I know that there are plenty of similar topics in StackOverflow but none of the answers solved my specific problem.
First of all, I am trying plot 2-dimensional data points from different classes with scatter command to the figure. The program uses matplotlib events like button_press_event and motion_notify_event and I assume that right after event commands plt.show() should be used. The main problem is that once some tasks are done with events (i.e. labeling), I want to update the whole figure but plt.show() is blocking the option to continue the program. Actually plt.show() should block the program until the user of program decides to go forward. Is there any solution to control this blocking attribute?
I have tried plt.ion(), plt.ioff(), plt.show(block=False), plt.draw(), plt.pause(0.001), global variables with while loop etc. without success. The only way the program works somehow correctly is when all the figures are closed inside of button_press_event when so called forward condition is met but it is not very user-friendly solution if all figures are closed every time data points are updated.
Here is the the glimpse of the code:
def draw_original_figure(random_sample, random_sample_label, random_sample_image, X_train_chosen, y_train_chosen, images_train_chosen, classes, accuracy, embedding, model, h=0.05):
global points1, im1, s_im1, xybox, x1, y1, fig1, classes1, points_to_plot, y_train_chosen1, accuracy1, random_sample1, embedding1, y_train_chosen1, h1, random_sample_label1, result1
fig1 = plt.gcf()
fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', hover)
fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', click)
def hover(event):
# if the mouse is over the scatter points
if points1.contains(event)[0]:
# find out the index within the array from the event
inds = points1.contains(event)[1]["ind"]
ind = inds[0]
# get the figure size
w,h = fig1.get_size_inches()*fig1.dpi
ws = (event.x > w/2.)*-1 + (event.x <= w/2.)
hs = (event.y > h/2.)*-1 + (event.y <= h/2.)
# if event occurs in the top or right quadrant of the figure,
# change the annotation box position relative to mouse.
ab1.xybox = (xybox[0]*ws, xybox[1]*hs)
# make annotation box visible
# place it at the position of the hovered scatter point
ab1.xy =(x1[ind], y1[ind])
# set the image corresponding to that point
#if the mouse is not over a scatter point
def click(event):
# if the mouse is over the scatter points
if points1.contains(event)[0]:
# find out the index within the array from the event
inds = points1.contains(event)[1]["ind"]
ind = inds[0]
# if one specific point is chosen
if ind == len(x1)-1:
plt.scatter(x1[ind], y1[ind], s=25, marker='x', c='#556B2F')
q = question(True, ind)
# do nothing
if q == "":
# quit the program
elif q == "q":
# continue the program without updating labels
elif q == "n":
result1 = copy.deepcopy(y_train_chosen1)
# continue the program after labels are updated
result1 = copy.deepcopy(y_train_chosen1)
result1 = np.append(result1, [int(q)], axis=0)
# if anyone else point is chosen
plt.scatter(x1[ind], y1[ind], s=8, c='k')
q = question(False, ind)
# do nothing
if q == "":
# quit the program
elif q == "q":
# update labels
y_train_chosen1[ind] = int(q)
Probably it is better to use for example other libraries like plotly or dash but is it really true that you cannot update figure without closing it if you are using matplotlib events?? I can provide all the project files but I think so that if there is a solution, it should be done inside of these functions.
It took the whole day to find the answer but here it is!
I use now plt.show() in interactive-mode with command plt.ion() and do blocking manually with commands fig.canvas.start_event_loop() and fig.canvas.stop_event_loop(). To be honest, it was surprisingly difficult to find the solution to this problem but the lesson is learned.
matplotlib figure does not continue program flow after close event triggered inside tk app
I'm working on a program that displays drawings, with the option of animating the drawing to show which order the lines should be drawn in. When I used plt.show() to display the drawing as a still image, everything works as expected: the code pauses, and then resumes again as soon as the popup window is closed. However, when I use the same function to display an animated drawing, the code remains frozen even after I close the popup window. The only way to get it unstuck is to fully restart the python shell - it doesn't respond to KeyboardInterrupt.
