I am using numpy module in python to generate random numbers. When I need to generate random numbers in a continuous interval such as [a,b], I will use
but now I Need to generate a uniform random number in the interval [a, b] and [c, d], what should I do?
I want to generate a random number that is uniform over the length of all the intervals. I do not select an interval with equal probability, and then generate a random number inside the interval. If [a, b] and [c, d] are equal in length, There is no problem with this use, but when the lengths of the intervals are not equal, the random numbers generated by this method are not completely uniform.
You could do something like
a,b,c,d = 1,2,7,9
N = 10
r = np.random.uniform(a-b,d-c,N)
r += np.where(r<0,b,c)
# array([7.30557415, 7.42185479, 1.48986144, 7.95916547, 1.30422703,
# 8.79749665, 8.19329762, 8.72669862, 1.88426196, 8.33789181])
You can use
for your random numbers between a and b (including a but excluding b)
So for random number in [a,b] and [c,d], you can use
np.random.choice( [np.random.uniform(a,b) , np.random.uniform(c,d)] )
Here's a recipe:
def random_multiinterval(*intervals, shape=(1,)):
# FIXME assert intervals are valid and non-overlapping
size = sum(i[1] - i[0] for i in intervals)
v = size * np.random.rand(*shape)
res = np.zeros_like(v)
for i in intervals:
res += (0 < v) * (v < (i[1] - i[0])) * (i[0] + v)
v -= i[1] - i[0]
return res
In [11]: random_multiinterval((1, 2), (3, 4))
Out[11]: array([1.34391171])
In [12]: random_multiinterval((1, 2), (3, 4), shape=(3, 3))
array([[1.42936024, 3.30961893, 1.01379663],
[3.19310627, 1.05386192, 1.11334538],
[3.2837065 , 1.89239373, 3.35785566]])
Note: This is uniformly distributed over N (non-overlapping) intervals, even if they have different sizes.
You can just assign a probability for how likely it will be [a,b] or [c,d] and then generate accordingly:
import numpy as np
import random
random_roll = random.random()
a = 1
b = 5
c = 7
d = 10
if random_roll > .5: # half the time we will use [a,b]
my_num = (b - a) * np.random.rand(1) + a
else: # the other half we will use [c,d]
my_num = (d - c) * np.random.rand(1) + c
Consider we have 2 arrays of size N, with their values in the range [0, N-1]. For example:
a = np.array([0, 1, 2, 0])
b = np.array([2, 0, 3, 3])
I need to produce a new array c which contains exactly N/2 elements from a and b respectively, i.e. the values must be taken evenly/equally from both parent arrays.
(For odd length, this would be (N-1)/2 and (N+1)/2. Can also ignore odd length case, not important).
Taking equal number of elements from two arrays is pretty trivial, but there is an additional constraint: c should have as many unique numbers as possible / as few duplicates as possible.
For example, a solution to a and b above is:
c = np.array([b[0], a[1], b[2], a[3]])
>>> c
array([2, 1, 3, 0])
Note that the position/order is preserved. Each element of a and b that we took to form c is in same position. If element i in c is from a, c[i] == a[i], same for b.
A straightforward solution for this is simply a sort of path traversal, easy enough to implement recursively:
def traverse(i, a, b, path, n_a, n_b, best, best_path):
if n_a == 0 and n_b == 0:
score = len(set(path))
return (score, path.copy()) if score > best else (best, best_path)
if n_a > 0:
best, best_path = traverse(i + 1, a, b, path, n_a - 1, n_b, best, best_path)
if n_b > 0:
best, best_path = traverse(i + 1, a, b, path, n_a, n_b - 1, best, best_path)
return best, best_path
Here n_a and n_b are how many values we will take from a and b respectively, it's 2 and 2 as we want to evenly take 4 items.
>>> score, best_path = traverse(0, a, b, [], 2, 2, 0, None)
>>> score, best_path
(4, [2, 1, 3, 0])
Is there a way to implement the above in a more vectorized/efficient manner, possibly through numpy?
