AWS Lambda and S3: passing s3 object path to image process function - python

My intention is to have a large image stored on my S3 server and then get a lambda function to read/process the file and save the resulting output(s). I'm using a package called python-bioformats to work with a proprietary image file (which is basically a whole bunch of tiffs stacked together). When I use
def lambda_handler(event, context):
import boto3
key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'].encode("utf-8")
bucket = 'bucketname'
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
imageobj = s3.Object(bucket, key).get()['Body'].read()
I have a feeling that the lambda function tries to download the entire file (5GB) when making imageobj. Is there a way I can just get the second function (which takes a filepath as argument) to refer to the s3 object in a filepath-like manner? I'd also like to not expose the s3 bucket/object publicly, so doing this server-side would be ideal.

If your bioformats.get_omexml_metadata() function requires a filepath as an argument, then you will need to have the object downloaded before calling the function.
This could be a problem in an AWS Lambda function because there is a 500MB limit on available disk space (and only in /tmp/).
If the data can instead be processed as a stream, you could read the data as it is required without saving to disk first. However, the python-bioformats documentation does not show this as an option. In fact, I would be surprised if your above code works, given that it is expecting a path while imageobj is the contents of the file.


Passing in a dataframe to a stateMachine from Lambda

I have two relatively large dataframes (less than 5MB), which I receive from my front-end as files via my API Gateway. I am able to receive the files and can print the dataframes in my receiver Lambda function. From my Lambda function, I am trying to invoke my state machine (which just cleans up the dataframes and does some processing). However, when passing my dataframe to my step function, I receive the following error:
ClientError: An error occurred (413) when calling the StartExecution operation: HTTP content length exceeded 1049600 bytes
My Receiver Lambda function:
dict = {}
dict['username'] = arr[0]
dict['region'] = arr[1]
dict['country'] = arr[2]
dict['grid'] = arr[3]
dict['physicalServers'] = arr[4] #this is one dataframe in json format
dict['servers'] = arr[5] #this is my second dataframe in json format
client = boto3.client('stepfunctions')
response = client.start_execution(
input= json.dumps(dict)
Is there something I can do to pass in my dataframes to my step function? The dataframes contain sensitive customer data which I would rather not store in my S3. I realize I can store the files into S3 (directly from my front-end via pre-signed URLs) and then read the files from my step function but this is one of my least preferred approaches.
Passing them as direct input via input= json.dumps(dict) isn't going to work, as you are finding. You are running up against the size limit of the request. You need to save the dataframes to a file, somewhere the step functions can access it, and then just pass the file paths as input to the step function.
The way I would solve this is to write the data frames to files in the Lambda file system, with some random ID, perhaps the Lambda invocation ID, in the filename. Then have the Lambda function copy those files to an S3 bucket. Finally invoke the step function with the S3 paths as part of the input.
Over on the Step Functions side, have your state machine expect S3 paths for the physicalServers and servers input values, and use those paths to download the files from S3 during state machine execution.
Finally, I would configure an S3 lifecycle policy on the bucket, to remove any objects more than a few days old (or whatever time makes sense for your application) so that the bucket doesn't get large and run up your AWS bill.
An alternative to using S3 would be to use an EFS volume mount in both this Lambda function, and in the Lambda function or (or EC2 or ECS) that your step function is executing. With EFS your code could write and read from it just like a local file system, which would eliminate the steps of copying to/from S3, but you would have to add some code at the end of your step function to clean up the files after you are done since EFS won't do that for you.

Google Cloud Storage streaming upload from Python generator

I have a Python generator that will yield a large and unknown amount of byte data. I'd like to stream the output to GCS, without buffering to a file on disk first.
While I'm sure this is possible (e.g., I can create a subprocess of gsutil cp - <...> and just write my bytes into its stdin), I'm not sure what's a recommended/supported way and the documentation gives the example of uploading a local file.
How should I do this right?
The BlobWriter class makes this a bit easier:
bucket = storage_client.bucket('my_bucket')
blob = bucket.blob('my_object')
writer = BlobWriter(blob)
for d in your_generator:

How to convert FileStorage object to b2sdk.v2.AbstractUploadSource in Python

I am using Backblaze B2 and b2sdk.v2 in Flask to upload files.
This is code I tried, using the upload method:
# I am not showing authorization code...
def upload_file(file):
bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
file = request.files['file']
This shows an error like this
AttributeError: 'SpooledTemporaryFile' object has no attribute 'get_content_length'
I think it's because I am using a FileStorage instance for the upload_source parameter.
I want to know whether I am using the API correctly or, if not, how should I use this?
You're correct - you can't use a Flask FileStorage instance as a B2 SDK UploadSource. What you need to do is to use the upload_bytes method with the file's content:
def upload_file(file):
bucket = b2_api.get_bucket_by_name(bucket_name)
file = request.files['file']
...other parameters...
Note that this reads the entire file into memory. The upload_bytes method may need to restart the upload if something goes wrong (with the network, usually), so the file can't really be streamed straight through into B2.
If you anticipate that your files will not fit into memory, you should look at using create_file_stream to upload the file in chunks.

How to process multiple CSV files from an Amazon S3 bucket in a lambda function?

In an Amazon S3 bucket, event logs are sent as a CSV file every hour. I would like to perform some brief descriptive analysis on 1 weeks worth of data, every week (e.g. 168 files every week). The point of the analysis is to output a list of trending products for each week. I have a python script written out on my local machine which retrieves the latest 168 files from S3 using boto3, and does all the necessary wrangling etc.
But now I need to put this into a lambda function. I will set up an eventbridge to trigger the lambda function every monday. But, is it possible to call multiple files into a lambda function using the standard boto3, or do I need to do something special when defining the lambda handler function?
Here is the code from my local machine for getting the 168 files:
# import modules
import boto3
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
# set up aws credentials
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
client = boto3.client('s3', aws_access_key_id='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
# name s3 bucket
my_bucket = s3.Bucket('bucket_with_data')
# get names of last weeks files from s3 bucket
files = []
for file in my_bucket.objects.all():
files = files[-168:] # all files from last 7 days (24 files * 7 days per week)
bucket_name = 'bucket_with_data'
data = []
col_list = ["user_id", "event_type", "event_time", "session_id", "event_properties.product_id"]
for obj in files:
csv_obj = client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=obj)
body = csv_obj['Body']
csv_string ='utf-8')
temp = pd.read_csv(StringIO(csv_string))
final_list = list(set(col_list) & set(temp.columns))
temp = temp[final_list]
# combining all dataframes into one
event_data = pd.concat(data, ignore_index=True)
So, my question is, can I just put this code into a lambda function and it should work, or do I need to incorporate a lambda_handler function? If I need to use a lambda_handler function, how would I handle multiple files? Because the lambda is being triggered by a schedule, rather than one event taking place.
Yes, you need a Lambda function handler, otherwise it's not a Lambda function.
The Lambda runtime is looking for a specific entry point in your code and it will invoke that entry point with a specific set of parameters (event, context).
You can ignore the event and context if you choose to and simply use the boto3 SDK to list objects in a given S3 bucket (assuming your Lambda has permission to do this, via an IAM role), and then perform whatever actions you need to against those objects.
Your code example explicitly supplies boto3 with an access key and secret key, but that is not the best practice in AWS Lambda (or EC2 or other compute environment running on AWS). Instead, configure the Lambda function to assume an IAM role (that provides the necessary permissions).
Be aware of the Lambda function timeout, and increase it as necessary if you are going to process a lot of files. Increasing the RAM size is also potentially a good idea as it will give you correspondingly more CPU and network bandwidth.
If you're going to process a very large number of files then consider using S3 Batch.

How to access AWS S3 data using boto3

I am fairly new to both S3 as well as boto3. I am trying to read in some data in the following format:
I am importing boto3, and it seems like I would need to do something like:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
However, what should I do after creating this client if I want to read in all files separately in-memory (I am not supposed to locally download this data). Ideally, I would like to read in each CSV data file into separate Pandas DataFrames (which I know how to do once I know how to access the S3 data).
Please understand I'm fairly new to both boto3 as well as S3, so I don't even know where to begin.
You'll have 2 options, both the options you've already mentioned:
Downloading the file locally using download_file
See download_file
Loading the file contents into memory using get_object
response = s3.get_object(Bucket="<bucket-name>", Key="<key-of-file>")
contentBody = response.get("Body")
# You need to read the content as it is a Stream
content =
See get_object
Either approach is fine and you can just chose which one fits your scenario better.
Try this:
import boto3
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
obj = s3.Object(<<bucketname>>, <<itemname>>)
body = obj.get()['Body'].read()

