I'm trying to make it so that new information shows in in a new window, but I want the new window to be connected to the parent window, even when the parent window is clicked the new window should still show up similar to how a dropdown menu works. I'm also planning on having some of the new windows have treeviews later on.
from tkinter import *
win = Tk()
def button_function ():
win2 = Toplevel()
label = Label(win2,text='dropdown', width=7)
button = Button(win, command=lambda: button_function (), width=12)
Ok so with a little bit of googling I came across this post: tkinter-detecting-a-window-drag-event
In that post they show how you can keep track of when the window has moved.
By taking that code and making some small changes we can use the dragging() and stop_drag() functions to move the top level window back to where it was set to relative to the main window.
That said this will only work in this case. You will need to write something more dynamic to track any new windows you want so they are placed properly and on top of that you will probably want to build this in a class so you do not have to manage global variables.
With a combination of this tracking function and using lift() to bring the window up we get closer to what you are asking to do.
That said you will probably want remove the tool bar at the top of the root window to be more clean. I would also focus on using a dictionary or list to keep track of open and closed windows and their locations to make the dynamic part of this easier.
import tkinter as tk
win = tk.Tk()
win2 = None
drag_id = ''
def dragging(event):
global drag_id
if event.widget is win:
if drag_id == '':
print('start drag')
drag_id = win.after(100, stop_drag)
if win2 is not None:
win2.geometry(f"+{win.winfo_x()}+{win.winfo_y() + 30}")
def stop_drag():
global drag_id, win2, win
print('stop drag')
drag_id = ''
if win2 is not None:
win2.geometry(f"+{win.winfo_x()}+{win.winfo_y() + 30}")
win.bind('<Configure>', dragging)
def button_function():
global win2
win2 = tk.Toplevel()
label = tk.Label(win2, text='drop down', width=7)
tk.Button(win, command=button_function, width=12).pack()
Ok so I took some time to write this up in a class so you could see how it could be done. I have also added some level of dynamic building of the buttons and pop up windows.
We use a combination of lists and lambdas to perform a little bit of tracking and in the end we pull off exactly what you were asking for.
let me know if you have any questions.
import tkinter as tk
class Main(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.pop_up_list = []
self.drag_id = ''
self.button_notes = ['Some notes for new window', 'some other notes for new window', 'bacon that is all!']
self.bind('<Configure>', self.dragging)
for ndex, value in enumerate(self.button_notes):
btn = tk.Button(self, text=f'Button {ndex+1}')
btn.config(command=lambda b=btn, i=ndex: self.toggle_button_pop_ups(i, b))
btn.grid(row=ndex, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
self.pop_up_list.append([value, 0, None, btn])
def dragging(self, event):
if event.widget is self:
if self.drag_id == '':
self.drag_id = self.after(100, self.stop_drag)
for p in self.pop_up_list:
if p[1] == 1:
p[2].geometry(f"+{p[3].winfo_rootx() + 65}+{p[3].winfo_rooty()}")
def stop_drag(self):
self.drag_id = ''
for p in self.pop_up_list:
if p[1] == 1:
p[2].geometry(f"+{p[3].winfo_rootx() + 65}+{p[3].winfo_rooty()}")
def toggle_button_pop_ups(self, ndex, btn):
p = self.pop_up_list
if p[ndex][1] == 0:
p[ndex][1] = 1
p[ndex][2] = tk.Toplevel(self)
tk.Label(p[ndex][2], text=self.pop_up_list[ndex][0]).pack()
p[ndex][2].geometry(f"+{btn.winfo_rootx() + 65}+{btn.winfo_rooty()}")
p[ndex][1] = 0
p[ndex][2] = None
if __name__ == '__main__':
I'm trying to write my first GUI based python program using Tkinter. I have created a base window which holds the menu bar with a couple of options.
One of the options is for a standard 'About' box. When I call the about section with
helpMainMenu.add_command(label="About", command=self.aboutProgram)
It opens the message box, but in a fresh window so there are now two windows showing on the taskbar.
Is there any way to stop it opening a new window and use the main one instead, or is there a better way to do it?
