How can I display both circles without flashing caused by double refresh - python

The code should display 1 or 2 circles depending on what you ask, and the program asks the user for the frequency of both circles.
I'm pretty sure the code works right, but the problem is that when the circles are displayed, 1 of the circles keeps flashing, but I don't know how to adjust it.
I have tried by playing around with it, by moving the update after or before, by updating it 2 times, after or before, anyway i'm stuck and I don't know how I should do it
import pygame
import math
import time
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode([1000,700])
width_2 = int(screen.get_width() / 2)
width_3 = int(screen.get_width() / 3)
height_center = int(screen.get_height() / 2 )
black = (0,0,0)
keep_going = True
onecircle = False
twocircles = False
white = (255,255,255)
blue = (0,0,255)
red = (255,0,0)
freq = 0
circle1spot = (0,0)
circle2spot = (0,0)
freq2 = 0
pointradius = 3
num_circles = 0
num_circles2 = 0
radius = 0
radius2 = 0
centerradius = 20
howmanycircles = int(input("How many circles? \n"))
if howmanycircles == 1:
onecircle = True
elif howmanycircles == 2:
twocircles = True
print("Answer not correct, 1 circle selected by default")
onecircle = True
if howmanycircles == 1:
freqinput = int(input("Frequency 1 circle, MIN [1], MAX [148]: \n"))
freq = 150 - freqinput
elif howmanycircles == 2:
freqinput = int(input("Frequency 1 circle, MIN [1], MAX [148]: \n"))
freq = 150 - freqinput
freqinput2 = int(input("Frequency 2 circle, MIN [1], MAX [148]: \n"))
freq2 = 150 - freqinput2
def circle1(radius, centerradius):
radius = radius + 1
num_circles = math.ceil(radius / freq)
radiusMax = num_circles * freq
pace = freq / radiusMax
for y in range(num_circles, 1, -1):
radiusY = int(((pace * (num_circles - y)) + pace) * radiusMax) + (radius % freq), black, circle1spot, centerradius, 1 ), black, circle1spot, radiusY, 1)
return radius
def circle2(raggio2, centerradius):
radius2 = radius2 + 1
num_circles2 = math.ceil(radius2 / freq2)
radiusMax = num_circles2 * freq2
pace = freq2 / radiusMax
for y in range(num_circles2, 1, -1):
radiusY = int(((pace * (num_circles2 - y)) + pace) * radiusMax) + (radius2 % freq2), red, circle2spot, centerradius, 1 ), red, circle2spot, radiusY, 1)
return radius2
while keep_going:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
keep_going = False
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]:
#mousedownleft = True
circle1spot = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]:
#mousedownright = True
circle2spot = pygame.mouse.get_pos(), blue, (width_3,height_center), pointradius, 3 ), blue, ((width_3*2),height_center), pointradius, 3 ), blue, ((width_2),height_center), pointradius, 3 )
if onecircle == True:
radius = circle1(radius,centerradius)
elif twocircles == True:
radius = circle1(radius,centerradius) #this is the critical zone
pygame.display.update() #this is the critical zone
radius2 = circle2(radius2, centerradius) #this is the critical zone
pygame.display.update() #this is the critical zone
screen.fill(white) #this is the critical zone
I'm looking for a possible solution to make it work correctly and to get it refreshed correctly

It is sufficient to do one single pygame.display.update() at the end of the main loop.
clear the display
do all the drawing
update the display
while keep_going:
# [...]
# 1. clear the display
# 2. do all the drawing, blue, (width_3,height_center), pointradius, 3 ), blue, ((width_3*2),height_center), pointradius, 3 ), blue, ((width_2),height_center), pointradius, 3 )
if onecircle == True:
radius = circle1(radius,centerradius)
elif twocircles == True:
radius = circle1(radius,centerradius)
radius2 = circle2(radius2, centerradius)
# 3. update the display


Pygame window goes unresponsive randomly after a few clicks

I am trying to make a game similar to as a personal project and my pygame window keeps going unresponsive. My program will start, but after 1-15 circle clicks it stops working. It only goes unresponsive if I click a circle, other parts of the window are fine. I'm not sure what to do, any advice is appreciated.
from random import randint
import pygame, math
WIDTH, HEIGHT = 750, 750
WINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption("Click the circles!")