When I set repeat to False in the FuncAnimation call, it behaves slightly differently. If I close the popup window while the animation is running, the glitch happens, locking up my program. However, if I close the popup after the animation has finished, the program continues as intended. It seems like the glitch here has something to do with closing the window before the animation is done.
For some reason, replacing all of the plt.plot() calls in the animate_pattern function with ax.plot() fixes the issue. I have no idea why this works, because as far as I know the two functions do the same thing. However, the problem is solved.
Below is the code for the module that handles the animation. Some notes:
Normally, I create the animations by calling plot_animated() from a different module. However, the bug happens whether or not I create the animation that way or do it through the code in this module's if name == main statement.
convert_to_points() is a function from the main module that turns the data it's given into a list of x-values and a list of y-values to be plotted.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation,PillowWriter
from functools import partial
from os.path import isfile
import json
end_marker = [None]
smooth = 40
def animate_pattern(f,anim_data):
x_anim,y_anim,scale = anim_data
global end_marker
# starting point
if x_anim[f] is None:
end_marker = plt.plot(x_anim[1],y_anim[1],marker='o',ms=1.8*scale,mew=0.4*scale,mec="black",c="#ff6bff")
# segment going into a point
if f%smooth == 1:
# segment coming out of a point
elif f%smooth in (2,4):
# all other segments
# marker for current endpoint of animated line
if x_anim[f]:
end_marker = plt.plot(x_anim[f],y_anim[f],marker='h',ms=2.4*scale,mew=0.5*scale,mec="#547dd6",c="#6bc9e8")
def init_pattern(plot_data,settings):
x_vals,y_vals,scale = plot_data[:3]
# clear the canvas
# draw the full pattern in the background
for i in range(len(x_vals)-1):
def anim_interpolate(plot_data):
x_vals,y_vals,scale = plot_data[:3]
x_anim,y_anim = [None],[None]
# create five interpolated points after each point
for i in range(len(x_vals)-1):
x_dist = x_vals[i+1] - x_vals[i]
y_dist = y_vals[i+1] - y_vals[i]
x_anim += [x_vals[i]+x_dist*(1/smooth)*j for j in range(smooth)]
y_anim += [y_vals[i]+y_dist*(1/smooth)*j for j in range(smooth)]
# add the last point
return x_anim,y_anim,scale
def plot_animated(plot_data,settings,):
# convert basic pointlist into special version for animating
anim_data = anim_interpolate(plot_data)
# create animation object by repeatedly invoking animate_pattern()
ani = FuncAnimation(plt.gcf(),
return ani
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open("settings.json",mode="r") as file:
settings = json.load(file)
from hex_draw import convert_to_points
print("Displaying test animation...")
plot_data = convert_to_points("qeewdweddw","northeast",settings)
ax = plt.figure(figsize=(4,4)).add_axes([0,0,1,1])
ani = plot_animated(plot_data,settings)
I wish to plot some data from an array with multiple columns, and would like each column to be a different line on the same scrolling graph. As there are many columns, I think it would make sense to plot them within a loop. I'd also like to plot a second scrolling graph with a single line.
I can get the single line graph to scroll correctly, but the graph containing the multiple lines over-plots from the updated array without clearing the previous lines.
How do I get the lines to clear within the for loop. I thought that setData, might do the clearing. Do I have to have a pg.QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() or something similar within the loop? I tried to add that call but had it no effect.
My code:
#Based on example from PyQtGraph documentation
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget(show=True)
win.setWindowTitle('pyqtgraph example: Scrolling Plots')
timer = pg.QtCore.QTimer()
plot_1 = win.addPlot()
plot_2 = win.addPlot()
data1 = np.random.normal(size=(300))
curve1 = plot_1.plot(data1)
data_2d = np.random.normal(size=(3,300))
def update_plot():
global data1, data_2d
data1[:-1] = data1[1:]
data1[-1] = np.random.normal()
for idx, n in enumerate(data_2d):
n[:-1] = n[1:]
n[-1] = np.random.normal()
curve2 = plot_2.plot(n,pen=(idx))
#pg.QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() #Does nothing
timer = pg.QtCore.QTimer()
if __name__ == '__main__':
You could clear the plot of all curves each time with .clear(), but that wouldn't be very performant. A better solution would be to keep all the curve objects around and call setData on them each time, like you're doing with the single-curve plot. E.g.
curves_2d = [plot_2.plot(pen=idx) for idx, n in enumerate(data_2d)]
# ... in update_plot
I wrote a code to display live feed of analog data. The code uses pyfirmata to define pins and pull readings. I've set the funcanimation to pull all 12 channels when the port is open. Currently, matplotlib checkbutton is used to show/hide live feed of the channels.