The full code is below
#! /usr/bin/python3
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import messagebox
import datetime
timeNow =
writeYear = 2020 # Enter the year you started writing the program
lineFeed = "\n"
programTitle = "Basic Menu"
programVersion = "Version 1.0.0"
programmerName = " Name ("
if timeNow.year > writeYear:
programAuthor = "©" + str(writeYear) + "-" + str(timeNow.year) + programmerName
programAuthor = "©" + str(writeYear) + programmerName
aboutMessage = programTitle + lineFeed + programVersion + lineFeed + programAuthor
class Window(Frame):
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
def init_window(self):
self.master.title("{} ({})".format(programTitle, programVersion))
self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)
menu = Menu(self.master)
fileMainMenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=0) #Create the File menu container
fileMainMenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.programExit) # File menu option
menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileMainMenu)
helpMainMenu = Menu(menu, tearoff=0) #Create the Help menu container
helpMainMenu.add_command(label="About", command=self.aboutProgram)
menu.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=helpMainMenu)
def programExit(self):
exitMsgBox = messagebox.askquestion ("Exit Application","Are you sure you want to exit the application",icon = "warning")
if exitMsgBox == "yes":
def aboutProgram(self):
messagebox.showinfo("About","About the application", icon = "info")
root = Tk() # root window created. Here, that would be the only window, but
windowHeight = int(root.winfo_screenheight()/100*75) # Set the main window height to 75% of the screen height
windowWidth = int(root.winfo_screenwidth()/100*75) # Set the main window width to 75% of the screen width
screenWidth = int(root.winfo_screenwidth())
screenHeight = int(root.winfo_screenheight())
positionRight = int(root.winfo_screenwidth()/2 - windowWidth/2) # Get the screen width and divide by 2, then minus the result of 'windowWidth' divided by 2
positionDown = int(root.winfo_screenheight()/2 - windowHeight/2) # Get the screen height and divide by 2, then minus the result of 'windowHeight' divided by 2
root.geometry("{}x{}+{}+{}".format(windowWidth, windowHeight, positionRight, positionDown)) # Positions the window in the center of the page.
app = Window(root)
Python Version 3.7.3
tkinter.TkVersion 8.6
The simplest way would be to create a new frame for the "about" page, and then overlay it on top of the main window with place -- one of the few times when place is superior to grid and pack.
You should also do a "grab" on the frame so that all events are funneled to the frame and its children. With a grab, while the popup is visible you can't interact with the widgets on the main window.
Here's a quick example:
def aboutProgram(self):
# create the frame with a message and a button
# which destroys the window
aboutFrame = Frame(self.master, bd=2, relief="groove")
label = Label(aboutFrame, text="About the application...")
button = Button(aboutFrame, text="Ok", command=aboutFrame.destroy)
label.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=20)
button.pack(side="bottom", pady=20)
# overlay the "about" page on top of the root window, rely=.5, anchor="c")
# force all events to go to the popup
If you want to completely hide the contents of the main window, you can change the place arguments to fill the window:, y=0, anchor="nw", relwidth=1.0, relheight=1.0)
In my Tkinter app I have a button that opens a Toplevel Window which dispays an event log. There are a few things I need the Toplevel Window to be able to do:
Show previous log entries when opened, as well as update with new ones.
Disable the user's ability to move the window around the while also making the user able to close the window
Have the window always be anchored with it's top right corner being at the root window's top right corner
I have figured out #1. I am able to have the window open and display previous entries as well as update those entries while the window is open. My problem is with #2 and #3.
For #2 I am not sure how to disable the user's ability to move the window. I am assuming this may also disable the user's ability to close the window so I am not sure how to keep that functionality intact. Maybe a button with self.quit() as it's command?
As for #3, I have no idea how to go about doing this. Maybe I suck as Googling but I can't seem to find out how to accomplish this.
This is the code I have at the moment, which is able to properly implement feature #1.
import tkinter as tk
class guiapp(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
self.value = 0.0
self.alive = True
self.list_for_toplevel = []
btn = tk.Button(self.master, text = "Click", command = self.TextWindow)
def TextWindow(self):
self.textWindow = tk.Toplevel(self.master)
self.textFrame = tk.Frame(self.textWindow)
self.textArea = tk.Text(self.textWindow, height = 10, width = 30)
self.textArea.pack(side = "left", fill = "y")
bar = tk.Scrollbar(self.textWindow)
bar.pack(side = "right", fill = "y")
bar.config(command = self.textArea.yview)
self.alive = True
def timed_loop(self):
if self.alive == True and tk.Toplevel.winfo_exists(self.textWindow):
self.master.after(1000, self.timed_loop)
self.value += 1
self.textArea.delete(1.0, "end-1c")
for item in self.list_for_toplevel:
self.textArea.insert('end', "{}\n".format(item))
self.alive = False
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
myapp = guiapp(root)
We can remove the tool bar from the top of the toplevel window and prevent the user from moving the window with self.textWindow.overrideredirect(True).
Then we can make sure that the toplevel window is positioned in the top right corner by getting the root windows location and then setting the toplevel window to the same location with self.master.winfo_x() and self.master.winfo_y().
Last I would add a button that closes the window because we no longer have the tool bar for the toplevel window.
UPDATE: I have added the ability for the toplevel window to stay on top of the root window and to move around with the root window when root is dragged.
we can use bind() to track when the root window is moved and then have a function that will update the toplevel windows position to match the root windows.
We can also use self.textWindow.attributes("-topmost", True) to tell tkinter to keep out toplevel window on top of all other windows.
