Passing values to function using numpy - python

Suppose, I have a function that has three inputs prob(x,mu,sig).
With sizes:
x = 1 x 3
mu = 1 x 3
sig = 3 x 3
Now, I have a dataset X, mean matrix M and std. deviation matrix sigma.
Sizes are:-
X : m x 3.
mean : k x 3.
sigma : k x 3 x 3
For each value m, I want to pass all values of k in the function prob to calculate my responsibility value.
I can pass the values one by one using for loops.
What would be a better way of doing this in numpy.
The related code for reference:
responsibility = np.zeros((X.shape[0],k))
s = np.zeros(k)
for i in np.arange(X.shape[0]):
for j in np.arange(k):
s[j] = prob(X[i],MU[j],SIGMA[j])
s = s/s.sum()
responsibility[i] = s
responsibility = np.transpose(responsibility)

If using a single for loop is acceptable then you can probably use the following,
import itertools
sigma.shape = k, 9
zipped_array = np.array(list(zip(mean, sigma)))
all_possible_combo = list(itertools.product(X, zipped_array))
list_len = len(all_possible_combo) # = m * k
s = np.zeros(k)
responsibility = np.zeros((X.shape[0],k))
for i in range(list_len):
X_arow = all_possible_combo[i][0]
mean_single = all_possible_combo[i][1]
sigma_single = all_possible_combo[i][2].reshape((3, 3))
s = prob(X_arow, mean_single, sigma_single)
s = s/s.sum()
responsibility[i] = s
responsibility = np.transpose(responsibility)


