Linking multiple python scripts to run one after another - python

I have three python scripts. One gathers data from database(, another generates report from that data and creaters .xlsx file( and the last one modifies the style of that excel file(
Now all three files are in the same directory and what I do now is simply execute scripts one after another in the interpreter to get the report. I want to make everything work with one click so people who need this report could do it themselves. I thought of creating an exe with pyinstaller, but I can not think of a way to link my scripts together so that when ends its job is started and so on.
I tried to put"", shell=True)
at the end of the first script, but nothing happens, I just get this:
Out[2]: 1
How could I do this?

Actually, This problem can be solved by using batch programming. Your python files will run in batches i.e. one file after the other. I am assuming your all three python files resides in folder ReportGenerator with Path as C:\ReportGenerator so adjust accordingly the PATH as of your system (Please care for \ and / in PATH of folder having the python files).
Your files are which need to be executed:
Now open a Notepad file and write the below lines.
cd C:/ReportGenerator
Now save this file with file_Name.bat anywhere u want in system and remember it. After saving the batch file icon will form on saving.
Now Open window command prompt and just drag this batch file to window command prompt.

Why not encapsulate all the logic for each script in a function, make a new file which imports all the 3 functions, and then run that script.
So if the scripts are
def f1():
def f2():
def f3():
Then the final script which you will run is :
from data_for_report import f1
from report_gen import f2
from excel_style import f3


Why does python3.7 pass argv elements alongside 'garbage'

I had this script working for me, before I decided I'm gonna rewrite everything and make it portable.
Without delving too much into the details, there's a central Bash script, which calls 5 other Bash scripts in their own respective folders. I have no intention of porting to Windows anytime soon, as of current this is just for Linux.
The execution path of the central Bash script is:
dos.1/ dos.1/
dos.2/ dos.2/ dos.1/
dos.3/ dos.3/
dos.4/ dos.4/ dos.3/
dos.5/ dos.5/ dos.4/
I run with ./
Before the script was 'portable' I was using explicit file paths inside each respective script. All was well and good. The program itself is a combination of Bash and Python, and writes to files in one directory, so that they can be manipulated in various ways, before being read back into different parts of the program.
I understand that the fastest way to do this would be to write a monolithic Python script, using subprocess calls for the Bash side of things... However, I am doing it this way to ease maintenance, and (before I started making it 'portable') it was lightning fast.
My issue now is this: each time I have to read text into Python (either from SQL or from file) there's always this added garbage. Up until this point, I have been using sed, awk and Python's .rstrip() function to manage this... Which is all well and good, but this one damn function will not play nice... And I feel there must be a better way.
In bash I call it with:
$prog_dir/ $data_dir/group0.txt > $prog_dir/group0_averages.txt
$prog_dir/ $data_dir/group1.txt > $prog_dir/group1_averages.txt
Now I know that I could write to file from within Python, but in this instance I have other reasons not to.
The issue, is that when the script is ran, it reads the text file in with commas and a newline char. I have vigorously checked and I can confirm that the group#.txt files 100% do not contain commas. Here's the Python:
import sys
import subprocess
import select
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
filename = sys.argv[1]
f = open(filename, "r")
ips = [elem.rstrip('\n') for elem in f]
The script goes on to do some work on the IPs afterwards, but this is the painful part. If I call the script direct from CLI: ./ ../dos.3/group0.txt, the text is processed PROPERLY and the superseding instructions actually function. But, when called from the first init script, the program basically sh*ts itself because each line is read in with commas. It works until the point where it starts to use the processed info, then:
<actual IP would be here>
ping: ('##.###.###.###',): Name or service not known
Of course, the issue is the ('',) But, Python is adding that in, and I don't know how to stop it :(
Any ideas?
Python code was okay, just passing an additional / with the argument :(

