Batch normalization in tensorflow: variables and performance - python

I would like to add conditional operations on the variables of a batch normalization layer. Specifically, train in float, then quantize in a fine-tuning secondary training phase. For this, I want to add a tf.cond operation on the variables (scale, shift and exp moving averages of mean and var).
I replaced the tf.layers.batch_normalization with a batchnorm layer I wrote (see below).
This function works perfectly (i.e. I get the same metrics with both functions), and I can add whatever pipeline to the variables (before the batchnorm operation). The problem is that the performance (runtime) dropped dramatically (i.e. there's a x2 factor by simply replacing the layers.batchnorm with my own function, as written below).
def batchnorm(self, x, name, epsilon=0.001, decay=0.99):
epsilon = tf.to_float(epsilon)
decay = tf.to_float(decay)
with tf.variable_scope(name):
shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
channels_num = shape[3]
# scale factor
gamma = tf.get_variable("gamma", shape=[channels_num], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.0), trainable=True)
# shift value
beta = tf.get_variable("beta", shape=[channels_num], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), trainable=True)
moving_mean = tf.get_variable("moving_mean", channels_num, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), trainable=False)
moving_var = tf.get_variable("moving_var", channels_num, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.0), trainable=False)
batch_mean, batch_var = tf.nn.moments(x, axes=[0, 1, 2]) # per channel
update_mean = moving_mean.assign((decay * moving_mean) + ((1. - decay) * batch_mean))
update_var = moving_var.assign((decay * moving_var) + ((1. - decay) * batch_var))
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, update_mean)
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, update_var)
bn_mean = tf.cond(self.is_training, lambda: tf.identity(batch_mean), lambda: tf.identity(moving_mean))
bn_var = tf.cond(self.is_training, lambda: tf.identity(batch_var), lambda: tf.identity(moving_var))
with tf.variable_scope(name + "_batchnorm_op"):
inv = tf.math.rsqrt(bn_var + epsilon)
inv *= gamma
output = ((x*inv) - (bn_mean*inv)) + beta
return output
I would appreciate help in any of the following questions:
Any ideas on how to improve the performance (reduce runtime) of my solution?
Is it possible to add my own operators to the variables pipeline of layers.batchnorm before the batchnorm operation?
Any other solution to the same problem?

tf.nn.fused_batch_norm is optimized and did the trick.
I had to create two subgraphs, one per mode, since fused_batch_norm's interface does not take a conditional training/test mode (is_training is bool and not a tensor, so it's graph is not conditional). I added the condition after (see below). However, even with the two subgraphs, this has about the same runtime of tf.layers.batch_normalization.
Here's the final solution (I'd still appreciate any comment or advice for improvements):
def batchnorm(self, x, name, epsilon=0.001, decay=0.99):
with tf.variable_scope(name):
shape = x.get_shape().as_list()
channels_num = shape[3]
# scale factor
gamma = tf.get_variable("gamma", shape=[channels_num], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.0), trainable=True)
# shift value
beta = tf.get_variable("beta", shape=[channels_num], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), trainable=True)
moving_mean = tf.get_variable("moving_mean", channels_num, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.0), trainable=False)
moving_var = tf.get_variable("moving_var", channels_num, initializer=tf.constant_initializer(1.0), trainable=False)
(output_train, batch_mean, batch_var) = tf.nn.fused_batch_norm(x,
beta, # pylint: disable=invalid-name
(output_test, _, _) = tf.nn.fused_batch_norm(x,
beta, # pylint: disable=invalid-name
output = tf.cond(self.is_training, lambda: tf.identity(output_train), lambda: tf.identity(output_test))
update_mean = moving_mean.assign((decay * moving_mean) + ((1. - decay) * batch_mean))
update_var = moving_var.assign((decay * moving_var) + ((1. - decay) * batch_var))
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, update_mean)
tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, update_var)
return output


Problem with implementation of Multilayer perceptron

I am trying to create a multi-layered perceptron for the purpose of classifying a dataset of hand drawn digits obtained from the MNIST database. It implements 2 hidden layers that have a sigmoid activation function while the output layer utilizes SoftMax. However, for whatever reason I am not able to get it to work. I have attached the training loop from my code below, this I am confident is where the problems stems from. Can anyone identify possible issues with my implementation of the perceptron?