The algorithm is slow mainly because it runs in an exponential time. There is no straightforward way to vectorize this algorithm using only Numpy because of the recursion. Even if it would be possible, the huge number of combinations would cause most Numpy implementations to be inefficient (due to large Numpy arrays to compute). Additionally, there is AFAIK no vectorized operation to count the number of unique values of many rows efficiently (the usual way is to use np.unique which is not efficient in this case and cannot be use without a loop). As a result, there is two possible strategy to speed this up:
trying to find an algorithm with a reasonable complexity (eg. <= O(n^4));
using compilation methods, micro-optimizations and tricks to write a faster brute-force implementation.
Since finding a correct sub-exponential algorithm turns out not to be easy, I choose the other approach (though the first approach is the best).
The idea is to:
remove the recursion by generating all possible solutions using a loop iterating on integer;
write a fast way to count unique items of an array;
use the Numba JIT compiler so to optimize the code that is only efficient once compiled.
Here is the final code:
import numpy as np
import numba as nb
# Naive way to count unique items.
# This is a slow fallback implementation.
def naive_count_unique(arr):
count = 0
for i in range(len(arr)):
val = arr[i]
found = False
for j in range(i):
if arr[j] == val:
found = True
if not found:
count += 1
return count
# Optimized way to count unique items on small arrays.
# Count items 2 by 2.
# Fast on small arrays.
def optim_count_unique(arr):
count = 0
for i in range(0, len(arr), 2):
if arr[i] == arr[i+1]:
tmp = 1
for j in range(i):
if arr[j] == arr[i]: tmp = 0
count += tmp
val1, val2 = arr[i], arr[i+1]
tmp1, tmp2 = 1, 1
for j in range(i):
val = arr[j]
if val == val1: tmp1 = 0
if val == val2: tmp2 = 0
count += tmp1 + tmp2
return count
def count_unique(arr):
if len(arr) % 2 == 0:
return optim_count_unique(arr)
# Odd case: not optimized yet
return naive_count_unique(arr)
# Count the number of bits in a 32-bit integer
# See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71097470/msb-lsb-popcount-in-numba
#nb.njit('int_(uint32)', inline='always')
def popcount(v):
v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555)
v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333)
c = np.uint32((v + (v >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24
return c
# Count the number of bits in a 64-bit integer
def bit_count(n):
if n < (1 << 30):
return popcount(np.uint32(n))
return popcount(np.uint32(n)) + popcount(np.uint32(n >> 32))
# Mutate `out` so not to create an expensive new temporary array
def int_to_path(n, out, a, b):
for i in range(len(out)):
out[i] = a[i] if ((n >> i) & 1) else b[i]
#nb.njit(['(int32[:], int32[:], int64, int64)', '(int64[:], int64[:], int64, int64)'])
def traverse_fast(a, b, n_a, n_b):
# This assertion is needed because the paths are encoded using 64-bit.
# This should not be a problem in practice since the number of solutions to
# test would be impracticably huge to test using this algorithm anyway.
assert n_a + n_b < 62
max_iter = 1 << (n_a + n_b)
path = np.empty(n_a + n_b, dtype=a.dtype)
score, best_score, best_i = 0, 0, 0
# Iterate over all cases (more than the set of possible solution)
for i in range(max_iter):
# Filter the possible solutions
if bit_count(i) != n_b:
# Analyse the score of the solution
int_to_path(i, path, a, b)
score = count_unique(path)
# Store it if it better than the previous one
if score > best_score:
best_score = score
best_i = i
int_to_path(best_i, path, a, b)
return best_score, path
This implementation is about 30 times faster on arrays of size 8 on my machine. On could use several cores to speed this up even further. However, I think it is better to focus on finding a sub-exponential implementation so to avoid wasting more computing resources. Note that the path is different from the initial function but the score is the same on random arrays. It can help others to test their implementation on larger arrays without waiting for a long time.
