np.polyfit does not fit the data - python
I can not find a curve that adjust the data (lists 'chi' and 'm'). I used polyfit to generate the curve but it was not enough to capture the behavior of the points.
The code ahead has a plot that shows the discrepancy between the data and the adjustment.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
chi = [159.227326193538,157.045536099339,154.874421083320,152.714227953804,150.565205206850,148.427603026261,146.301673283577,144.187669538078,142.085847036787,139.996462714462,137.919775193605,135.856044784456,133.805533484994,131.768504980940,129.745224645753,127.735959540633,125.740978414520,123.760551704092,121.794951533770,119.844451715712,117.909327749816,115.989856823722,114.086317812809,112.198991280194,110.328159476736,108.474106341033,106.637117499424,104.817480265986,103.015483642536,101.231418318633,99.4655766715733,97.7182527663948,95.9897423558747,94.2803428805298,92.5903534686167,90.9200749361326,89.2698097868135,87.6398622121363,86.0305380913169,84.4421449913117,82.8749921668166,81.3293905602669,79.8056528018393,78.3040932094484,76.8250277887500,75.3687742331392,73.9356519237512,72.5259819294609,71.1400870068830,69.7782916003724,68.4409218420233,67.1283055516702,65.8407722368873,64.5786530929887,63.3422810030283,62.1319905377998,60.9481179558368,59.7910012034130,58.6609799145416,57.5583954109757,56.4835907022086,55.4369104854728,54.4187011457414,53.4293107557267,52.4690890758814,51.5383875543978,50.6375593272080,49.7669592179839,48.9269437381375,48.1178710868206,47.3401011509247,46.5939955050811,45.8799174116612,45.1982318207762,44.5493053702771,43.9335063857545,43.3512048805394,42.8027725557022,42.2885828000534,41.8090106901432,41.3644329902617,40.9552281524389,40.5817763164445,40.2444593097885,39.9436606477201,39.6797655332288,39.4531608570438,39.2642351976343,39.1133788212092,39.0009836817171,38.9274434208471,38.8931533680273,38.8985105404262,38.9439136429520,39.0297630682529,39.1564608967166,39.3244108964711,39.5340185233838,39.7856909210623,40.0798369208539,40.4168670418459,40.7971934908652,41.2212301624788,41.6893926389935,42.2020981904556,42.7597657746519,43.3628160371087,44.0116713110920,44.7067556176079,45.4484946654022,46.2373158509606,47.0736482585089,47.9579226600125,48.8905715151762,49.8720289714460,50.9027308640062,51.9831147157818,53.1136197374377,54.2946868273783,55.5267585717480,56.8102792444312,58.1456948070521,59.5334529089743,60.9740028873018,62.4677957668786,64.0152842602876,65.6169227678529,67.2731673776373,68.9844758654438,70.7513076948157,72.5741240170354,74.4533876711260,76.3895631838499,78.3831167697092,80.4345163309464,82.5442314575433,84.7127334272220,86.9404952054444,89.2279914454118,91.5756984880661,93.9840943620883,96.4536587839001,98.9848731576614,101.578220575274,104.234185816379,106.953255348357,109.735917326327,112.582661593151,115.493979679428,118.470364803498,121.512311871442,124.620317477080,127.794879901969,131.036499115411,134.345676774445,137.722916223849,141.168722496142,144.683602311584,148.268064078173,151.922617891649,155.647775535488,159.444050480909,163.311957886871,167.252014600072,171.264739154948,175.350651773679,179.510274366181,183.744130530113,188.052745550870,192.436646401591,196.896361743152,201.432421924170,206.045358981001,210.735706637743,215.504000306232,220.350777086043,225.276575764494,230.281936816639,235.367402405274,240.533516380936,245.780824281900,251.109873334181,256.521212451534,262.015392235454,267.592964975176,273.254484647676,279.000506917667,284.831589137604,290.748290347682,296.751171275834,302.840794337735,309.017723636798,315.282524964177,321.635765798766,328.078015307199,334.609844343848,341.231825450827,347.944532857988,354.748542482925,361.644431930971,368.632780495196]
poly = np.polyfit(chi, m, deg = 40)
fit_fn = np.poly1d(poly)
f = plt.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(m, chi, 'r-', label = 'data')
ax.plot(fit_fn(chi), chi, 'b-', label = 'adjust')
The problem is that you mixed the x and the y coordinates while fitting and plotting the fit. Since m is the x-coordinate (independent variable) and chi is the y-coordinate (dependent variable), pass them in the right order. The lines modified are indicated by a comment #
poly = np.polyfit(m, chi, deg = 4) # <-----
fit_fn = np.poly1d(poly)
f = plt.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(m, chi, 'rx', label = 'data') # <---- Just used x to plot symbols
ax.plot(m, fit_fn(m), 'b-', lw=2, label = 'adjust') # <-----
Plotting histogram of probability function and results of inverse transform sampling