From a Python script, run all Python scripts in a directory and stream output

My file structure looks like this:
... should look at all folders in scripts/ in run the located there.
Right now I'm achieving this through subprocess.check_output. It works, but some of these scripts take a long time to run and I don't get to see any progress; it prints everything after the process has finished.
I'm hoping to find a solution that allows for 2 things to be done somewhat easily:
1) Stream the output instead of getting it all at the end
2) Doesn't
prohibit running multiple scripts at once
Is this possible? A lot of the solutions I've seen for running a Python script from another require knowledge of the other script's name/location. I can also enforce that all the's have a specific function if that helps.
You could use Popen to loop through each file and write its content to multiple log files. Then, you could read from these files in real-time, while each one is populated. :)
How you would want to translate the output to a more readable format, is a little bit more tricky because of readability. You could create another script which reads these log files, with Popen, and decide on how you'd like this information read back in a understandable manner.
""" Use the same command as you would do for check_output """
cmd = ''
for filename in scriptList:
log = filename + ".log"
with, mode=log) as out:
subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=out, stderr=out)

Python line by line execution

I couldn't fine solution for this question using search option so my question is:
I have a script that does the job but only for one file. Just to explain what`s going on here:
import sys
sys.path.append('C:\Program Files\FME\fmeobjects\python27')
import fmeobjects
runner = fmeobjects.FMEWorkspaceRunner()
workspace = 'C:\FME\Project_1.fmw'
parameters = {}
parameters['SourceDataset_ACAD'] ='C:\AutoCAD\Project_1.dwg'
parameters['DestDataset_OGCKML'] ='C:\Maps_KMZ\Project_1.kmz'
runner.runWithParameters(workspace, parameters)
# Run Workspace with parameters set in above directory
runner.runWithParameters(workspace, parameters)
# or use promptRun to prompt for published parameters
except fmeobjects.FMEException as ex:
# Print out FME Exception if workspace failed
print ex.message
#Tell user the workspace ran
print('The Workspace is ran successfully'.format(workspace))
runner = None
This script executes FMW file that does conversion from AutoCAD DWG (C:\AutoCAD) to KMZ file and stores it in C:\Maps_KMZ folder. Now, I need to do the same thing for about 20-ish FME files that are in the same source folder.
Is it possible to execute each file at the time and add specific time frame between two executions let`s say 2 minute pause between them, because I can not run 2 or more conversions at the same time, it would crash Windows.
Thank you very much for your help!
I suggest that you modify your script to use command line arguments. You can either use sys.argv directly for a very simple interface or the parseargs module for more complex options.
You can write the interface to accept individual files names or directory names. To traverse the files of a directory, look at os.walk().

How to grab files generated by a subprocess?

I want to run some command line scripts from within my python program. These scripts generates some output files. I want to grab these output files from the subprocess call as object in my python program, while canceling generation of files on disk. Problem is I don't know how to do it, or whether that is even possible.
A simple example would look like this:
fout1 = open("temp1.txt","w")
fout2 = open("temp2.txt","w")
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(["python",""], ????????) #what arguments to use to grab temp1.txt and temp2.txt
print(process.??????) #how to access those files
I am familiar with subprocess.Popen so that is what the example code uses, but I am open to the use of other modules too if they could do it.

Running python script within a shell script: files don't save

I am very new to shell scripting, so I'm still figuring things out. Here is my problem:
I have a python .py executable file which creates multiple files and saves them to a directory. I need to run that file in a shell script. For some reason, the shell script executes the python script but no new files appear in my directory. When I just run the .py file, everything works fine
Here's what my shell script looks like:
cd /home/usr/directory
Within my python script, the files that are saved are pickled object instances. So every one of them looks something like this:
f = file('/home/usr/anotherdirectory/myfile.p','w')
This line:
f = file('/home/usr/directory/myfile.p','w')
Should be:
f = open('/home/usr/directory/myfile.p','wb+')
For best practices it should be done like this:
with open('/home/usr/directory/myfile.p','wb+') as fs:
pickle.dump(myObject, fs)
The documentation for the file function states:
When opening a file, it’s preferable to use open() instead of invoking this constructor directly.
Problems like this may be one of the reasons why. Try changing
f = file('/home/usr/directory/myfile.p','w')
f = open('/home/usr/directory/myfile.p','w')