Take a look at the modified version of your code below. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions.
import tkinter as tk
class guiapp(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
self.master = master
self.textWindow = None
self.master.bind("<Configure>", self.move_me)
self.value = 0.0
self.list_for_toplevel = []
btn = tk.Button(self.master, text = "Click", command = self.TextWindow)
def TextWindow(self):
x = self.master.winfo_x()
y = self.master.winfo_y()
self.textWindow = tk.Toplevel(self.master)
self.textFrame = tk.Frame(self.textWindow)
self.textWindow.attributes("-topmost", True)
self.textWindow.geometry('+{}+{}'.format(x+10, y+30))
self.close_toplevel = tk.Button(self.textWindow, text = "close", command = self.close_textWindow)
self.textArea = tk.Text(self.textWindow, height = 10, width = 30)
self.textArea.pack(side = "left", fill = "y")
bar = tk.Scrollbar(self.textWindow)
bar.pack(side = "right", fill = "y")
bar.config(command = self.textArea.yview)
self.alive = True
def close_textWindow(self):
self.textWindow = None
def move_me(self, event):
if self.textWindow != None:
x = self.master.winfo_x()
y = self.master.winfo_y()
self.textWindow.geometry('+{}+{}'.format(x+10, y+30))
def timed_loop(self):
if self.textWindow != None:
self.master.after(1000, self.timed_loop)
self.value += 1
self.textArea.delete(1.0, "end-1c")
for item in self.list_for_toplevel:
self.textArea.insert('end', "{}\n".format(item))
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
myapp = guiapp(root)
I have a GUI made with TKinter in Python. I would like to be able to display a message when my mouse cursor goes, for example, on top of a label or button. The purpose of this is to explain to the user what the button/label does or represents.
Is there a way to display text when hovering over a tkinter object in Python?
I think this would meet your requirements.
Here's what the output looks like:
First, A class named ToolTip which has methods showtip and hidetip is defined as follows:
from tkinter import *
class ToolTip(object):
def __init__(self, widget):
self.widget = widget
self.tipwindow = None = None
self.x = self.y = 0
def showtip(self, text):
"Display text in tooltip window"
self.text = text
if self.tipwindow or not self.text:
x, y, cx, cy = self.widget.bbox("insert")
x = x + self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 57
y = y + cy + self.widget.winfo_rooty() +27
self.tipwindow = tw = Toplevel(self.widget)
tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
label = Label(tw, text=self.text, justify=LEFT,
background="#ffffe0", relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1,
font=("tahoma", "8", "normal"))
def hidetip(self):
tw = self.tipwindow
self.tipwindow = None
if tw:
def CreateToolTip(widget, text):
toolTip = ToolTip(widget)
def enter(event):
def leave(event):
widget.bind('<Enter>', enter)
widget.bind('<Leave>', leave)
The widget is where you want to add the tip. For example, if you want the tip when you hover over a button or entry or label, the instance of the same should be provided at the call time.
Quick note: the code above uses from tkinter import *
which is not suggested by some of the programmers out there, and they have valid points. You might want to make necessary changes in such case.
To move the tip to your desired location, you can change x and y in the code.
The function CreateToolTip() helps to create this tip easily. Just pass the widget and string you want to display in the tipbox to this function, and you're good to go.
This is how you call the above part:
button = Button(root, text = 'click mem')
CreateToolTip(button, text = 'Hello World\n'
'This is how tip looks like.'
'Best part is, it\'s not a menu.\n'
'Purely tipbox.')
Do not forget to import the module if you save the previous outline in different python file, and don't save the file as CreateToolTip or ToolTip to avoid confusion.
This post from Fuzzyman shares some similar thoughts, and worth checking out.
You need to set a binding on the <Enter> and <Leave> events.
Note: if you choose to pop up a window (ie: a tooltip) make sure you don't pop it up directly under the mouse. What will happen is that it will cause a leave event to fire because the cursor leaves the label and enters the popup. Then, your leave handler will dismiss the window, your cursor will enter the label, which causes an enter event, which pops up the window, which causes a leave event, which dismisses the window, which causes an enter event, ... ad infinitum.
For simplicity, here's an example that updates a label, similar to a statusbar that some apps use. Creating a tooltip or some other way of displaying the information still starts with the same core technique of binding to <Enter> and <Leave>.
import Tkinter as tk
class Example(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.l1 = tk.Label(self, text="Hover over me")
self.l2 = tk.Label(self, text="", width=40)
self.l2.pack(side="top", fill="x")
self.l1.bind("<Enter>", self.on_enter)
self.l1.bind("<Leave>", self.on_leave)
def on_enter(self, event):
self.l2.configure(text="Hello world")
def on_leave(self, enter):
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
Example(root).pack(side="top", fill="both", expand="true")
You can refer to this- HoverClass
It is exactly what you need. Nothing more, nothing less
from Tkinter import *
import re
class HoverInfo(Menu):
def __init__(self, parent, text, command=None):
self._com = command
Menu.__init__(self,parent, tearoff=0)
if not isinstance(text, str):
raise TypeError('Trying to initialise a Hover Menu with a non string type: ' + text.__class__.__name__)
toktext=re.split('\n', text)
for t in toktext:
self.add_command(label = t)
self.master.bind("<Enter>",self.Display )
self.master.bind("<Leave>",self.Remove )
def __del__(self):
def Display(self,event):
if not self._displayed:
self._displayed=True, event.y_root)
if self._com != None:
self.master.bind_all("<Return>", self.Click)
def Remove(self, event):
if self._displayed:
if self._com != None:
def Click(self, event):
Example app using HoverInfo:
from Tkinter import *
from HoverInfo import HoverInfo
class MyApp(Frame):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.lbl = Label(self, text='testing')
self.hover = HoverInfo(self, 'while hovering press return \n for an exciting msg', self.HelloWorld)
def HelloWorld(self):
print('Hello World')
app = MyApp()
I have a very hacky solution but it has some advantages over the current answers so I figured I would share it.
