I am trying to use python DNS module (dnspython) to create (add) new DNS record.
Documentation specifies how to create update http://www.dnspython.org/examples.html :
import dns.tsigkeyring
import dns.update
import sys
keyring = dns.tsigkeyring.from_text({
'host-example.' : 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=='
update = dns.update.Update('dyn.test.example', keyring=keyring)
update.replace('host', 300, 'a', sys.argv[1])
But it does not precise, how to actually generate keyring string that can be passed to dns.tsigkeyring.from_text() method in the first place.
What is the correct way to generate the key? I am using krb5 at my organization.
Server is running on Microsoft AD DNS with GSS-TSIG.
TSIG and GSS-TSIG are different beasts – the former uses a static preshared key that can be simply copied from the server, but the latter uses Kerberos (GSSAPI) to negotiate a session key for every transaction.
At the time when this thread was originally posted, dnspython 1.x did not have any support for GSS-TSIG whatsoever.
(The handshake does not result in a static key that could be converted to a regular TSIG keyring; instead the GSSAPI library itself must be called to build an authenticator – dnspython 1.x could not do that, although dnspython 2.1 finally can.)
If you are trying to update an Active Directory DNS server, BIND's nsupdate command-line tool supports GSS-TSIG (and sometimes it even works). You should be able to run it through subprocess and simply feed the necessary updates via stdin.
cmds = [f'zone {dyn_zone}\n',
f'del {fqdn}\n',
f'add {fqdn} 60 TXT "{challenge}"\n',
subprocess.run(["nsupdate", "-g"],
As with most Kerberos client applications, nsupdate expects the credentials to be already present in the environment (that is, you need to have already obtained a TGT using kinit beforehand; or alternatively, if a recent version of MIT Krb5 is used, you can point $KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME to the keytab containing the client credentials).
Update: dnspython 2.1 finally has the necessary pieces for GSS-TSIG, but creating the keyring is currently a very manual process – you have to call the GSSAPI library and process the TKEY negotiation yourself. The code for doing so is included at the bottom.
(The Python code below can be passed a custom gssapi.Credentials object, but otherwise it looks for credentials in the environment just like nsupdate does.)
import dns.rdtypes.ANY.TKEY
import dns.resolver
import dns.update
import gssapi
import socket
import time
import uuid
def _build_tkey_query(token, key_ring, key_name):
inception_time = int(time.time())
tkey = dns.rdtypes.ANY.TKEY.TKEY(dns.rdataclass.ANY,
query = dns.message.make_query(key_name,
query.keyring = key_ring
return query
def _probe_server(server_name, zone):
gai = socket.getaddrinfo(str(server_name),
for af, sf, pt, cname, sa in gai:
query = dns.message.make_query(zone, "SOA")
res = dns.query.udp(query, sa[0], timeout=2)
return sa[0]
def gss_tsig_negotiate(server_name, server_addr, creds=None):
# Acquire GSSAPI credentials
gss_name = gssapi.Name(f"DNS#{server_name}",
gss_ctx = gssapi.SecurityContext(name=gss_name,
# Name generation tips: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2930#section-2.1
key_name = dns.name.from_text(f"{uuid.uuid4()}.{server_name}")
tsig_key = dns.tsig.Key(key_name, gss_ctx, dns.tsig.GSS_TSIG)
key_ring = {key_name: tsig_key}
key_ring = dns.tsig.GSSTSigAdapter(key_ring)
token = gss_ctx.step()
while not gss_ctx.complete:
tkey_query = _build_tkey_query(token, key_ring, key_name)
response = dns.query.tcp(tkey_query, server_addr, timeout=5)
if not gss_ctx.complete:
# Original comment:
# https://github.com/rthalley/dnspython/pull/530#issuecomment-658959755
# "this if statement is a bit redundant, but if the final token comes
# back with TSIG attached the patch to message.py will automatically step
# the security context. We dont want to excessively step the context."
token = gss_ctx.step(response.answer[0][0].key)
return key_name, key_ring
def gss_tsig_update(zone, update_msg, creds=None):
# Find the SOA of our zone
answer = dns.resolver.resolve(zone, "SOA")
soa_server = answer.rrset[0].mname
server_addr = _probe_server(soa_server, zone)
# Get the GSS-TSIG key
key_name, key_ring = gss_tsig_negotiate(soa_server, server_addr, creds)
# Dispatch the update
response = dns.query.tcp(update_msg, server_addr)
return response
I am creating a simple python function to change the user password. I have tested my AD set up, able to search the user and get correct response but when try to run l.modify_s, I get the below error. AD user has the required permissions. Not sure why am I getting this error.
