I graphed a fractal shape in Python using turtle, and am trying to get the area of this fractal after a sufficiently high iteration. This fractal is related to the Koch snowflake, for those interested.
I was able to fill in the fractal with black using begin_fill() and end_fill(). I then used this answer to get the color of each pixel in a valid range. If it wasn't equal to white, then I added one to the count. This solution works for a small iteration of the fractal. However, it takes an exorbitant amount of time when trying to go to a higher iteration.
Here is my code for the fractal.
def realSnowflake(length, n, s, show = False):
#n: after n iterations
#s: number of sides (in Koch snowflake, it is 3)
#length: starting side length
a = 360/s
for i in range(s):
snowflake(length, n, s)
Here is my code for finding the area.
count = 0
canvas = turtle.getcanvas()
for x in range(x1, x2+1): #limits calculated through math
for y in range(y2, y1+1):
if get_pixel_color(x, y, canvas) != "white":
count += 1
I want to be able to find the area of this fractal faster. It takes the most amount of time not in graphing the fractal, but in the double for loop of x and y. I think if there is a way to find the area while turtle is filling, this would be optimal.
the complexity of the image drawn shouldn't affect the time it takes
to count black pixels
Unfortunately, in this case it does. If we lookup an earlier source of the get_pixel_color() code, we find the telling text, "is slow". But it's worse than that, it actually slows down!
This code is built atop canvas.find_overlapping() which is looking for high level objects that sit over X,Y. In the case of tkinter filling an object for turtle, there is overlap, up to three layers in the code below. This increases as the factal gets more complex. Here's my code to demonstrate this:
from turtle import Screen, Turtle
from math import floor, ceil
from time import time
def koch_curve(turtle, iterations, length):
if iterations == 0:
for angle in [60, -120, 60, 0]:
koch_curve(turtle, iterations - 1, length / 3)
def koch_snowflake(turtle, iterations, length):
for _ in range(3):
koch_curve(turtle, iterations, length)
return turtle.get_poly()
def bounding_box(points):
x_coordinates, y_coordinates = zip(*points)
return [(min(x_coordinates), min(y_coordinates)), (max(x_coordinates), max(y_coordinates))]
def get_pixel_color(x, y):
ids = canvas.find_overlapping(x, y, x, y) # This is our bottleneck!
if ids: # if list is not empty
index = ids[-1]
return canvas.itemcget(index, 'fill')
return 'white' # default color
screen = Screen()
screen.setup(500, 500)
turtle = Turtle(visible=False)
canvas = screen.getcanvas()
width, height = screen.window_width(), screen.window_height()
for iterations in range(1, 7):
polygon_start_time = time()
polygon = koch_snowflake(turtle, iterations, 200)
polygon_elapsed = round((time() - polygon_start_time) * 1000) # milliseconds
((x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max)) = bounding_box(polygon)
# Convert from turtle coordinates to tkinter coordinates
x1, y1 = floor(x_min), floor(-y_max)
x2, y2 = ceil(x_max), ceil(-y_min)
canvas.create_rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2))
count = 0
pixel_count_start_time = time()
for x in range(x1, x2 + 1):
for y in range(y1, y2 + 1):
if get_pixel_color(x, y) == 'red':
count += 1
pixel_count_elapsed = round((time() - pixel_count_start_time) * 1000)
print(iterations, count, polygon_elapsed, pixel_count_elapsed, ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)))
> python3 test.py
1 23165 1 493 ((-1, -58), (201, 174))
2 26064 4 1058 ((-1, -58), (201, 174))
3 27358 9 1347 ((-1, -58), (201, 174))
4 28159 29 2262 ((0, -58), (201, 174))
5 28712 104 5925 ((0, -58), (201, 174))
6 28881 449 19759 ((0, -58), (200, 174))
The fields are as follows:
Pixels counted
Time to draw image in ms
Time to count pixels in ms
Computed bounding box (in tkinter coordinates)
Note that the fractal is drawn by turtle but the bounding box is drawn by the underlying tkinter to verify that we converted coordinates correctly.