lab=Label(root,text="hover me")
def do_popup(event):
# display the popup menu
root.after(1000, self.check)
popup = Menu(root, tearoff=0)
popup.tk_popup(event.x_root, event.y_root, 0)
def check(event=None):
x, y = root.winfo_pointerxy()
widget = root.winfo_containing(x, y)
if widget is None:
root.after(100, root.check)
def leave():
popup.delete(0, END)
The only real issue with this is it leaves behind a small box that moves focus away from the main window
If anyone knows how to solve these issues let me know
If anyone is on Mac OSX and tool tip isn't working, check out the example in:
Basically, the two lines that made it work for me on Mac OSX were:
tw.update_idletasks() # Needed on MacOS -- see #34275.
tw.lift() # work around bug in Tk 8.5.18+ (issue #24570)
Here is a simple solution to your problem that subclasses the tk.Button object. We make a special class that tk.Button inherits from, giving it tooltip functionality. The same for tk.Labels.
I don't know what would be cleanest and the easiest way to maintain code for keeping track of the text that goes into the tooltips. I present here one way, in which I pass unique widget IDs to MyButtons, and access a dictionary for storing the tooltip texts. You could store this file as a JSON, or as a class attribute, or as a global variable (as below). Alternatively, perhaps it would be better to define a setter method in MyButton, and just call this method every time you create a new widget that should have a tooltip. Although you would have to store the widget instance in a variable, adding one extra line for all widgets to include.
One drawback in the code below is that the self.master.master syntax relies on determining the "widget depth". A simple recursive function will catch most cases (only needed for entering a widget, since by definition you leave somewhere you once were).
Anyway, below is a working MWE for anyone interested.
import tkinter as tk
tooltips = {
'button_hello': 'Print a greeting message',
'button_quit': 'Quit the program',
'button_insult': 'Print an insult',
'idle': 'Hover over button for help',
'error': 'Widget ID not valid'
class ToolTipFunctionality:
def __init__(self, wid):
self.wid = wid
self.widet_depth = 1
self.widget_search_depth = 10
self.bind('<Enter>', lambda event, i=1: self.on_enter(event, i))
self.bind('<Leave>', lambda event: self.on_leave(event))
def on_enter(self, event, i):
if i > self.widget_search_depth:
cmd = f'self{".master"*i}.show_tooltip(self.wid)'
self.widget_depth = i
except AttributeError:
return self.on_enter(event, i+1)
def on_leave(self, event):
cmd = f'self{".master" * self.widget_depth}.hide_tooltip()'
class MyButton(tk.Button, ToolTipFunctionality):
def __init__(self, parent, wid, **kwargs):
tk.Button.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs)
ToolTipFunctionality.__init__(self, wid)
class MyLabel(tk.Label, ToolTipFunctionality):
def __init__(self, parent, wid, **kwargs):
tk.Label.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs)
ToolTipFunctionality.__init__(self, wid)
class Application(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.tooltip = tk.StringVar()
self.frame = tk.Frame(self, width=50)
MyLabel(self.frame, '', text='One Cool Program').pack()
self.subframe = tk.Frame(self.frame, width=40)
MyButton(self.subframe, 'button_hello', text='Hello!', command=self.greet, width=20).pack()
MyButton(self.subframe, 'button_insutl', text='Insult', command=self.insult, width=20).pack()
MyButton(self.subframe, 'button_quit', text='Quit', command=self.destroy, width=20).pack()
tk.Label(self.subframe, textvar=self.tooltip, width=20).pack()
def show_tooltip(self, wid):
except KeyError:
def hide_tooltip(self):
def greet(self):
print('Welcome, Fine Sir!')
def insult(self):
print('You must be dead from the neck up')
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = Application()
The best way I have found to create a popup help window is to use the tix.Balloon. I have modified it below to make it look better and show an example (note the use of tix.Tk):
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.tix as tix
class Balloon(tix.Balloon):
# A modified tix popup balloon (to change the default delay, bg and wraplength)
init_after = 1250 # Milliseconds
wraplength = 300 # Pixels
def __init__(self, master):
bg = root.cget("bg")
# Call the parent
super().__init__(master, initwait=self.init_after)
# Change background colour
for i in self.subwidgets_all():
# Modify the balloon label
root = tix.Tk()
l = tk.Label(root, text="\n".join(["text"] * 5))
b = Balloon(root.winfo_toplevel())
b.bind_widget(l, balloonmsg="Some random text")
Here is an example using <enter> and <leave> as #bryanoakley suggested with a toplevel (with overridedirect set to true). Use the hover_timer class for easy use of this. This needs the widget and help-text (with an optional delay argument - default 0.5s) and can be easily called just by initiating the class and then cancelling it.
