I am a new coder and I am building a "Breakout" game in python and i got most of it to except getting the bricks to delete. *What is odd, is after the ball touches the bottom wall (out of bounds) and regenerates, the bricks are then able to be deleted by playing the game! Also, I need to stop the game after 3 chances. I'm stuck, with those 2 problems. Help please. Here is my code:
import tkinter
import time
# How big is the playing area?
CANVAS_WIDTH = 600 # Width of drawing canvas in pixels
CANVAS_HEIGHT = 800 # Height of drawing canvas in pixels
# Constants for the bricks
N_ROWS = 8 # How many rows of bricks are there?
N_COLS = 10 # How many columns of bricks are there?
SPACING = 5 # How much space is there between each brick?
BRICK_START_Y = 50 # The y coordinate of the top-most brick
BRICK_HEIGHT = 20 # How many pixels high is each brick
# Constants for the ball and paddle
def main():
canvas = make_canvas(CANVAS_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT, 'Brick Breaker')
# Makes a ball
ball = canvas.create_oval(300, 300, 350, 350, fill="red", outline="red")
# Makes a paddle
paddle = canvas.create_rectangle(299, PADDLE_Y, PADDLE_WIDTH, CANVAS_HEIGHT - 20, fill="black")
# Change_X
dx = 6
# Change_Y
dy = 6
for row in range(N_ROWS):
# Draws columns of brick
for col in range(N_COLS):
draw_brick(canvas, row, col)
while True:
# Mouse location and respond to movement
mouse_x = canvas.winfo_pointerx()
# Move Paddle to X location
canvas.moveto(paddle, mouse_x, PADDLE_Y)
# Ball movement
canvas.move(ball, dx, dy)
# If ball hits left of right wall, change X location
if hit_left_wall(canvas, ball) or hit_right_wall(canvas, ball):
dx *= -1
# If ball hits top wall, then change Y location
elif hit_top_wall(canvas, ball):
dy *= -1
elif hit_brick(canvas, ball, paddle):
dy *= -1
if hit_bottom(canvas, ball):
ball = make_ball(canvas)
# Recreates canvas
# Pause time
time.sleep(1 / 50.)
# Finds coordinates of paddle
def hit_paddle(canvas, ball, paddle):
paddle_coords = canvas.coords(paddle)
x1 = paddle_coords[0]
y1 = paddle_coords[1]
x2 = paddle_coords[2]
y2 = paddle_coords[3]
# If any object begins to overlap with paddle, create a Hit
result = canvas.find_overlapping(x1, y1, x2, y2)
return len(result) > 1
def make_ball(canvas):
return canvas.create_oval(300, 300, 350, 350, fill="red", outline="red")
def hit_brick(canvas, ball, paddle):
ball_coord = canvas.coords(ball)
x_1 = ball_coord[0]
y_1 = ball_coord[1]
x_2 = ball_coord[2]
y_2 = ball_coord[3]
results = canvas.find_overlapping(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2)
for object in results:
if object == paddle or object == ball:
return len(results) > 1
def moveto(canvas, oval, x, y):
# Get current position
x0, y0, x1, y1 = canvas.coords(oval)
# Sets new position
canvas.move(oval, x - x0, y - y0)
def hit_bottom(canvas, ball):
return get_bottom_y(canvas, ball) >= CANVAS_HEIGHT
def hit_left_wall(canvas, ball):
return get_left_x(canvas, ball) <= 0
def hit_right_wall(canvas, ball):
return get_right_x(canvas, ball) >= CANVAS_WIDTH
def hit_top_wall(canvas, ball):
return get_top_y(canvas, ball) <= 0
def draw_brick(canvas, row, col):
color = "blue"
canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x + BRICK_WIDTH, y + BRICK_HEIGHT, fill=color, outline=color)
def get_bottom_y(canvas, ball):
return canvas.coords(ball)[3]
def get_top_y(canvas, ball):
This friendly method returns the y coordinate of the top of an object.
Recall that canvas.coords(object) returns a list of the object
bounding box: [x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2]. The element at index 1 is the top-y
return canvas.coords(ball)[1]
def get_left_x(canvas, ball):
This friendly method returns the x coordinate of the left of an object.