Test this heavily.
import numpy as np
from numpy.random._generator import default_rng
rand = default_rng(seed=1)
n = 16
a = rand.integers(low=0, high=n, size=n)
b = rand.integers(low=0, high=n, size=n)
uniques = np.setxor1d(a, b)
def limited_uniques(arr: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
choose = np.zeros(shape=n, dtype=bool)
_, idx, _ = np.intersect1d(arr, uniques, return_indices=True)
idx = idx[:n//2]
choose[idx] = True
n_missing = n//2 - len(idx)
counts = choose.cumsum()
diffs = np.arange(n) - counts
at = np.searchsorted(diffs, n_missing)
choose[:at] = True
return arr[choose]
a_half = limited_uniques(a)
uniques = np.union1d(uniques, np.setdiff1d(a, a_half))
interleaved = np.empty_like(a)
interleaved[0::2] = a_half
interleaved[1::2] = limited_uniques(b)
[ 7 8 12 15 0 2 13 15 3 4 13 6 4 13 4 6]
[10 8 1 0 13 12 13 8 13 5 7 12 1 4 1 7]
[ 1 2 3 5 6 10 15]
[ 7 10 8 8 12 1 15 0 0 13 2 12 3 5 6 4]
I have two arrays of size 15 : A = [a_0, ... , a_14] and B = [b_0, ..., b_14]
Goal: obtain the array C of size 8 resulting from
C = [a_0] * [b_7, ..., b_14] + [a_2, a_3] * [b_3, b_4, b_5, b_6] + [a_3, a_4, a_5, a_6] * [b_2, b_3] + [a_7, ..., a_14] * [b_0]
where * is the outer product np.outer. Note that:
each sub-array is of length 2^i for i between 0 and 3.
from the outer product, we obtain two vectors of size (8) and two matrices of sizes (2, 4) and (4, 2). We suppose that we flatten immediately after the product, in order to be able to sum the four products and have at the end a long vector of size 8.
My implementation is the following:
inds = [0, 1, 3, 7, 15]
C = np.zeros(8)
d = 4
for i in range(d):
left = A[inds[i]:inds[i+1]]
right = B[inds[d-i-1]:inds[d-i]]
C += (left[:, None]*right[None, :]).ravel() # same as np.outer(left, right).ravel()
Question: what is the fastest way to obtain C ? i.e. is there a way to avoid having this for loop to perform the summation ?
If not: what are my options ? code in C++ ? Cython ?
NB: this is to be generalized for loops of range(L+1) with L any integer. In the example above I have illustrated the case L=3 for better comprehension. FYI, the generalized code would look like this:
L = 3
inds = np.cumsum([2**k for k in range(0, L+1)])
inds = np.concatenate(([0], inds))
# Input arrays A and B are of size inds[-1]
C = np.zeros(2**L)
d = L+1
for i in range(d):
left = A[inds[i]:inds[i+1]]
right = B[inds[d-i-1]:inds[d-i]]
C += (left[:, None]*right[None, :]).ravel() # same as np.outer(left, right).ravel()
I think you can simply do:
C = np.outer(A[0], B[7:])+\
np.outer(A[[2,3]], B[[3,4,5,6]]).ravel()+\
np.outer(A[[3,4,5,6]], B[[2,3]]).ravel()+\
np.outer(A[7:], B[0]).ravel()
Am I wrong?
I want to use a basic for loop to populate a list of values in Python but I would like the values to be calculate probabilistically such that p% of the time the values are calculated in (toy) equation 1 and 100-p% of the time the values are calculated in equation 2.
Here's what I've got so far:
# generate list of random probabilities
p_list = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(500,))
my_list = []
# loop through but where to put 'p'? append() should probably only appear once
for p in p_list:
calc1 = x*y # equation 1
calc2 = (x-y) # equation 2
You've already generated a list of probabilities - p_list - that correspond to each value in my_list you want to generate. The pythonic way to do so is via a a ternary operator and a list comprehension:
import random
my_list = [(x*y if random() < p else x-y) for p in p_list]
If we were to expand this into a proper for loop:
my_list = []
for p in p_list:
if random() < p:
If we wanted to be even more pythonic, regarding calc1 and calc2, we could make them into lambdas:
calc1 = lambda x,y: x*y
calc2 = lambda x,y: x-y
my_list = [calc1(x,y) if random() < p else calc2(x,y) for p in p_list]
or, depending on how x and y vary for your function (assuming they're not static), you could even do the comprehension in two steps:
calc_list = [calc1 if random() < p else calc2 for p in p_list]
my_list = [calc(x,y) for calc in calc_list]
I took approach of minimal changes to the original code and easy to understand syntax:
import numpy as np
p_list = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(500,))
my_list = []
# uncomment below 2 lines to make this code syntactially correct
#x = 1
#y = 2
for p in p_list:
# randoms are uniformly distributed over the half-open interval [low, high)
# so check if p is in [0, 0.5) for equation 1 or [0.5, 1) for equation 2
if p < 0.5:
calc1 = x*y # equation 1
calc2 = (x-y) # equation 2
The other answers seem to assume you want to keep the calculated chances around. If all you are after is a list of results for which equation 1 was used p% of the time and equation 2 100-p% of the time, this is all you need:
from random import random, seed
inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
# change the seed to see different 'random' outcomes
results = [x * x if random() > 0.5 else 2 * x for x in inputs]
If you are ok to use numpy worth trying the choice method.
