I'm really sorry for this basic question, but I'm new to OpenCV and image processing in general, and couldn't figure this out after fiddling around for a while.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
I have a transparent PNG image:
I created a binary mask out of this with the transparent region being black and the object being white:
Now, I have another image like this, having the same dimensions:
Now, I wish to superimpose the white masked part from the first image (the actual object) onto this image. How do I do this?
Here is one way of doing it:
import cv2
# Load images
bg = cv2.imread('bg.png')
obj = cv2.imread('object.png')
mask = cv2.imread('mask.png')
# Zero background where we want to overlay
# Add object to zeroed out space
bg += obj*(mask>0)
Using the fact that we have numpy arrays at hands here, we can first extend the mask to three dimensions:
# Case 1: original mask is OpenCV mask (foreground values 255)
mask = np.dstack([(mask > 0)]*3)
# Case 2: original mask is already boolean
mask = np.dstack([mask]*3)
And then copy the image over using the mask:
np.copyto(background, foreground, where=mask)
I have 2 images, test1.jpg and test2.jpg that are RGB images. They have been converted from a 2D numpy array so they are monochrome images. They have the same shape. When I use the paste function, I only see one of the images instead of both.
Here are the test1 and test2 jpgs:
This is what I get after doing test1.paste(test2) and test1.save('final.jpg'):
Why is it only showing test2?
Here is my code:
im1 = Image.open('test1.jpg')
im2 = Image.open('test2.jpg')
You simply need to choose the lighter of your two images at each point with PIL Channel Operations:
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
im1 = Image.open('test1.jpeg')
im2 = Image.open('test2.jpeg')
# Choose lighter of the two images at each pixel location
combined = ImageChops.lighter(im1,im2)
Note that you could use paste() as you originally intended, but that it will paste all the black as well as the white pixels from image2 over image1. In order to avoid that, you would need to make a mask and only paste where image2 is non-zero. That might look like this:
im1 = Image.open('test1.jpeg')
im2 = Image.open('test2.jpeg')
# Make greyscale mask from image2
mask = im2.convert('L')
mask = mask.point(lambda i: 255 if i>0 else 0)
# Paste image2 into image1 only where image2 has non-black content
im1.paste(im2, mask=mask)
I just think the ImageChops.lighter() method is simpler.
Note that these two methods will give subtly different results. For example, if a pixel is 192 in image1 and 67 in image2, the ImageChops.lighter() method will result in 192, whereas the paste() method will see there is something in image2, and therefore give you the 67. Your choice!
paste is the wrong tool for this job, because it completely replaces the original image with the image you're pasting. It appears you wanted something closer to the blend function which produces a mix of both images. Unfortunately this has the side effect of darkening the image, because white blended with black becomes a middle gray; you'll probably want to double the values to compensate.
final = Image.blend(test1, test2, 0.5)
final = Image.eval(final, lambda x: 2*x))
One solution would be to use openCV instead of PIL. OpenCV's imagery is identical to a 2D numpy array, which means you can instead just use basic matrix addition to produce a combined image given "black" pixels are just 0.
import cv2 as cv
im1 = cv.imread('test1.jpg')
im2 = cv.imread('test2.jpg')
im3 = im1 + im2
cv.imwrite('test3.jpg', im3)
The black pixels remain black, as you're adding 0 to 0, while the filled pixels have the filled values of the two images combined (in this case, 0 + a maximum of 255 given no overlap between the two images)
The resulting image:
In the case of overlapping non-zero pixels, you may want to apply a 255 ceiling to the arrays, or instead normalize the combined image by the new maximum if that is preferred for your use case.
I have been trying to write a code to extract cracks from an image using thresholding. However, I wanted to keep the background black. What would be a good solution to keep the outer boundary visible and the background black. Attached below is the original image along with the threshold image and the code used to extract this image.
import cv2
#Read Image
img = cv2.imread('Original.png')
# Convert into gray scale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Image processing ( smoothing )
# Averaging
blur = cv2.blur(gray,(3,3))
ret,th1 = cv2.threshold(blur,145,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
inverted = np.invert(th1)
plt.figure(figsize = (20,20))
plt.title('Original'),plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
plt.title('Threshold'),plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])
Method 1
Assuming the circle in your images stays in one spot throughout your image set you can manually create a black 'mask' image with a white hole in the middle, then overlay it on the final inverted image.
You can easily make the mask image using your favorite image editor's magic wand tool.
I made this1 by also expanding the circle inwards by one pixel to take into account some of the pixels the magic wand tool couldn't catch.
You would then use the mask image like this:
mask = cv2.imread('/path/to/mask.png')
masked = cv2.bitwise_and(inverted, inverted, mask=mask)
Method 2
If the circle does NOT stay is the same spot throughout your entire image set you can try to make the mask from all the fully black pixels in your original image. This assumes that the 'sample' itself (the thing with the cracks) does not contain fully black pixels. Although this will result in the text on the bottom left to be left white.
# make all the non black pixels white
_,mask = cv2.threshold(gray,1,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
1 The original is not the same size as your inverted image and thus the mask I made won't actually fit, you're gonna have to make it yourself.
I have two images, one overlay and one background.