Recall that canvas.coords(object) returns a list of the object
bounding box: [x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2]. The element at index 0 is the left-x
return canvas.coords(ball)[0]
def get_right_x(canvas, ball):
This friendly method returns the x coordinate of the right of an object.
Recall that canvas.coords(object) returns a list of the object
bounding box: [x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2]. The element at index 2 is the right-x
return canvas.coords(ball)[2]
def make_canvas(width, height, title):
Creates and returns a drawing canvas
of the given int size with a blue border,
ready for drawing.
top = tkinter.Tk()
top.minsize(width=width, height=height)
canvas = tkinter.Canvas(top, width=width + 1, height=height + 1)
return canvas
if __name__ == '__main__':
The first problem is due to the if statement in the for loop inside hit_brick():
def hit_brick(canvas, ball, paddle):
ball_coord = canvas.coords(ball)
x_1 = ball_coord[0]
y_1 = ball_coord[1]
x_2 = ball_coord[2]
y_2 = ball_coord[3]
results = canvas.find_overlapping(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2)
for object in results:
if object == paddle or object == ball: # <-- problem here
return len(results) > 1
As the values of ball and paddle are 1 and 2 (as they are the first two canvas items created) and so results is something like (1, N) when the ball hit one of the bricks.
So the if statement returns true for the first checking and then the function exits by the return statement.
Now let the ball hits the bottom and it will be recreated with id greater than existing canvas items. The results will be something like (N, ball) when the ball hits one of the bricks.
This time the if statement will return false and the brick is deleted.
So hit_brick() should be modified as below:
def hit_brick(canvas, ball, paddle):
ball_coord = canvas.coords(ball)
results = canvas.find_overlapping(*ball_coord)
for object in results:
if object not in (paddle, ball):
return len(results) > 1
For the second problem, you need to declare a variable, for example lives = 3, before the while loop and decrease it by one if the ball hits the bottom.
The while loop should be terminated if lives == 0:
def main():
lives = 3
while lives > 0:
if hit_bottom(canvas.ball):
lives -= 1
I just checked here to make sure this question was allowed, and it seems that it is so here I go:
I am currently making a 2D physics engine as a small project. I have a class called circle which has properties such as radius, rotation, position, and velocity:
class circle():
def __init__(self, radius = 10, r = 0.0, x = 0, y = 0, Vr = 0, Vx = 0, Vy = 0):
self.radius = radius
self.r = r
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.Vr = Vr
self.Vx = Vx
self.Vy = Vy
The class has a method called CheckCollisions(), which checks if the distance between its centre and another circle's centre is less than the sum of their radii:
def CheckCollisions(self):
for c in circles:
distance = math.sqrt((c.x - self.x)*(c.x - self.x) + (c.y - self.y)*(c.y - self.y))
if distance < self.radius + c.radius:
The idea is that on detecting the collision, forces can be applied as vectors to each object as a response to the impact.
When my code runs, I see constant exclamation marks appearing in the shell, despite the circles not colliding. What is causing this? Perhaps something in my calculation of distance is incorrect?
Full code:
import pygame, random, math
from pygame.locals import*
# set up pygame window
(width, height) = (1000, 800)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))
pygame.display.set_caption('Impulse Physics v0.1 BETA')
pen = pygame.image.load('Pen.png').convert()
background = (0, 0, 0)
class circle():
def __init__(self, radius = 10, r = 0.0, x = 0, y = 0, Vr = 0, Vx = 0, Vy = 0):
self.radius = radius
# position and rotation
self.r = r
self.x = x
self.y = y
# velocity
self.Vr = Vr
self.Vx = Vx
self.Vy = Vy
def CheckCollisions(self):
for c in circles:
# use pythagoras to find direct distance between centres
distance = math.sqrt((c.x - self.x)*(c.x - self.x) + (c.y - self.y)*(c.y - self.y))
if distance < self.radius + c.radius:
def Move(self):