def train(self, inputs, targets, eta, niterations):
inputs is a numpy array of shape (num_train, D) containing the training images
consisting of num_train samples each of dimension D.
targets is a numpy array of shape (num_train, D) containing the training labels
consisting of num_train samples each of dimension D.
eta is the learning rate for optimization
niterations is the number of iterations for updating the weights
ndata = np.shape(inputs)[0] # number of data samples
# adding the bias
inputs = np.concatenate((inputs, -np.ones((ndata, 1))), axis=1)
# numpy array to store the update weights
updatew1 = np.zeros((np.shape(self.weights1)))
updatew2 = np.zeros((np.shape(self.weights2)))
updatew3 = np.zeros((np.shape(self.weights3)))
for n in range(niterations):
# forward phase
self.outputs = self.forwardPass(inputs)
# Error using the sum-of-squares error function
error = 0.5*np.sum((self.outputs-targets)**2)
if (np.mod(n, 100) == 0):
print("Iteration: ", n, " Error: ", error)
# backward phase
deltao = self.outputs - targets
placeholder = np.zeros(np.shape(self.outputs))
for j in range(np.shape(self.outputs)[1]):
y = self.outputs[:, j]
placeholder[:, j] = y * (1 - y)
for y in range(np.shape(self.outputs)[1]):
if not y == j:
placeholder[:, j] += -y * self.outputs[:, y]
deltao *= placeholder
# compute the derivative of the second hidden layer
deltah2 =, np.transpose(self.weights3))
deltah2 = self.hidden2*self.beta*(1.0-self.hidden2)*deltah2
# compute the derivative of the first hidden layer
deltah1 =[:, :-1], np.transpose(self.weights2))
deltah1 = self.hidden1*self.beta*(1.0-self.hidden1)*deltah1
# update the weights of the three layers: self.weights1, self.weights2 and self.weights3
updatew1 = eta*(,deltah1[:, :-1])) + (self.momentum * updatew1)
updatew2 = eta*(,deltah2[:, :-1])) + (self.momentum * updatew2)
updatew3 = eta*(,deltao)) + (self.momentum * updatew3)
self.weights1 -= updatew1
self.weights2 -= updatew2
self.weights3 -= updatew3
def forwardPass(self, inputs):
inputs is a numpy array of shape (num_train, D) containing the training images
consisting of num_train samples each of dimension D.
# layer 1
# the forward pass on the first hidden layer with the sigmoid function
self.hidden1 =, self.weights1)
self.hidden1 = 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-self.beta*self.hidden1))
self.hidden1 = np.concatenate((self.hidden1, -np.ones((np.shape(self.hidden1)[0], 1))), axis=1)
# layer 2
# the forward pass on the second hidden layer with the sigmoid function
self.hidden2 =, self.weights2)
self.hidden2 = 1.0/(1.0+np.exp(-self.beta*self.hidden2))
self.hidden2 = np.concatenate((self.hidden2, -np.ones((np.shape(self.hidden2)[0], 1))), axis=1)
# output layer
# the forward pass on the output layer with softmax function
outputs =, self.weights3)
outputs = np.exp(outputs)
outputs /= np.repeat(np.sum(outputs, axis=1),outputs.shape[1], axis=0).reshape(outputs.shape)
return outputs
Update: I have since figured something out that I messed up during the backpropagation of the SoftMax algorithm. The actual deltao should be:
deltao = self.outputs - targets
placeholder = np.zeros(np.shape(self.outputs))
for j in range(np.shape(self.outputs)[1]):
y = self.outputs[:, j]
placeholder[:, j] = y * (1 - y)
# the counter for the for loop below used to also be named y causing confusion
for i in range(np.shape(self.outputs)[1]):
if not i == j:
placeholder[:, j] += -y * self.outputs[:, i]
deltao *= placeholder
After this correction the overflow errors have seemed to have sorted themselves however, there is now a new problem, no matter my efforts the accuracy of the perceptron does not exceed 15% no matter what variables I change
Second Update: After a long time I have finally found a way to get my code to work. I had to change the backpropogation of SoftMax (in code this is called deltao) to the following:
deltao = np.exp(self.outputs)
deltao = deltao * (1 - deltao)
deltao *= (self.outputs - targets)/np.shape(inputs)[0]
Only problem is I have no idea why this works as a derivative of SoftMax could anyone explain this?