Given the number of squares in a board (e.g. scrabble or chess board), N and dimensions AxB, this code tries to determine all possible
dimensional combinations that can give N number of squares in the board.
Example: N = 8
There are four possible dimensional combinations to obtain exactly 8 squares in the board. So, the code outputs board dimensions
1x8 2x3, 3x2 and 8x1. The 8x1 boards have eight 1x1 squares; the 3x2 boards have six 1x1 squares and two 2x2 squares.
Here is my solution:
def dims(num_sqrs):
for i in range(1,num_sqrs+1):
temp = []
for x in range(1,num_sqrs+1):
res = 0
a = i
b = x
while (a != 0) and (b !=0):
res = res + (a*b)
a = a -1
b = b-1
if res == num_sqrs:
However, this code takes too much time to run for large values of N.
Any suggestion to optimize the efficiency of the code will be much appreciated.
Here are two pretty obvious observations:
The square count for AxB is the same as the square count for BxA
If C>B then the square count for AxC is greater than the square count for AxB
Given those facts, it should be clear that:
We only need to consider AxB for A≤B, since we can just add BxA to the list if A≠B
For a given A and N, there is at most one value of B which has a square count of N.
The code below is based on the above. It tries each AxA in turn, for each one checking to see if there is some B≥A which produces the correct square count. It stops when the square count for AxA exceeds N.
Now, to find the correct value of B, a couple of slightly less obvious observations.
Suppose the square count for AxA is N. Then the square count for (A+1)x(Ax1) is N + (A+1)².
Proof: Every square in AxA can be identified by its upper left co-ordinate [i, j] and its size s. I'll write that as [s: *i, j]. (Here I'm assuming that coordinates are zero-based and go from top to bottom and left to right.)
For each such square 0 ≤ i + s < A and 0 ≤ j + s < A (assuming 0-based coordinates).
Now, suppose we change each square [s: i, j] into the square based at the same coordinate but with a size one larger, [s+1: i, j]. That new square is a square in (A+1)x(A+1), because 0 ≤ i + s + 1 < A + 1 (and similarly for j). So that transformation gives us every square in A + 1 whose size is at least 2. The only squares which we've missed are the squares of size 1, and there are exactly (A+1)×(A+1) of them.
Suppose the square count for AxB is N, and B≥A. Then the square count for Ax(B+1) is N + the sum of each integer from 1 to A. (These are the triangular number, which are A×(A+1)/2; I think that's well-known.)
Proof: The squares in Ax(B+1) are precisely the squares in AxB plus the squares whose right-hand side includes the last column of Ax(B+1). So we only need to count those. There is one such square of size A, two of size A-1, three of size A-2, and so on up to A squares of size 1.
So for a given A, we can compute the square count for AxA and the increment in the square count for each increase in B. If the increment even divides the difference between the target count and the count of AxA, then we've found an AxB.
The program below also relies on one more algebraic identity, which is pretty straight-forward: the sum of two consecutive triangular numbers is a square. That's obvious by just arranging the two triangles. The larger one contains the diagonal of the square. These facts are used to compute the next base value and increment for the next value of A.
def finds(n):
a = 1
base = 1 # Square count for AxA
inc = 1 # Difference between count(AxB) and count(AxB+1)
rects = []
while base < n:
if (n - base) % inc == 0:
rects.append((a, a + (n - base) // inc))
a += 1
newinc = inc + a
base += inc + newinc
inc = newinc
if base == n:
return rects + [(a, a)] + list(map(lambda p:p[::-1], reversed(rects)))
return rects + list(map(lambda p:p[::-1], reversed(rects)))
The slowest part of that function is adding the reverse of the reverses of the AxB solutions at the end, which I only did to simplify counting the solutions correctly. My first try, which was almost twice as fast, used the loop while base <= n and then just returned rects. But it's still fast enough.