Any help will be great. Please let me know if you need any more information or code as well to understand the issue better.
"errorType": "**UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM**",
"errorMessage": "{'info': u'0000001F: SvcErr: DSID-031A12D2, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0\\n', 'msgid': 3, 'msgtype': 103, 'result': 53, 'desc': u'Server is unwilling to perform', 'ctrls': []}"
Please find my code below
``` import ldap
import os
import boto3
import random
import string
from base64 import b64decode
import ldap
def lambda_handler(event, context):
cert = os.path.join('/Users/marsh79/Downloads', 'Serverssl.cer')
print "My cert is", cert
# LDAP connection initialization
l = ldap.initialize('ldap://example.corp.com')
# Set LDAP protocol version used
l.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
#Force cert validation
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND)
# Set path name of file containing all trusted CA certificates
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, cert)
# Force libldap to create a new SSL context (must be last TLS option!)
l.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX, 0)
bind = l.simple_bind_s("admin#corp.example.com", "secret_pass")
base = "OU=Enterprise,OU=Users,OU=corp,DC=corp,DC=example,DC=com"
criteria = "(objectClass=user)"
attributes = ['distinguishedName']
result = l.search_s(base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, criteria, attributes)
results = [entry for dn, entry in result if isinstance(entry, dict)]
unicode_pass = unicode('\"' + new_password + '\"', 'iso-8859-1')
password_value = unicode_pass.encode('utf-16-le')
add_pass = [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'unicodePwd', [password_value])]
print "My result distinguishedName1:", results[0]['distinguishedName'][0]
print "My result distinguishedName2:", results[1]['distinguishedName'][0]
print results
I have checked multiple things
Password complexity is good
Enabled secured ldap on my AD server and tested this using ldp.exe and I can connect using port 636
I am able to run this code if I just need to search the user. I get the search results.
But when I try to modify the password, it breaks and my head is just throwing up to work out where it is going wrong :X
I'm not a Python programmer, but I know how AD and LDAP works. It's probably still not connected via LDAPS. From examples I've seen online, you might need to specify ldaps://:
l = ldap.initialize('ldaps://<server name>.corp.example.com')
Or possibly the port as well:
l = ldap.initialize('ldaps://<server name>.corp.example.com:636')
You don't need to supply the cert file on the client side, but the issuer of the certificate on the server must be trusted by the client computer. I guess that's what you're trying to do with cert. But you may not have to. Try without that and see what happens. If you're running this on Windows, it may use the Trusted Certificate Store from Windows itself and it should work as long as the server isn't using a self-signed cert.
So I'm writting an application that needs to authenticate to a server using a client certificate (Mutual Authentication). The client certificate key is stored in an HSM (Gemalto's). I did the OpenSSL integration with the Luna Client but the requests module requires a file:
from requests import Session
session: Session = Session()
session.cert = (
session.verify = "/ssl/server.pem"
My issue is that I could not find a way to bind the private key when it's in the HSM. Here's what I tried so far with the pycryptoki library:
from pycryptoki.session_management import (
from requests import Session
auth_session = c_open_session_ex(0)
login_ex(auth_session, 0, "some-pass")
session: Session = Session()
session.cert = (
session.verify = "/ssl/server.pem"
I have opened an issue on there here a while back, I had to finish the app implementation so I put the HSM integration on the ice, but I need to make that work before going to production: https://github.com/gemalto/pycryptoki/issues/17
I also tried using py-hsm but it is a low level api library, I also opened an issue there with an example of my code:
from pyhsm.hsmclient import HsmClient
from requests import Session
c = HsmClient(pkcs11_lib="/usr/lib/libCryptoki2_64.so")
session: Session = Session()
session.cert = "/ssl/client.pem"
Anyone can provide an example of Mutual authentication with the certificate pair in an HSM? If you have something in C/C++ it would be great too, I could implement my request function and just wrap it in my python code.