My neural network is approximating X^2 with a straight line

I am currently in the process of trying to implement my own neural network from scratch to test my understanding of the method. I thought things were going well, as my network managed to approximate AND and XOR functions without an issue, but it turns out it is having a problem with learning to approximate a simple square function.
I have attempted to use a variety of different network configurations, with anywhere from 1 to 3 layers, and 1-64 nodes. I have varied the learning rate from 0.1 to 0.00000001, and implemented weight decay as I thought some regularisation might provide some insight as to what went wrong. I have also implemented gradient check, which is giving me conflicting answers, as it varies greatly from attempt to attempt, ranging from a dreadful 0.6 difference to a fantastic 1e-10. I am using the leaky ReLU activation function, and MSE as my cost function.
Could somebody help me spot what I am missing? Or is this purely down to optimising the hyper parameters?
My code is as follows:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import Sub_Script as ss
# Create sample data set using X**2
X = np.expand_dims(np.linspace(0, 1, 201), axis=0)
y = X**2
plt.plot(X.T, y.T)
# Hyper-parameters
layer_dims = [1, 64, 1]
learning_rate = 0.000001
iterations = 50000
decay = 0.00000001
num_ex = y.shape[1]
# Initializations
num_layers = len(layer_dims)
weights = [None] + [np.random.randn(layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1])*np.sqrt(2/layer_dims[l-1])for l in range(1, num_layers)]
biases = [None] + [np.zeros((layer_dims[l], 1)) for l in range(1, num_layers)]
dweights, dbiases, dw_approx, db_approx = ss.grad_check(weights, biases, num_layers, X, y, decay, num_ex)
# Main function: Iteration loop
for iter in range(iterations):
# Main function: Forward Propagation
z_values, acts = ss.forward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, X)
dweights, dbiases = ss.backward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, z_values, acts, y)
weights, biases = ss.update_paras(weights, biases, dweights, dbiases, learning_rate, decay, num_ex)
if iter % (1000+1) == 0:
print('Cost: ', ss.mse(acts[-1], y, weights, decay, num_ex))
# Gradient Checking
dweights, dbiases, dw_approx, db_approx = ss.grad_check(weights, biases, num_layers, X, y, decay, num_ex)
# Visualization
plt.plot(X.T, acts[-1].T)
With containing the neural network functions:
import numpy as np
import copy as cp
# Construct sub functions, forward, backward propagation and cost and activation functions
# Leaky ReLU Activation Function
def relu(x):
return (x > 0) * x + (x < 0) * 0.01*x
# Leaky ReLU activation Function Gradient
def relu_grad(x):
return (x > 0) + (x < 0) * 0.01
# MSE Cost Function
def mse(prediction, actual, weights, decay, num_ex):
return np.sum((actual - prediction) ** 2)/(actual.shape[1]) + (decay/(2*num_ex))*np.sum([np.sum(w) for w in weights[1:]])
# MSE Cost Function Gradient
def mse_grad(prediction, actual):
return -2 * (actual - prediction)/(actual.shape[1])
# Forward Propagation
def forward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, act):
acts = [[None] for i in range(num_layers)]
z_values = [[None] for i in range(num_layers)]
acts[0] = act
for layer in range(1, num_layers):
z_values[layer] =[layer], acts[layer-1]) + biases[layer]
acts[layer] = relu(z_values[layer])
return z_values, acts
# Backward Propagation
def backward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, z_values, acts, y):
dweights = [[None] for i in range(num_layers)]
dbiases = [[None] for i in range(num_layers)]
zgrad = mse_grad(acts[-1], y) * relu_grad(z_values[-1])
dweights[-1] =, acts[-2].T)
dbiases[-1] = np.sum(zgrad, axis=1, keepdims=True)