import threading, time
from tkinter import *
class hover_window (Toplevel):
def __init__ (self, coords, text):
super ().__init__ ()
self.geometry ("+%d+%d" % (coords [0], coords [1]))
self.config (bg = "white")
Label (self, text = text, bg = "white", relief = "ridge", borderwidth = 3, wraplength = 400, justify = "left").grid ()
self.overrideredirect (True)
self.update ()
self.bind ("<Enter>", lambda event: self.destroy ())
class hover_timer:
def __init__ (self, widget, text, delay = 2):
self.wind, self.cancel_var, self.widget, self.text,, self.delay = None, False, widget, text, False, delay
threading.Thread (target = self.start_timer).start ()
def start_timer (self): = True
time.sleep (self.delay)
if not self.cancel_var: self.wind = hover_window ((self.widget.winfo_rootx (), self.widget.winfo_rooty () + self.widget.winfo_height () + 20), self.text) = False
def delayed_stop (self):
while time.sleep (0.05)
if self.wind:
self.wind.destroy ()
self.wind = None
def cancel (self):
self.cancel_var = True
if not self.wind: threading.Thread (target = self.delayed_stop).start ()
self.wind.destroy ()
self.wind = None
def start_help (event):
# Create a new help timer
global h
h = hover_timer (l, "This is some additional information.", 0.5)
def end_help (event):
# If therre is one, end the help timer
if h: h.cancel ()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create the tkinter window
root = Tk ()
root.title ("Hover example")
# Help class not created yet
h = None
# Padding round label
Frame (root, width = 50).grid (row = 1, column = 0)
Frame (root, height = 50).grid (row = 0, column = 1)
Frame (root, width = 50).grid (row = 1, column = 2)
Frame (root, height = 50).grid (row = 2, column = 1)
# Setup the label
l = Label (root, text = "Hover over me for information.", font = ("sans", 32))
l.grid (row = 1, column = 1)
l.bind ("<Enter>", start_help)
l.bind ("<Leave>", end_help)
# Tkinter mainloop
root.mainloop ()
I wanted to contribute to the answer of #squareRoot17 as he inspired me to shorten his code while providing the same functionality:
import tkinter as tk
class ToolTip(object):
def __init__(self, widget, text):
self.widget = widget
self.text = text
def enter(event):
def leave(event):
widget.bind('<Enter>', enter)
widget.bind('<Leave>', leave)
def showTooltip(self):
self.tooltipwindow = tw = tk.Toplevel(self.widget)
tw.wm_overrideredirect(1) # window without border and no normal means of closing
tw.wm_geometry("+{}+{}".format(self.widget.winfo_rootx(), self.widget.winfo_rooty()))
label = tk.Label(tw, text = self.text, background = "#ffffe0", relief = 'solid', borderwidth = 1).pack()
def hideTooltip(self):
tw = self.tooltipwindow
self.tooltipwindow = None
This class can then be imported and used as:
import tkinter as tk
from tooltip import ToolTip
root = tk.Tk()
your_widget = tk.Button(root, text = "Hover me!")
ToolTip(widget = your_widget, text = "Hover text!")
I just started learning how to create a custom pop up dialog box; and as it turns out, the tkinter messagebox is really easy to use, but it also does not do too much. Here is my attempt to create a dialog box that will take input and then store that in the username.
My question is what is the recommended style to implement this? As Bryan Oakley suggested in this comment.
I would advise against using a global variable. Instead of having the dialog destroy itself, have it destroy only the actual widget but leave the object alive. Then, call something like inputDialog.get_string() and then del inputDialog from your main logic.
Maybe using the global variable to return my string is not the best idea, but why? And what is the suggested way? I get confused because I don't know how to trigger the getstring once the window is destroyed, and... the line about destroying the actual widget, I am not sure if he is referring to TopLevel.
The reason I ask is because I want the pop up box to be destroyed after I press the submit button; because after all, I want it to resume back to the main program, update something, etc. What should the button method send do in this case? Because the idea in this particular example is to allow the user to do it over and over, if he desires.
import tkinter as tk
class MyDialog:
def __init__(self, parent):
top = = tk.Toplevel(parent)
self.myLabel = tk.Label(top, text='Enter your username below')
self.myEntryBox = tk.Entry(top)
self.mySubmitButton = tk.Button(top, text='Submit', command=self.send)
def send(self):
global username
username = self.myEntryBox.get()
def onClick():
inputDialog = MyDialog(root)
print('Username: ', username)
username = 'Empty'
root = tk.Tk()
mainLabel = tk.Label(root, text='Example for pop up input box')
mainButton = tk.Button(root, text='Click me', command=onClick)
Using the global statement is unnecessary in the two scenarios that come to mind.
you want to code a dialog box that can be imported to use with a main GUI
you want to code a dialog box that can be imported to use without a main GUI
code a dialog box that can be imported to use with a main GUI
Avoiding the global statement can be accomplished by passing a dictionary & key when you create an instance of a dialog box. The dictionary & key can then be associated with the button's command, by using lambda. That creates an anonymous function that will execute your function call (with args) when the button is pressed.
