I am trying to sample with replacement a base 2D numpy array with shape of (4,2) by rows, say 10 times. The final output should be a 3D numpy array.
Have tried the code below, it works. But is there a way to do it without the for loop?
for i in range(nsample):
id_pick = np.random.choice(np.shape(base)[0], size=(np.shape(base)[0]))
Here's one vectorized approach -
m,n = base.shape
idx = np.random.randint(0,m,(m,nsample))
out = base[idx].swapaxes(1,2)
Basic idea is that we generate all the possible indices with np.random.randint as idx. That would an array of shape (m,nsample). We use this array to index into the input array along the first axis. Thus, it selects random rows off base. To get the final output with a shape (m,n,nsample), we need to swap last two axes.
You can use the stack function from numpy. Your code would then look like:
tmp = []
for i in range(nsample):
id_pick = np.random.choice(np.shape(base)[0], size=(np.shape(base)[0]))
tmp = np.stack(tmp, axis=-1)
Based on #Divakar 's answer, if you already know the shape of this 2D-array, you can treat it as an (8,) 1D array while bootstrapping, and then reshape it:
m, n = base.shape
flatbase = np.reshape(base, (m*n,))
idxs = np.random.choice(range(8), (numReps, m*n))
bootflats = flatbase[idx]
boots = np.reshape(flatbase, (numReps, m, n))
I have a 5D numpy array containing values, and would like to obtain a subarray with one less dimension, where the values have been selected based on a 3D array that contains indices of the forth dimension of the first array. E.g., I have the following arrays:
values = np.random.randn(3,4,5,10,2)
indices = np.random.randint(0,values.shape[3],size=values.shape[:3])
I found one solution, but find it rather complicated, and would prefer a one-liner:
x = np.arange(values.shape[0])
y = np.arange(values.shape[1])
z = np.arange(values.shape[2])
result = values[x[:,None,None],y[None,:,None],z[None, None,:],indices,:]
Is there any better solution to get this array?
You can try the following:
indices = indices[..., None, None]
result = np.take_along_axis(values, indices, axis=3).squeeze(axis=3)
Currently, I have a 4d array, say,
arr = np.arange(48).reshape((2,2,3,4))
I want to apply a function that takes a 2d array as input to each 2d array sliced from arr. I have searched and read this question, which is exactly what I want.
The function I'm using is im2col_sliding_broadcasting() which I get from here. It takes a 2d array and list of 2 elements as input and returns a 2d array. In my case: it takes 3x4 2d array and a list [2, 2] and returns 4x6 2d array.
I considered using apply_along_axis() but as said it only accepts 1d function as parameter. I can't apply im2col function this way.
I want an output that has the shape as 2x2x4x6. Surely I can achieve this with for loop, but I heard that it's too time expensive:
import numpy as np
def im2col_sliding_broadcasting(A, BSZ, stepsize=1):
# source: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30110497/10666066
# Parameters
M, N = A.shape
col_extent = N - BSZ[1] + 1
row_extent = M - BSZ[0] + 1
# Get Starting block indices
start_idx = np.arange(BSZ[0])[:, None]*N + np.arange(BSZ[1])
# Get offsetted indices across the height and width of input array
offset_idx = np.arange(row_extent)[:, None]*N + np.arange(col_extent)
# Get all actual indices & index into input array for final output
return np.take(A, start_idx.ravel()[:, None] + offset_idx.ravel()[::stepsize])
arr = np.arange(48).reshape((2,2,3,4))
output = np.empty([2,2,4,6])
for i in range(2):
for j in range(2):
temp = im2col_sliding_broadcasting(arr[i, j], [2,2])
output[i, j] = temp
Since my arr in fact is a 10000x3x64x64 array. So my question is: Is there another way to do this more efficiently ?
We can leverage np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided based scikit-image's view_as_windows to get sliding windows. More info on use of as_strided based view_as_windows.
from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows
W1,W2 = 2,2 # window size
# create sliding windows along last two axes1
w = view_as_windows(arr,(1,1,W1,W2))[...,0,0,:,:]
# Merge the window axes (tha last two axes) and
# merge the axes along which those windows were created (3rd and 4th axes)
outshp = arr.shape[:-2] + (W1*W2,) + ((arr.shape[-2]-W1+1)*(arr.shape[-1]-W2+1),)
out = w.transpose(0,1,4,5,2,3).reshape(outshp)
The last step forces a copy. So, skip it if possible.