Here I tried to plot the probability function P(s)=C/s and then plot a histogram showing real probability function and then show the results of sampling: import numpy as np s_min = 1 s_max = 1000 # calculate the normalization constant C = 1 / (np.log(s_max) - np.log(s_min)) u = np.random.rand(int(1000000)) s = s_min * np.exp(u * (np.log(s_max) - np.log(s_min))) a = np.log10(min(s)) b = np.log10(max(s)) mybins = np.logspace(a, b, num=17) plt.hist(s, bins=mybins, density=True, histtype='step', log=True, label='Random Numbers') x = np.logspace(a, b, num=100) y = C / x plt.plot(x, y, 'r', label='Expected Distribution') plt.xlabel('s') plt.ylabel('P(s)') plt.xscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend() but the code is generating an empty plot with labels. Tried to add %matplotlib inline and nothing changed
Plot 2 images side by side for each for loop
I'm training a KNN model and I want to plot 2 images per for loop, as shown in the imagen below: What I need At the left, I plot the boundary visualization of my model for a certain amoung of neighbours. At the right, I plot the confusion matrix. To accomplish something along those lines I've written the following code: fig = plt.figure() for i in range(1,3): neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=i), y) y_pred = neigh.predict(X) acc = accuracy_score(y_pred,y) # Boundary ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1) visualize_classifier(neigh, X, y, ax=ax1) # Defined by me # Plot confusion matrix. Defined by sklearn.metrics ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) plot_confusion_matrix(neigh, X, y,, values_format = '.0f',ax=ax2) ax1.set_title(f'Neighbors = {i}.\nAccuracy = {acc:.4f}', fontsize = 14) ax2.set_title(f'Neighbors = {i}.\nAccuracy = {acc:.4f}', fontsize = 14) plt.tight_layout() plt.figure(i) The visualize_classifier() function: def visualize_classifier(model, X, y, ax=None, cmap='Dark2'): ax = ax or plt.gca() # Plot the training points ax.scatter(X.iloc[:, 0], X.iloc[:, 1], c=y, s=30, cmap=cmap, # Changed to iloc. clim=(y.min(), y.max()), zorder=3, alpha = 0.5) ax.axis('tight') ax.set_xlabel('x1') ax.set_ylabel('x2') # ax.axis('off') xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(*xlim, num=200), np.linspace(*ylim, num=200)) Z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]).reshape(xx.shape) # Create a color plot with the results n_classes = len(np.unique(y)) contours = ax.contourf(xx, yy, Z, alpha=0.3, levels=np.arange(n_classes + 1) - 0.5, cmap=cmap, clim=(y.min(), y.max()), zorder=1) ax.set(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) What I get What I get. Continues... As you can see, only the first loop is plotted. the second one is not plotted and I can't figure out why. Furthermore, I have the same title for the plot at the right and at the left. I would like to have only one on top of both, how can this be accomplished? Now, you might be wondering why do I need to do this and the answer is that I would like to see how the boundaries change depending on the number of neighbors. It's just to get a visual sense of KNN algorithm. Any suggestion would be pretty much appreciated.
I was able to make it work. What I had wrong was the first line inside the for loop. I assigned plt.figure(i, figsize=(18, 8)) to the variable fig. for i in range(1,30): fig = plt.figure(i, figsize=(18, 8)) sns.set(font_scale=2.0) # Adjust to fit neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=i), y) y_pred = neigh.predict(X) acc = accuracy_score(y_pred,y) # Boundary ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1) visualize_classifier(neigh, X, y, ax=ax1) # Defined by me # Plot confusion matrix. Defined by sklearn.metrics ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2) plot_confusion_matrix(neigh, X, y,, values_format = '.0f',ax=ax2) fig.suptitle(f'Neighbors = {i}. Accuracy = {acc:.4f}',y=1) For the title I used: fig.suptitle(f'Neighbors = {i}. Accuracy = {acc:.4f}',y=1)
Draw lines connecting points between two separate one-D plots
As title, I am working on time-series alignment, and a visualization of the alignment result is desired. To this end, I want to draw lines connecting "anchor points" generated by the alignment algorithm. np.random.seed(5) x = np.random.rand(10) # time-series 1 y = np.random.rand(20) # time-series 2 ap = np.array(([0, 4, 9], # the anchor points [0, 9, 19])) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax1.plot(x, 'r') ax2.plot(y, 'g') the anchor points ap in the example specify the one-to-one "mapping" between the indices of two time series x and y, i.e., x[0] is corresponding to y[0]; x[4] to y[9]; and x[9] to y[19]. The goal is to draw lines between two separate plot to show the result of the alignment.
