A simple data frame. I want to have a percentage to show the number of rows in the column "Tested" of 22, over the total number of rows.
1. there are 5 rows of 22 in the column "Tested"
the data frame total of 15 rows
So the percentage is 5/15 = 0.33
I tried below, but it gives zero.
How can I correct it? Thank you.
import pandas as pd
data = {'Unit_Weight': [335,335,119,119,52,452,19,19,19,165,165,165,724,724,16],
'Tested' : [22,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,22,22,48,50,22]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
num_row = df.shape[0]
suspect_row = df[df["Tested"] == 22].shape[0]
suspect_over_total = suspect_row/num_row
print num_row # 15
print suspect_row # 5
print float(suspect_over_total) # 0.0
suspect_over_total = suspect_row/num_row means you are doing an int/int operation whose result is 0.3333333 so Python will give you an int result, 0 in this case.
As bubble said, you should convert one of the operand to a float:
suspect_over_total = float(suspect_row)/num_row # 0.33333333333
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data_dir = 'data_r14.csv'
data = pd.read_csv(data_dir)
# print(data)
signals = data['signal']
value_counts = signals.value_counts()
buy_count = value_counts[1]
signals_code = [1, 2]
buy_sell_rows = data.loc[data['signal'].isin(signals_code)]
data_without_signals = data[~data['signal'].isin(signals_code)]
random_0_indexes = np.random.choice(data_without_signals.index.values, buy_count)
value_counts2 = data_without_signals['signal'].value_counts()
# print(value_counts2)
for index in random_0_indexes:
row = data.loc[index, :]
# df = row.to_frame()
# print(buy_sell_rows)
# print(signals.loc[index, :])
# print(random_0_rows)
# print(buy_sell_rows['signal'].value_counts())
So I have a dataframe where I have a column named signal where the values are either 0, 1, or 2 and I want to balance them by having equal amount rows for each value because they are very unbalanced I have only 1984 row of non zero value and over 20000 rows of zero value.
So I created a new dataframe where all the values are zeroes and called it data_without_signals then I get a random list of indexes from it, then I run a loop to get that row to append it to another dataframe I created called buy_sell_rows where only non zero values are in, but the issue is that row is being appened.
As said in my comment, I think your general approach could be simplified by randomly sampling the different signals:
# my test signal of 0s, 1s and 2s
test = pd.DataFrame({"data" : [0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2]})
# get the lowest size of any group, which is the size all groups should be reduced to
max_size = test.groupby("data")["data"].count().min()
# sample
output = (test
.agg(sample = ("data", lambda x : x.sample(max_size).to_list()))
and the output for this test is:
I have a large data frame across different timestamps. Here is my attempt:
all_data = []
for ws in wb.worksheets():
data = pd.concat(all_data)
#Change data type
data['Year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(data['Week']).year
data['Month'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(data['Week']).month
data['Week'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Week']).dt.date
data['Application'] = data['Application'].astype('str')
data['Function'] = data['Function'].astype('str')
data['Service'] = data['Service'].astype('str')
data['Channel'] = data['Channel'].astype('str')
data['Times of alarms'] = data['Times of alarms'].astype('int')
#Compare Channel values over weeks
subchannel_df = data.pivot_table('Times of alarms', index = 'Week', columns='Channel', aggfunc='sum').fillna(0)
subchannel_df = subchannel_df.sort_index(axis=1)
The data frame I am working on
What I hope to achieve:
add a percentage row (the last row vs the second last row) at the end of the data frame, excluding situations as such: divide by zero and negative percentage
show those channels which increase more than 10% as compared against last week.
I have been trying different methods to achieve those for days. However, I would not manage to do it. Thank you in advance.