I am trying to get a 2d array, by randomly generating its rows and appending
import numpy as np
my_nums = np.array([])
for i in range(100):
x = np.random.rand(2, 1)
my_nums = np.append(my_nums, np.array(x))
But I do not get what I want but instead get a 1d array.
What is wrong?
Transposing x did not help either.
You could do this by using np.append(axis=0) or np.vstack. This however requires the rows appended to have the same length as the rows already in the array.
You cannot use the same code to append a row with two values to an empty array, and to append a row to an already existing 2D array: numpy will throw a
ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions.
You could initialize my_nums to work around this:
my_nums = np.random.rand(1, 2)
for i in range(99):
x = np.random.rand(1, 2)
my_nums = np.append(my_nums, x, axis=0)
Note the decrease in the range by one due to the initialization row. Also note that I changed the dimensions to (1, 2) to get actual row vectors.
Much easier than appending row-wise will of course be to create the array in the wanted final shape:
my_nums = np.random.rand(100, 2)
I have a really big matrix (nxn)for which I would to build the intersecting tiles (submatrices) with the dimensions mxm. There will be an offset of step bvetween each contiguous submatrices. Here is an example for n=8, m=4, step=2:
import numpy as np
This will store all the corner indices (x,y) from which we will take a 4x4 natrix: (x:x+4,x:x+4)
a={(i,j) for i in range(0,n-m+1,step) for j in range(0,n-m+1,step)}
The submatrices will be extracted like that
sub_matrices = np.zeros([m,m,len(a)])
for i,ind in enumerate(a):
sub_matrices[:,:,i]=matrix[x:x+m, y:y+m]
Is there a faster way to do this submatrices initialization?
We can leverage np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided based scikit-image's view_as_windows to get sliding windows. More info on use of as_strided based view_as_windows.
from skimage.util.shape import view_as_windows
# Get indices as array
ar = np.array(list(a))
# Get all sliding windows
w = view_as_windows(matrix,(m,m))
# Get selective ones by indexing with ar
selected_windows = np.moveaxis(w[ar[:,0],ar[:,1]],0,2)
Alternatively, we can extract the row and col indices with a list comprehension and then index with those, like so -
R = [i[0] for i in a]
C = [i[1] for i in a]
selected_windows = np.moveaxis(w[R,C],0,2)
Optimizing from the start, we can skip the creation of stepping array, a and simply use the step arg with view_as_windows, like so -
This would give us a 4D array and indexing into the first two axes of it would have all the mxm shaped windows. These windows are simply views into input and hence no extra memory overhead plus virtually free runtime!
import numpy as np
a = np.random.randn(n, n)
b = a[0:m*step:step, 0:m*step:step]
If you have a one-dimension array, you can get it's submatrix by the following code:
c = a[start:end:step]
If the dimension is two or more, add comma between every dimension.
d = a[start1:end1:step1, start2:end3:step2]
In numpy I have a 3d array and I would ike to remove some of the 2d subarrays. Think about it like this:
r = range(27)
arr = np.reshape(r, (3,3,3))
del = [[0,1,2],[0,0,2]]
flatSeam = np.ravel_multi_index(del, arr.shape)
arr = np.delete(arr, flatSeam)
So at the end I would like to have an array of the shape (3,2,3) without the elements 00, 10, 22 from the original array. My problem is that I acn not use ravel_multi_index for this, because my indices are 2d and the array shape is 3d, so the wrong indices are calculated (the code above also does not execute because the indices array and the shape have to be the same size).
Do you have any ideas how I can achieve this?
Here's an approach using advanced-indexing -
# arr: Input array, rm_idx : 2-row list/array of indices to be removed
m,n,p = arr.shape
mask = np.asarray(rm_idx[1])[:,None] != np.arange(n)
out = arr[np.arange(m)[:,None],np.where(mask)[1].reshape(m,-1)]
Alternatively, with boolean-indexing -
out = arr.reshape(-1,p)[mask.ravel()].reshape(m,-1,p)
A bit less memory-intensive approach as we try to avoid creating 2D mask -
vmask = ~np.in1d(np.arange(m*n),rm_idx[1] + n*np.arange(m))
out = arr.reshape(-1,p)[vmask].reshape(m,-1,p)