for layer in range(num_layers-2, 0, -1):
zgrad =[layer+1].T, zgrad) * relu_grad(z_values[layer])
dweights[layer] =, acts[layer-1].T)
dbiases[layer] = np.sum(zgrad, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return dweights, dbiases
# Update Parameters with Regularization
def update_paras(weights, biases, dweights, dbiases, learning_rate, decay, num_ex):
weights = [None] + [w - learning_rate*(dw + (decay/num_ex)*w) for w, dw in zip(weights[1:], dweights[1:])]
biases = [None] + [b - learning_rate*db for b, db in zip(biases[1:], dbiases[1:])]
return weights, biases
# Gradient Checking
def grad_check(weights, biases, num_layers, X, y, decay, num_ex):
z_values, acts = forward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, X)
dweights, dbiases = backward_propagation(weights, biases, num_layers, z_values, acts, y)
epsilon = 1e-7
dw_approx = cp.deepcopy(weights)
db_approx = cp.deepcopy(biases)
for layer in range(1, num_layers):
height = weights[layer].shape[0]
width = weights[layer].shape[1]
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
w_plus = cp.deepcopy(weights)
w_plus[layer][i, j] += epsilon
w_minus = cp.deepcopy(weights)
w_minus[layer][i, j] -= epsilon
_, temp_plus = forward_propagation(w_plus, biases, num_layers, X)
cost_plus = mse(temp_plus[-1], y, w_plus, decay, num_ex)
_, temp_minus = forward_propagation(w_minus, biases, num_layers, X)
cost_minus = mse(temp_minus[-1], y, w_minus, decay, num_ex)
dw_approx[layer][i, j] = (cost_plus - cost_minus)/(2*epsilon)
b_plus = cp.deepcopy(biases)
b_plus[layer][i, 0] += epsilon
b_minus = cp.deepcopy(biases)
b_minus[layer][i, 0] -= epsilon
_, temp_plus = forward_propagation(weights, b_plus, num_layers, X)
cost_plus = mse(temp_plus[-1], y, weights, decay, num_ex)
_, temp_minus = forward_propagation(weights, b_minus, num_layers, X)
cost_minus = mse(temp_minus[-1], y, weights, decay, num_ex)
db_approx[layer][i, 0] = (cost_plus - cost_minus)/(2*epsilon)
dweights_flat = [dw.flatten() for dw in dweights[1:]]
dweights_flat = np.concatenate(dweights_flat, axis=None)
dw_approx_flat = [dw.flatten() for dw in dw_approx[1:]]
dw_approx_flat = np.concatenate(dw_approx_flat, axis=None)
dbiases_flat = [db.flatten() for db in dbiases[1:]]
dbiases_flat = np.concatenate(dbiases_flat, axis=None)
db_approx_flat = [db.flatten() for db in db_approx[1:]]
db_approx_flat = np.concatenate(db_approx_flat, axis=None)
d_paras = np.concatenate([dweights_flat, dbiases_flat], axis=None)
d_approx_paras = np.concatenate([dw_approx_flat, db_approx_flat], axis=None)
difference = np.linalg.norm(d_paras - d_approx_paras)/(np.linalg.norm(d_paras) +
if difference > 2e-7:
"\033[93m" + "There is a mistake in the backward propagation! difference = " + str(difference) + "\033[0m")
"\033[92m" + "Your backward propagation works perfectly fine! difference = " + str(difference) + "\033[0m")
return dweights, dbiases, dw_approx, db_approx
Edit: Made some corrections to some old comments I had in the code, to avoid confusion
Edit 2: Thanks to #sid_508 for helping me find the main problem with my code! I also wanted to mention in this edit that I found out that there was some mistake in the way I had implemented the weight decay. After making the suggested changes and removing the weight decay element entirely for now, the neural network appears to work!
I ran your code and this is the output it gave:
The issue is that you use ReLU for the final layer too, so you can't get the best fit, use no activation in the final layer and it should produce way better results.
The final layer activation usually always varies from what you use for the hidden layers and it depends on what type of output you are going for. For continuous outputs use linear activation (basically no activation), and for classification use sigmoid/softmax.