BLACK = (25, 25, 25)
RED = (163, 0, 0)
targetList = []
FPS = 60
class Target:
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def drawTarget(self):, RED, (self.x, self.y), RADIUS)
def inTarget(self, posx, posy):
sqx = (posx - self.x) ** 2
sqy = (posy - self.y) ** 2
if math.sqrt(sqx + sqy) < RADIUS:
return True
def targetsDontIntersect(self, secondTarget):
return math.sqrt((self.x - secondTarget.x) ** 2 + (self.y - secondTarget.y) ** 2) > RADIUS * 2 #True if they don't intersect
def __str__(self) -> str:
return "X is {} and Y is {}".format(self.x, self.y)
def addTarget():
intersection = False
while True:
t = Target(randint(RADIUS, WIDTH - RADIUS), randint(RADIUS, HEIGHT - RADIUS))
for t2 in targetList:
if not t.targetsDontIntersect(t2):
intersection = True
if not intersection:
def drawWindow():
if len(targetList) < CIRCLE_COUNT:
for target in targetList:
# Add targets so that they don't intersect
def addTargets():
targetList.append(Target(randint(RADIUS, WIDTH - RADIUS), randint(RADIUS, HEIGHT - RADIUS)))
while len(targetList) < CIRCLE_COUNT:
intersection = False
t = Target(randint(RADIUS, WIDTH - RADIUS), randint(RADIUS, HEIGHT - RADIUS))
for t2 in targetList:
if (not t.targetsDontIntersect(t2)):
intersection = True
if not intersection:
def main():
global targetList
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
targetList = [num for num in targetList if not num.inTarget(x, y)] #List of circles that weren't clicked
if __name__ == "__main__":
intersection = False must be set at the beginning of the loop, instead of before the loop, otherwise this will result in an endless loop once 2 circles intersect:
def addTarget():
# intersection = False <-- DELETE
while True:
intersection = False # <-- INSERT
t = Target(randint(RADIUS, WIDTH - RADIUS), randint(RADIUS, HEIGHT - RADIUS))
for t2 in targetList:
if not t.targetsDontIntersect(t2):
intersection = True
if not intersection:

issues with checking if my images collided in pygame [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why is my collision test always returning 'true' and why is the position of the rectangle of the image always wrong (0, 0)?
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
So I'm trying to check im my bird images are touching my could images and if they are to print print('Collided1!').
My Issue is that print('Collided1!') goes off no matter what and is not checking whether the images are touching. colliderect was the solution I found online but I don't seem to know how it works because this is not working.
Do You Know how to fix this? and check whether my images are touching or not?
from random import randint
import pygame, sys
import random
import time
DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((1224, 724))
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
FPS = 60
a = 1
b = 1
c = 15
x = 100
y = 480
start = 0
score = 0
landX = 1205
totalScore = 0
level = 'low'
directionForBird = 'none'
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
BASICFONT = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 30)
background_resized = pygame.image.load('sky.jpg')
background = pygame.transform.scale(background_resized, (1224, 724))
bird1 = pygame.image.load('bird1.png')
bird1_resized = pygame.transform.scale(bird1, (170, 150))
bird1Surface = bird1_resized.get_rect()
bird2 = pygame.image.load('bird2.png')
bird2_resized = pygame.transform.scale(bird2, (170, 150))
bird2Surface = bird2_resized.get_rect()
cloudsList = ['cloud1.png', 'cloud2.png', 'cloud3.png', 'cloud4.png']
clouds = random.choice(cloudsList)
cloud = pygame.image.load(clouds)
cloud_resized = pygame.transform.scale(cloud, (352, 352))
cloudSurface = cloud_resized.get_rect()
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if level == 'low':
if (event.key == K_SPACE ):
directionForBird = 'up'
level = 'high'
FPS += 2
c += 1
if directionForBird == 'up':
y -= 10
if y == 10:
directionForBird = 'down'
if directionForBird == 'down':
y += 10
if y == 480:
directionForBird = 'none'
if a == 1:
DISPLAYSURF.blit(background, (0, 0))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(bird1_resized, (x, y))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(cloud_resized, (landX, 300))
b += 1
if b == c:
a += 1
if a == 2:
DISPLAYSURF.blit(background, (0, 0))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(bird2_resized, (x, y))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(cloud_resized, (landX, 300))
b -= 1
if b == 1:
a -= 1
start += 1
if start == 100:
start -= 1
directionForLand = 'left'
if directionForLand == 'left':
landX -= 15
if landX == -550:
landX = 1205
level = 'low'
clouds = random.choice(cloudsList)
cloud = pygame.image.load(clouds)
cloud_resized = pygame.transform.scale(cloud, (352, 352))
score += 1
if score == 30:
score = 0
totalScore += 1
scoreText = BASICFONT.render('Stig : %s' % (totalScore), True, (BLACK))
scoreRect = scoreText.get_rect()
scoreRect.topleft = (1070, 10)
DISPLAYSURF.blit(scoreText, scoreRect)
# This is Supossed to Be what checks if the bird images
# colide with the cloud images
if bird1Surface.colliderect(cloudSurface):
if bird2Surface.colliderect(cloudSurface):
bird1Surface, bird2Surface and cloudSurface always have an upper left of (0,0), so they are always on top of each other.. You don't change the rectangles when you move the birds. You need to track the bird x,y and the cloud x,y, and construct new rectangles with the current x,y and the known width and height before you do the collision check.