Thank you in advance!
I have tested almost all wrappers for Python to do the same.
PyKCS11 is not really solid.
I recommend to use one of these two possibilities:
1. PyCurl
When you configure correctly your OpenSSL and so your cURL, the Python wrapper to cUrl can do this.
Here is a simple implementation:
import pycurl
from io import BytesIO
import pprint
import json
c = pycurl.Curl()
url = 'https://yourserver/endpoint'
c.setopt(pycurl.URL, url)
# set proxy-insecure
c.setopt(c.SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0)
c.setopt(c.SSL_VERIFYHOST, False)
c.setopt(c.VERBOSE, 0)
c.setopt(pycurl.SSLENGINE, 'pkcs11')
c.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERTTYPE, 'eng')
c.setopt(pycurl.SSLKEYTYPE, 'eng')
c.setopt(pycurl.SSLCERT, 'pkcs11:model=XXX;manufacturer=YYYYY;serial=ZZZZ;'
c.setopt(pycurl.SSLKEY, 'pkcs11:model=XXX;manufacturer=YYYYY;serial=ZZZZ;'
# set headers
c.setopt(pycurl.HEADER, True)
# c.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0')
c.setopt(pycurl.HTTPHEADER, ("HEADER_TO_ADD:VALUE",))
buffer = BytesIO()
c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, buffer)
# HTTP response code, e.g. 200.
print('>>> Status: %d' % c.getinfo(c.RESPONSE_CODE))
# Elapsed time for the transfer.
print('>>> Time: %f' % c.getinfo(c.TOTAL_TIME))
# getinfo must be called before close.
body = buffer.getvalue().decode('utf-8')
print('>>> Body:\n', body)
if body.find('{') >= 0:
body = body[body.find('{'):]
dictionary = json.loads(body)
Note that the pkcs#11 URI Scheme must be compliant to the RFC7512
It can be discovered using this command:
p11tool --provider=/usr/lib/libeTPkcs11.so --list-all
All fields including the pin must be url encoded. Use an online website to encode/decode string(pin)<->url_encoded
2. M2Crypto
This is the best pkcs#11 implementation done for Python in my point of view.
It allows to override urllib2 and so requests calls thanks to the requests.Session.mount method and the requests.adapters.BaseAdapter.
I put here some code to use it with urllib2:
from M2Crypto import m2urllib2 as urllib2
from M2Crypto import m2, SSL, Engine
# load dynamic engine
e = Engine.load_dynamic_engine("pkcs11", "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/engines-1.1/libpkcs11.so")
pk = Engine.Engine("pkcs11")
pk.ctrl_cmd_string("MODULE_PATH", "/usr/lib/libeTPkcs11.so")
pk.ctrl_cmd_string("PIN", 'pin-pin')
cert = pk.load_certificate('pkcs11:model=XXX;manufacturer=YYYYY;serial=ZZZZ;'
key = pk.load_private_key('pkcs11:model=XXX;manufacturer=YYYYY;serial=ZZZZ;'
'object=CCCCCC', pin='pin-pin')
ssl_context = SSL.Context('tls')
SSL.Connection.postConnectionCheck = None
m2.ssl_ctx_use_x509(ssl_context.ctx, cert.x509)
m2.ssl_ctx_use_pkey_privkey(ssl_context.ctx, key.pkey)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(ssl_context)
url = 'https://yourserver/endpoint'
content = urllib2.urlopen(url=url).read()
# content = opener.open(url)
Note that, we don't indicate type and pin in the pkcs#11 URI as for PyCurl.
The PIN is indicated as string and not url encoded when passed to load_private_key.
Finally, I found a good implementation for the HttpAdapter to mount on requests to do the calls.