You could use the shift function as an equivalent to Lag window function in SQL to return last week's value and then perform the calculations in row level. To avoid dividing by zero you can use numpy where function that is equivalent to CASE WHEN in SQL. Let's say your column value on which you perform the calculations named: "X"
subchannel_df["XLag"] = subchannel_df["X"].shift(periods=1).fillna(0).astype('int')
subchannel_df["ChangePercentage"] = np.where(subchannel_df["XLag"] == 0, 0, (subchannel_df["X"]-subchannel_df["XLag"])/subchannel_df["XLag"])
subchannel_df["ChangePercentage"] = (subchannel_df["ChangePercentage"]*100).round().astype("int")
Channel X XLag ChangePercentage
2020-06-12 12 5 140
2020-11-15 15 10 50
2020-11-22 20 15 33
2020-12-13 27 16 69
2020-12-20 100 27 270
I have sales data till Jul-2020 and want to predict the next 3 months using a recovery rate.
This is the dataframe:
test = pd.DataFrame({'Country':['USA','USA','USA','USA','USA'],
This is how it looks:
Now, I want to add a "Predicted" column resulting into this dataframe:
The first value 300 at row 3, is basically (200 * 1.5/1). This will be our base value going ahead, so next value i.e. 500 is basically (300 * 2.5/1.5) and so on.
How do I iterate over row every row, starting from row 3 onwards? I tried using shift() but couldn't iterate over the rows.
You could do it like this:
import pandas as pd
test = pd.DataFrame({'Country':['USA','USA','USA','USA','USA'],
test['Prediction'] = test['Sales']
for i in range(1, len(test)):
#prevent division by zero
if test.loc[i-1, 'Recovery'] != 0:
test.loc[i, 'Prediction'] = test.loc[i-1, 'Prediction'] * test.loc[i, 'Recovery'] / test.loc[i-1, 'Recovery']
The sequence you have is straight up just Recovery * base level (Sales = 200)
You can compute that sequence like this:
valid_sales = test.Sales > 0
prediction = (test.Recovery * test.Sales[valid_sales].iloc[-1]).rename("Predicted")
And then combine by index, insert column or concat:
pd.concat([test, prediction], axis=1)
I have 13 CSV files that contain billing information in an unusual format. Multiple readings are recorded every 30 minutes of the day. Five days are recorded beside each other (columns). Then the next five days are recorded under it. To make things more complicated, the day of the week, date, and billing day is shown over the first recording of KVAR each day.
The image blow shows a small example. However, imagine that KW, KVAR, and KVA repeat 3 more times before continuing some 50 rows later.
My goal as to create a simple python script that would make the data into a data frame with the columns: DATE, TIME, KW, KVAR, KVA, and DAY.
The problem is my script returns NaN data for the KW, KVAR, and KVA data after the first five days (which is correlated with a new instance of a for loop). What is weird to me is that when I try to print out the same ranges I get the data that I expect.
My code is below. I have included comments to help further explain things. I also have an example of sample output of my function.
def make_df(df):
#starting values
output = pd.DataFrame(columns=["DATE", "TIME", "KW", "KVAR", "KVA", "DAY"])
time = df1.loc[3:50,0]
val_start = 3
val_end = 51
date_val = [0,2]
day_type = [1,2]
# There are 7 row movements that need to take place.
for row_move in range(1,8):
day = [1,2,3]
date_val[1] = 2
day_type[1] = 2
# There are 5 column movements that take place.
# The basic idea is that I would cycle through the five days, grab their data in a temporary dataframe,
# and then append that dataframe onto the output dataframe
for col_move in range(1,6):
temp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["DATE", "TIME", "KW", "KVAR", "KVA", "DAY"])
temp_df['TIME'] = time
#These are the 3 values that stop working after the first column change
# I get the values that I expect for the first 5 days
temp_df['KW'] = df.iloc[val_start:val_end, day[0]]
temp_df['KVAR'] = df.iloc[val_start:val_end, day[1]]
temp_df['KVA'] = df.iloc[val_start:val_end, day[2]]
# These 2 values work perfectly for the entire data set
temp_df['DAY'] = df.iloc[day_type[0], day_type[1]]
temp_df["DATE"] = df.iloc[date_val[0], date_val[1]]
# trouble shooting
print(df.iloc[val_start:val_end, day[0]])
output = output.append(temp_df)