# apply slight "air resistance"
self.Vx = self.Vx * 0.9999
# gravity. REMEMBER y axis is inverted in pygame!
self.Vy = self.Vy + 0.15
# move object
self.x = self.x + self.Vx
self.y = self.y + self.Vy
self.r = self.r + self.Vr
# check if colliding with the sides of the window
if self.y + self.radius > height:
self.Vy = self.Vy * -0.98
self.y = self.y + self.Vy
if (self.x + self.radius > width) or (self.x - self.radius < 0):
self.Vx = self.Vx * -0.98
self.x = self.x + self.Vx
def Render(self):
penX = self.x
penY = self.y
penR = self.r
screen.blit(pen, (penX, penY))
# draw the radius of the circle
for counter in range(self.radius):
penX = self.x + (math.sin(penR) * counter)
penY = self.y - (math.cos(penR) * counter)
screen.blit(pen, (penX, penY))
# draw the circumference of the circle
for counter in range(self.radius * 20):
penR = counter * (360 / self.radius * 20)
penX = self.x + (math.sin(penR) * self.radius)
penY = self.y + (math.cos(penR) * self.radius)
screen.blit(pen, (penX, penY))
circles = []
#create objects here
c1 = circle(100, 0, 400, 400, 0.1, 4)
c2 = circle(50, 0, 50, 50, 0.08, 10)
c3 = circle(10, 0, 300, 200, 0.02, -3)
running = True
while running:
for obj in circles:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
In short: a circle collides with itself. The reason is simply that the circles list contains [c1,c2,c3] and thus checks are done against the circles themselves.
Now for c1 you check whether there is a collision so it iterates over the circles and the first thing it checks is whether it collides with itself (since c1 is the first element in the list). And obviously it does (your test looks if the distance is less than the sum of the circles radiuses, but the distance is zero). If none of the circles collide, there will thus be three exclamation marks (one for each circle).
You can resolve this error by performing a reference equality check first:
def CheckCollisions(self):
for c in circles:
if c is not self:
distance = math.sqrt((c.x - self.x)*(c.x - self.x) + (c.y - self.y)*(c.y - self.y))
I have a program in Python for making one ball bounce off of all 4 sides of a window, but now I need to make 10 balls using an array. I'm still very new to this and confused on how to implement this. I'll post what I have so far below:
#create 10 balls bouncing off all 4 sides of the window (400 x 500)
#The ball must start moving after a click, then stop after a given amount of time
#After a second click, the program ends
#create screen 400 x 500
#create array of 10 circles in different starting points
#wait for click anywhere on screen
#click anywhere on screen
#all 10 balls move in different directions bouncing off all 4 walls
#if ball hits left or right wall
#if ball hits top or bottom
#ball moves for no more than 30 seconds
#ball stops
#wait for next click
#program ends
from graphics import *
import time, random
#create screen
winWidth = 400;
winHeight = 500;
win = GraphWin('Ball Bounce', winWidth, winHeight);
win.setCoords(0,0,winWidth, winHeight);
numBalls= 10;
#create 10 balls
def makeBall(center, radius, win):
for i in range (0,numBalls):
aBall=Circle(center, radius);
#animate 10 balls bouncing off edges of window
def bounceInWin(shape, dx, dy, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh):
delay = .005
for x in range(900):
shape.move(dx, dy)
center = shape.getCenter()
x = center.getX()
y = center.getY()
if x < xLow:
dx = -dx
if x > xHigh:
dx = -dx
if y < yLow:
dy = -dy
if y > yHigh:
dy = -dy
#get a random Point
def getRandomPoint(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh):
x = random.randrange(xLow, xHigh+1)
y = random.randrange(yLow, yHigh+1)
return Point(x, y)
#make ball bounce
def bounceBall(dx, dy):
winWidth = 400
winHeight = 500
win = GraphWin('Ball Bounce', winWidth, winHeight);
win.setCoords(0,0,winWidth, winHeight);
radius = 10
xLow = radius
xHigh = winWidth - radius
yLow = radius
yHigh = winHeight - radius
center = getRandomPoint(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh)
ball = makeBall(center, radius, win)
bounceInWin(ball, dx, dy, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh)
bounceBall(3, 5);
#wait for another click to end program
win.getMouse(); #close doesn't work, tried putting in loop
Specific problems with your code: makeBall() fails to return balls; makeBall() needs to generate random starting points, not all starting at the same place; bounceInWin() needs to have a separate, and separately updated, dx and dy for every ball, not just the one; the code creates the main window twice -- just once is fine; need to add time calculation to shut down motion instead of fixed number of iterations; win.close() is a method so it needs parentheses; avoid using semi-colon ";" in Python code.