Here is the original implementation.
I added some lines to support the PIN code and to disable checking hostname with this:
M2Crypto.SSL.Connection.postConnectionCheck = None
And here is how to mount the adapter:
from requests import Session
from m2requests import M2HttpsAdapter
import pprint, json
request = Session()
m2httpsadapter = M2HttpsAdapter()
# Added by me to set a pin when loading private key
m2httpsadapter.pin = 'pin-pin'
# Need this attribute set to False else we cannot use direct IP (added by me to disable checking hostname)
m2httpsadapter.check_hostname = False
request.mount("https://", m2httpsadapter)
headers = {'HEADER_TO_ADD_IF_WANTED': 'VALUE', }
r = request.get("https://yourserver/endpoint", headers=headers, verify=False)
A private key in an HSM can be used to sign some data, which is what you are trying to accomplish for mutual authentication. Signing some data provided by the other party proves that you control the Private Key corresponding to the certificate.
From the HSM you can get a handle to the private key and use that handle to perform private key operations without exporting the key (the whole reason for using an HSM is to prevent the content of the private key from being seen).
HSMs can expose a lot of different interfaces but PKCS#11 is by far the most common. You don't really need to use OpenSSL or to program in C/C++. Since you are using Python requests, there are some PKCS#11 Python libraries that can be used.
Please take a look at this Python PKCS11 library: https://github.com/danni/python-pkcs11.
You can then do things like (assuming the key is RSA)
import pkcs11
lib = pkcs11.lib("/usr/lib/libCryptoki2_64.so")
token = lib.get_token(token_label='DEMO')
# Open a session on our token
with token.open(user_pin='1234') as session:
# Get the key from the HSM by label
priv = session.get_key(
# sign with that key using the required mechanism:
signature = priv.sign(my_to_be_signed_data, mechanism=pkcs11.Mechanism.SHA256_RSA_PKCS)
You do not provide many details about this mutual authentication but hopefully, this should get you on the right track. The code above retrieves the key based on a label, but this PKCS#11 library also supports finding a key in the HSM based on a lot of other properties.
I am making a python application that has a method needing root privileges. From https://www.freedesktop.org/software/polkit/docs/0.105/polkit-apps.html, I found Example 2. Accessing the Authority via D-Bus which is the python version of the code below, I executed it and I thought I'd be able to get root privileges after entering my password but I'm still getting "permission denied" on my app. This is the function I'm trying to connect
import dbus
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
proxy = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1', '/org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Authority')
authority = dbus.Interface(proxy, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority')
system_bus_name = bus.get_unique_name()
subject = ('system-bus-name', {'name' : system_bus_name})
action_id = 'org.freedesktop.policykit.exec'
details = {}
flags = 1 # AllowUserInteraction flag
cancellation_id = '' # No cancellation id
result = authority.CheckAuthorization(subject, action_id, details, flags, cancellation_id)
print result
In the python code you quoted, does result indicate success or failure? If it fails, you need to narrow down the error by first of all finding out what the return values of bus, proxy, authority and system_bus_name are. If it succeeds, you need to check how you are using the result.
I recently have acquired an ACS Linear Actuator (Tolomatic Stepper) that I am attempting to send data to from a Python application. The device itself communicates using Ethernet/IP protocol.
I have installed the library cpppo via pip. When I issue a command
in an attempt to read status of the device, I get None back. Examining the
communication with Wireshark, I see that it appears like it is
proceeding correctly however I notice a response from the device indicating:
Service not supported.
Example of the code I am using to test reading an "Input Assembly":
from cpppo.server.enip import client
HOST = ""
TAGS = ["#4/100/3"]
with client.connector(host=HOST) as conn:
for index, descr, op, reply, status, value in conn.synchronous(
print(": %20s: %s" % (descr, value))
I am expecting to get a "input assembly" read but it does not appear to be
working that way. I imagine that I am missing something as this is the first
time I have attempted Ethernet/IP communication.
I am not sure how to proceed or what I am missing about Ethernet/IP that may make this work correctly.
clutton -- I'm the author of the cpppo module.
