply load 0 rows of the DataFrame by specifying same start and stop attributes. And leave all internal index/column processing for pandas itself:
idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([('A', 'B'), range(2)], names=('Alpha', 'Int'))
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(len(idx), 3), index=idx, columns=('I', 'II', 'III'))
>>> I II III
>>> Alpha Int
>>> A 0 -0.472412 0.436486 0.354592
>>> 1 -0.095776 -0.598585 -0.847514
>>> B 0 0.107897 1.236039 -0.196927
>>> 1 -0.154014 0.821511 0.092220
Following works both for fixed an table formats:
with pd.HDFStore('test.h5') as store:
store.put('df', df, format='f')
meta ='df', start=1, stop=1)
>>> I II III
>>> Alpha Int
>>> MultiIndex(levels=[[], []],
>>> codes=[[], []],
>>> names=['Alpha', 'Int'])
>>> Index(['I', 'II', 'III'], dtype='object')
As for others question:
As long as your data is mostly homogeneous (almost float columns as you mentioned) and you are able to store it in single file without need to distribute data across machines - HDF is the first thing to try.
If you need to append/delete/query data - you must use table format. If you only need to write once and read many - fixed will improve performance.
As for datetime index, i think here we may use same idea as in 1 clause. If u are able to convert all data into single type it should increase your performance.
Nothing else that proposed in comment to your question comes to mind.
For a HDFStore hdf and a key (from hdf.keys()) you can get the column names with:
# Table stored with hdf.put(..., format='table')
columns = hdf.get_node('{}/table'.format(key)).description._v_names
# Table stored with hdf.put(..., format='fixed')
columns = list(hdf.get_node('{}/axis0'.format(key)).read().astype(str))
note that hdf.get(key).columns works as well, but it reads all the data into memory, while the approach above only reads the column names.
Full working example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1,1,1,2,3,4,5], 'b': [2,3,4,1,3,2,1]})
with pd.HDFStore(path='store.h5', mode='a') as hdf:
hdf.put('/DATA/fixed_store', data, format='fixed')
hdf.put('/DATA/table_store', data, format='table', data_columns=True)
for key in hdf.keys():
# column names of table store
except AttributeError:
# column names of fixed store
except AttributeError:
# e.g. a dataset created by h5py instead of pandas.
print('unknown node in HDF.')
Columns without reading any data:
store.get_storer('df').ncols # substitute 'df' with your key
# you can also access nrows and other useful fields
From the docs (fixed format, table format): (important points in bold)
[fixed] These types of stores are not appendable once written (though you can simply remove them and rewrite). Nor are they queryable; they must be retrieved in their entirety. They also do not support dataframes with non-unique column names. The fixed format stores offer very fast writing and slightly faster reading than table stores.
[table] Conceptually a table is shaped very much like a DataFrame, with rows and columns. A table may be appended to in the same or other sessions. In addition, delete and query type operations are supported.
You may try to use epochms (or epochns) (milliseconds or nanoseconds since epoch) in place of datetimes. This way, you are just dealing with integer indices.
You may have a look at this answer if what you need is grouping by on large data.
An advice: if you have 4 questions to ask, it may be better to ask 4 separate questions on SO. This way, you'll get a higher number of (higher quality) answers, since each one is easier to tackle. And each will deal with a specific topic, making it easier to search for people that are looking for specific answers.

appending non-unique rows to another database using python

Hey all,
I have two databases. One with 145000 rows and approx. 12 columns. I have another database with around 40000 rows and 5 columns. I am trying to compare based on two columns values. For example if in CSV#1 column 1 says 100-199 and column two says Main St(meaning that this row is contained within the 100 block of main street), how would I go about comparing that with a similar two columns in CSV#2. I need to compare every row in CSV#1 to each single row in CSV#2. If there is a match I need to append the 5 columns of each matching row to the end of the row of CSV#2. Thus CSV#2's number of columns will grow significantly and have repeat entries, doesnt matter how the columns are ordered. Any advice on how to compare two columns with another two columns in a separate database and then iterate across all rows. I've been using python and the import csv so far with the rest of the work, but this part of the problem has me stumped.
Thanks in advance
A csv file is NOT a database. A csv file is just rows of text-chunks; a proper database (like PostgreSQL or Mysql or SQL Server or SQLite or many others) gives you proper data types and table joins and indexes and row iteration and proper handling of multiple matches and many other things which you really don't want to rewrite from scratch.
How is it supposed to know that Address("100-199")==Address("Main Street")? You will have to come up with some sort of knowledge-base which transforms each bit of text into a canonical address or address-range which you can then compare; see Where is a good Address Parser but be aware that it deals with singular addresses (not address ranges).
Thanks to Sven; if you were using a real database, you could do something like
User.firstname, User.lastname, User.account, Order.placed, Order.fulfilled
AND User.streetname=Order.streetname
if streetnumber and streetname are exact matches; otherwise you still need to consider point #2 above.