For example:
>>> finds(1000000)
[(1, 1000000), (4, 100001), (5, 66668), (15, 8338), (24, 3341),
(3341, 24), (8338, 15), (66668, 5), (100001, 4), (1000000, 1)]
>>> finds(760760)
[(1, 760760), (2, 253587), (3, 126794), (4, 76077), (7, 27172),
(10, 13835), (11, 11530), (12, 9757), (13, 8364), (19, 4010),
(20, 3629), (21, 3300), (38, 1039), (39, 988), (55, 512),
(56, 495), (65, 376), (76, 285), (285, 76), (376, 65),
(495, 56), (512, 55), (988, 39), (1039, 38), (3300, 21),
(3629, 20), (4010, 19), (8364, 13), (9757, 12), (11530, 11),
(13835, 10), (27172, 7), (76077, 4), (126794, 3), (253587, 2),
(760760, 1)]
The last one came out of this test, which took a few seconds: (It finds each successive maximum number of solutions, if you don't feel like untangling the functional elements)
>>> from functools import reduce
>>> print('\n'.join(
map(lambda l:' '.join(map(lambda ab:"%dx%d"%ab, l)),
reduce(lambda a,b: a if len(b) <= len(a[-1]) else a + [b],
(finds(n) for n in range(2,1000001)),[[(1,1)]]))))
1x2 2x1
1x5 2x2 5x1
1x8 2x3 3x2 8x1
1x14 2x5 3x3 5x2 14x1
1x20 2x7 3x4 4x3 7x2 20x1
1x50 2x17 3x9 4x6 6x4 9x3 17x2 50x1
1x140 2x47 3x24 4x15 7x7 15x4 24x3 47x2 140x1
1x280 4x29 5x20 6x15 7x12 12x7 15x6 20x5 29x4 280x1
1x770 2x257 3x129 4x78 10x17 11x15 15x11 17x10 78x4 129x3 257x2 770x1
1x1430 2x477 3x239 4x144 10x29 11x25 12x22 22x12 25x11 29x10 144x4 239x3 477x2 1430x1
1x3080 2x1027 3x514 4x309 7x112 10x59 11x50 20x21 21x20 50x11 59x10 112x7 309x4 514x3 1027x2 3080x1
1x7700 2x2567 3x1284 4x771 7x277 10x143 11x120 20x43 21x40 40x21 43x20 120x11 143x10 277x7 771x4 1284x3 2567x2 7700x1
1x10010 2x3337 3x1669 4x1002 10x185 11x155 12x132 13x114 20x54 21x50 50x21 54x20 114x13 132x12 155x11 185x10 1002x4 1669x3 3337x2 10010x1
1x34580 2x11527 3x5764 4x3459 7x1237 12x447 13x384 19x188 20x171 38x59 39x57 57x39 59x38 171x20 188x19 384x13 447x12 1237x7 3459x4 5764x3 11527x2 34580x1
1x40040 2x13347 3x6674 4x4005 7x1432 10x731 11x610 12x517 13x444 20x197 21x180 39x64 64x39 180x21 197x20 444x13 517x12 610x11 731x10 1432x7 4005x4 6674x3 13347x2 40040x1
1x100100 2x33367 3x16684 4x10011 7x3577 10x1823 11x1520 12x1287 13x1104 20x483 21x440 25x316 39x141 55x83 65x68 68x65 83x55 141x39 316x25 440x21 483x20 1104x13 1287x12 1520x11 1823x10 3577x7 10011x4 16684x3 33367x2 100100x1
1x340340 2x113447 3x56724 4x34035 7x12157 10x6191 11x5160 12x4367 13x3744 20x1627 21x1480 34x583 39x449 55x239 65x180 84x123 123x84 180x65 239x55 449x39 583x34 1480x21 1627x20 3744x13 4367x12 5160x11 6191x10 12157x7 34035x4 56724x3 113447x2 340340x1
1x760760 2x253587 3x126794 4x76077 7x27172 10x13835 11x11530 12x9757 13x8364 19x4010 20x3629 21x3300 38x1039 39x988 55x512 56x495 65x376 76x285 285x76 376x65 495x56 512x55 988x39 1039x38 3300x21 3629x20 4010x19 8364x13 9757x12 11530x11 13835x10 27172x7 76077x4 126794x3 253587x2 760760x1
I think the critical detail is that #Qudus is looking for boards where there are N squares of any size.