Sorry for the delayed response. We only recently implemented the ability to communicate with simple (non-routing) CIP devices. The ControlLogix/CompactLogix controllers implement an expanded set of EtherNet/IP CIP capability, something that most simple CIP devices do not. Furthermore, they typically also do not implement the *Logix "Read Tag" request; you have to struggle by with the basic "Get Attribute Single/All" requests -- which just return raw, 8-bit data. It is up to you to turn that back into a CIP REAL, INT, DINT, etc.
In order to communicate with your linear actuator, you will need to disable these enhanced encapsulations, and use "Get Attribute Single" requests. This is done by specifying an empty route_path=[] and send_path='', when you parse your operations, and to use cpppo.server.enip.getattr's attribute_operations (instead of cpppo.server.enip.client's parse_operations):
from cpppo.server.enip import client
from cpppo.server.enip.getattr import attribute_operations
HOST = ""
TAGS = ["#4/100/3"]
with client.connector(host=HOST) as conn:
for index, descr, op, reply, status, value in conn.synchronous(
TAGS, route_path=[], send_path='' )):
print(": %20s: %s" % (descr, value))
That should do the trick!
We are in the process of rolling out a major update to the cpppo module, so clone the https://github.com/pjkundert/cpppo.git Git repo, and checkout the feature-list-identity branch, to get early access to much better APIs for accessing raw data from these simple devices, for testing. You'll be able to use cpppo to convert the raw data into CIP REALs, instead of having to do it yourself...
With Cpppo >= 3.9.0, you can now use much more powerful cpppo.server.enip.get_attribute 'proxy' and 'proxy_simple' interfaces to routing CIP devices (eg. ControlLogix, Compactlogix), and non-routing "simple" CIP devices (eg. MicroLogix, PowerFlex, etc.):
$ python
>>> from cpppo.server.enip.get_attribute import proxy_simple
>>> product_name, = proxy_simple( '' ).read( [('#1/1/7','SSTRING')] )
>>> product_name
[u'1756-L61/C LOGIX5561']
If you want regular updates, use cpppo.server.enip.poll:
import logging
import sys
import time
import threading
from cpppo.server.enip import poll
from cpppo.server.enip.get_attribute import proxy_simple as device
params = [('#1/1/1','INT'),('#1/1/7','SSTRING')]
# If you have an A-B PowerFlex, try:
# from cpppo.server.enip.ab import powerflex_750_series as device
# parms = [ "Motor Velocity", "Output Current" ]
hostname = ''
values = {} # { <parameter>: <value>, ... }
poller = threading.Thread(
target=poll.poll, args=(device,), kwargs={
'address': (hostname, 44818),
'cycle': 1.0,
'timeout': 0.5,
'process': lambda par,val: values.update( { par: val } ),
'params': params,
poller.daemon = True
# Monitor the values dict (updated in another Thread)
while True:
while values:
logging.warning( "%16s == %r", *values.popitem() )
time.sleep( .1 )
And, Voila! You now have regularly updating parameter names and values in your 'values' dict. See the examples in cpppo/server/enip/poll_example*.py for further details, such as how to report failures, control exponential back-off of connection retries, etc.
Version 3.9.5 has recently been released, which has support for writing to CIP Tags and Attributes, using the cpppo.server.enip.get_attribute proxy and proxy_simple APIs. See cpppo/server/enip/poll_example_many_with_write.py
hope this is obvious, but accessing HOST = "" will only be possible from a system located on the subnet 192.168.1.*
I have created a S3 bucket, uploaded a video, created a streaming distribution in CloudFront. Tested it with a static HTML player and it works. I have created a keypair through the account settings. I have the private key file sitting on my desktop at the moment. That's where I am.
My aim is to get to a point where my Django/Python site creates secure URLs and people can't access the videos unless they've come from one of my pages. The problem is I'm allergic to the way Amazon have laid things out and I'm just getting more and more confused.
I realise this isn't going to be the best question on StackOverflow but I'm certain I can't be the only fool out here that can't make heads or tails out of how to set up a secure CloudFront/S3 situation. I would really appreciate your help and am willing (once two days has passed) give a 500pt bounty to the best answer.