# increase values for each iteration of row loop.
# seems to work perfectly when I print the data
day = [x + 3 for x in day]
date_val[1] = date_val[1] + 3
day_type[1] = day_type[1] + 3
# increase values for each iteration of column loop
# seems to work perfectly when I print the data
date_val[0] = date_val[0] + 55
day_type [0]= day_type[0] + 55
val_start = val_start + 55
val_end = val_end + 55
return output
test = make_df(df1)
Below is some sample output. It shows where the data starts to break down after the fifth day (or first instance of the column shift in the for loop). What am I doing wrong?
Could be pd.append requiring matched row indices for numerical values.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
output = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5,2), columns=['a','b']) # fake data
output['c'] = list('abcdefghij') # add a column of non-numerical entries
tmp = pd.DataFrame(columns=['a','b','c'])
tmp['a'] = output.iloc[0:2, 2]
tmp['b'] = output.iloc[3:5, 2] # generates NaN
tmp['c'] = output.iloc[0:2, 2]
(initial response)
How does df1 look like? Is df.iloc[val_start:val_end, day[0]] have any issue past the fifth day? The codes didn't show how you read from the csv files, or df1 itself.
My guess: if val_start:val_end gives invalid indices on the sixth day, or df1 happens to be malformed past the fifth day, df.iloc[val_start:val_end, day[0]] will return an empty Series object and possibly make its way into temp_df. iloc do not report invalid row indices, though similar column indices would trigger IndexError.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5,3), columns=['a','b','c'], index=np.arange(5)) # fake data
df.iloc[0:2, 1] # returns the subset
df.iloc[100:102, 1] # returns: Series([], Name: b, dtype: float64)
A little off topic but I would recommend preprocessing the csv files rather than deal with indexing in Pandas DataFrame, as the original format was kinda complex. Slice the data by date and later use pd.melt or pd.groupby to shape them into the format you like. Or alternatively try multi-index if stick with Pandas I/O.
I have created a loop that generates some values. I want to store those values in a data frame. For example, completed one loop, append to the first row.
def calculate (allFiles):
result = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Date','Mid Ebb Total','Mid Flood Total','Mid Ebb Control','Mid Flood Control'])
total_Mid_Ebb = 0
total_Mid_Flood = 0
total_Mid_EbbControl = 0
total_Mid_FloodControl = 0
for file_ in allFiles:
xls = pd.ExcelFile(file_)
df = xls.parse('General Impact')
Mid_Ebb = df[df['Tidal Mode'] == "Mid-Ebb"] #filter
Mid_Ebb_control = df[df['Station'].isin(['C1','C2','C3'])] #filter control
Mid_Flood = df[df['Tidal Mode'] == "Mid-Flood"] #filter
Mid_Flood_control = df[df['Station'].isin(['C1','C2','C3', 'SR2'])] #filter control
total_Mid_Ebb += Mid_Ebb.Station.nunique() #count unique stations = sample number
total_Mid_Flood += Mid_Flood.Station.nunique()
total_Mid_EbbControl += Mid_Ebb_control.Station.nunique()
total_Mid_FloodControl += Mid_Flood_control.Station.nunique()
Mid_Ebb_withoutControl = total_Mid_Ebb - total_Mid_EbbControl
Mid_Flood_withoutControl = total_Mid_Flood - total_Mid_FloodControl
print('Ebb Tide: The total number of sample is {}. Number of sample without control station is {}. Number of sample in control station is {}'.format(total_Mid_Ebb, Mid_Ebb_withoutControl, total_Mid_EbbControl))
print('Flood Tide: The total number of sample is {}. Number of sample without control station is {}. Number of sample in control station is {}'.format(total_Mid_Flood, Mid_Flood_withoutControl, total_Mid_FloodControl))
The dataframe result contains 4 columns. The date is fixed. I would like to put total_Mid_Ebb, Mid_Ebb_withoutControl, total_Mid_EbbControl to the dataframe.
