I am trying to apply the Q-function values for a problem. I don't know the function available for it in Python.
What is the python equivalent for the following code in octave?
>> f=0:0.01:1;
>> qfunc(f)
The Q-function can be expressed in terms of the error function. Check here for more info. "scipy" has the error function, special.erf(), that can be used to calculate the Q-function.
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
f = np.linspace(0,1,101)
0.5 - 0.5*special.erf(f/np.sqrt(2)) # Q(f) = 0.5 - 0.5 erf(f/sqrt(2))
Take a look at this https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.19.1/reference/generated/scipy.stats.norm.html
Looks like the norm.sf method (survival function) might be what you're looking for.
I've used this Q function for my code and it worked perfectly well,
from scipy import special as sp
def qfunc(x):
return 0.5-0.5*sp.erf(x/sqrt(2))
I'vent used this one but I think it should work,
def invQfunc(x):
return sqrt(2)*sp.erfinv(1-2x)
Python equivalent of MATLAB's qfuncinv()
Thanks #Anton for letting me know how to write a good answer
I am trying to print my Sympy-expression as a string ready to be used with Numpy. I just cannot figure out how to do it.
I found that there is sp.printing.pycode: https://docs.sympy.org/latest/_modules/sympy/printing/pycode.html
The web page states that "This module contains python code printers for plain python as well as NumPy & SciPy enabled code.", but I just cannot figure out how to get it to output the expression numpy format.
That web page also contain class NumPyPrinter(PythonCodePrinter) but I do not know how to use it. def pycode(expr, **settings) just seems to use return PythonCodePrinter(settings).doprint(expr) as a default all the time.
The definition of pycode is almost trivial:
def pycode(expr, **settings):
# docstring skipped
return PythonCodePrinter(settings).doprint(expr)
It should be straight forward to run NumPyPrinter().doprint(expr) instead. The problem is that sympy.printing re-exports the pycode function which shadows the module with the same name. However, we can still import the class directly and use it:
import sympy as sy
from sympy.printing.pycode import NumPyPrinter
x = sy.Symbol('x')
y = x * sy.cos(x * sy.pi)
code = NumPyPrinter().doprint(y)
# x*numpy.cos(numpy.pi*x)
how can I minimize a function (uncostrained), respect a[0] and a[1]?
example (this is a simple example for I uderstand scipy, numpy and py):
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import *
from scipy.optimize import *
def function(a):
return(quad(lambda t: ((np.cos(a[0]))*(np.sin(a[1]))*t),0,3))
i tried:
res=minimize(function,l, method='nelder-mead',options={'xtol': 1e-8, 'disp': True})
but I get errors.
I get the results in matlab.
any idea ?
thanks in advance
This is just a guess, because you haven't included enough information in the question for anyone to really know what the problem is. Whenever you ask a question about code that generates an error, always include the complete error message in the question. Ideally, you should include a minimal, complete and verifiable example that we can run to reproduce the problem. Currently, you define function, but later you use the undefined function chirplet. That makes it a little bit harder for anyone to understand your problem.
Having said that...
scipy.integrate.quad returns two values: the estimate of the integral, and an estimate of the absolute error of the integral. It looks like you haven't taken this into account in function. Try something like this:
def function(a):
intgrl, abserr = quad(lambda t: np.cos(a[0])*np.sin(a[1])*t, 0, 3)
return intgrl
Today I started using sympy and its quantum module to implement some basic calculations in Bra-Ket notation.
Executing the code:
from sympy.physics.quantum import *
from sympy.physics.quantum.qubit import *
from sympy import *
from sympy.abc import k
print Sum(Ket(k),(k,0,5))
yields the expected result, that is, Sum(|k>, (k, 0, 5)) is printed.
Now I'd like to expand the sum and therefore write:
print Sum(Ket(k),(k,0,5)).doit()
However, this doesn't give the correct result, but prints out 6*|k> which obviously is not the desired output. Apparently, the program doesn't recognize Ket(k) as depending on the index k.
How could I work around or solve this issue?
Looks like a bug. You can probably work around it by doing the sum outside of sympy, with standard python functions like sum(Ket(i) for i in range(6)).
I am fairly new to python and trying to transfer some code from matlab to python. I am trying to optimize a function in python using fmin_bfgs. I always try to vectorize the code when possible, but I ran into the following problem that I can't figure out. Here is a test example.
from pylab import *
from scipy.optimize import fmin_bfgs
## Create some linear data
## Define sum of squared errors as non-vectorized and vectorized
def Cost(theta,X,Y):
return 1.0/(2.0*m)*sum((theta[0]+theta[1]*X[:,1:2]-Y)**2)
def CostVec(theta,X,Y):
return 1.0/(2.0*m)*sum(resid)
## Initialize the theta
theta=array([[0.0], [0.0]])
## Run the minimization on the two functions
print fmin_bfgs(Cost, x0=theta,args=(L,M))
print fmin_bfgs(CostVec, x0=theta,args=(L,M))
The first answer, with the unvectorized function, gives the correct answer which is just the vector [5, 2]. But, the the second answer, using the vectorizied form of the cost function returns roughly [15,0]. I have figured out the 15 doesn't appear from nowhere as it is 2 times the mean of the data plus the intercept, i.e., $2\times 5+5$. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is my first attempt at using IPython.parallel so please bear with me.
I read this question
Parfor for Python
and am having trouble implementing a simple example as follows:
import gmpy2 as gm
import numpy as np
from IPython.parallel import Client
rc = Client()
lview = rc.load_balanced_view()
lview.block = True
a = 1
def L2(ii,jj):
out = []
return out
Nloop = 100
ii = range(Nloop)
jj = range(Nloop)
R2 = lview.map(L2, zip(ii, jj))
The problems I have are:
a is defined outside the loop and I think I need to do something like "push" but am a bit confused by that. Do I need to "pull" after?
there are two arguments that are required for the function and I don't know how to pass them correctly. I tried things like zip(ii,jj) but got some errors.
Also,, I assume the fact that I'm using a random library gmpy2 shouldn't affect things. Is this correct? Do I need to do anything special for this?
Ideally I would like your help so on this simple example the code runs error free.
If you think it would be beneficial to post my failed attempts at #2 let me know. I'm in the dark with #1.
I found two ways that make this work:
One is pushing the variable to the cores. There is no need to pull it. The variable will simply be defined in the namespace of each process-engine.
R2 = lview.map(L2, ii, jj)
The other way is as to redefine L2 to take a as an input and pass an array of a's to the map function:
def L2(ii,jj,a):
out = []
return out
R2 = lview.map(L2, ii, jj, [a]*Nloop)
With regards to the import as per this website:
You simply import the required libraries in the function:
Note the import inside the function. This is a common model, to ensure
that the appropriate modules are imported where the task is run. You
can also manually import modules into the engine(s) namespace(s) via
view.execute('import numpy')().
Or you can do as per this link