I'd like to manipulate the matplotlib checkbutton so that only the channels that are checked are actually read instead of just being hidden.
The matplotlib widget module is a little too sophisticated for me to break down to a level where I can modify it. What I'd like to do is write a true/false status on each index depending on its visibility then put a nested if statements in the funcanimation to read only the visible lines. I'd appreciate if anyone could share me a sample code to allow me to do that.
Here is a segment of my code:
##check buttons
lines = [ln0, ln1, ln2, ln3, ln4, ln5, ln6, ln7, ln8, ln9, ln10, ln11]
labels = [str(ln0.get_label()) for ln0 in lines]
visibility = [ln0.get_visible() for ln0 in lines]
check = CheckButtons(ax1, labels, visibility)
for i, c in enumerate(colour):
def func(label):
index = labels.index(label)
lines[index].set_visible(not lines[index].get_visible())
## define pins
a0 = due.get_pin('a:0:i')
a1 = due.get_pin('a:1:i')
a2 = due.get_pin('a:2:i')
a3 = ...
def rt(i):
if due.is_open == True:
T0.append(round(a0.read()*3.3/0.005, 1))
T1.append(round(a1.read()*3.3/0.005, 1))
Here is the graph and checkbuttons when run:
click here
I figured it out. There is a get_status function embedded in the matplotlib widget which returns a tuple of trues and falses to indicate the status of check buttons. I used this to write a nested if statements in the funcanimation so that only checked ones are read.
I am plotting a fits image of a field of stars. I am then displaying circular apertures across the image on sufficiently bright stars. Next, I am trying to click on the star that I am interested in, and getting the brightness measurement out of the nearest circle. Finally, I want to use that brightness measurement for other calculations.
My problem is that the variable I declare to store the x,y coordinates of my click ("coords") seems to be getting called before I actually click, resulting in an empty array and errors.
A co-worker sent it to me many months ago, and once upon a time it worked flawlessly. But it seems that it's stopped working. It may be a result of updating some libraries/modules, but I can't be sure.
I have tried various combinations, including declaring "coords" in other function, in other locations, etc. I have tried changing the order of certain lines to perhaps get "coords" to be called later. I've also tried writing the code from the ground up, and have had many of the same errors. Because this specific code once worked, I attach it instead of my attempts.
To be honest, I don't fully understand the code, as I didn't write it. As a result, I don't understand what is being called when, or what any changes I've made actually do.