I have several questions that, once answered, should fit into one explanation of how to accomplish what I'm after:
In the documentation (there's an example in the next point) there's lots of XML lying around telling me I need to POST things to various places. Is there an online console for doing this? Or do I literally have to force this up via cURL (et al)?
How do I create a Origin Access Identity for CloudFront and bind it to my distribution? I've read this document but, per the first point, don't know what to do with it. How does my keypair fit into this?
Once that's done, how do I limit the S3 bucket to only allow people to download things through that identity? If this is another XML jobby rather than clicking around the web UI, please tell me where and how I'm supposed to get this into my account.
In Python, what's the easiest way of generating an expiring URL for a file. I have boto installed but I don't see how to get a file from a streaming distribution.
Are there are any applications or scripts that can take the difficulty of setting this garb up? I use Ubuntu (Linux) but I have XP in a VM if it's Windows-only. I've already looked at CloudBerry S3 Explorer Pro - but it makes about as much sense as the online UI.
You're right, it takes a lot of API work to get this set up. I hope they get it in the AWS Console soon!
UPDATE: I have submitted this code to boto - as of boto v2.1 (released 2011-10-27) this gets much easier. For boto < 2.1, use the instructions here. For boto 2.1 or greater, get the updated instructions on my blog: http://www.secretmike.com/2011/10/aws-cloudfront-secure-streaming.html Once boto v2.1 gets packaged by more distros I'll update the answer here.
To accomplish what you want you need to perform the following steps which I will detail below:
Create your s3 bucket and upload some objects (you've already done this)
Create a Cloudfront "Origin Access Identity" (basically an AWS account to allow cloudfront to access your s3 bucket)
Modify the ACLs on your objects so that only your Cloudfront Origin Access Identity is allowed to read them (this prevents people from bypassing Cloudfront and going direct to s3)
Create a cloudfront distribution with basic URLs and one which requires signed URLs
Test that you can download objects from basic cloudfront distribution but not from s3 or the signed cloudfront distribution
Create a key pair for signing URLs
Generate some URLs using Python
Test that the signed URLs work
1 - Create Bucket and upload object
The easiest way to do this is through the AWS Console but for completeness I'll show how using boto. Boto code is shown here:
import boto
#credentials stored in environment AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
s3 = boto.connect_s3()
#bucket name MUST follow dns guidelines
new_bucket_name = "stream.example.com"
bucket = s3.create_bucket(new_bucket_name)
object_name = "video.mp4"
key = bucket.new_key(object_name)
2 - Create a Cloudfront "Origin Access Identity"
For now, this step can only be performed using the API. Boto code is here:
import boto
#credentials stored in environment AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
cf = boto.connect_cloudfront()
oai = cf.create_origin_access_identity(comment='New identity for secure videos')
#We need the following two values for later steps:
print("Origin Access Identity ID: %s" % oai.id)
print("Origin Access Identity S3CanonicalUserId: %s" % oai.s3_user_id)
3 - Modify the ACLs on your objects
Now that we've got our special S3 user account (the S3CanonicalUserId we created above) we need to give it access to our s3 objects. We can do this easily using the AWS Console by opening the object's (not the bucket's!) Permissions tab, click the "Add more permissions" button, and pasting the very long S3CanonicalUserId we got above into the "Grantee" field of a new. Make sure you give the new permission "Open/Download" rights.