Pygame - Fix issue with pause menu? [duplicate]

I've developed a Python code and am looking for improvements and how to add a pause option.
I repeat the exact same lines one after another although I don't know an easier way to do it.
import math, pygame, random, sys, turtle
from itertools import cycle
from datetime import datetime
from pygame import gfxdraw
from pygame.locals import *
def print_text(surface, font, text, surf_rect, x = 0, y = 0, center = False, color = (255,215,0)):
if not center:
textimage = font.render(text, True, color)
surface.blit(textimage, (x, y))
textimage = font.render(text, True, color)
text_rect = textimage.get_rect()
x = (surf_rect.width // 2) - (text_rect.width // 2 )
surface.blit(textimage, (x, y))
def game_is_over(surface, font, ticks):
timer = ticks
surf_rect = surface.get_rect()
surf_height = surf_rect.height
surf_width = surf_rect.width
print_text(screen, font, "Y O U G O T Y E E T E D (Game Over)", surf_rect, y = 260,\
center = True)
while True:
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if ticks > timer + 3000:
def next_level(level):
level += 1
if level > 6:
level = 6
return level
#The Level Creator
def load_level(level):
invaders, colors = [], []
start_intx, end_intx, increment_intx = 85, 725, 40
start_inty, end_inty, increment_inty = 60, 60, 30
end_inty = end_inty + level * 30 # 30 being the number of rows / intruders
color_val = 256 / end_inty #For Colour Repetition
for x in range(start_intx, end_intx, increment_intx):
for y in range(start_inty, end_inty, increment_inty):
invaders.append(pygame.Rect(x, y, 30, 15))
colors.append(((x * 0.35) % 256, (y * color_val) % 256))
return invaders, colors, len(invaders)
def draw_title_invader():
rect = Rect(285,247,230,115)#INVATOR
rect2 = Rect(0,0,230,115)
rect3 = Rect(340,120,120,128)#TOP OF HAT
rect4 = Rect(300,200,200,48)#BOT OF HAT
rect5 = Rect(340,182,120,18)#LINE IN HAT
rect_width = 230
a = 175
b = 55
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, MGOLD,rect)
#The Left Eye in Title Screen,(0,255,255), (rect.x+46,rect.y+30), 23)
#The Right Eye in Title Screen,(0,255,255),(rect.x+rect_width-46,rect.y+30)\
#The Left Side Mouth in Title Screen
pygame.draw.line(backbuffer, RED, (rect.x+46, rect.y+92),\
(rect.x + 115, rect.y + 61), 2)
#The Right Side Mouth in Title Screen
pygame.draw.line(backbuffer, RED, (rect.x+rect_width-46,\
rect.y+92), (rect.x+rect_width-115,\
rect.y+61), 2)
#The Right Eye,RED,(rect.x+rect_width-115,rect.y+65)\
#The Hat
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, DIMGRAY,(340,120,120,128))
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, DIMGRAY,(300,200,200,48))
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, WHITE,(340,182,120,18))
def draw_bonus_invader(i, bonus_color, bx, bonus_x):
x, y = bonus_invader.x, bonus_invader.y, bonus_color, (x+bx, y+7), 2)
if i == 0:, bonus_color,
if i == 1:, bonus_color,
if i == 2:, bonus_color,
if i == 3:, bonus_color,
if i == 4:, bonus_color,
if i == 5:
bx = next(bonus_x)
def draw_invader(backbuffer, rect, a, b, animate_invaders, ticks,\
invader_width = 30
#THe Intruder In Game
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, MGOLD, rect)
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, DIMGRAY,(0,510,800,110))
#Left Eye in game
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(backbuffer, rect.x + 6, rect.y + 4, 3, \
#Right EYe in game
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(backbuffer, rect.x + invader_width - 7,\
rect.y + 4, 3, RED)
#The draw animation (if needed)
if animate_invaders:
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_trigon(backbuffer, rect.x+6, rect.y + 12,\
rect.x + 14, rect.y + 4, rect.x +\
invader_width - 7, rect.y + 12, RED)
#The Left Side of the mouth
pygame.gfxdraw.line(backbuffer, rect.x + 6, rect.y + 12,\
rect.x + 15, rect.y + 8, RED)
#The Right Side of the mouth
pygame.gfxdraw.line(backbuffer, rect.x + invader_width - 7,\
rect.y + 12, rect.x + invader_width - 15,\
rect.y + 8, RED)
if ticks > animation_time + 200:
animate_invaders = False
return animate_invaders
pygame.mixer.init() # not always called by pygame.init()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600))
pygame.display.set_caption("Yeet The Intruders")