Multigrid Poisson Solver

I am trying to make my own CFD solver and one of the most computationally expensive parts is solving for the pressure term. One way to solve Poisson differential equations faster is by using a multigrid method. The basic recursive algorithm for this is:
function phi = V_Cycle(phi,f,h)
% Recursive V-Cycle Multigrid for solving the Poisson equation (\nabla^2 phi = f) on a uniform grid of spacing h
% Pre-Smoothing
phi = smoothing(phi,f,h);
% Compute Residual Errors
r = residual(phi,f,h);
% Restriction
rhs = restriction(r);
eps = zeros(size(rhs));
% stop recursion at smallest grid size, otherwise continue recursion
if smallest_grid_size_is_achieved
eps = smoothing(eps,rhs,2*h);
eps = V_Cycle(eps,rhs,2*h);
% Prolongation and Correction
phi = phi + prolongation(eps);
% Post-Smoothing
phi = smoothing(phi,f,h);
I've attempted to implement this algorithm myself (also at the end of this question) however it is very slow and doesn't give good results so evidently it is doing something wrong. I've been trying to find why for too long and I think it's just worthwhile seeing if anyone can help me.
If I use a grid size of 2^5 by 2^5 points, then it can solve it and give reasonable results. However, as soon as I go above this it takes exponentially longer to solve and basically get stuck at some level of inaccuracy, no matter how many V-Loops are performed. at 2^7 by 2^7 points, the code takes way too long to be useful.
I think my main issue is that my implementation of a jacobian iteration is using linear algebra to calculate the update at each step. This should, in general, be fast however, the update matrix A is an n*m sized matrix, and calculating the dot product of a 2^7 * 2^7 sized matrix is expensive. As most of the cells are just zeros, should I calculate the result using a different method?
if anyone has any experience in multigrid methods, I would appreciate any advice!
my code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Dec 29 16:24:16 2020
#author: mclea
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from matplotlib import cm
def restrict(A):
Creates a new grid of points which is half the size of the original
grid in each dimension.
n = A.shape[0]
m = A.shape[1]
new_n = int((n-2)/2+2)
new_m = int((m-2)/2+2)
new_array = np.zeros((new_n, new_m))
for i in range(1, new_n-1):
for j in range(1, new_m-1):
ii = int((i-1)*2)+1
jj = int((j-1)*2)+1
# print(i, j, ii, jj)
new_array[i,j] = np.average(A[ii:ii+2, jj:jj+2])
new_array = set_BC(new_array)
return new_array
def interpolate_array(A):
Creates a grid of points which is double the size of the original
grid in each dimension. Uses linear interpolation between grid points.
n = A.shape[0]
m = A.shape[1]
new_n = int((n-2)*2 + 2)
new_m = int((m-2)*2 + 2)
new_array = np.zeros((new_n, new_m))
i = (np.indices(A.shape)[0]/(A.shape[0]-1)).flatten()
j = (np.indices(A.shape)[1]/(A.shape[1]-1)).flatten()
A = A.flatten()
new_i = np.linspace(0, 1, new_n)
new_j = np.linspace(0, 1, new_m)
new_ii, new_jj = np.meshgrid(new_i, new_j)
new_array = griddata((i, j), A, (new_jj, new_ii), method="linear")
return new_array
def adjacency_matrix(rows, cols):
Creates the adjacency matrix for an n by m shaped grid
n = rows*cols
M = np.zeros((n,n))
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
i = r*cols + c
# Two inner diagonals
if c > 0: M[i-1,i] = M[i,i-1] = 1
# Two outer diagonals
if r > 0: M[i-cols,i] = M[i,i-cols] = 1
return M
def create_differences_matrix(rows, cols):
Creates the central differences matrix A for an n by m shaped grid
n = rows*cols
M = np.zeros((n,n))
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
i = r*cols + c
# Two inner diagonals
if c > 0: M[i-1,i] = M[i,i-1] = -1
# Two outer diagonals
if r > 0: M[i-cols,i] = M[i,i-cols] = -1
np.fill_diagonal(M, 4)
return M
def set_BC(A):
Sets the boundary conditions of the field
A[:, 0] = A[:, 1]
A[:, -1] = A[:, -2]
A[0, :] = A[1, :]
A[-1, :] = A[-2, :]
return A
def create_A(n,m):
Creates all the components required for the jacobian update function
for an n by m shaped grid
LaddU = adjacency_matrix(n,m)
A = create_differences_matrix(n,m)
invD = np.zeros((n*m, n*m))
np.fill_diagonal(invD, 1/4)
return A, LaddU, invD
def calc_RJ(rows, cols):
Calculates the jacobian update matrix Rj for an n by m shaped grid
n = int(rows*cols)
M = np.zeros((n,n))
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
i = r*cols + c
# Two inner diagonals
if c > 0: M[i-1,i] = M[i,i-1] = 0.25
# Two outer diagonals
if r > 0: M[i-cols,i] = M[i,i-cols] = 0.25
return M
def jacobi_update(v, f, nsteps=1, max_err=1e-3):
Uses a jacobian update matrix to solve nabla(v) = f
f_inner = f[1:-1, 1:-1].flatten()
n = v.shape[0]
m = v.shape[1]
A, LaddU, invD = create_A(n-2, m-2)
Rj = calc_RJ(n-2,m-2)
step = 0
while update:
v_old = v.copy()
step += 1
vt = v_old[1:-1, 1:-1].flatten()
vt =, vt) +, f_inner)
v[1:-1, 1:-1] = vt.reshape((n-2),(m-2))
err = v - v_old
if step == nsteps or np.abs(err).max()<max_err:
return v, (step, np.abs(err).max())
def MGV(f, v):
Solves for nabla(v) = f using a multigrid method
# global A, r
n = v.shape[0]
m = v.shape[1]
# If on the smallest grid size, compute the exact solution
if n <= 6 or m <=6:
v, info = jacobi_update(v, f, nsteps=1000)
return v
# smoothing
v, info = jacobi_update(v, f, nsteps=10, max_err=1e-1)
A = create_A(n, m)[0]
# calculate residual
r =, v.flatten()) - f.flatten()
r = r.reshape(n,m)
# downsample resitdual error
r = restrict(r)
zero_array = np.zeros(r.shape)
# interploate the correction computed on a corser grid
d = interpolate_array(MGV(r, zero_array))
# Add prolongated corser grid solution onto the finer grid
v = v - d
v, info = jacobi_update(v, f, nsteps=10, max_err=1e-6)
return v
sigma = 0
# Setting up the grid
k = 6
n = 2**k+2
m = 2**(k)+2
hx = 1/n
hy = 1/m
L = 1
H = 1
x = np.linspace(0, L, n)
y = np.linspace(0, H, m)
XX, YY = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# Setting up the initial conditions
f = np.ones((n,m))
v = np.zeros((n,m))
# How many V cyles to perform
err = 1
n_cycles = 10
loop = True
cycle = 0
# Perform V cycles until converged or reached the maximum
# number of cycles
while loop:
cycle += 1
v_new = MGV(f, v)
if np.abs(v - v_new).max() < err:
loop = False
if cycle == n_cycles:
loop = False
v = v_new
print("Number of cycles " + str(cycle))
I realize that I'm not answering your question directly, but I do note that you have quite a few loops that will contribute some overhead cost. When optimizing code, I have found the following thread useful - particularly the line profiler thread. This way you can focus in on "high time cost" lines and then start to ask more specific questions regarding opportunities to optimize.
How do I get time of a Python program's execution?