Find an approach that doesn't rely on find_overlapping(). I think the next thing to investigate would be either to convert the canvas to a bitmap image, and pixel count it, or draw a bitmap image in the first place. There are several discusions on SO about converting a canvas to a bitmap, either directly or indirectly via Postscript. You could then load in that image and use one of the Python image libraries to count the pixels. Although more complicated, it should provide a constant time way of counting pixels. Alternately, there are libraries to draw bitmaps, which you could load into tkinter for visual verfication, but could then pixel count directly. Good luck!
Here is a test program. I started with two random dots and the line connecting them. Now, I want to take a given image (with x,y dimensions of 79 x 1080) and blit it on top of the guide line. I understand that arctan will give me the angle between the points on a cartesian grid, but because y is backwards the screen (x,y), I have to invert some values. I'm confused about the negating step.
If you run this repeatedly, you'll see the image is always parallel to the line, and sometimes on top, but not consistently.
import math
import pygame
import random
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600,600))
#target = (126, 270)
#start = (234, 54)
target = (random.randrange(600), random.randrange(600))
start = (random.randrange(600), random.randrange(600))
BLACK = (0,0,0)
BLUE = (0,0,128)
GREEN = (0,128,0)
pygame.draw.circle(screen, GREEN, start, 15)
pygame.draw.circle(screen, BLUE, target, 15)
pygame.draw.line(screen, BLUE, start, target, 5)
route = pygame.Surface((79,1080))
BMP = pygame.image.load('art/trade_route00.png').convert()
(bx, by, bwidth, bheight) = route.get_rect()
route.blit(BMP, (0,0), area=route.get_rect())
# get distance within screen in pixels
dist = math.sqrt((start[0] - target[0])**2 + (start[1] - target[1])**2)
# scale to fit: use distance between points, and make width extra skinny.
route = pygame.transform.scale(route, (int(bwidth * dist/bwidth * 0.05), int( bheight * dist/bheight)))
# and rotate... (invert, as negative is for clockwise)
angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(-1*(target[1]-start[1]), target[0]-start[0]))
route = pygame.transform.rotate(route, angle + 90 )
position = route.get_rect()
HERE = (abs(target[0] - position[2]), target[1]) # - position[3]/2)
screen.blit(route, HERE)
print(start, target, dist, angle, position)
The main problem
The error is not due to the inverse y coordinates (0 at top, max at bottom) while rotating as you seems to think. That part is correct. The error is here:
HERE = (abs(target[0] - position[2]), target[1]) # - position[3]/2)
HERE must be the coordinates of the top-left corner of the rectangle inscribing your green and blue dots connected by the blue line. At those coordinates, you need to place the Surface route after rescaling.
You can get this vertex by doing:
HERE = (min(start[0], target[0]), min(start[1], target[1]))
This should solve the problem, and your colored dots should lay on the blue line.
A side note
Another thing you might wish to fix is the scaling parameter of route:
route = pygame.transform.scale(route, (int(bwidth * dist/bwidth * 0.05), int( bheight * dist/bheight)))
If my guess is correct and you want to preserve the original widht/height ratio in the rescaled route (since your original image is not a square) this should be:
route = pygame.transform.scale(route, (int(dist* bwidth/bheight), int(dist)))
assuming that you want height (the greater size in the original) be scaled to dist. So you may not need the 0.05, or maybe you can use a different shrinking parameter (probably 0.05 will shrink it too much).
I'm looking for best way to automatically find starting position for new turtle drawing so that it would be centered in graphics window regardless of its size and shape.
So far I've developed a function that checks with each drawn element turtle position to find extreme values for left, right, top and bottom and that way I find picture size and can use it to adjust starting position before releasing my code. This is example of simple shape drawing with my picture size detection added:
from turtle import *
def chkPosition():
global Lt
global Rt
global Top
global Bottom
pos = position()
Lt = pos[0]
Rt= pos[0]
Top = pos[1]
Bottom = pos[1]
def drawShape(len,angles):
for i in range(angles):
This method does work however it seems very clumsy to me so I would like to ask more experiences turtle programmers is there a better way to find starting position for turtle drawings to make them centered?
There is no universal method to center every shape (before you draw it and find all your max, min points).