fpsclock = pygame.time.Clock()
#get screen metrics
the_screen = screen.get_rect()
screen_width = the_screen.width
screen_height = the_screen.height
backbuffer = pygame.Surface((the_screen.width, the_screen.height))
# fonts
font1 = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 30)
font2 = pygame.font.SysFont("Impact", 54)
font3 = pygame.font.SysFont("Impact", 36)
# User event frequencies
MOVE_DOWN = 1000
BONUS_FREQ = 10000
# create user events
move_invaders_sideways = pygame.USEREVENT + 1
move_invaders_down = pygame.USEREVENT + 2
reload = pygame.USEREVENT + 3
invader_shoot = pygame.USEREVENT + 4
bonus = pygame.USEREVENT + 5
# event timers
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_down, 0)
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_sideways, MOVE_SIDEWAYS)
pygame.time.set_timer(reload, RELOAD_SPEED)
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, INV_SHOOT_FREQ)
pygame.time.set_timer(bonus, BONUS_FREQ)
#List of Colours used
BLACK = (0,0,0)
WHITE = (255,255,255)
RED = (255,0,0)
GREEN = (0,255,0)
BLUE = (0,0,255)
YELLOW = (255,255,0)
DIMGRAY = (105,105,105)
MGOLD = (212,175,55)
shots, invader_shots, inv_shot_colors, bonus_invaders = [], [], [], []
#MY Space Ship
player = Rect(380,578,42,20)
player_gun = Rect(player.x + 18,player.y - 4, 6, 4)
# make screen rect for purposes of text-centering etc
the_screen = screen.get_rect()
# invader animation variables
animation_time = 0
animate_invaders = False
invader_width = 30
invader_height = 15
# flashing text vars
the_text = cycle(["Press Enter To Play, Yeet Master...", ""])
insert = next(the_text)
flash_timer = 0
# flashing bonus item vars
y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6 = (255,255,0), (225,225,0), (195,195,0), (165,165,0),\
(135,135,0), (105,105,0)
bonus_colors = cycle([y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6])
bonus_color = next(bonus_colors)
bonus_x = cycle([4,11,18,25,32,39]) # change draw x coord
bonus_timer = 0 # used to control frequency of changes
# vars for moving invaders down
move_right, move_down, reloaded = True, True, True
vert_steps = 0
side_steps = 0
moved_down = False
invaders_paused = False
invaders = 0 # prevents error until list is created
initial_invaders = 0 # use to manage freq of inv shots as invaders removed
shoot_level = 1 # manage freq of shots
# various gameplay variables
game_over = True
score = 0
lives = 2
level = 0
playing = False
# event loop
while True:
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_1 and not game_over:
print("Next level")
if event.type == invader_shoot and not game_over:
i = random.randint(0, len(invaders)-1)
shot_from = invaders[i]
a, b = colors[i]
invader_fired = True
invader_shots.append(Rect(shot_from.x, shot_from.y, 5, 7))
if event.type == reload and not game_over:
reloaded = True
pygame.time.set_timer(reload, 0)
if event.type == move_invaders_sideways and not game_over:
if move_right:
for invader in invaders: invader.move_ip(10,0)
side_steps += 1
for invader in invaders: invader.move_ip(-10,0)
side_steps -= 1
if side_steps == 6 or side_steps == -6:
if vert_steps <= 31: # and not moved_down
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_sideways, 0)
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_down, MOVE_DOWN)
# keep invaders moving horizontally after 31 down movements
else: move_right = not move_right
if event.type == move_invaders_down and not game_over:
#for i in range(20): print("down event")
move_right = not move_right
animate_invaders = True
animation_time = ticks
# reset move_sideways timer
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_sideways, MOVE_SIDEWAYS)
# cancel move_down timer
pygame.time.set_timer(move_invaders_down, 0)
for invader in invaders: invader.move_ip(0,10)
vert_steps += 1
if event.type == bonus and not game_over:
#a = Rect(769,20,45,15)
# keyboard polling
pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if pressed[K_ESCAPE]: pygame.quit(), sys.exit()
elif pressed[K_RETURN]:
if game_over: game_over = False
elif pressed[K_d] or pressed[K_RIGHT]:player.move_ip((8, 0))
elif pressed[K_a] or pressed[K_LEFT]: player.move_ip((-8, 0))
if pressed[K_SPACE]:
if reloaded:
reloaded = False
# create timeout of RELOAD_SPEED
pygame.time.set_timer(reload, RELOAD_SPEED)