You can avoid the need to pass the parent every time you create an instance of the dialog box by binding the parent to a class attribute (root in this example).
You can save the following as in your_python_folder\Lib\site-packages or in the same folder as your main GUI's file.
import tkinter
class Mbox(object):
root = None
def __init__(self, msg, dict_key=None):
msg = <str> the message to be displayed
dict_key = <sequence> (dictionary, key) to associate with user input
(providing a sequence for dict_key creates an entry for user input)
tki = tkinter = tki.Toplevel(Mbox.root)
frm = tki.Frame(, borderwidth=4, relief='ridge')
frm.pack(fill='both', expand=True)
label = tki.Label(frm, text=msg)
label.pack(padx=4, pady=4)
caller_wants_an_entry = dict_key is not None
if caller_wants_an_entry:
self.entry = tki.Entry(frm)
b_submit = tki.Button(frm, text='Submit')
b_submit['command'] = lambda: self.entry_to_dict(dict_key)
b_cancel = tki.Button(frm, text='Cancel')
b_cancel['command'] =
b_cancel.pack(padx=4, pady=4)
def entry_to_dict(self, dict_key):
data = self.entry.get()
if data:
d, key = dict_key
d[key] = data
You can see examples that subclass TopLevel and tkSimpleDialog (tkinter.simpledialog in py3) at effbot.
It's worth noting that ttk widgets are interchangeable with the tkinter widgets in this example.
To accurately center the dialog box read → this.
Example of use:
import tkinter
import mbox
root = tkinter.Tk()
Mbox = mbox.Mbox
Mbox.root = root
D = {'user':'Bob'}
b_login = tkinter.Button(root, text='Log in')
b_login['command'] = lambda: Mbox('Name?', (D, 'user'))
b_loggedin = tkinter.Button(root, text='Current User')
b_loggedin['command'] = lambda: Mbox(D['user'])
code a dialog box that can be imported to use without a main GUI
Create a module containing a dialog box class (MessageBox here). Also, include a function that creates an instance of that class, and finally returns the value of the button pressed (or data from an Entry widget).
Here is a complete module that you can customize with the help of these references: NMTech & Effbot.
Save the following code as in your_python_folder\Lib\site-packages
import tkinter
class MessageBox(object):
def __init__(self, msg, b1, b2, frame, t, entry):
root = self.root = tkinter.Tk()
self.msg = str(msg)
# ctrl+c to copy self.msg
root.bind('<Control-c>', func=self.to_clip)
# remove the outer frame if frame=False
if not frame: root.overrideredirect(True)
# default values for the buttons to return
self.b1_return = True
self.b2_return = False
# if b1 or b2 is a tuple unpack into the button text & return value
if isinstance(b1, tuple): b1, self.b1_return = b1
if isinstance(b2, tuple): b2, self.b2_return = b2
# main frame
frm_1 = tkinter.Frame(root)
frm_1.pack(ipadx=2, ipady=2)
# the message
message = tkinter.Label(frm_1, text=self.msg)
message.pack(padx=8, pady=8)
# if entry=True create and set focus
if entry:
self.entry = tkinter.Entry(frm_1)
# button frame
frm_2 = tkinter.Frame(frm_1)
frm_2.pack(padx=4, pady=4)
# buttons
btn_1 = tkinter.Button(frm_2, width=8, text=b1)
btn_1['command'] = self.b1_action
if not entry: btn_1.focus_set()
btn_2 = tkinter.Button(frm_2, width=8, text=b2)
btn_2['command'] = self.b2_action
# the enter button will trigger the focused button's action
btn_1.bind('<KeyPress-Return>', func=self.b1_action)
btn_2.bind('<KeyPress-Return>', func=self.b2_action)
# roughly center the box on screen
# for accuracy see:
xp = (root.winfo_screenwidth() // 2) - (root.winfo_width() // 2)
yp = (root.winfo_screenheight() // 2) - (root.winfo_height() // 2)
geom = (root.winfo_width(), root.winfo_height(), xp, yp)
# call self.close_mod when the close button is pressed
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close_mod)
# a trick to activate the window (on windows 7)
# if t is specified: call time_out after t seconds
if t: root.after(int(t*1000), func=self.time_out)
def b1_action(self, event=None):
try: x = self.entry.get()
except AttributeError:
self.returning = self.b1_return
if x:
self.returning = x
def b2_action(self, event=None):
self.returning = self.b2_return
# remove this function and the call to protocol
# then the close button will act normally
def close_mod(self):
def time_out(self):
try: x = self.entry.get()
except AttributeError: self.returning = None
else: self.returning = x
finally: self.root.quit()
def to_clip(self, event=None):
def mbox(msg, b1='OK', b2='Cancel', frame=True, t=False, entry=False):
"""Create an instance of MessageBox, and get data back from the user.
msg = string to be displayed
b1 = text for left button, or a tuple (<text for button>, <to return on press>)
b2 = text for right button, or a tuple (<text for button>, <to return on press>)
frame = include a standard outerframe: True or False
t = time in seconds (int or float) until the msgbox automatically closes
entry = include an entry widget that will have its contents returned: True or False
msgbox = MessageBox(msg, b1, b2, frame, t, entry)
# the function pauses here until the mainloop is quit
return msgbox.returning
After mbox creates an instance of MessageBox it starts the mainloop,
which effectively stops the function there until the mainloop is exited via root.quit().