Do all variables in the loss function have to be tensor with grads in pytorch?

I have the following function
def msfe(ys, ts):
ys=ys.detach().numpy() #output from the network
ts=ts.detach().numpy() #Target (true labels)
pred_class = (ys>=0.5)
n_0 = sum(ts==0) #Number of true negatives
n_1 = sum(ts==1) #Number of true positives
FPE = sum((ts==0)[[bool(p) for p in (pred_class==1)]])/n_0 #False positive error
FNE = sum((ts==1)[[bool(p) for p in (pred_class==0)]])/n_1 #False negative error
loss= FPE**2+FNE**2
return loss
and I wonder, if the autograd in Pytorch works properly, since ys and ts does not have the grad flag.
So my question is: do all the variables (FPE,FNE,ys,ts,n_1,n_0) have to be tensors, before optimizer.step() works, or is it okay that it is only the final function (loss) which is ?
All of the variables you want to optimise via optimizer.step() need to have gradient.
In your case it would be y predicted by network, so you shouldn't detach it (from graph).
Usually you don't change your targets, so those don't need gradients. You shouldn't have to detach them though, tensors by default don't require gradient and won't be backpropagated.
Loss will have gradient if it's ingredients (at least one) have gradient.
Overall you rarely need to take care of it manually.
BTW. don't use numpy with PyTorch, there is rarely ever the case to do so. You can perform most of the operations you can do on numpy array on PyTorch's tensor.
BTW2. There is no such thing as Variable in pytorch anymore, only tensors which require gradient and those that don't.
1.1 Problems with existing code
Indeed, you are using functions which are not differentiable (namely >= and ==). Those will give you trouble only in the case of your outputs, as those required gradient (you can use == and >= for targets though).
Below I have attached your loss function and outlined problems in it in the comments:
# Gradient can't propagate if you detach and work in another framework
# Most Python constructs should be fine, detaching will ruin it though.
def msfe(outputs, targets):
# outputs=outputs.detach().numpy() # Do not detach, no need to do that
# targets=targets.detach().numpy() # No need for numpy either
pred_class = outputs >= 0.5 # This one is non-differentiable
# n_0 = sum(targets==0) # Do not use sum, there is pytorch function for that
# n_1 = sum(targets==1)
n_0 = torch.sum(targets == 0) # Those are not differentiable, but...
n_1 = torch.sum(targets == 1) # It does not matter as those are targets
# FPE = sum((targets==0)[[bool(p) for p in (pred_class==1)]])/n_0 # Do not use Python bools
# FNE = sum((targets==1)[[bool(p) for p in (pred_class==0)]])/n_1 # Stay within PyTorch
# Those two below are non-differentiable due to == sign as well
FPE = torch.sum((targets == 0.0) * (pred_class == 1.0)).float() / n_0
FNE = torch.sum((targets == 1.0) * (pred_class == 0.0)).float() / n_1
# This is obviously fine
loss = FPE ** 2 + FNE ** 2
# Loss should be a tensor already, don't do things like that
# Gradient will not be propagated, you will have a new tensor
# Always returning gradient of `1` and that's all
# loss = torch.tensor(loss, dtype=torch.float64, requires_grad=True)
return loss
1.2 Possible solution
So, you need to get rid of 3 non-differentiable parts. You could in principle try to approximate it with continuous outputs from your network (provided you are using sigmoid as activation). Here is my take:
def msfe_approximation(outputs, targets):
n_0 = torch.sum(targets == 0) # Gradient does not flow through it, it's okay
n_1 = torch.sum(targets == 1) # Same as above
FPE = torch.sum((targets == 0) * outputs).float() / n_0
FNE = torch.sum((targets == 1) * (1 - outputs)).float() / n_1
return FPE ** 2 + FNE ** 2
Notice that to minimize FPE outputs will try to be zero on the indices where targets are zero. Similarly for FNE, if targets are 1, network will try to output 1 as well.
Notice similarity of this idea to BCELoss (Binary CrossEntropy).