# shrink copy of player rect to imitate a missile
missile = player.copy().inflate(-38, -10)
# spawn missile higher to ensure appears missile fired from 'gun'
# when the ship is moving horizontally
missile.y -= 9
if not game_over:
playing = True
if level == 0:
level = next_level(level)
invaders, colors, initial_invaders = load_level(level)
move_right, move_down, reloaded = True, True, True
vert_steps = 0
side_steps = 0
moved_down = False
invaders_paused = False
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 500)
shoot_level = 1
for shot in invader_shots:
if not backbuffer.get_rect().contains(shot):
i = invader_shots.index(shot)
del invader_shots[i]
del inv_shot_colors[i]
if shot.colliderect(player) and shot.y < the_screen.height -10:
lives -= 1
if lives < 0:
lives = 0
game_over = True
i = invader_shots.index(shot)
del invader_shots[i]
del inv_shot_colors[i]
for shot in shots:
shot.move_ip((0, -8))
for inv_shot in invader_shots:
if inv_shot.colliderect(shot):
i = invader_shots.index(inv_shot)
del invader_shots[i]
del inv_shot_colors[i]
for b_invader in bonus_invaders:
if b_invader.colliderect(shot):
i = bonus_invaders.index(b_invader)
del bonus_invaders[i]
score += 1
if not backbuffer.get_rect().contains(shot):
hit = False
for invader in invaders:
if invader.colliderect(shot):
score += 1
hit = True
i = invaders.index(invader)
del invaders[i]
del colors[i]
if hit: shots.remove(shot)
# move bonus invader
for bonus_invader in bonus_invaders:
bonus_invader.move_ip((-4,0 ))
## if not screen.get_rect().contains(bonus_invader):
## bonus_invaders.remove(bonus_invader)
if bonus_invader.x < -55:
# check if all invaders killed, if so, move to next level
if len(invaders) == 0:
level = next_level(level)
invaders, colors, initial_invaders = load_level(level)
move_right, move_down, reloaded = True, True, True
vert_steps = 0
side_steps = 0
moved_down = False
invaders_paused = False
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 500)
shoot_level = 1
# adjust shot freq when invader numbers decrease
if len(invaders) < initial_invaders*.75 and shoot_level == 1:
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 750)
shoot_level = 2
elif len(invaders) < initial_invaders*.5 and shoot_level == 2:
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 1000)
shoot_level = 3
elif len(invaders) < initial_invaders*.25 and shoot_level == 3:
pygame.time.set_timer(invader_shoot, 1500)
shoot_level = 4
# draw invaders
for rect, (a, b) in zip(invaders, colors):
animate_invaders = draw_invader(backbuffer, rect, a, b,\
animate_invaders, ticks, \
# draw bonus invaders
if ticks > bonus_timer + 169:
bonus_timer = ticks # change colors every 169ms approx
for bonus_invader in bonus_invaders:
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, (0,0,0,0), bonus_invader)
for i in range(6):
bonus_color = next(bonus_colors)
bx = next(bonus_x)
draw_bonus_invader(i, bonus_color, bx, bonus_x)
# draw space ship shots
for shot in shots:
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, GREEN, shot)
# draw invader shots
for shot, color in zip(invader_shots, inv_shot_colors):
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, color, shot)
#update 'gun' position and draw ship/gun
#player_gun = Rect(player.x, player.y, 6, 4)
player_gun.x = player.x+18
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, (204,0,255), player)
pygame.draw.rect(backbuffer, (0,204,255), player_gun)
print_text(backbuffer, font1, "Intruders Rekt#: {}".format(score),\
the_screen, x=0, y=520)
print_text(backbuffer, font1, "Hearts#: {}".format(lives), the_screen,\
x=0, y=550)
print_text(backbuffer, font1, "Round#: {}".format(level), the_screen,\
x=0, y=580)
if game_over:
if playing:
game_is_over(backbuffer, font2, ticks)
playing = False
level = 0
lives = 2
score = 0
shots, invader_shots, inv_shot_colors, bonus_invaders = [], [], [], []
print_text(backbuffer, font2, "_/¯Yeet The Intruders¯\_", the_screen, y=5,\
if ticks > flash_timer + 800: # "press to play" flashing text
insert = next(the_text)
flash_timer = ticks
print_text(backbuffer, font3, insert, the_screen, y =\
the_screen.height-40, center=True)
screen.blit(backbuffer, (0,0))
Your code is quite large, but to pause the game is very general task:
Add a pause state.