One simple optimization is to just break when res > n. Another optimization to make it about twice as fast is to only run it for boards where length >= width.
def dims(num_sqrs):
for i in range(1, num_sqrs + 1):
temp = []
for x in range(1, i + 1):
res = 0
a = i
b = x
while (a != 0) and (b != 0):
res = res + (a * b)
a = a - 1
b = b - 1
if res > num_sqrs:
if res == num_sqrs:
dim_list.append((i, x))
if i != x:
dim_list.append((x, i))
Here's a much faster solution that takes a different approach:
def dims(num_sqrs):
dim_list = []
sum_squares = [0]
sums = [0]
for i in range(1, num_sqrs + 1):
sums.append(sums[-1] + i)
sum_squares.append(sum_squares[-1] + i * i)
for i in range(1, num_sqrs + 1):
if sum_squares[i] > num_sqrs:
if sum_squares[i] == num_sqrs:
dim_list.append((i, i))
for x in range(i + 1, num_sqrs + 1):
total_squares = sum_squares[i] + sums[i] * (x - i)
if total_squares == num_sqrs:
dim_list.append((x, i))
dim_list.append((i, x))
if total_squares > num_sqrs:
return dim_list
Start with basic algebraic analysis. I derived my own formula for the sums of various sizes. From the initial analysis, we get that for a board of size n x m, there are (n-k)*(m-k) squares of size k. Summing this for k in [0, min(m, n)] we have a simple calculation formula:
sum(((n-k) * (m-k) for k in range(0, min(n, m))))
I expanded the product to nm - k(n+m) + k^2, re-derived the individual series sums, and made a non-iterative formula, assuming n <= m:
n * n * m
- n * (n - 1) / 2 * (n + m)
+ ((n - 1) * n * (2 * n - 1))/6
This first link then spoiled my fun with an even shorter formula:
t = m - n
n * (n + 1) / 6 * (2 * n + 3 * t + 1)
which follows from mine with a bit of nifty rearrangement of terms.
Now to the point of this exercise: given a desired count of squares, Q, find all rectangle dimensions (n, m) that have exactly that many squares. Starting with the formula above:
q = n * (n + 1) / 6 * (2 * n + 3 * t + 1)
Since we're given Q, the desired value for q, we can iterate through all values of n, finding whether there is a positive, integral value for t that satisfies the formula. Start by solving this for t:
t = (6/(n*(n+1)) * q - 2*n - 1) / 3
combining the denominators:
t = (6*q) / (3*n*(n+1)) - (2*n + 1)/3
I'll use the first version. Since a solution of n x m implies a solution of m x n, we can limit our search to only those cases n <= m. Also, since the numerator shrinks (negative n^3 term), we can limit the search for values of n that allow t >= 1 -- in other words, have the combined numerator at least as large as the denominator:
numer = 6 * num_sqrs - n * (n+1) * (2*n+1)
denom = 3 * n * (n+1)
Solving this:
num_sqrs > (n * (n+1) * (n+2)) / 3
Thus, the (cube root of n) / 3 is a convenient upper bound for our loop limits.
This gives us a simple iteration loop in the code:
def dims(num_sqrs):
dim = [(1, num_sqrs)]
limit = ceil((3*num_sqrs)**(1.0/3.0))
for n in range(2, limit):
numer = 6 * num_sqrs - n * (n+1) * (2*n+1)
denom = 3 * n * (n+1)
if numer % denom == 0:
t = numer // denom
if t >= 0:
dim.append((n, n+t))
return dim
Output for a couple of test cases:
>>> print(dims(8))
[(1, 8), (2, 3)]
>>> print(dims(2000))
[(1, 2000), (2, 667), (3, 334), (4, 201)]
>>> print(dims(1000000))
[(1, 1000000), (4, 100001), (5, 66668), (15, 8338), (24, 3341)]
>>> print(dims(21493600))
[(1, 21493600), (4, 2149361), (5, 1432908), (15, 179118), (24, 71653), (400, 401)]
These return immediately, so I expect that this solution is fast enough for OP's purposes.