Python implementation of Matlab Code - Finite Difference Method

Given this Matlab Code created by my teacher:
function [] = explicitWave(T,L,N,J)
% Explicit method for the wave eq.
% T: Length time-interval
% L: Length x-interval
% N: Number of time-intervals
% J: Number of x-intervals
x=linspace(0,L,J+1); % number of points = number of intervals + 1
uOldOld=f(x); % solution two time-steps backwards. Initial condition
uOld=zeros(1,length(x)); % solution at previuos time-step
% First time-step
for j=2:J
% Remaining time-steps
for n=0:N-1
for j=2:J
I tried to implement this in Python by using this code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def explicit_wave(f, g, T, L, N, J):
:param T: Length of Time Interval
:param L: Length of X-interval
:param N: Number of time intervals
:param J: Number of X-intervals
k = T/N
h = L/J
r = (k**2) / (h**2)
x = np.linspace(0, L, J+1)
Uoldold = f(x)
Uold = np.zeros(len(x))
Unext = np.zeros(len(x))
for j in range(1, J):
Uold[j] = (1-r)*f(x[j]) + (r/2)*(f(x[j+1]) + f(x[j-1])) + k*g(x[j])
for n in range(N-1):
for j in range(1, J):
Unext[j] = 2*(1-r) * Uold[j]+r*(Uold[j+1]+Uold[j-1]) - Uoldold[j]
Uoldold = Uold
Uold = Unext
plt.plot(x, Unext)
return Unext, x
However when I run the code with the same inputs, I get different results when plotting them. My inputs:
g = lambda x: -np.sin(2*np.pi*x)
f = lambda x: 2*np.sin(np.pi*x)
T = 8.0
L = 1.0
J = 60
N = 480
Python plot result compared to exact result. The x-es represent the actual solution, and the red line is the function:
Matlab plot result , x-es represent the exact solution and the red line is the function:
Could you see any obvious errors I might have made when translating this code?
In case anyone needs the exact solution:
exact = lambda x,t: 2*np.sin(np.pi*x)*np.cos(np.pi*t) - (1/(2*np.pi))*np.sin(2*np.pi*x)*np.sin(2*np.pi*t)
I found the error through debugging. The main problem here is the code:
Uoldold = Uold
Uold = Unext
So in Python when you define a new variable as equal to an older variable, they become references to each other (i.e dependent on each other). Let me illustrate this as an example consisting of lists:
a = [1,2,3,4]
b = a
b[1] = 10
>> [1, 10, 3, 4]
So the solution here was to use .copy()
Resulting in this:
Uoldold = Uold.copy()
Uold = Unext.copy()

Use loop for np.random or reshape array to matrix?

I am new to programming in general, however I am trying really hard for a project to randomly choose some outcomes depending on the probability of that outcome happening for lotteries that i have generated and i would like to use a loop to get random numbers each time.
This is my code:
import numpy as np
p = np.arange(0.01, 1, 0.001, dtype = float)
alpha = 0.5
alpha = float(alpha)
alpha = np.zeros((1, len(p))) + alpha
def w(alpha, p):
return np.exp(-(-np.log(p))**alpha)
w = w(alpha, p)
def P(w):
return np.exp(np.log2(w))
prob_win = P(w)
prob_lose = 1 - prob_win
E = 10
E = float(E)
E = np.zeros((1, len(p))) + E
b = 0
b = float(b)
b = np.zeros((1, len(p))) + b
def A(E, b, prob_win):
return (E - b * (1 - prob_win)) / prob_win
a = A(E, b, prob_win)
a = a.squeeze()
prob_array = (prob_win, prob_lose)
prob_matrix = np.vstack(prob_array).T.squeeze()
outcomes_array = (a, b)
outcomes_matrix = np.vstack(outcomes_array).T
outcome_pairs = np.vsplit(outcomes_matrix, len(p))
outcome_pairs = np.array(outcome_pairs).astype(np.float)
prob_pairs = np.vsplit(prob_matrix, len(p))
prob_pairs = np.array(prob_pairs)
nominalized_prob_pairs = [outcome_pairs / np.sum(outcome_pairs) for
outcome_pairs in np.vsplit(prob_pairs, len(p)) ]
The code works fine but I would like to use a loop or something similar for the next line of code as I want to get for each row/ pair of probabilities to get 5 realizations. When i use size = 5 i just get a really long list but I do not know which values still belong to the pairs as when size = 1
realisations = np.concatenate([np.random.choice(outcome_pairs[i].ravel(),
size=1 , p=nominalized_prob_pairs[i].ravel()) for i in range(len(outcome_pairs))])
or if I use size=5 as below how can I match the realizations to the initial probabilities? Do i need to cut the array after every 5th element and then store the values in a matrix with 5 columns and a new row for every 5th element of the initial array? if yes how could I do this?
realisations = np.concatenate([np.random.choice(outcome_pairs[i].ravel(),
size=1 , p=nominalized_prob_pairs[i].ravel()) for i in range(len(outcome_pairs))])
What are you trying to produce exactly ? Be more concise.
Here is a starter clean code where you can produce linear data.
import numpy as np
def generate_data(n_samples, variance):
# generate 2D data
X = np.random.random((n_samples, 1))
# adding a vector of ones to ease calculus
X = np.concatenate((np.ones((n_samples, 1)), X), axis=1)
# generate two random coefficients
W = np.random.random((2, 1))
# construct targets with our data and weights
y = X # W
# add some noise to our data
y += np.random.normal(0, variance, (n_samples, 1))
return X, y, W
if __name__ == "__main__":
X, Y, W = generate_data(10, 0.5)
# check random value of x for example
for x in X:
print(x, end=' --> ')
if x[1] <= 0.4:
print('prob <= 0.4')
print('prob > 0.4')