Toggle the pause state on an certain event, e.g. when the p key is pressed.
Skip the game processing if pauseis stated.
pause = False # pause state
while True:
ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks()
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_1 and not game_over:
print("Next level")
# toggle pause if "p" is pressed
if event.key == pygame.K_p:
pause = not pause
# [...]
if pause:
# [...] draw pause screen
elif not game_over: # <--- elif is important
playing = True
# [...]
screen.blit(backbuffer, (0,0))

pygame both audial and visual sine wave

Here is a function from my program, it called when a key is pressed. What is supposed to happen is the key is pressed and a corresponding note is played, and a sine wave appears on the screen also. The sound plays fine, so I won't post any more code for the sound, but it is just the visual side of things that don't work, why won't this wave show?
WINDOWWIDTH = 640 # width of the program's window, in pixels
WINDOWHEIGHT = 480 # height in pixels
WIN_CENTERX = int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2) # the midpoint for the width of the window
WIN_CENTERY = int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) # the midpoint for the height of the window
fontObj = pygame.font.SysFont('freesansbold.ttf', 16)
FPSCLOCK = pygame.time.Clock()
# set up a bunch of constants
BLUE = ( 0, 0, 255)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
DARKRED = (128, 0, 0)
DARKBLUE = ( 0, 0, 128)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = ( 0, 255, 0)
DARKGREEN = ( 0, 128, 0)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
DARKYELLOW = (128, 128, 0)
BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0)
FPS = 160 # frames per second to run at
pause = False
# making text Surface and Rect objects for various labels
sinLabelSurf = fontObj.render('sine', True, RED, BGCOLOR)
squareLabelSurf = fontObj.render('square', True, BLUE, BGCOLOR)
sinLabelRect = sinLabelSurf.get_rect()
squareLabelRect = squareLabelSurf.get_rect()
def MakeSineWave(freq=1000):
#### visual part ####
xPos = 0
step = 0
AMPLITUDE = 80 # how many pixels tall the waves with rise/fall.
posRecord = {'sin': [], 'line': []}
yPos = -1 * math.sin(step) * AMPLITUDE
posRecord['sin'].append((int(xPos), int(yPos) + WIN_CENTERY))
# draw the sine ball and label, DARKRED, (int(xPos), int(yPos) + WIN_CENTERY), 10) = (int(xPos), int(yPos) + WIN_CENTERY + 20)
DISPLAYSURF.blit(sinLabelSurf, sinLabelRect)
# draw the waves from the previously recorded ball positions
for x, y in posRecord['sin']:, DARKRED, (x, y), 4)
# draw the border
if not pause:
xPos += 0.5
xPos = 0
posRecord = {'sin': []}
step = 0
step += 0.008
#### audial part ####
return MakeSound(SineWave(freq))
You run MakeSineWave only once - when button is pressed - but code which draws wave have to be run all the time in all loop. It draws longer wave in every loop.
It seems you ask in another question how to draw all wave and move only red ball - and answer need differen changes in MakeSineWave then changes for this question.