To connect two subplots in matplotlib you may use a ConnectionPatch. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import ConnectionPatch np.random.seed(5) x = np.random.rand(21) # time-series 1 y = np.random.rand(21) # time-series 2 ap = np.array(([0, 5, 10], # the anchor points [0,10, 20])) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) ax1.plot(x, 'r') ax2.plot(y, 'g') ls = ["-","--"] c = ["gold", "blue"] for i, row in enumerate(ap): for j, ind in enumerate(row): px = (ind, x[ind]) py = (ind, y[ind]) con = ConnectionPatch(py,px, coordsA="data", coordsB="data", axesA=ax2, axesB=ax1, linestyle=ls[i], color=c[i]) ax2.add_artist(con)
Thanks to #ImportanceOfBeingErnest, I identified the typo in the OP and achieved connecting indices between two series of different length: np.random.seed(5) x = np.random.rand(10) y = np.random.rand(20) ap = np.array(([0, 4, 9], [0,9, 19])) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212, sharex=ax1) ax1.plot(x, 'r') ax2.plot(y, 'g') plt.setp(ax1.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) for j in ap.T: ax1.axvline(x=j[0], linestyle='--', color='k') ax2.axvline(x=j[1], linestyle='--', color='k') x_ind = (j[0], ax1.get_ylim()[0]) y_ind = (j[1], ax2.get_ylim()[1]) con = ConnectionPatch(y_ind, x_ind, coordsA="data", coordsB="data", axesA=ax2, axesB=ax1, linewidth='1.5') ax2.add_artist(con) I know it is off the topic, but how to further truncate the blank part in order to make the range of x-axis fit the signal length, while maintain the actual ratio of the length of the two signals? Though sharex=ax1 shows the ratio of signal length, the blank part on the right of the top figure is annoying.
Get coordinates from points density with KDE
I have a set of points (> 1k) in this form: y,x 173.549,308.176 173.549,313.328 213.26,419.588 Using KDE, i can plot points density with pcolormesh and contourf. This is an example result, plotting points too: This is the code i used to have the plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib import numpy as np from scipy.stats.kde import gaussian_kde x, y = np.genfromtxt('terzinoSX.csv', delimiter=',', unpack=True) y = y[np.logical_not(np.isnan(y))] x = x[np.logical_not(np.isnan(x))] k = gaussian_kde(np.vstack([x, y])) xi, yi = np.mgrid[x.min():x.max():x.size**0.5*1j,y.min():y.max():y.size**0.5*1j] zi = k(np.vstack([xi.flatten(), yi.flatten()])) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,4)) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111) #alpha=0.5 will make the plots semitransparent #ax1.pcolormesh(yi, xi, zi.reshape(xi.shape), alpha=0.5) ax2.contourf(yi, xi, zi.reshape(xi.shape), alpha=0.5) plt.axis('off') ax2.plot(y,x, "o") ax2.set_xlim(0, 740) ax2.set_ylim(515, 0) #overlay soccer field im = plt.imread('statszone_football_pitch.png') ax2.imshow(im, extent=[0, 740, 0, 515], aspect='auto') fig.savefig('test.png', bbox_inches='tight') I would like to have one point representing coordinates of most populated zone (middle point for example), like a middle point over the "red" zone. Is it possible in some way?
I solved this by adding these lines that calculate the point in the most populated area: xy = np.vstack([x,y]) kde = stats.gaussian_kde(xy) density = kde(xy) pts = xy.T[np.argmax(density)]
You can use np.argmax to get the coordinates of the maximum. For example: kde = compute_my_kde() # Returns a two-dimensional array y, x = np.argmax(kde) # x and y are swapped because matplotlib displays images as a matrix (first index is rows, second index is colums) plt.imshow(kde) # Show the kde plt.scatter(x, y) # Show the maximum point
Pandas plotting linear regression on scatter graph
I'm trying to plot a linear regression on a scatter graph. def chart1(df, yr, listcols): temp = df[(df['YEAR']==yr)] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize = (12,12)) for e in [['WD','pk_h',0,0],['WD','of_h',0,1],['SAT','of_h',1,0],['SUN','of_h',1,1]]: temp.ix[(temp['daytype']==e[0])&(temp['hourtype']==e[1]),listcols].plot(kind='scatter', title=str(yr)+' '+e[0]+' '+e[1], x=listcols[0], y=listcols[1], ax=axes[e[2],e[3]]) fig.tight_layout() return temp chartd = chart1(o2, 2017,['PROD', 'option_exercise']) I can't figure out how to make it possible in my loop.
It should work this way: In your for loop run a regression and store the results in 'res'. Manually caclulate the predicted y ('yhat') using the stored coefficients. Then chart both x vs. y and x vs. yhat: import pandas.stats.api def chart4(df, yr, day, Y, sensi): temp = df[(df['YEAR']==yr)] temp = temp[(temp['daytype']==day)] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,13)) for i, var in enumerate(sensi): res = ols(y=temp[Y], x=temp[var]) label = 'R2: ' + str(res.r2) temp['yhat'] = temp[var]*res.beta[0] + res.beta[1] axis=fig.add_subplot(4,3,i+1) temp.plot(ax=axis,kind='scatter', x=var, y=Y, title=var) temp.plot(ax=axis, kind='scatter', x=var, y='yhat', color='grey', s=1, label=label) axis.set_xlabel(r'alpha', fontsize=18) fig.tight_layout() return