def plot_image(file, vmin=5, vmax=99, threshold=5, radius=25):
image = hdu[0].data
exptime = hdu[0].header['EXPTIME']
band = hdu[0].header['FILTERS']
airmass = hdu[0].header['AIRMASS']
readnoise = hdu[0].header['RN_01']
gain = hdu[0].header['GAIN_01']
obj = hdu[0].header['OBJECT']
sub = image[1500:2000,1500:2000]
bkg_sigma = mad_std(sub)
mean, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(sub, sigma=3.0, maxiters=5)
daofind = photutils.DAOStarFinder(fwhm=2., threshold=threshold*bkg_sigma)
sources = daofind(sub - median)
positions = (sources['xcentroid'], sources['ycentroid'])
apertures = photutils.CircularAperture(positions, r=radius)
phot_table = photutils.aperture_photometry(sub - median, apertures)
pix = select(image, apertures)
if len(pix) == 2 or len(coords) == 2:
distance = np.sqrt((np.array(phot_table['xcenter'])-pix[0])**2 + (np.array(phot_table['ycenter'])-pix[1])**2)
star = np.argmin(dist)
counts = phot_table[star]['aperture_sum']
fluxfile = open('testfile.txt')
signal = (counts * gain) / exptime
err = np.sqrt(counts*gain + (readnoise**2*np.pi*radius**2))
print('Pix length = 0')
def select(image, apertures, vmin = 5, vmax = 99):
global coords
coords = []
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (9,9))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.imshow(image, cmap = 'gist_gray_r', origin='lower', vmin = np.percentile(image, vmin), vmax = np.percentile(image, vmax), interpolation='none')
apertures.plot(color='blue', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5, ax = ax)
ax.set_title('Hello')#label='Object: '+obj+'\nFilter: '+band)
cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick)
if None in coords:
return [np.nan,np.nan]
return np.round(coords)
def onclick(event):
x = event.xdata
y = event.ydata
global coords
coords = [x, y]
def closeonclick(event):
print('Close On Click')
Expected Result: The image is displayed with blue apertures overlaid. Then, I click on the desired star and the coordinates I click are stored to "coords" and printed to the console. The window displaying the image is closed alongside the previous step, as well. Finally, using those coordinates, it finds the nearest aperture and does some science with the resulting brightness.
Actual Result: "coords" is immediately printed (an empty list). Immediately after, the image is displayed. Clicking it does nothing. It doesn't change the value of "coords", nothing else is printed, nor does the window close.
I'll come back and delete this if it isn't right (I'd comment if I had the reputation), but it looks like you have to define a global variable outside any functions first, then use the keyword before the variable name inside a function to change its scope. Try moving "coords = []" outside your functions (the list will no longer be empty after the first call to "onclick", but each new click should replace the coordinates so it shouldn't be an issue).
Ref: https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/global-keyword
I have an embedded widget in a QT5 gui connected via PlotWidget.
I am trying to plot 2 streams of live data Voltage (self.p1) & Current (self.p2). Voltage on the left axis & Current on the right. So far I have each data stream associated with its relevant axis.
However my problem is that the Current plot (self.p2) is not in the correct area of the display. This particular plot appears in the upper left hand corner of the widget, it appears before the LHD axis. Its best to view the image to view the problem.
View Me
I know the problem lies in the setup function & self.p2 (Current) is being placed in the wrong location but my searching hasn't produced an answer.
Could someone please help?
Code used to generate graph, is called once on start up:
def pg_plot_setup(self): # not working still on left axis
self.p1 = self.graphicsView.plotItem
# x axis
self.p1.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', units='s', color='g', **{'font-size':'12pt'})
self.p1.getAxis('bottom').setPen(pg.mkPen(color='g', width=3))
# Y1 axis
self.p1.setLabel('left', 'Voltage', units='V', color='r', **{'font-size':'12pt'})
self.p1.getAxis('left').setPen(pg.mkPen(color='r', width=3))
self.p2 = pg.ViewBox()
# Y2 axis
self.p1.setLabel('right', 'Current', units="A", color='c', **{'font-size':'12pt'}) #<font>Ω</font>
self.p1.getAxis('right').setPen(pg.mkPen(color='c', width=3))
and code used to update display, is called via QTimer:
def update_graph_plot(self):
start = time.time()
X = np.asarray(self.graph_X, dtype=np.float32)
Y1 = np.asarray(self.graph_Y1, dtype=np.float32)
Y2 = np.asarray(self.graph_Y2, dtype=np.float32)
self.p1.plot(X,Y1,pen=pen1, name="V", clear=True)
self.p2.addItem(pg.PlotCurveItem(X,Y2,pen=pen2, name="I"))
I found the answer buried in here MultiplePlotAxes.py
adding this self.p2.setGeometry(self.p1.vb.sceneBoundingRect()) to function 'update_graph_plot' adjusts the size of viewbox each time the scene is updated, but it has to be in the update loop.
or add this self.p1.vb.sigResized.connect(self.updateViews) to function 'pg_plot_setup' as part of the setup, which shall then automatically call this function
def updateViews(self):
to resize viewbox (self.p2) each time self.p1 updates.