EDIT: It is working code - but there is a mess - it needs less code directly in mainloop but more code in some new functions.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import math
import numpy
# functions
def SineWave(freq=1000, volume=16000, length=1):
num_steps = length * SAMPLE_RATE
s = []
for n in range(num_steps):
value = int(math.sin(n * freq * (6.28318/SAMPLE_RATE) * length) * volume)
s.append( [value, value] )
return numpy.array(s)
def SquareWave(freq=1000, volume=100000, length=1):
num_steps = length * SAMPLE_RATE
s = []
length_of_plateau = int( SAMPLE_RATE / (2*freq) )
print num_steps, length_of_plateau
counter = 0
state = 1
for n in range(num_steps):
value = state * volume
s.append( [value, value] )
counter += 1
if counter == length_of_plateau:
counter = 0
state *= -1
return numpy.array(s)
def MakeSound(arr):
return pygame.sndarray.make_sound(arr)
def MakeSquareWave(freq=1000):
return MakeSound(SquareWave(freq))
def MakeSineWave(freq=1000):
return MakeSound(SineWave(freq))
def DrawSineWave():
# sine wave
yPos = -1 * math.sin(step) * AMPLITUDE
posRecord['sin'].append((int(xPos), int(yPos) + WIN_CENTERY))
if showSine:
# draw the sine ball and label, RED, (int(xPos), int(yPos) + WIN_CENTERY), 10) = (int(xPos), int(yPos) + WIN_CENTERY + 20)
screen.blit(sinLabelSurf, sinLabelRect)
# draw the waves from the previously recorded ball positions
if showSine:
for x, y in posRecord['sin']:, DARKRED, (x, y), 4)
def DrawSquareWave():
# square wave
posRecord['square'].append((int(xPos), int(yPosSquare) + WIN_CENTERY))
if showSquare:
# draw the square ball and label, GREEN, (int(xPos), int(yPosSquare) + WIN_CENTERY), 10) = (int(xPos), int(yPosSquare) + WIN_CENTERY + 20)
screen.blit(squareLabelSurf, squareLabelRect)
# draw the waves from the previously recorded ball positions
if showSquare:
for x, y in posRecord['square']:, BLUE, (x, y), 4)
# constants - (uppercase name)
# set up a bunch of constants
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
DARKRED = (128, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0)
GREEN = ( 0, 255, 0)
BLUE = ( 0, 0, 255)
WINDOWWIDTH = 1200 # width of the program's window, in pixels
WINDOWHEIGHT = 720 # height in pixels
WIN_CENTERX = int(WINDOWWIDTH / 2) # the midpoint for the width of the window
WIN_CENTERY = int(WINDOWHEIGHT / 2) # the midpoint for the height of the window
FPS = 160 # frames per second to run at
AMPLITUDE = 80 # how many pixels tall the waves with rise/fall.
SAMPLE_RATE = 22050 ## This many array entries == 1 second of sound.
# main program
# variables (which don't depend on pygame)
current_type = SINE_WAVE_TYPE
current_played = { 'z': None, 'c': None }
current_drawn = None
# variables that track visibility modes
showSine = True
showSquare = True
xPos = 0
step = 0 # the current input f
posRecord = {'sin': [], 'square': []} # keeps track of the ball positions for drawing the waves
yPosSquare = AMPLITUDE # starting position
# start program
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT), pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
# making text Surface and Rect objects for various labels
pygame.display.set_caption('Trig Waves')
fontObj = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 16)
### HERE
squareLabelSurf = fontObj.render('square', True, BLUE, BGCOLOR)
squareLabelRect = squareLabelSurf.get_rect()
sinLabelSurf = fontObj.render('sine', True, RED, BGCOLOR)
sinLabelRect = sinLabelSurf.get_rect()
# mainloop
fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock()
_running = True
while _running:
# events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
_running = False
# some keys don't depend on `current_type`
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
_running = False
if event.key == K_RETURN:
current_type = sound_types[current_type] #Toggle
print 'new type:', current_type
# some keys depend on `current_type`
if current_type == SINE_WAVE_TYPE:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
#lower notes DOWN
if event.key == K_z:
print current_type, 130.81
current_played['z'] = MakeSineWave(130.81)
current_drawn = DrawSineWave
elif event.key == K_c:
print current_type, 180.81
current_played['c'] = MakeSineWave(180.81)
current_drawn = DrawSineWave
elif event.type == KEYUP:
#lower notes UP
if event.key == K_z:
current_drawn = None
#sine - reset data
xPos = 0
posRecord['sin'] = []
step = 0
elif event.key == K_c:
current_drawn = None
#sine - reset data
xPos = 0
posRecord['sin'] = []
step = 0
elif current_type == SQUARE_WAVE_TYPE:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
#lower notes DOWN
