Pandas - Get Series index during vectorized operation - python

Say, I have a dataframe df where one of the columns is:
df['letters'] = pd.Series(['a','a','m','a'])
and I want to add a message column to the df, like below:
(if something like index() existed, would be nice.)
message_col = np.where(df['letters']=='a','found','missing at index'+str(df['letters'].index()))
The result would be:
df['message_col'] = pd.Series(['found','found','missing at index 2','found'])


Sorting DataFrame and getting a value of column from it

I have the following dataframe:
newItem = pd.DataFrame({'c1': range(10), 'c2': (1,90,100,50,30,10,50,30,90,1000)})
Which looks like this:
I want to sort the columns by descending order, and extract the i'th row to a new pandas series.
So my function looks like this:
def getLargestRow(dataFrame, indexAfterSort):
numRows, numCols = dataFrame.shape
seriesToReturn = pd.Series()
dataFrame= dataFrame.sort_values(by=list(df.columns), ascending = False)
My problem is that I can't get to concatenate dataFrame's row number indexAfterSort.
I've tried to use:
seriesToReturn = seriesToReturn.add(df.iloc[indexAfterSort])
But confusingly I got NaN values, instead of the row values.
The dataframe after sort:
The output I receive (no matter what's the input for row index):
What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance.
It's a good idea to use built-in pandas functions for simple operations like sorting. Function sort_values is a good option here. This sorts the rows of the dataframe by c1 column:
seriesToReturn = newItem.sort_values('c1', ascending=False)
This returns a dataframe with both c1 and c2 columns, to get series of c2 column, just use seriesToReturn = seriesToReturn['c2'].

calculate sum of rows in pandas dataframe grouped by date

I have a csv that I loaded into a Pandas Dataframe.
I then select only the rows with duplicate dates in the DF:
df_dups = df[df.duplicated(['Date'])].copy()
I'm trying to get the sum of all the rows with the exact same date for 4 columns (all float values), like this:
df_sum = df_dups.groupby('Date')["Received Quantity","Sent Quantity","Fee Amount","Market Value"].sum()
However, this does not give the desired result. When I examine df_sum.groups, I've noticed that it did not include the first date in the indices. So for two items with the same date, there would only be one index in the groups object.
pprint(df_dups.groupby('Date')["Received Quantity","Sent Quantity","Fee Amount","Market Value"].groups)
I have no idea how to get the sum of all duplicates.
I've also tried:
df_sum = df_dups.groupby('Date')["Received Quantity","Sent Quantity","Fee Amount","Market Value"].apply(lambda x : x.sum())
This gives the same result, which makes sense I guess, as the indices in the groupby object are not complete. What am I missing here?
Check the documentation for the method duplicated. By default duplicates are marked with True except for the first occurence, which is why the first date is not included in your sums.
You only need to pass in keep=False in duplicated for your desired behaviour.
df_dups = df[df.duplicated(['Date'], keep=False)].copy()
After that the sum can be calculated properly with the expression you wrote
df_sum = df_dups.groupby('Date')["Received Quantity","Sent Quantity","Fee Amount","Market Value"].apply(lambda x : x.sum())

Making a new column based on 2 other columns

I am trying to calculate a new column labeled in the code as "Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S", this column can be calculated from one of two options (see below in the code). Both these columns wont be filled at the same time. So I want it to calculate from the column that has data present. Presently, I have this but the second equation overwrites the first.
df["Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S"] = df["Total-S_%S"] - df["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"]
df["Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S"] = df["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S_%S"]
You can use the apply function in pandas to create a new column based on other columns, resulting in a Series that you can add to your original dataframe. Without knowing what your dataframe looks like, the following code might not work directly until you replace the if condition with a working condition to detect the empty dataframe spot.
def create_sulfide_col(row):
if row["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"] is None:
val = row["Total-S_%S"] - row["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"]
val = ["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S_%S"]
return val
df["Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S"] = df.apply(lambda row: create_sulfide_col(row), axis='columns')
If I'm understanding what you're saying correctly, the second equation overwrites the first because they have the same column name. Try changing the column name in one or both of the "Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S" to something else like "Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S_A" and "Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S_B":
df["Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S_A"] = df["Total-S_%S"] - df["Sulphate-S(HCL Leachable)_%S"]
df["Sulphide-S(calc)-C_%S_B"] = df["Total-S_%S"]- df["Sulphate-S_%S"]

Operate on columns in pandas groupby

Assume I have a dataframe df which has 4 columns col = ["id","date","basket","gender"] and a function
def is_valid_date(df):
idx = some_scalar_function(df["basket") #returns an index
date = df["date"].values[idx]
return (date>some_date)
I have always understood the groupby as a "creation of a new dataframe" when splitting in the "split-apply-combine" (losely speaking) thus if I want to apply is_valid_date to each group of id, I would assume I could do
but it throws KeyError: 'basket' in the idx=some_scalar_function(df["basket"])
If use GroupBy.agg it working with each column separately, so cannot selecting like df["basket"], df["date"].
Solution is use GroupBy.apply with your custom function:

How to obtain the content of a pandas multilevel index entry?

I set up a pandas dataframes that besides my data stores the respective units with it using a MultiIndex like this:
Name Relative_Pressure Volume_STP
Unit - ccm/g
Description p/p0
0 0.042691 29.3601
1 0.078319 30.3071
2 0.129529 31.1643
3 0.183355 31.8513
4 0.233435 32.3972
5 0.280847 32.8724
Now I can for example extract only the Volume_STP data by
Unit ccm/g
0 29.3601
1 30.3071
2 31.1643
3 31.8513
4 32.3972
5 32.8724
With .values I can obtain a numpy array of the data. However how can I get the stored unit? I can't figure out what I need to do to receive the stored ccm/g string.
EDIT: Added example how data frame is generated
Let's say I have a string that looks like this:
Relative Volume # STP
4.26910e-02 29.3601
7.83190e-02 30.3071
1.29529e-01 31.1643
1.83355e-01 31.8513
2.33435e-01 32.3972
2.80847e-01 32.8724
3.34769e-01 33.4049
3.79123e-01 33.8401
I then use this function:
def read_result(contents, columns, units, descr):
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(contents), skiprows=4, delim_whitespace=True,index_col=False,header=None)
df.drop(df.index[-1], inplace=True)
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays((columns, units, descr))
df.columns = index
df.columns.names = ['Name','Unit','Description']
df = df.apply(pd.to_numeric)
return df
like this
def isotherm(contents):
columns = ['Relative_Pressure','Volume_STP']
units = ['-','ccm/g']
descr = ['p/p0','']
df = read_result(contents, columns, units, descr)
return df
to generate the DataFrame at the beginning of my question.
As df has a MultiIndex as columns, df.Volume_STP is still a pandas DataFrame. So you can still access its columns attribute, and the relevant item will be at index 0 because the dataframe contains only 1 Series.
So, you can extract the names that way:
which should give: ('ccm/g', '')
At the end you extract the unit with .colums[0][0] and the description with .columns[0][1]
You can do something like this:
df.xs('Volume_STP', axis=1).columns.remove_unused_levels().get_level_values(0).tolist()[0]
Slice the dataframe from the 'Volume_STP' using xs, then select the columns remove the unused parts of the column headers, then get the value for the top most level of that slice which is the Units. Convert to a list as select the first value.
A generic way of accessing values on multi-index/columns is by using the index.get_level_values or columns.get_level_values functions of a data frame.
In your example, try df.columns.get_level_values(1) to access the second level of the multi-level column "Unit". If you have already selected a column, say "Volume_STP", then you have removed the top level and in this case, your units would be in the 0th level.