The mbox function can then access msgbox.returning, and return its value.
user = {}
mbox('starting in 1 second...', t=1)
user['name'] = mbox('name?', entry=True)
if user['name']:
user['sex'] = mbox('male or female?', ('male', 'm'), ('female', 'f'))
mbox(user, frame=False)
Since the object inputDialog is not destroyed, I was able to access the object attribute. I added the return string as an attribute:
import tkinter as tk
class MyDialog:
def __init__(self, parent):
top = = tk.Toplevel(parent)
self.myLabel = tk.Label(top, text='Enter your username below')
self.myEntryBox = tk.Entry(top)
self.mySubmitButton = tk.Button(top, text='Submit', command=self.send)
def send(self):
self.username = self.myEntryBox.get()
def onClick():
inputDialog = MyDialog(root)
print('Username: ', inputDialog.username)
root = tk.Tk()
mainLabel = tk.Label(root, text='Example for pop up input box')
mainButton = tk.Button(root, text='Click me', command=onClick)
Instead of using messagebox, you can use simpledialog. It is also part of tkinter. It is like a template instead of completely defining your own class. The simpledialog solves the problem of having to add the 'Ok' and 'Cancel' buttons yourself. I myself have ran into this problem and java2s has a good example on how to use simple dialog to make custom dialogs. This is their example for a two text field and two label dialog box. It is Python 2 though so you need to change it. Hope this helps :)
from Tkinter import *
import tkSimpleDialog
class MyDialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):
def body(self, master):
Label(master, text="First:").grid(row=0)
Label(master, text="Second:").grid(row=1)
self.e1 = Entry(master)
self.e2 = Entry(master)
self.e1.grid(row=0, column=1)
self.e2.grid(row=1, column=1)
return self.e1 # initial focus
def apply(self):
first = self.e1.get()
second = self.e2.get()
print first, second
root = Tk()
d = MyDialog(root)
print d.result
I used Honest Abe's 2nd part of the code titled:
code a dialog box that can be imported to use without a main GUI
as template and made some modifications. I needed a combobox instead of entry, so I also implemented it. If you need something else, it should be fairly easy to modify.
Following are the changes
Acts as a child
Modal to the parent
Centered on top of the parent
Not resizable
Combobox instead of entry
Click cross (X) to close the dialog
frame, timer, clipboard
Save the following as in your_python_folder\Lib\site-packages or in the same folder as your main GUI's file.
import tkinter
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
class MessageBox(object):
def __init__(self, msg, b1, b2, parent, cbo, cboList):
root = self.root = tkinter.Toplevel(parent)
root.resizable(False, False)
root.grab_set() # modal
self.msg = str(msg)
self.b1_return = True
self.b2_return = False
# if b1 or b2 is a tuple unpack into the button text & return value
if isinstance(b1, tuple): b1, self.b1_return = b1
if isinstance(b2, tuple): b2, self.b2_return = b2
# main frame
frm_1 = tkinter.Frame(root)
frm_1.pack(ipadx=2, ipady=2)
# the message
message = tkinter.Label(frm_1, text=self.msg)
if cbo: message.pack(padx=8, pady=8)
else: message.pack(padx=8, pady=20)
# if entry=True create and set focus
if cbo:
self.cbo = ttk.Combobox(frm_1, state="readonly", justify="center", values= cboList)
# button frame
frm_2 = tkinter.Frame(frm_1)
frm_2.pack(padx=4, pady=4)
# buttons
btn_1 = tkinter.Button(frm_2, width=8, text=b1)
btn_1['command'] = self.b1_action
if cbo: btn_1.pack(side='left', padx=5)
else: btn_1.pack(side='left', padx=10)
if not cbo: btn_1.focus_set()
btn_2 = tkinter.Button(frm_2, width=8, text=b2)
btn_2['command'] = self.b2_action
if cbo: btn_2.pack(side='left', padx=5)
else: btn_2.pack(side='left', padx=10)
# the enter button will trigger the focused button's action
btn_1.bind('<KeyPress-Return>', func=self.b1_action)
btn_2.bind('<KeyPress-Return>', func=self.b2_action)
# roughly center the box on screen
# for accuracy see:
root.geometry("210x110+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx()+7,
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close_mod)
# a trick to activate the window (on windows 7)
def b1_action(self, event=None):
try: x = self.cbo.get()
except AttributeError:
self.returning = self.b1_return
if x:
self.returning = x
def b2_action(self, event=None):
self.returning = self.b2_return
def close_mod(self):
# top right corner cross click: return value ;`x`;
# we need to send it a value, otherwise there will be an exception when closing parent window
self.returning = ";`x`;"
It should be quick and easy to use. Here's an example:
from mbox import MessageBox
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def mbox(msg, b1, b2, parent, cbo=False, cboList=[]):
