Remove Keyboard after clicking URL from InlineKeyboardButton - python

I'm creating a wrapper for /commands in python
I created an InlineKeyboardButton with a URL to chat the bot in private. I want the button to remove or disappear, just not show after the user clicks the url button.
I have used the generic wrapper from the telegram tutorials.
However, I am a "newb" :) Always trying to learn something new I can share.
In this case, I've become stuck.
Unlike callback_data where data can be sent to another button to edit the message. The URL doesn't send anything. I just want the button to vanish or the best alternative hide or something.
Any Ideas??
what direction to move in :)
I have looked into ReplyKeyboardRemove and OneTimeKeyboard but either my syntax is off or It isn't possible with a URL button
def myrestricted(func):
def wrapped(bot, update):
user = update.message.from_user.username
if != "private" :
group =
if user not in ADMIN_ONLY:
button = [InlineKeyboardButton("7heUnknown_Bot", url='',],
bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Please click the button below to talk with me privately")
return func(bot, update)
return wrapped```
When the user clicks on the URL button I want the button to disappear.

Unfortunately, you can't.
InlineKeyboardButton with a URL only displays the button for users to open a link. As far as I know, there's no event in Telegram's API that can be fired when the user actually opens the link (or even clicks on the button!)


pyqt6 QMessageBox blocking unittest

In a window class I have this button...
encrypt_button = QPushButton("Generate")
encrypt_button.setProperty('class', 'warning')
lambda: encrypt_message(encrypt_message_box.toPlainText(), encrypt_public_key_box.toPlainText(),
The encrypt_message function opens a error QMessageBox if there are values missing...and all works fine.
But I've come to write a unittest and I cannot seem to test for it opening...when I simulate the button click the window actually opens and will not continue until I click OK
def test_copy(self):
""" checks to make sure the button doesn't copy when its blank """
for button in self.window.copy_buttons:
##some test here
I've enlisted the help of our friendly AI helper, who keeps telling me to use QSignalSpy or qWaitForWindowExposed, but everything I try just results in the same thing. The QMessageBox opens and I'm stuck waiting for user input.
Any suggestions?

Close Discord message on button click

I have a select menu with a submit button. When submit is clicked I want to close the current message, submit the data and then open a new select menu but I am having trouble figuring out how to have the message close.
How can I have the current menu and button close when the submit button is clicked?
Thanks in advance for your help.
To turn my comment into an answer; you can just delete the message on button press. For example, my Cancel buttons look a little like this:
#discord.ui.button(label="Cancel",, row=3, disabled=False, emoji="✖️")
async def cancel_callback(self, button: discord.ui.Button, interaction: discord.Interaction):
await interaction.message.delete()
This is within a custom View class so might have to be adapted for your needs - but using the interaction.message attribute to delete the message is the way to go.

Python tkinter raise exceptions and wait for button press

I'm new in Tkinter and I'm currently trying to create a small game. When something happens in the game I want to create a pop-up window which will inform the user about any changes. This is the code that I have written for it.
def message(self, text):
top = tkinter.Toplevel(width=50, height=25)
msg = tkinter.Message(top, text=text)
ok = tkinter.Button(top, text="OK", command=top.destroy)
My two questions are:
Can I replace this by an exception that will create an "Error Message" window? If it isn't necessary then can I use it to be raised by the exception?
I want the user to be forced to see and read the message, so how can I freeze the main window(the user can't click on anything else) until he presses the OK button on the pop-up window?
To show Error Message you can use tkmessagebox.showerror().

Reacting to a Button Pressed by the user in a EPD Traits view?

I'm using EPD traits for a basic GUI interface. I'm able to pop up a settings window using code like this:
The window has 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons and I want to do something different depending on which button was pressed to exit the window. Seems like it should be simple but I can't figure out how to set this up.
Theoretically I'd like to do something like this:
# Display the settings widget
if settings_w.CancelButtonPressed:
print "I got the input"
But let me know if there's a better or more correct way to do this.
Also FWIW: here's the view properties of my settings window with standard OK and Cancel buttons:
view = View(
title = 'Settings Editor',
width = 500,
buttons = [OKButton, CancelButton, 'Help' ],
kind = 'modal',
handler = SaveRestore_Handler()
If I understand the question, checking the output of configure_traits should do what you want:
result = settings_w.configure_traits(kind="livemodal")
if result:
print "The user pressed OK."
print "The user pressed Cancel or closed the window."

How to click button in 'alert' message on the webpage with PyQt4

On the webpage, when I create a new user, alert message displayed that 'New user was created'. And in order to continue, I have to click button 'ok'. So the thing is I don't really know how to click it.
when I need to click a regular button I do something like this:
doc =
submit_button = doc.findFirst('input[id=my-submit-button]')
But how to click button in alert message?
You are looking for the QWebPage::javaScriptAlert ( QWebFrame * frame, const QString & msg ) function:
This function is called whenever a JavaScript program running inside
frame calls the alert() function with the message msg.
The default implementation shows the message, msg, with