For your shape ("almost" circle) you can calculate start point using geometry.
alpha + alpha + 360/repeat = 180
alpha = (180 - 360/repeat)/2
but I need 180-alpha to move right (and later to move left)
beta = 180 - aplha = 180 - (180 - 360/repeat)/2
Now width
cos(alpha) = (lengt/2) / width
width = (lengt/2) / cos(alpha)
Because Python use radians in cos() so I need
width = (length/2) / math.cos(math.radians(alpha))
Now I have beta and width so I can move start point and shape will be centered.
from turtle import *
import math
# --- functions ---
def draw_shape(length, repeat):
angle = 360/repeat
# move start point
alpha = (180-angle)/2
beta = 180 - alpha
width = (length/2) / math.cos(math.radians(alpha))
# draw "almost" circle
for i in range(repeat):
# --- main ---
draw_shape(80, 12)
draw_shape(50, 36)
draw_shape(70, 5)
I left red width on image.
I admire #furas' explanation and code, but I avoid math. To illustrate that there's always another way to go about a problem here's a math-free solution that produces the same concentric polygons:
from turtle import Turtle, Screen
def draw_shape(turtle, radius, sides):
# move start point
# draw "almost" circle
turtle.circle(radius, steps=sides)
turtle = Turtle()
shapes = [(155, 12), (275, 36), (50, 5)]
for shape in shapes:
draw_shape(turtle, *shape)
screen = Screen()
I am trying to code a simple circle timer in Python using Pygame.
At the moment it looks like this:
As you can see, the blue line is very wavy and has white dots in it. I am achieving this blue line by using pygame.draw.arc() function, but it is not anti-aliased and looks bad. I would like it to be anti-aliased, but gfxdraw module which should let me achieve this, doesn't support arc width selection. Here's code snippet:
pygame.draw.arc(screen, blue, [center[0] - 120, center[1] - 120, 240, 240], pi/2, pi/2+pi*i*koef, 15)
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, center[0], center[1], 105, black)
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, center[0], center[1], 120, black)
I did it creating the arc with a polygon.
def drawArc(surface, x, y, r, th, start, stop, color):
points_outer = []
points_inner = []
n = round(r*abs(stop-start)/20)
if n<2:
n = 2
for i in range(n):
delta = i/(n-1)
phi0 = start + (stop-start)*delta
x0 = round(x+r*math.cos(phi0))
y0 = round(y+r*math.sin(phi0))
phi1 = stop + (start-stop)*delta
x1 = round(x+(r-th)*math.cos(phi1))
y1 = round(y+(r-th)*math.sin(phi1))
points = points_outer + points_inner
pygame.gfxdraw.aapolygon(surface, points, color)
pygame.gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, points, color)
The for loop could certainly be created more elegantly with a generator, but I am not very sophisticated with python.
The arc definitely looks nicer than pygame.draw.arc, but when I compare it to the screen rendering on my mac, there is room for improvement.
I am not aware of any pygame function that would solve this problem, meaning you basically have to program a solution yourself (or use something other than pygame), since draw is broken as you've noted and gfxdraw won't give you the thickness.
One very ugly but simple solution is to draw multiple times over the arc segments, always slightly shifted to "fill in" the missing gaps. This will still leave some aliasing at the very front of the timer arc, but the rest will be filled in.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import pygame.gfxdraw
import math
# Screen size
# Colors
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREY = (150, 150, 150)
RED = (255,0,0)
# initialisation
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT))
done = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
# We need this if we want to be able to specify our
# arc in degrees instead of radians
def degreesToRadians(deg):
return deg/180.0 * math.pi
# Draw an arc that is a portion of a circle.
# We pass in screen and color,
# followed by a tuple (x,y) that is the center of the circle, and the radius.
# Next comes the start and ending angle on the "unit circle" (0 to 360)
# of the circle we want to draw, and finally the thickness in pixels
def drawCircleArc(screen,color,center,radius,startDeg,endDeg,thickness):
(x,y) = center
rect = (x-radius,y-radius,radius*2,radius*2)
startRad = degreesToRadians(startDeg)
endRad = degreesToRadians(endDeg)
# fill screen with background
center = [150, 200]
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, center[0], center[1], 105, BLACK)
pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, center[0], center[1], 120, BLACK)
step = 10
maxdeg = 0
while not done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
done = True
maxdeg = maxdeg + step
for i in range(min(0,maxdeg-30),maxdeg):
#+90 will shift it from starting at the right to starting (roughly) at the top
clock.tick(2) # ensures a maximum of 60 frames per second
Note that I have copied degreesToRadians and drawCircleArc from https://www.cs.ucsb.edu/~pconrad/cs5nm/08F/ex/ex09/drawCircleArcExample.py
I do not generally recommend this solution, but it might do in a pinch.