And lastly, example you can run this on, just for sanity check:
if __name__ == "__main__":
model = torch.nn.Sequential(
torch.nn.Linear(30, 100),
torch.nn.Linear(100, 200),
torch.nn.Linear(200, 1),
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
targets = torch.randint(high=2, size=(64, 1)) # random targets
inputs = torch.rand(64, 30) # random data
for _ in range(1000):
outputs = model(inputs)
loss = msfe_approximation(outputs, targets)
print(((model(inputs) >= 0.5) == targets).float().mean())

What's wrong with my backpropagation?

I'm trying to code a neural network from scratch in python. To check whether everything works I wanted to overfit the network but the loss seems to explode at first and then comes back to the initial value and stops there (Doesn't converge). I've checked my code and could find the reason. I assume my understanding or implementation of backpropagation is incorrect but there might be some other reason. Can anyone help me out or at least point me in the right direction?
# Initialize weights and biases given dimesnsions (For this example the dimensions are set to [12288, 64, 1])
def initialize_parameters(dims):
# Initiate parameters
parameters = {}
L = len(dims) # Number of layers in the network
# Loop over the given dimensions. Initialize random weights and set biases to zero.
for i in range(1, L):
parameters["W" + str(i)] = np.random.randn(dims[i], dims[i-1]) * 0.01
parameters["b" + str(i)] = np.zeros([dims[i], 1])
return parameters
# Activation Functions
def relu(x, deriv=False):
if deriv:
return 1. * (x > 0)
return np.maximum(0,x)
def sigmoid(x, deriv=False):
if deriv:
return x * (1-x)
return 1/(1 + np.exp(-x))
# Forward and backward pass for 2 layer neural network. (1st relu, 2nd sigmoid)
def forward_backward(X, Y, parameters):
# Array for storing gradients
grads = {}
# Get the length of examples
m = Y.shape[1]
# First layer
Z1 =["W1"], X) + parameters["b1"]
A1 = relu(Z1)
# Second layer
Z2 =["W2"], A1) + parameters["b2"]
AL = sigmoid(Z2)
# Compute cost
cost = (-1 / m) * np.sum(np.multiply(Y, np.log(AL)) + np.multiply(1 - Y, np.log(1 - AL)))
# Backpropagation
# Second Layer
dAL = - (np.divide(Y, AL) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - AL))
dZ2 = dAL * sigmoid(AL, deriv=True)
grads["dW2"] =, A1.T) / m
grads["db2"] = np.sum(dZ2, axis=1, keepdims=True) / m
# First layer
dA1 =["W2"].T, dZ2)
dZ1 = dA1 * relu(A1, deriv=True)
grads["dW1"] =, X.T)
grads["db1"] = np.sum(dZ1, axis=1, keepdims=True) / m
return AL, grads, cost
# Hyperparameters
dims = [12288, 64, 1]
epoches = 2000
learning_rate = 0.1
# Initialize parameters
parameters = initialize_parameters(dims)
log_list = []
# Train the network
for i in range(epoches):
# Get X and Y
x = np.array(train[0:10],ndmin=2).T
y = np.array(labels[0:10], ndmin=2).T
# Perform forward and backward pass
AL, grads, cost = forward_backward(x, y, parameters)
# Compute cost and append to the log_list
# Update parameters with computed gradients
parameters = update_parameters(grads, parameters, learning_rate)
plt.title("Loss of the network")
I am struggling to find the place where you calculate the error gradients and the input training data sample would also help...
I don't know if this will help you, but I'll share my solution for Python neural network to learn XOR problem.
import numpy as np
def sigmoid_function(x, derivative=False):
Sigmoid function
“x” is the input and “y” the output, the nonlinear properties of this function means that
the rate of change is slower at the extremes and faster in the centre. Put plainly,
we want the neuron to “make its mind up” instead of indecisively staying in the middle.
:param x: Float
:param Derivative: Boolean
:return: Float
if (derivative):
return x * (1 - x) # Derivative using the chain rule.