Python: How to get Cumulative distribution function for continuous data values?

I have a set of data values, and I want to get the CDF (cumulative distribution function) for that data set.
Since this is a continuous variable, we can't use binning approach as mentioned in (How to get cumulative distribution function correctly for my data in python?). So I came up with following approach.
import scipy.stats as st
def trapezoidal_2(ag, a, b, n):
h = np.float(b - a) / n
s = 0.0
s += ag(a)[0]/2.0
for i in range(1, n):
s += ag(a + i*h)[0]
s += ag(b)[0]/2.0
return s * h
def get_cdf(data):
a = np.array(data)
ag = st.gaussian_kde(a)
cdf = [0]
x = []
k = 0
max_data = max(data)
while (k < max_data):
k = k + 1
sum_integral = 0
for i in range(1, len(x)):
sum_integral = sum_integral + (trapezoidal_2(ag, x[i - 1], x[i], 2))
return x, cdf
This is how I use this method.
b = 1
data = st.pareto.rvs(b, size=10000)
data = list(data) x_cdf, y_cdf = get_cdf(data)
Ideally I should get a value close to 1 at the end of y_cdf list. But I get a value close to 0.57.
What is going wrong here? Is my approach correct?
The value of the cdf at x is the integral of the pdf between -inf and x, but you are computing it between 0 and x. Maybe you are assuming that the pdf is 0 for x < 0 but it is not:
rs = np.random.RandomState(seed=52221829)
b = 1
data = st.pareto.rvs(b, size=10000, random_state=rs)
ag = st.gaussian_kde(data)
x = np.linspace(-100, 100)
plt.plot(x, ag.pdf(x))
So this is probably what's going wrong here: you not checking your assumptions.
Your code for computing the integral is painfully slow, there are better ways to do this with scipy but gaussian_kde provides the method integrate_box_1d to integrate the pdf. If you take the integral from -inf everything looks right.
cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: ag.integrate_box_1d(-np.inf, x))
plt.plot(x, cdf(x))
Integrating between 0 and x you get the same you are seeing now (to the right of 0), but that's not a cdf at all:
wrong_cdf = np.vectorize(lambda x: ag.integrate_box_1d(0, x))
plt.plot(x, wrong_cdf(x))
Not sure about why your function is not working exactly but one way of calculating CDF is as follows:
def get_cdf_1(data):
# start with sorted list of data
x = [i for i in sorted(data)]
cdf = []
for xs in x:
# get the sum of the values less than each data point and store that value
# this is normalised by the sum of all values
cum_val = sum([i for i in data if i <= xs])/sum(data)
return x, cdf
There is no doubt a faster way of computing this using numpy arrays rather than appending values to a list, but this returns values in the same format as your original example.
I think it's just:
def get_cdf(data):
return sorted(data), np.linspace(0, 1, len(data))
but I might be misinterpreting the question!
when I compare this to the analytic result I get the same:
x_cdf, y_cdf = get_cdf(st.pareto.rvs(1, size=10000))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.semilogx(x_cdf, y_cdf)
plt.semilogx(x_cdf, st.pareto.cdf(x_cdf, 1))