You can also do this in code using the following boto script:
import boto
#credentials stored in environment AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
s3 = boto.connect_s3()
bucket_name = "stream.example.com"
bucket = s3.get_bucket(bucket_name)
object_name = "video.mp4"
key = bucket.get_key(object_name)
#Now add read permission to our new s3 account
s3_canonical_user_id = "<your S3CanonicalUserID from above>"
key.add_user_grant("READ", s3_canonical_user_id)
4 - Create a cloudfront distribution
Note that custom origins and private distributions are not fully supported in boto until version 2.0 which has not been formally released at time of writing. The code below pulls out some code from the boto 2.0 branch and hacks it together to get it going but it's not pretty. The 2.0 branch handles this much more elegantly - definitely use that if possible!
import boto
from boto.cloudfront.distribution import DistributionConfig
from boto.cloudfront.exception import CloudFrontServerError
import re
def get_domain_from_xml(xml):
results = re.findall("<DomainName>([^<]+)</DomainName>", xml)
return results[0]
#custom class to hack this until boto v2.0 is released
class HackedStreamingDistributionConfig(DistributionConfig):
def __init__(self, connection=None, origin='', enabled=False,
caller_reference='', cnames=None, comment='',
DistributionConfig.__init__(self, connection=connection,
origin=origin, enabled=enabled,
cnames=cnames, comment=comment,
#override the to_xml() function
def to_xml(self):
s = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
s += '<StreamingDistributionConfig xmlns="http://cloudfront.amazonaws.com/doc/2010-07-15/">\n'
s += ' <S3Origin>\n'
s += ' <DNSName>%s</DNSName>\n' % self.origin
if self.origin_access_identity:
val = self.origin_access_identity
s += ' <OriginAccessIdentity>origin-access-identity/cloudfront/%s</OriginAccessIdentity>\n' % val
s += ' </S3Origin>\n'
s += ' <CallerReference>%s</CallerReference>\n' % self.caller_reference
for cname in self.cnames:
s += ' <CNAME>%s</CNAME>\n' % cname
if self.comment:
s += ' <Comment>%s</Comment>\n' % self.comment
s += ' <Enabled>'
if self.enabled:
s += 'true'
s += 'false'
s += '</Enabled>\n'
if self.trusted_signers:
s += '<TrustedSigners>\n'
for signer in self.trusted_signers:
if signer == 'Self':
s += ' <Self/>\n'
s += ' <AwsAccountNumber>%s</AwsAccountNumber>\n' % signer
s += '</TrustedSigners>\n'
if self.logging:
s += '<Logging>\n'
s += ' <Bucket>%s</Bucket>\n' % self.logging.bucket
s += ' <Prefix>%s</Prefix>\n' % self.logging.prefix
s += '</Logging>\n'
s += '</StreamingDistributionConfig>\n'
return s
def create(self):
response = self.connection.make_request('POST',
'/%s/%s' % ("2010-11-01", "streaming-distribution"),
{'Content-Type' : 'text/xml'},
body = response.read()
if response.status == 201:
return body
raise CloudFrontServerError(response.status, response.reason, body)
cf = boto.connect_cloudfront()
s3_dns_name = "stream.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com"
comment = "example streaming distribution"
oai = "<OAI ID from step 2 above like E23KRHS6GDUF5L>"
#Create a distribution that does NOT need signed URLS
hsd = HackedStreamingDistributionConfig(connection=cf, origin=s3_dns_name, comment=comment, enabled=True)
hsd.origin_access_identity = oai
basic_dist = hsd.create()
print("Distribution with basic URLs: %s" % get_domain_from_xml(basic_dist))
#Create a distribution that DOES need signed URLS
hsd = HackedStreamingDistributionConfig(connection=cf, origin=s3_dns_name, comment=comment, enabled=True)
hsd.origin_access_identity = oai
#Add some required signers (Self means your own account)
hsd.trusted_signers = ['Self']
signed_dist = hsd.create()
print("Distribution with signed URLs: %s" % get_domain_from_xml(signed_dist))
5 - Test that you can download objects from cloudfront but not from s3
You should now be able to verify:
stream.example.com.s3.amazonaws.com/video.mp4 - should give AccessDenied
signed_distribution.cloudfront.net/video.mp4 - should give MissingKey (because the URL is not signed)
basic_distribution.cloudfront.net/video.mp4 - should work fine
The tests will have to be adjusted to work with your stream player, but the basic idea is that only the basic cloudfront url should work.