msgbox = MessageBox(msg, b1, b2, parent, cbo, cboList)
return msgbox.returning
prompt = {}
# it will only show 2 buttons & 1 label if (cbo and cboList) aren't provided
# click on 'x' will return ;`x`;
prompt['answer'] = mbox('Do you want to go?', ('Go', 'go'), ('Cancel', 'cancel'), root)
ans = prompt['answer']
if ans == 'go':
# do stuff
# do stuff
allowedItems = ['phone','laptop','battery']
prompt['answer'] = mbox('Select product to take', ('Take', 'take'), ('Cancel', 'cancel'), root, cbo=True, cboList=allowedItems)
ans = prompt['answer']
if (ans == 'phone'):
# do stuff
elif (ans == 'laptop'):
# do stuff
# do stuff
import tkinter
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
class MessageBox(object):
def __init__(self, msg, b1, b2, parent, cbo, cboList):
root = self.root = tkinter.Toplevel(parent)
root.resizable(False, False)
root.grab_set() # modal
self.msg = str(msg)
self.b1_return = True
self.b2_return = False
# if b1 or b2 is a tuple unpack into the button text & return value
if isinstance(b1, tuple): b1, self.b1_return = b1
if isinstance(b2, tuple): b2, self.b2_return = b2
# main frame
frm_1 = tkinter.Frame(root)
frm_1.pack(ipadx=2, ipady=2)
# the message
message = tkinter.Label(frm_1, text=self.msg)
if cbo: message.pack(padx=8, pady=8)
else: message.pack(padx=8, pady=20)
# if entry=True create and set focus
if cbo:
self.cbo = ttk.Combobox(frm_1, state="readonly", justify="center", values= cboList)
# button frame
frm_2 = tkinter.Frame(frm_1)
frm_2.pack(padx=4, pady=4)
# buttons
btn_1 = tkinter.Button(frm_2, width=8, text=b1)
btn_1['command'] = self.b1_action
if cbo: btn_1.pack(side='left', padx=5)
else: btn_1.pack(side='left', padx=10)
if not cbo: btn_1.focus_set()
btn_2 = tkinter.Button(frm_2, width=8, text=b2)
btn_2['command'] = self.b2_action
if cbo: btn_2.pack(side='left', padx=5)
else: btn_2.pack(side='left', padx=10)
# the enter button will trigger the focused button's action
btn_1.bind('<KeyPress-Return>', func=self.b1_action)
btn_2.bind('<KeyPress-Return>', func=self.b2_action)
# roughly center the box on screen
# for accuracy see:
root.geometry("210x110+%d+%d" % (parent.winfo_rootx()+7,
root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close_mod)
# a trick to activate the window (on windows 7)
def b1_action(self, event=None):
try: x = self.cbo.get()
except AttributeError:
self.returning = self.b1_return
if x:
self.returning = x
def b2_action(self, event=None):
self.returning = self.b2_return
def close_mod(self):
# top right corner cross click: return value ;`x`;
# we need to send it a value, otherwise there will be an exception when closing parent window
self.returning = ";`x`;"
Tkinter simpledialog maybe useful for this problem.
Example usage
import tkinter as tk
name = tk.simpledialog.askstring("Title", "Message")
There are different approaches available in tkiner
unresponsive root
waits: waits for dialog to be destroyed.
buttontext: custom naming of Buttons
Body: intended to be costumized
class_: XSystem's may benefit from it.
icon: Custom icon
baseclass: intended as baseclass
All examples was initially wrote by Fredrik Lundh (R.I.P.) and can be found in the standard library
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.dialog import Dialog
def test():
d = Dialog(None, {'title': 'File Modified',
'File "Python.h" has been modified'
' since the last time it was saved.'
' Do you want to save it before'
' exiting the application.',
'bitmap': 'questhead',
'default': 0,
'strings': ('Save File',
'Discard Changes',
'Return to Editor')})
root = tk.Tk()
tk.Button(root, text='Test', command=test).pack()
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import simpledialog
class MessageBox(simpledialog.SimpleDialog):
def __init__(self, master,**kwargs):
def done(self,num):
self.num = num
def test():
'SimpleDialog does not wait or return a result'
'You can retrieve the value by overwriting done or by MessageBox.num'
root,title='Cancel',text='Im telling you!',class_=None,
buttons=['Got it!','Nah'], default=None, cancel=None)
root = tk.Tk()
tk.Button(root, text='Test', command=test).pack()
class MessageBox(simpledialog.Dialog):
def __init__(self, master,**kwargs):
def body(self, master):
'''create dialog body.
return widget that should have initial focus.
This method should be overridden, and is called
by the __init__ method.
def validate(self):
'''validate the data
This method is called automatically to validate the data before the
dialog is destroyed. By default, it always validates OK.
return 1 # override
def apply(self):
'''process the data
This method is called automatically to process the data, *after*
the dialog is destroyed. By default, it does nothing.
pass # override