I believe you need append scalars in loop to list of tuples and then use DataFrame constructor. Last count differences in result DataFrame:
def calculate (allFiles):
data = []
for file_ in allFiles:
xls = pd.ExcelFile(file_)
df = xls.parse('General Impact')
Mid_Ebb = df[df['Tidal Mode'] == "Mid-Ebb"] #filter
Mid_Ebb_control = df[df['Station'].isin(['C1','C2','C3'])] #filter control
Mid_Flood = df[df['Tidal Mode'] == "Mid-Flood"] #filter
Mid_Flood_control = df[df['Station'].isin(['C1','C2','C3', 'SR2'])] #filter control
total_Mid_Ebb = Mid_Ebb.Station.nunique() #count unique stations = sample number
total_Mid_Flood = Mid_Flood.Station.nunique()
total_Mid_EbbControl = Mid_Ebb_control.Station.nunique()
total_Mid_FloodControl = Mid_Flood_control.Station.nunique()
result = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=cols)
result['Mid_Ebb_withoutControl'] = result.total_Mid_Ebb - result.total_Mid_EbbControl
#if want check all totals
total = result.sum()
print (total)
return result
Here is an example of loading data per column in a dataframe after each iteration of a loop. While this is not THE only method, it's one that helps understand concept better.
Necessary imports
import pandas as pd
from random import randint
First define an empty data-frame of 5 columns to match your problem
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['A','B','C','D','E'])
Next we iterate through for loop and generate value using randint() and add one value at a time to each column Staring with 'A' all the way to 'E',
for i in range(5): #add 5 rows of data
df.loc[i, ['A']] = randint(0,99)
df.loc[i, ['B']] = randint(0,99)
df.loc[i, ['C']] = randint(0,99)
df.loc[i, ['D']] = randint(0,99)
df.loc[i, ['E']] = randint(0,99)
We get a DF whose 5 rows are populated.
>>> df
0 4 74 71 37 90
1 41 80 77 81 8
2 14 16 82 98 89
3 1 77 3 56 91
4 34 9 85 44 19
Hope above helps and you are able to tailor to your needs.
Note this does not produce a row per file as requested, but it more of a comment about general use of Pandas for problems like this - it is often easier to read all the data then process using the pandas files than to write your own loops over different cases.
I think you are not using pandas in the idiomatic way here. I think you will save a lot of code and get a more understandable result if you do it this way:
controlstations = ['C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'SR2']
df = pd.concat(pd.read_excel(file_, sheetname='General Impact') for file_ in files)
df['Control'] = df.Station.isin(controlstations)
counts = df.groupby(['Control', 'Tidal Mode']).Station.agg('nunique')
So here you are reading all the excel files into a single dataframe first, then adding a column to indicate if that is a control station or not, then using groupby to count the different combinations.
counts is a series with a two-dimensional index (for some made up data):
Control Tidal Mode
False Mid-Ebb 2
Mid-Flood 2
True Mid-Ebb 2
Mid-Flood 2
You can access the values you have in your function like this:
total_Mid_Ebb = counts['Mid-Ebb'].sum()
total_Mid_Ebb_Control = counts['Mid-Ebb', True]
total_Mid_Flood = counts['Mid-Flood'].sum()
total_Mid_Flood_Control = counts['Mid-Flood', True]
After which you can easily add them to a DataFrame:
import datetime
today = datetime.datetime.today()
totals = [total_Mid_Ebb, total_Mid_Flood, total_Mid_Ebb_Control, total_Mid_Flood_Control]
result = pd.DataFrame(data=[totals], columns=['Mid Ebb Total', 'Mid Flood Total', 'Mid Ebb Control', 'Mid Flood Control'],