Below is a rework of your code with the above changes and some style tweaks:
# Create 10 balls bouncing off all 4 sides of a window (400 x 500)
# The ball must start moving after a click, then stop after a given
# amount of time. After a second click, the program ends.
# create screen 400 x 500
# create array of 10 circles in different starting points
# wait for click anywhere on screen
# all 10 balls move in different directions bouncing off all 4 walls
# if ball hits left or right wall
# dx = -dx
# if ball hits top or bottom
# dy = -dy
# balls move for no more than 30 seconds
# balls stops
# wait for next click
# program ends
import time
import random
from graphics import *
winWidth, winHeight = 400, 500
ballRadius = 10
ballColor = 'red'
numBalls = 10
delay = .005
runFor = 30 # in seconds
# create 10 balls, randomly located
def makeBalls(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh):
balls = []
for _ in range(numBalls):
center = getRandomPoint(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh)
aBall = Circle(center, ballRadius)
return balls
# animate 10 balls bouncing off edges of window
def bounceInWin(shapes, dx, dy, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh):
movedShapes = [(getRandomDirection(dx, dy), shape) for shape in shapes]
start_time = time.time()
while time.time() < start_time + runFor:
shapes = movedShapes
movedShapes = []
for (dx, dy), shape in shapes:
shape.move(dx, dy)
center = shape.getCenter()
x = center.getX()
if x < xLow or x > xHigh:
dx = -dx
y = center.getY()
if y < yLow or y > yHigh:
dy = -dy
# Could be so much simpler if Point had setX() and setY() methods
movedShapes.append(((dx, dy), shape))
# get a random direction
def getRandomDirection(dx, dy):
x = random.randrange(-dx, dx)
y = random.randrange(-dy, dy)
return x, y
# get a random Point
def getRandomPoint(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh):
x = random.randrange(xLow, xHigh + 1)
y = random.randrange(yLow, yHigh + 1)
return Point(x, y)
# make balls bounce
def bounceBalls(dx, dy):
xLow = ballRadius * 2
xHigh = winWidth - ballRadius * 2
yLow = ballRadius * 2
yHigh = winHeight - ballRadius * 2
balls = makeBalls(xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh)
bounceInWin(balls, dx, dy, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh)
# create screen
win = GraphWin('Ball Bounce', winWidth, winHeight)
bounceBalls(3, 5)
# wait for another click to end program
Does Spyder have a good way to detect what is causing a crash?
All the changes we made are in the ArrayPQ class and the node class, the other code works without our changes.
import math
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rand
import numpy.linalg as linalg
from tkinter import Tk, Frame, Canvas
class ArrayPQ:
def __init__(self, num_balls):
self.collisionNodes = np.array([])
self.pastCollisions = np.zeros(num_balls)
def parent(self, i):
return (i-1) // 2
def right(self, i):
return (i*2) + 1
def left(self, i):
return (i*2) + 2
def insert(self, i, j, value, num_collisions_i, num_collisions_j):
self.pastCollisions[i] = num_collisions_i
self.pastCollisions[j] = num_collisions_j
self.collisionNodes = np.append(self.collisionNodes, node.nodeinit(self, i, j, value, num_collisions_i, num_collisions_j))
def heapify1(self, i):
l = self.left(i)
r = self.right(i)
end = len(self.collisionNodes)
top = i
if l < end and self.collisionNodes(i) < self.collisionNodes(l):
top = l
if r < end and self.collisionNodes(top) < self.collisionNodes(r):
top = r
if max != i:
self.swap(i, top)
def heapify2(self, i):
if self.right(i) + len(self.collisionNodes)
def delete(self, i):
self.swap(self, 0, (len(self.collisionNodes) -1))
del self.collisionNodes[len(self.collisionNodes)-1]
def swap(self, i, j):
self.collisionNodes[i], self.collisionNodes[j] = self.collisionNodes[j],
def get_next(self):
temp = self.collisionsNodes[0]
return temp.BBi, temp.BBj, temp.T, temp.CCi, temp.CCj
class node:
def nodeinit(self, Bi, Bj, T, Ci, Cj):
self.BBi = Bi