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
# create dataset for XOR problem
input_data = np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0]])
ideal_output = np.array([[0.0], [1.0], [1.0], [0.0]])
#initialize variables
learning_rate = 0.1
epoch = 50000 #number or iterations basically - One round of forward and back propagation is called an epoch
# get the second element from the numpy array shape field to detect the count of features for input layer
input_layer_neurons = input_data.shape[1]
hidden_layer_neurons = 3 #number of hidden layer neurons
output_layer_neurons = 1 #number of output layer neurons
#init weight & bias
weights_hidden = np.random.uniform(size=(input_layer_neurons, hidden_layer_neurons))
bias_hidden = np.random.uniform(1, hidden_layer_neurons)
weights_output = np.random.uniform(size=(hidden_layer_neurons, output_layer_neurons))
bias_output = np.random.uniform(1, output_layer_neurons)
for i in range(epoch):
#forward propagation
hidden_layer_input_temp =, weights_hidden) #matrix dot product to adjust for weights in the layer
hidden_layer_input = hidden_layer_input_temp + bias_hidden #adjust for bias
hidden_layer_activations = sigmoid_function(hidden_layer_input) #use the activation function
output_layer_input_temp =, weights_output)
output_layer_input = output_layer_input_temp + bias_output
output = sigmoid_function(output_layer_input) #final output
#backpropagation (where adjusting of the weights happens)
error = ideal_output - output #error gradient
if (i % 1000 == 0):
print("Error: {}".format(np.mean(abs(error))))
#use derivatives to compute slope of output and hidden layers
slope_output_layer = sigmoid_function(output, derivative=True)
slope_hidden_layer = sigmoid_function(hidden_layer_activations, derivative=True)
#calculate deltas
delta_output = error * slope_output_layer
error_hidden_layer = #calculates the error at hidden layer
delta_hidden = error_hidden_layer * slope_hidden_layer
#change the weights
weights_output += * learning_rate
bias_output += np.sum(delta_output, axis=0, keepdims=True) * learning_rate
weights_hidden += * learning_rate
bias_hidden += np.sum(delta_hidden, axis=0, keepdims=True) * learning_rate

How Adagrad works in Keras? What does self.weights mean in Keras Optimizer?

For example, the implementation of Keras' Adagrad has been:
class Adagrad(Optimizer):
"""Adagrad optimizer.
It is recommended to leave the parameters of this optimizer
at their default values.
# Arguments
lr: float >= 0. Learning rate.
epsilon: float >= 0.
decay: float >= 0. Learning rate decay over each update.
# References
- [Adaptive Subgradient Methods for Online Learning and Stochastic Optimization](
def __init__(self, lr=0.01, epsilon=1e-8, decay=0., **kwargs):
super(Adagrad, self).__init__(**kwargs) = K.variable(lr)
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.decay = K.variable(decay)
self.initial_decay = decay
self.iterations = K.variable(0.)
def get_updates(self, params, constraints, loss):
grads = self.get_gradients(loss, params)
shapes = [K.get_variable_shape(p) for p in params]
accumulators = [K.zeros(shape) for shape in shapes]
self.weights = accumulators
self.updates = []
lr =
if self.initial_decay > 0:
lr *= (1. / (1. + self.decay * self.iterations))
self.updates.append(K.update_add(self.iterations, 1))
for p, g, a in zip(params, grads, accumulators):
new_a = a + K.square(g) # update accumulator
self.updates.append(K.update(a, new_a))
new_p = p - lr * g / (K.sqrt(new_a) + self.epsilon)
# apply constraints
if p in constraints:
c = constraints[p]
new_p = c(new_p)
self.updates.append(K.update(p, new_p))
return self.updates
And the Function 'get_update()' seems one step update. However should the accumulators be stored the history information? Why it has been initialized to zeros at each step? How it can be an accumulator through the whole training process?
What does this line do?
self.weights = accumulators
It seems self.weights is never been called anymore.
You are correct.. for all optimizers in Keras get_updates() implements the tensor logic for one step of updates. This function is called once for each from _make_train_function() here, which is used to create the tensor function by passing the update rule as update= here. This update rule is used iteration to iteration to update the model parameters and other parameters.
self.weights of an optimizer class is its internal parameters. This is not used for training. It just functions to keep the state of the optimizer (list of pointers to the param/accumulators tensor) and when is called they are also saved by calling get_weights() here and is loaded back when model.load is called by set_weights() here