It's quite possible that a parameterized equation would give us direct solutions, rather than iterating through possibilities. I'll leave that for the Project Euler folks. :-)
This uses the formula derived in the link provided by the OP. The only real optimization is trying not to look at dimensions that cannot produce the result. Pre-loading the results with the two end cases (figures = [(1,n_squares),(n_squares,1)]) saved a lot with big numbers. I think there are others chunks that can be discarded but I haven't figured them out yet.
def h(n_squares):
# easiest case for a n x m figure:
# n = 1 and m = n_squares
figures = [(1,n_squares),(n_squares,1)]
for n in range(2, n_squares+1):
for m in range(n, n_squares+1):
t = m - n
x = int((n * (n + 1) / 6) * ((2 * n) + (3 * t) + 1))
if x > n_squares:
if x == n_squares:
#print(f'{n:>6} x {m:<6} has {n_squares} squares')
if x > n_squares and n == m:
return figures
It also doesn't make lots of lists which can blow up your computer with really big numbers like 21493600 (400x401).
Formula derivation from link in OP's comment (in case that resource disappears):
text from Link
Doctor Anthony, The Math Forum
If we have an 8 x 9 board the numbers of squares are as follows:
Size of Square Number of Squares
-------------- -----------------
1 x 1 8 x 9 = 72
2 x 2 7 x 8 = 56
3 x 3 6 x 7 = 42
4 x 4 5 x 6 = 30
5 x 5 4 x 5 = 20
6 x 6 3 x 4 = 12
7 x 7 2 x 3 = 6
8 x 8 1 x 2 = 2
Total = 240
For the general case of an n x m board, where m = n + t
We require
n n
SUM[r(r + t)] = SUM[r^2 + rt}
r=1 r=1
= n(n + 1)(2n + 1)/6 + tn(n + 1)/2
= [n(n + 1)/6]*[2n + 1 + 3t]
No. of squares =
[n(n + 1)/6]*[2n + 3t + 1] .......(1)
In the example above t = 1 and so
No. of squares = 8 x 9/6[16 + 3 + 1]
= (72/6)[20]
= 240 (as required)
The general formula for an (n x n+t) board is that given in (1)
No. of squares = [n(n + 1)/6]*[2n + 3t + 1]
Given a sorted list of real numbers, e.g.
x = range(20)
The task is to find the first index of the X% of the cumulative sum of the list, e.g.
def compute_cumpercent(lint, percent):
break_point = sum(lint) * percent
mass = 0
for i, c in enumerate(lint):
if mass > break_point:
return i
mass += c
To find the index of the number in the input list which is less than and closes to 25% of the cumulative sum,
>>> compute_cumpercent(x, 0.25)
Firstly, is there a mathematical / name for such a function?
Other than doing it with the simple loop as above, is there a way to do the same with numpy or some bisect or otherwise?
Assume that input list is always sorted.
Something like this maybe?
import numpy as np
x = range(20)
percent = 0.25
cumsum = np.cumsum(x)
break_point = cumsum[-1] * percent
np.argmax(cumsum >= break_point) + 1 # 11
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(20)
Percent = 25
CumSumArray = np.cumsum(x)
ValueToFind = CumSumArray[-1] * Percent / 100
Idx = np.argmax(CumSumArray > ValueToFind)[0] - 1
Following this hint, one can use searchsorted to find an index of the element, that is close (lower) to a percentile/quantile value.
See example below:
import numpy as np
def find_index_left(xs, v):
return np.searchsorted(xs, v, side='left') - 1
def find_index_quantile(xs, q):
v = np.quantile(xs, q)
return find_index_left(xs, v)
xs = [5, 10, 11, 15, 20]
assert np.quantile(xs, 0.9) == 18.0
assert find_index_left(xs, 18) == 3 # zero-based index for forth element
assert find_index_quantile(xs, 0.9) == 3
Note xs has to be sorted.