You are right, some pygame rendering functions do indeed suck, so you can achieve something like this with PIL instead.
pie_size = (40, 40) # defining constants
pil_img = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", pie_size) # PIL template image
pil_draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(pil_img) # drawable image
pil_draw.pieslice((0, 0, *[ps - 1 for ps in pie_size]), -90, 180, fill=(0, 0, 0)) # args: (x0, y0, x1, y1), start, end, fill
This will create a PIL shape. Now we can convert it to pygame.
data = pil_img.tobytes()
size = pil_img.size
mode = pil_img.mode
pygame_img = pygame.image.fromstring(data, size, mode).convert_alpha()
But don't forget to pip install pillow and
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageDraw
Ok, this is really old, but why not try to draw pies instead. For example draw a pie, then an unfilled circle as the outside ring and then a filled circle as the inside and another unfilled circle as the inside ring.
So pie -> unfilled circle -> filled circle -> unfilled.
The order is somewhat arbitrary but if u still have this problem give it a try. (Btw I haven't tried it but I think it will work)
For my own uses, I wrote a simple wrapper function, and to deal with the spotty arc drawing, I used an ugly loop to draw the same arc several times.
def DrawArc(surface, color, center, radius, startAngle, stopAngle, width=1):
width -= 2
for i in range(-2, 3):
# (2pi rad) / (360 deg)
deg2Rad = 0.01745329251
rect = pygame.Rect(
center[0] - radius + i,
center[1] - radius,
radius * 2,
radius * 2
startAngle * deg2Rad,
stopAngle * deg2Rad,
I'm aware this is not a great solution, but it works alright for my uses.
An important note is I added that "width -= 2" to hopefully preserve the intended size of the arc at least a little more accurately, but this results in increasing the minimum width by 2.
In your case, you might want to consider doing something more to fix the issues this results in.
If the start and end aren't all that important, one can create many circles following an arc trajectory and when done ie small circles drawn 360 time, you finally have a big circle with no wavy effect:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pygame
import math
# Initialize pygame
# Set the screen size
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((400, 300))
# Set the center point of the arc
center_x = 200
center_y = 150
arc_radius = 100
circle_radius = 6
# Set the start and stop angles of the arc
start_angle = 0
stop_angle = 360
angle_step = 1
running = True
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
# Clear the screen
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
# Draw the overlapping circles
for i in range(start_angle, stop_angle, angle_step):
angle = math.radians(i)
x = center_x + arc_radius * math.cos(angle)
y = center_y + arc_radius * math.sin(angle)
pygame.draw.circle(screen, "red", (int(x), int(y)), circle_radius)
# Update the display
Having a start_angle and stop_angle of 0 to 360 respectively yields a fill circle with an output:
To change it to a 1/3 of a circle, one would change the stop_angle from 360 to 120 (1/3 x 360 = 120) and this would then yield:
I am trying to write a program where a user enters a number, and it draws that many rectangles to the screen, however the triangles cannot overlap. I have had a problem with that last part, and I am looking for some help. I borrowed the edge detection methods from an Al Sweigart book, and the full program he wrote can be found here:
Here is the program I am working on:
import pygame, sys, random
from pygame.locals import *
def doRectsOverlap(rect1, rect2):
for a, b in [(rect1, rect2)]:
# Check if a's corners are inside b
if ((isPointInsideRect(a.left, a.top, b)) or
(isPointInsideRect(a.left, a.bottom, b)) or
(isPointInsideRect(a.right, a.top, b)) or
(isPointInsideRect(a.right, a.bottom, b))):
return True
return False
def isPointInsideRect(x, y, rect):
if (x > rect.left) and (x < rect.right) and (y > rect.top) and (y < rect.bottom):
return True
return False
# set up pygame
# set up the window
windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT), 0, 32)
# set up the colors
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
from random import choice
# draw the background
print('Please enter a number:')
number = input()
x = 0
array = []
for i in array:
while int(number) > x:
x = x+1
x1 = random.randint(1, 400)
y1 = random.randint(1, 400)
x2 = random.randint(1, 400)
y2 = random.randint(1, 400)
x3 = random.randint(1, 400)
y3 = random.randint(1, 400)
x4 = random.randint(1, 400)
y4 = random.randint(1, 400)
box = pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface,random.choice(foo), (x1, y1, x2, y2))
if doRectsOverlap(box, box) == False:
x = x-1
# draw the window onto the screen
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Well as a general answer, you are going to have to plot four co ordinance for each rectangle.