6 - Create a keypair for CloudFront
I think the only way to do this is through Amazon's web site. Go into your AWS "Account" page and click on the "Security Credentials" link. Click on the "Key Pairs" tab then click "Create a New Key Pair". This will generate a new key pair for you and automatically download a private key file (pk-xxxxxxxxx.pem). Keep the key file safe and private. Also note down the "Key Pair ID" from amazon as we will need it in the next step.
7 - Generate some URLs in Python
As of boto version 2.0 there does not seem to be any support for generating signed CloudFront URLs. Python does not include RSA encryption routines in the standard library so we will have to use an additional library. I've used M2Crypto in this example.
For a non-streaming distribution, you must use the full cloudfront URL as the resource, however for streaming we only use the object name of the video file. See the code below for a full example of generating a URL which only lasts for 5 minutes.
This code is based loosely on the PHP example code provided by Amazon in the CloudFront documentation.
from M2Crypto import EVP
import base64
import time
def aws_url_base64_encode(msg):
msg_base64 = base64.b64encode(msg)
msg_base64 = msg_base64.replace('+', '-')
msg_base64 = msg_base64.replace('=', '_')
msg_base64 = msg_base64.replace('/', '~')
return msg_base64
def sign_string(message, priv_key_string):
key = EVP.load_key_string(priv_key_string)
signature = key.sign_final()
return signature
def create_url(url, encoded_signature, key_pair_id, expires):
signed_url = "%(url)s?Expires=%(expires)s&Signature=%(encoded_signature)s&Key-Pair-Id=%(key_pair_id)s" % {
return signed_url
def get_canned_policy_url(url, priv_key_string, key_pair_id, expires):
#we manually construct this policy string to ensure formatting matches signature
canned_policy = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"%(url)s","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":%(expires)s}}}]}' % {'url':url, 'expires':expires}
#now base64 encode it (must be URL safe)
encoded_policy = aws_url_base64_encode(canned_policy)
#sign the non-encoded policy
signature = sign_string(canned_policy, priv_key_string)
#now base64 encode the signature (URL safe as well)
encoded_signature = aws_url_base64_encode(signature)
#combine these into a full url
signed_url = create_url(url, encoded_signature, key_pair_id, expires);
return signed_url
def encode_query_param(resource):
enc = resource
enc = enc.replace('?', '%3F')
enc = enc.replace('=', '%3D')
enc = enc.replace('&', '%26')
return enc
#Set parameters for URL
key_pair_id = "APKAIAZCZRKVIO4BQ" #from the AWS accounts page
priv_key_file = "cloudfront-pk.pem" #your private keypair file
resource = 'video.mp4' #your resource (just object name for streaming videos)
expires = int(time.time()) + 300 #5 min
#Create the signed URL
priv_key_string = open(priv_key_file).read()
signed_url = get_canned_policy_url(resource, priv_key_string, key_pair_id, expires)
#Flash player doesn't like query params so encode them
enc_url = encode_query_param(signed_url)
8 - Try out the URLs
Hopefully you should now have a working URL which looks something like this:
Put this into your js and you should have something which looks like this (from the PHP example in Amazon's CloudFront documentation):
var so_canned = new SWFObject('http://location.domname.com/~jvngkhow/player.swf','mpl','640','360','9');
As you can see, not very easy! boto v2 will help a lot setting up the distribution. I will find out if it's possible to get some URL generation code in there as well to improve this great library!
In Python, what's the easiest way of generating an expiring URL for a file. I have boto installed but I don't see how to get a file from a streaming distribution.
You can generate a expiring signed-URL for the resource. Boto3 documentation has a nice example solution for that:
import datetime
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding
from botocore.signers import CloudFrontSigner
def rsa_signer(message):
with open('path/to/key.pem', 'rb') as key_file:
private_key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(
signer = private_key.signer(padding.PKCS1v15(), hashes.SHA1())
return signer.finalize()
url = 'http://d2949o5mkkp72v.cloudfront.net/hello.txt'
expire_date = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1)
cloudfront_signer = CloudFrontSigner(key_id, rsa_signer)
# Create a signed url that will be valid until the specfic expiry date
# provided using a canned policy.
signed_url = cloudfront_signer.generate_presigned_url(
url, date_less_than=expire_date)