Extracting and ranking keywords from short text - python

I am working on a project to extract a keyword from short texts (3-4 sentences). Using the spaCy library I extract noun phrases and NER and use them as keywords. However, I would like to sort them based on their importance wrt the original text.
I tried standard informational retrieval approaches, like tfidf, and even a couple of graph-based algorithms but having such short text the results weren't so great.
I was thinking that maybe using a NN with an attention mechanism could help me rank those keywords. Is there any way to use the pre-trained models that come with spaCy to do some kind of ranking?

How about something like maximal marginal relevance? http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~jgc/publication/The_Use_MMR_Diversity_Based_LTMIR_1998.pdf


Whats a good way to match text to sets of keywords (NLP)

I'm trying to match an input text (e.g. a headline of a news article) to sets of keywords, s.t. the best-matching set can be selected.
Let's assume, I have some sets of keywords:
[['democracy', 'votes', 'democrats'], ['health', 'corona', 'vaccine', 'pandemic'], ['security', 'police', 'demonstration']]
and as input the (hypothetical) headline: New Pfizer vaccine might beat COVID-19 pandemic in the next few months.. Obviously, it fits well to the second set of keywords.
Exact matching words is one way to do it, but more complex situations might arise, for which it might make sense to use base forms of words (e.g. duck instead of ducks, or run instead of running) to enhance the algorithm. Now we're talking NLP already.
I experimented with Spacy word and document embeddings (example) to determine similarity between a headline and each set of keywords. Is it a good idea to calculate document similarity between a full sentence and a limited number of keywords? Are there other ways?
Related: What NLP tools to use to match phrases having similar meaning or semantics
There is not one correct solution for such a task. you have to try what fits your problem!
Possible ways to solve your problem I can think of:
Matching: either exact or more elaborated such as lemma/stemming, or Levensthein.
Embedding Similarity: I guess word similarity would outperform document-keywords similarity, but again, just experiment with it.
Classification: Your problem seems to be a classic classification problem, which each set being one class. If you don't have enough labeled training data, you could try active-learning.

classification of documents considering the order of words

I'm trying to classify a list of documents. I'm using CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer to vectorize the documents before the classification. The results are good but I think that they could be better if we will consider not only the existence of specific words in the document but also the order of these words. I know that it is possible to consider also pairs and triples of words but I'm looking for something more inclusive.
Believe it or not, but bag of words approaches work quite well on a wide range of text datasets. You've already thought of bi-grams or tri-grams. Let's say you had 10-grams. You have information about the order of your words, but it turns out there are rarely more than one instance of each 10-gram, so there would be few examples for your classification model to learn from. You could try some other custom feature engineering based on the text, but it would be a good amount of work that rarely help much. There are other successful approaches in Natural Language Processing, especially in the last few years, but they usually focus on more than word ordering.

Can I use Natural Language Processing while identifying given words in a paragraph Or do I need to use machine learning algorithms

I need to identify some given words using NLP.
As an example,
Mary Lives in France
If we consider in here the given words are Australia, Germany,France. But in this sentence it include only France.
So Among the above 3 given words I need to identify the sentence is include only France
I would comment but I don't have enough reputation. It's a bit unclear exactly what you are trying to achieve here and how representative your example is - please edit your question to make it clearer.
Anyhow, like Guy Coder says, if you know exactly the words you are looking for, you don't really need machine learning or NLP libraries at all. However, if this is not the case, and you don't know have every example of what you are looking for, the below might help:
It seems like what you are trying to do is perform Named Entity Recognition (NER) i.e. identify the named entities (e.g. countries) in your sentences. If so, the short answer is: you don't need to use any machine learning algorithms. You can just use a python library such as spaCy which comes out of the box with a pretrained language model that can already perform a bunch of tasks, for instance NER, to high degree of performance. The following snippet should get you started:
import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')
doc = nlp("Mary Lives in France")
for entity in doc.ents:
if (entity.label_ == "GPE"):
The output of the above snippet is "France". Named entities cover a wide range of possible things. In the snippet above I have filtered for Geopolitical entities (GPE).
Learn more about spaCy here: https://spacy.io/usage/spacy-101

Methods to extract keywords from large documents that are relevant to a set of predefined guidelines using NLP/ Semantic Similarity

I'm in need of suggestions how to extract keywords from a large document. The keywords should be inline what we have defined as the intended search results.
For example,
I need the owner's name, where the office is situated, what the operating industry is when a document about a company is given, and the defined set of words would be,
{owner, director, office, industry...}-(1)
the intended output has to be something like,
{Mr.Smith James, ,Main Street, Financial Banking}-(2)
I was looking for a method related to Semantic Similarity where sentences containing words similar to the given corpus (1), would be extracted, and using POS tagging to extract nouns from those sentences.
It would be a useful if further resources could be provided that support this approach.
What you want to do is referred to as Named Entity Recognition.
In Python there is a popular library called SpaCy that can be used for that. The standard models are able to detect 18 different entity types which is a fairly good amount.
Persons and company names should be extracted easily, while whole addresses and the industry might be more difficult. Maybe you would have to train your own model on these entity types. SpaCy also provides an API for training your own models.
Please note, that you need quite a lot of training data to have decent results. Start with 1000 examples per entity type and see if it's sufficient for your needs. POS can be used as a feature.
If your data is unstructured, this is probably one of most suited approaches. If you have more structured data, you could maybe take advantage of that.

Measuring wealth of information on text using NLP

Is there any metric that measures wealth of information on a text?
I am thinking in terms of anything that can reliably show unique information segments within a text. Simple metrics using frequency distributions or unique words are okay but they don't quite show unique information in sentences.
Using coding methods I would have to manually code each sentence/word or anything that would count as unique piece of information in a text but that could take a while. So, I wonder if I could use NLP as an alternative.
As an example:
Navtilos, a small volcanic islet of the Santorini volcano which was created in the eruption of 1928.
If I were to use coding analysis, I can count 4 unique information points: What is Navtilos, where is it, how it was created and when.
Obviously a human interprets text different than a computer. I just wonder if there is a measure that can identify unique information within sentences/texts. It does not have to produce the same result as mine but be reliable across different sentences.
A frequency distribution may work effectively but I wonder if there are other metrics for this.
What you seem to be looking for is a keyword/term extractor (for a list of keyword extractors see, for example, this, "External Links"). An extractor will extract phrases consisting of one or more words that capture some notions mentioned in the text, but without classifying them into classes (as named entity recognisers would do).
See, for example, this demo. From the sentence in your example, it extracts:
small volcanic islet
If you have lots of documents, you can then use the frequency distribution of each keyword across documents to measure how specific it is to each document (assuming that uniqueness of a keyword to a document reflects how well it describes the contents of the document). For this, you can use a measure like tf-idf.