if event.key == K_z:
print current_type, 130.81
current_played['z'] = MakeSquareWave(130.81)
current_drawn = DrawSquareWave
elif event.key == K_c:
print current_type, 180.81
current_played['c'] = MakeSquareWave(180.81)
current_drawn = DrawSquareWave
elif event.type == KEYUP:
#lower notes UP
if event.key == K_z:
current_drawn = None
# square - reset data
xPos = 0
yPosSquare = AMPLITUDE
posRecord['square'] = []
step = 0
elif event.key == K_c:
current_drawn = None
# square - reset data
xPos = 0
yPosSquare = AMPLITUDE
posRecord['square'] = []
step = 0
# draws
# fill the screen to draw from a blank state
if current_drawn:
# moves
if current_drawn:
xPos += 1.0 #0.5
#sine ### HERE
xPos = 0
posRecord['sin'] = []
step = 0
# square ### HERE
yPosSquare = AMPLITUDE
posRecord['square'] = []
#sine ### HERE
step += 0.008
#step %= 2 * math.pi
# square ### HERE
# jump top and bottom every 100 pixels
if xPos % 100 == 0:
yPosSquare *= -1
# add vertical line
for x in range(-AMPLITUDE, AMPLITUDE):
posRecord['square'].append((int(xPos), int(x) + WIN_CENTERY))
# end program

Python clicking game, updating score

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import random
import time
randomNumber = random.randint(1,600)
randomNumber2 = random.randint(1,600)
x = 0
text = ""
squareCount = 0
beenHere = 0
# colours = (red, green, blue)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
LBLUE = (0, 123, 255)
colour = RED
# Make a window appear
size = (700, 500)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
pygame.display.set_caption("Square Chase | Score: 0")
pygame.time.set_timer(USEREVENT + 1, 1500)
done = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while done == False:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
if event.type == USEREVENT + 1:
randomNumber = random.randint(1,625)
randomNumber2 = random.randint(1,420)
mySquare = pygame.draw.rect(screen,colour,(randomNumber,randomNumber2,50,50),5)
squareCount = squareCount + 1
if squareCount == 50:
done == true
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
y, z = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
is_inside = mySquare.collidepoint(y, z)
if is_inside and colour == GREEN:
x = x+1
text = str(x)
pygame.display.set_caption("Square Chase | Score " + text)
colour = RED
elif is_inside:
x = x+1
text = str(x)
pygame.display.set_caption("Square Chase | Score " + text)
colour = GREEN
I am aiming to create a game in which the user has to click on a square for their score to increase. They get 50 chances to do this. If they click in the square within the 1.5 seconds the colour of the square changes.
The above code works apart from each time a new square is drawn the user could click on it say 5 times and their score will go up by 5. Any suggestions as to how to get the score to increase by just one? Thanks in advance.
Wish I could just use a comment but I have lack of reputation.
I didn't look through all your code, but your description makes it sound like a simple flag would be able to help you.
Once you recognize it has been clicked, increment the score AND set a boolean.
So in essence you will want something along the lines of
if clicked == false
score = score+1
clicked = true
You will want to clear the flag back to false once another block has appeared.
Wouldn't it be better, if a new square would show up after a successful keypress? That way the game would be more dynamic.
It's easy to change this. Instead of using user events that are called every 1.5 sec, sum the value returned by clock.tick() and when their sum will be greater than 1500 ms, create a new rectangle. This is a better approach, because you can call the method that creates a new square and reset the timer right after a successful keypress.
Some code to get you started:
def new_rect(screen,colour):
randomNumber = random.randint(1,625)
randomNumber2 = random.randint(1,420)
mySquare = pygame.draw.rect(screen,colour,(randomNumber,randomNumber2,50,50),5)
return mySquare
done = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
timer_var = 0
while done == False:
if(timer_var > 1500):
timer_var = 0
mySquare = new_rect(screen,color)
squareCount = squareCount + 1
if squareCount == 50:
done == true
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
y, z = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
is_inside = mySquare.collidepoint(y, z)
if is_inside:
x = x+1
text = str(x)
pygame.display.set_caption("Square Chase | Score " + text)
timer_var = 0
squareCount = squareCount + 1
if squareCount == 50:
done == true
if colour == GREEN:
colour = RED
colour = GREEN
timer_var += clock.tick(20)