Rows and columns restrictions on python

I have a list of lists m which I need to modify
I need that the sum of each row to be greater than A and the sum of each column to be lesser than B
I have something like this
x = 5 #or other number, not relevant
rows = len(m)
cols = len(m[0])
for r in range(rows):
while sum(m[r]) < A:
c = randint(0, cols-1)
m[r][c] += x
for c in range(cols):
cant = sum([m[r][c] for r in range(rows)])
while cant > B:
r = randint(0, rows-1)
if m[r][c] >= x: #I don't want negatives
m[r][c] -= x
My problem is: I need to satisfy both conditions and, this way, after the second for I won't be sure if the first condition is still met.
Any suggestions on how to satisfy both conditions and, of course, with the best execution? I could definitely consider the use of numpy
Edit (an example)
m = [[0,0,0],
A = 20
B = 25
# one desired output (since it chooses random positions)
m = [[10,0,15],
I may need to add
This is for the generation of the random initial population of a genetic algorithm, the restrictions are to make them a possible solution, and I would need to run this like 80 times to get different possible solutions
Something like this should to the trick:
import numpy
from scipy.optimize import linprog
A = 10
B = 20
m = 2
n = m * m
# the coefficients of a linear function to minimize.
# setting this to all ones minimizes the sum of all variable
# values in the matrix, which solves the problem, but see below.
c = numpy.ones(n)
# the constraint matrix.
# This is matrix-multiplied with the current solution candidate
# to form the left hand side of a set of normalized
# linear inequality constraint equations, i.e.
# x_0 * A_ub[0][0] + x_1 * A_ub[0][1] <= b_0
# x_1 * A_ub[1][0] + x_1 * A_ub[1][1] <= b_1
# ...
A_ub = numpy.zeros((2 * m, n))
# row sums. Since the <= inequality is a fixed component,
# we just multiply everthing by (-1), i.e. we demand that
# the negative sums are smaller than the negative limit -A.
# Assign row ranges all at once, because numpy can do this.
for r in xrange(0, m):
A_ub[r][r * m:(r + 1) * m] = -1
# We want that the sum of the x in each (flattened)
# column is smaller than B
# The manual stepping for the column sums in row-major encoding
# is a little bit annoying here.
for r in xrange(0, m):
for j in xrange(0, m):
A_ub[r + m][r + m * j] = 1
# the actual upper limits for the normalized inequalities.
b_ub = [-A] * m + [B] * m
# hand the linear program to scipy
solution = linprog(c, A_ub=A_ub, b_ub=b_ub)
# bring the solution into the desired matrix form
print numpy.reshape(solution.x, (m, m))
I use <=, not < as indicated in your question, because that's what numpy supports.
This minimizes the total sum of all values in the target vector.
For your use case, you probably want to minimize the distance
to the original sample, which the linear program cannot handle, since neither the squared error nor the absolute difference can be expressed using a linear combination (which is what c stands for). For that, you will probably need to go to full minimize().
Still, this should get you rough idea.
A NumPy solution:
import numpy as np
val = B / len(m) # column sums <= B
assert val * len(m[0]) >= A # row sums >= A
# create array shaped like m, filled with val
arr = np.empty_like(m)
arr[:] = val
I chose to ignore the original content of m - it's all zero in your example anyway.
from random import *
m = [[0,0,0],
A = 20
B = 25
x = 1 #or other number, not relevant
rows = len(m)
cols = len(m[0])
def runner(list1, a1, b1, x1):
list1_backup = list(list1)
rows = len(list1)
cols = len(list1[0])
for r in range(rows):
while sum(list1[r]) <= a1:
c = randint(0, cols-1)
list1[r][c] += x1
for c in range(cols):
cant = sum([list1[r][c] for r in range(rows)])
while cant >= b1:
r = randint(0, rows-1)
if list1[r][c] >= x1: #I don't want negatives
list1[r][c] -= x1
good_a_int = 0
for r in range(rows):
test1 = sum(list1[r]) > a1
good_a_int += 0 if test1 else 1
if good_a_int == 0:
return list1
return runner(list1=list1_backup, a1=a1, b1=b1, x1=x1)
m2 = runner(m, A, B, x)
for row in m:
print ','.join(map(lambda x: "{:>3}".format(x), row))