I want to create a new image, by editing overlay image and manipulating it to show only the pixels which have blue colour in the background image.
I dont want to add the background, it is only for selecting the pixels.
Rest part should be transparent.
Any hints or ideas please? PS: I edited result image with paint so its not perfect.
Image 1 is background image.
Image 2 is overlay image.
Image 3 is the check I want to perform. (to find out which pixels have blue in background and making remaining pixels transparent)
Image 4 is the result image after editing.
I renamed your images according to my way of thinking, so I took this as image.png:
and this as mask.png:
Then I did what I think you want as follows. I wrote it quite verbosely so you can see all the steps along the way:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
# Open input images
image = Image.open("image.png")
mask = Image.open("mask.png")
# Get dimensions
# Resize mask to match image, taking care not to introduce new colours (Image.NEAREST)
mask = mask.resize((h,w), Image.NEAREST)
# Convert both images to numpy equivalents
npimage = np.array(image)
npmask = np.array(mask)
# Make image transparent where mask is not blue
# Blue pixels in mask seem to show up as RGB(163 204 255)
npimage[:,:,3] = np.where((npmask[:,:,0]<170) & (npmask[:,:,1]<210) & (npmask[:,:,2]>250),255,0).astype(np.uint8)
# Identify grey pixels in image, i.e. R=G=B, and make transparent also
npimage[:,:,3] *= 1-grey
# Convert numpy image to PIL image and save
And this is the result:
a) Your image already has an (unused) alpha channel present.
b) Any lines starting:
npimage[:,:,3] = ...
are just modifying the 4th channel, i.e. the alpha/transparency channel of the image
I'm cropping an image like this:
self.rst = self.img_color[self.param_a_y:self.param_b_y,
self.param_a_x:self.param_b_x:, ]
How do I copy this image back to the original one. The data I have available are the coordinates of the original image, which makes the center of the crop.
Seems like there's nocopy_to() function for python
I failed myself getting copy_to() working a few days ago, but came up with a difeerent solution: You can uses masks for this task.
I have an example at hand which shows how to create a mask from a defined colour range using inrange. With that mask, you create two partial images (=masks), one for the old content and one for the new content, the not used area in both images is back. Finally, a simple bitwise_or combines both images.
This works for arbitrary shapes, so you can easily adapt this to rectangular ROIs.
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread('image.png')
rows,cols,bands = img.shape
print rows,cols,bands
# Create image with new colour for replacement
new_colour_image= np.zeros((rows,cols,3), np.uint8)
new_colour_image[:,:]= (255,0,0)
# Define range of color to be exchanged (in this case only one single color, but could be range of colours)
lower_limit = np.array([0,0,0])
upper_limit = np.array([0,0,0])
# Generate mask for the pixels to be exchanged
new_colour_mask = cv2.inRange(img, lower_limit, upper_limit)
# Generate mask for the pixels to be kept
# Part of the image which is kept
img2= cv2.bitwise_and(img,img, old_image_mask)
# Part of the image which is replaced
new_colour_image=cv2.bitwise_and(new_colour_image,new_colour_image, new_colour_mask)
#Combination of the two parts
result=cv2.bitwise_or(img2, new_colour_image)
Is there a way to cut out non rectangular areas of an image with Python PIL?
e.g. in this picture I want to exclude all black areas as well as towers, rooftops and poles.
I guess the ImagePath Module can do that, but furthermore, how can I read data of e.g. a svg file and convert it into a path?
Any help will be appreciated.
(My sub question is presumably the easier task: how to cut at least a circle of an image?)
If I understood correctly, you want to make some areas transparent within the image. And these areas are random shaped. Easiest way (that I can think of) is to create a mask and put it to the alpha channel of the image. Below is a code that shows how to do this.
If your question was "How to create a polygon mask" I will redirect you to:
SciPy Create 2D Polygon Mask
and look the accepted answer.
import numpy
import Image
# read image as RGB and add alpha (transparency)
im = Image.open("lena.png").convert("RGBA")
# convert to numpy (for convenience)
imArray = numpy.asarray(im)
# create mask (zeros + circle with ones)
center = (200,200)
radius = 100
mask = numpy.zeros((imArray.shape[0],imArray.shape[1]))
for i in range(imArray.shape[0]):
for j in range(imArray.shape[1]):
if (i-center[0])**2 + (j-center[0])**2 < radius**2:
mask[i,j] = 1
# assemble new image (uint8: 0-255)
newImArray = numpy.empty(imArray.shape,dtype='uint8')
# colors (three first columns, RGB)
newImArray[:,:,:3] = imArray[:,:,:3]
# transparency (4th column)
newImArray[:,:,3] = mask*255
# back to Image from numpy
newIm = Image.fromarray(newImArray, "RGBA")
Actually, I could not resist... the polygon mask solution was so elegant (replace the above circle with this):
# create mask
polygon = [(100,100), (200,100), (150,150)]
maskIm = Image.new('L', (imArray.shape[0], imArray.shape[1]), 0)
ImageDraw.Draw(maskIm).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1)
mask = numpy.array(maskIm)
Now when I think of it. If you have a black and white svg, you can load your svg directly as mask (assuming white is your mask). I have no sample svg images, so I cannot test this. I am not sure if PIL can open svg images.