There are a few ways you can do this:
1) Just have the rectangle randomly placed and test if any of the new rectangle's points are inside of any of the existing rectangles. If they are, just keep generating until they are not. This will be very slow and inefficient though.
2) You can number crunch by restricting all of your possible random's to only available positions. This is can be done a variety of ways, it will be semi slow and probably fairly difficult to implement.
3) You can have the rectangles generate like in option 1, but in the case that the co-ordinance of the 4 points overlap, you can push the points off. To do this you simply have to set the violating co-ordinance to the co-ordinance of one of the corners and then add say, (5,5) or subtract or whatever. If you don't want to skew the rectangles too much you can regenerate the violating rectangle based on the modified point, or push all of the points an equivalent distance as the violating point.
I think option 3 is probably the best unless you are very strict on your random principles.
If you want me to clarify any of the above options let me know specifically what you want me to explain and I will do so. I can not however explain all of the possibilities for each option because it would take to long and way too many lines.
I would like to implement Koch Koch snow flake using pygame.
I am working with the following series of images from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:KochFlake.svg
My algorithm is this
Draw a triangle
Calculate the points of a triangle one-third its size and delete the centre line
Find out the outer points (as show in the second figure of the above image)
Make a list of all end points
Using polygon join all points
I've done up to the second step. But I'm struggling on the third step - as I can't work out how to find the outer points - any tips?
Here is my code up to second step
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600,600))
pygame.display.set_caption('Koch snowflake')
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0, 0 ,0)
def midpoints(pt1 , pt2):
(x1, y1) = pt1
(x2, y2) = pt2
return ((x1+x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2)
def midline(pt1, pt2):
(x1, y1) = pt1
(x2, y2) = pt2
return [(x1 + float(x2-x1)/3.0,y1 + float(y2-y1)/3.0), (x1 + float(x2-x1)*2.0/3,y1+ float(y2-y1)*2.0/3)]
def drawline(pt1, pt2):
pygame.draw.line(screen, white, pt1, pt2)
def clearline(pt1,pt2):
pygame.draw.line(screen, black, pt1, pt2, 4)
a = [(150,150), (450,150), (300,410), (150,150)]
pygame.draw.polygon(screen, white ,(a[0], a[1], a[2]), 1)
i = 0
order = 0
length = len(a)
while order < length - 1:
pts = midline(a[i], a[i+1])
clearline(pts[0], pts[1])
a = a[:i+1] + pts + a[i+1:]
print a
if order < 3:
i = i+3
order = order + 1
#pygame.draw.polygon(screen, white ,Tup, 1)
Not exactly an answer but something relevant to your larger question.
L-system fractals (like what you're trying to draw here) are best done using a rudimentary L-system parser. For a Koch snowflake, the 'axiom' (which is a description of the initial shape is something like this) D++D++D++. The D stands for "move forward by one unit" and the + for "turn clockwise by 30 degrees". The instructions will be "interpreted" by a turtle like cursor. It's not very hard to do this.
Once the axiom is drawn, you have a segment that replaces the D. For the koch flake, it is D-D++D-D meaning "move forward one unit, turn anticlockwise 30 degrees, forward, clockwise 60, forward, anticlockwise 30 and forward". This gives you the _/\_ shape that replaces the sides of the initial triangle. One "unit" reduces by to one third of the original length on every iteration.
Now, repeat this as many times as you want and you're looking for. This was one of my earliest Python programs and I have a crude parser/interpreter for it on github. It doesn't use pygame but you should be able to swap that part out quite easily.
To calculate the points, I'd use a vector approach. If the triangle's corners are a1, a2 and a3, then you can get an equation for all points on the line a1 to a2. Using that equation, you can find the points at 1/3 and 2/3 between a1 and a2. The distance between those points gives you the side of the new triangle you're going to create. Using that information, and the point at 1/2 between a1 and a2 you can work out the coordinates of the third new point.