self.BBj = Bj
self.TT = T
self.CCi = Ci
self.CCj = Cj
class Painter:
#__init__ performs the construction of a Painter object
def __init__(self, root, scale=500, border=5, refresh_speed=5,
filename='balls.txt', min_radius=5, max_radius=10, num_balls=20):
#width and height are used to set the simulation borders
width = scale + border
height = scale + border
self.time = 0
#setup will set up the necessary graphics window and the ball list
self.setup(root, width, height, border, refresh_speed)
#Check the input parameter 'filename' to load predetermined simulation
#otherwise set up the default simulation
if filename is None:
self.init_balls(max_radius, min_radius, num_balls)
self.num_balls = num_balls
self.num_balls = self.read_balls(scale, filename)
#Create the priority data structure
self.PQ = ArrayPQ(self.num_balls)
#Initialize all possible collision times
#draw will draw the graphics to the window
#refresh is a loop method intended to create animations
#A blank return indicates the end of the function
#setup creates the window to display the graphics along with the red border
#of the simulation
def setup(self, root, width, height, border, refresh_speed):
# Draw frame etc
self.app_frame = Frame(root)
self.canvas = Canvas(self.app_frame, width = width, height = height)
self.canvas_size = (int(self.canvas.cget('width')),
self.refresh_speed = refresh_speed
# Work area
self.min_x = border
self.max_x = width - border
self.min_y = border
self.max_y = height - border
#create array to hold the n number of balls
self.balls = []
self.ball_handles = dict()
def read_balls(self, scale, filename):
f = open(filename)
num_balls = int(f.readline().strip())
for l in f:
ll = l.strip().split(" ")
x = scale*float(ll[0])
y = scale*float(ll[1])
vx = scale*float(ll[2])
vy = scale*float(ll[3])
radius = scale*float(ll[4])
mass = float(ll[5])
r = int(ll[6])
g = int(ll[7])
b = int(ll[8])
tk_rgb = "#%02x%02x%02x" % (r, g, b)
new_ball = Ball(radius, x, y, vx, vy, mass, tk_rgb)
return num_balls
def init_balls(self, max_radius, min_radius, num_balls):
for i in np.arange(num_balls):
radius = (max_radius - min_radius) * rand.random_sample() +
ball_min_x = self.min_x + radius
ball_max_x = self.max_x - radius
x = (ball_max_x - ball_min_x)*rand.random_sample() + ball_min_x
ball_min_y = self.min_y + radius
ball_max_y = self.max_y - radius
y = (ball_max_y - ball_min_y)*rand.random_sample() + ball_min_y
vx = rand.random_sample()
vy = rand.random_sample()
mass = 1.0 # rand.random_sample()
new_ball = Ball(radius, x, y, vx, vy, mass)
if not new_ball.check_overlap(self.balls):
#init_wall_collision_times will set all of the balls' minimum collision time
def init_wall_collision_times(self):
for i in np.arange(len(self.balls)):
bi = self.balls[i]
tix = bi.horizontal_wall_collision_time(self.min_x, self.max_x)
tiy = bi.vertical_wall_collision_time(self.min_y, self.max_y)
self.PQ.insert(i, -1, tix + self.time, self.balls[i].count, -1)
self.PQ.insert(-1, i, tiy + self.time, -1, self.balls[i].count)
#init_ball_collision_times will set all of the balls' minimum collision time
#with all other balls and store that time within the ith and jth index of
def init_ball_collision_times(self):
for i in np.arange(self.num_balls):
bi = self.balls[i]
for j in np.arange(i+1, self.num_balls):
bj = self.balls[j]
tij = bi.ball_collision_time(bj)
self.PQ.insert(i, j, tij + self.time, self.balls[i].count,
# self.ball_collision_times[i][j] = tij
# self.ball_collision_times[j][i] = tij
#walls (horizontal and vertical) and all other balls within the PQ array
def update_collision_times(self, i):
bi = self.balls[i]
tix = bi.horizontal_wall_collision_time(self.min_x, self.max_x)
tiy = bi.vertical_wall_collision_time(self.min_y, self.max_y)
self.PQ.insert(i, -1, tix + self.time,self.balls[i].count, -1)
self.PQ.insert(-1, i, tiy + self.time, -1, self.balls[i].count)
for j in np.arange(self.num_balls):
bj = self.balls[j]
tij = bi.ball_collision_time(bj) + self.time
if i > j:
self.PQ.insert(j, i,
self.PQ.insert(i, j, tij,self.balls[i].count,
#draw will draw the borders and all balls within self.balls
def draw(self):
#Draw walls
self.canvas.create_line((self.min_x, self.min_y), (self.min_x,
self.max_y), fill = "red")
self.canvas.create_line((self.min_x, self.min_y), (self.max_x,
self.min_y), fill = "red")
self.canvas.create_line((self.min_x, self.max_y), (self.max_x,
self.max_y), fill = "red")
self.canvas.create_line((self.max_x, self.min_y), (self.max_x,
self.max_y), fill = "red")
#Draw balls
for b in self.balls:
obj = self.canvas.create_oval(b.x - b.radius, b.y - b.radius, b.x +
b.radius, b.y + b.radius, outline=b.tk_rgb, fill=b.tk_rgb)
self.ball_handles[b] = obj
#refresh is called to update the state of the simulation
#-each refresh call can be considered one iteration of the simulation
def refresh(self):
#get the next collision
i, j, t, num_collisions_i, num_collision_j = self.PQ.get_next()
#gather the current collisions of the ith and jth ball
current_collisions_i = self.balls[i].count
current_collisions_j = self.balls[j].count
#Check the difference in time between the predicted collision time and
#the current time stamp of the simulation
delta = t - self.time
#If the difference is greater than 1, then just move the balls
if delta > 1.0:
# cap delta to 1.0
for bi in self.balls:
self.canvas.move(self.ball_handles[bi], bi.vx, bi.vy)
self.time += 1.0
#Otherwise a collision has occurred
#Move all balls
for bi in self.balls:
self.canvas.move(self.ball_handles[bi], bi.vx*delta,
#increment the simulation time stamp
self.time += delta
#Delete the top element within the Priority Queue
#if i is -1 then this indicates a collision with a vertical wall
#also this if statement checks if the number of collisions recorded
#when the collision returned by PQ.get_next() is equal to the
#number of collisions within the jth ball
#this acts as a test to check if the collision is still valid
if i == -1 and num_collision_j == current_collisions_j:
#compute what happens from the vertical wall collision
#update collision times for the jth ball
#if j is -1 then this indicates a collision a horizontal wall
#while also checking if the number of collisions match
#to see if the collision is valid
elif j == -1 and num_collisions_i == current_collisions_i:
#compute what happens from the horizontal wall collision
#update collision times for the ith ball
elif num_collision_j == current_collisions_j and num_collisions_i ==
#Execute collision across the ith and jth ball
#update collision times for both the ith and jth ball
#update the canvas to draw the new locations of each ball
self.canvas.after(self.refresh_speed, self.refresh)
def __init__(self, radius, x, y, vx, vy, mass, tk_rgb="#000000"):
self.radius = radius
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.vx = vx
self.vy = vy
self.mass = mass
self.tk_rgb = tk_rgb
#since this ball was just initialized, it hasn't had any collisions yet
self.count = 0
#move changes the displacement of the ball by the velocity
def move(self, dt=1.0):
self.x += self.vx*dt
self.y += self.vy*dt
#check_overlap checks if this ball is overlapping with any other
#ball, it is used to see if a collision has occurred
def check_overlap(self, others):
for b in others:
min_dist = b.radius + self.radius
center_dist = math.sqrt((b.x - self.x)*(b.x - self.x) + \
(b.y - self.y)*(b.y - self.y))
if center_dist < min_dist:
return True
return False
#collide_with_ball computes collision, changing the Ball's velocity
#as well as the other ball's velocity
def collide_with_ball(self, other):
dv_x = other.vx - self.vx
dv_y = other.vy - self.vy
dr_x = other.x - self.x
dr_y = other.y - self.y
sigma = self.radius + other.radius
dv_dr = dv_x * dr_x + dv_y * dr_y
J = 2.0 * self.mass * other.mass * dv_dr/((self.mass +
Jx = J * dr_x/sigma
Jy = J * dr_y/sigma
self.vx += Jx/self.mass
self.vy += Jy/self.mass
other.vx -= Jx/other.mass
other.vy -= Jy/other.mass
#Increment the collision count for both balls
self.count += 1
other.count += 1
# Compute when an instance of Ball collides with the given Ball other
# Return the timestamp that this will occur
def ball_collision_time(self, other):
dr_x = other.x - self.x
dr_y = other.y - self.y
if dr_x == 0 and dr_y == 0:
return float('inf')
dv_x = other.vx - self.vx
dv_y = other.vy - self.vy
dv_dr = dv_x * dr_x + dv_y * dr_y
if dv_dr > 0:
return float('inf')
dv_dv = dv_x * dv_x + dv_y * dv_y
dr_dr = dr_x * dr_x + dr_y * dr_y
sigma = self.radius + other.radius
d = dv_dr * dv_dr - dv_dv * (dr_dr - sigma * sigma)
# No solution
if d < 0 or dv_dv == 0:
return float('inf')
return - (dv_dr + np.sqrt(d))/dv_dv
#collide_with_horizontal_wall executes the change in the Ball's
#velocity when colliding with a horizontal wall
def collide_with_horizontal_wall(self):
self.vx = -self.vx
self.count += 1
#collide_with_vertical_wall executes the change in the Ball's
#velocity when colliding with a vertical wall
def collide_with_vertical_wall(self):
self.vy = -self.vy
self.count += 1
# Compute when the instance of Ball collides with a horizontal wall
# Return the time stamp that this will occur
def horizontal_wall_collision_time(self, min_x, max_x):
if self.vx < 0:
# x + delta_t * vx = min_x + radius
return (min_x + self.radius - self.x)/(1.0*self.vx)
if self.vx > 0:
# x + delta_t * vx = max_x - radius
return (max_x - self.radius - self.x)/(1.0*self.vx)
return float('inf')
# Compute when the instance of Ball collides with a vertical wall
# Return the time stamp that this will occur
# Inputs of min_y and max_y
def vertical_wall_collision_time(self, min_y, max_y):
if self.vy < 0:
# y + delta_t * vy = min_y + radius
return (min_y + self.radius - self.y)/(1.0*self.vy)
if self.vy > 0:
# y + delta_t * vy = max_y - radius
return (max_y - self.radius - self.y)/(1.0*self.vy)
return float('inf')
#show_stats will print out the Ball's data
#specifically the radius, position, velocity, mass, and color
def show_stats(self):
print("radius: %f"%self.radius)
print("position: %f, %f"%(self.x, self.y))
print("velocity: %f, %f"%(self.vx, self.vy))
print("mass: %f"%self.mass)
print("rgb: %s"%self.tk_rgb)
#Main script
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Set the parameters for the graphics window and simulation
scale = 800
border = 5
#Set radius range for all balls
max_radius = 20
min_radius = 5
#set number of balls
num_balls = 10
#set refresh rate
refresh_speed = 5
#create the graphics object
root = Tk()
#Create the painter object
p = Painter(root, scale, border, refresh_speed, None, min_radius,max_radius,
#If you have the commented out files in your directory then
#uncomment them to see what they do
#p = Painter(root, scale, border, refresh_speed, 'wallbouncing.txt')
#p = Painter(root, scale, border, refresh_speed, 'p10.txt')
#p = Painter(root, scale, border, refresh_speed, 'billiards4.txt')
#p = Painter(root, scale, border, refresh_speed, 'squeeze.txt')
#run the Painter main loop function (calls refresh many times)
Extend the projectile and tracker to implement the following graphics game:
a. There is square box of a given dimension (choose one reasonable size box) in which
there is a projectile which randomly bounces of the four walls.
b. When a projectile hits a wall, it is launched again by randomly selecting an angle in
the allowed range and a random velocity in a given range. For example, if the
projectile hits the bottom boundary, it selects a random angle in the range 0 to 180
degrees; if it hits the right vertical wall then, it selects random angle between 90 and
270 degrees; and so on.
c. Instead of drawing the circle, move the circle and also fill it with some color.
d. Extend to two projectiles.
Don't ask user the parameters. Use a set of parameters that you think the best.
So I am having trouble trying to find how to make two cballs (the projectiles) bounce from wall to wall. I figured how to bounce them off the bottom wall of the window but it doesn't stop at the right wall and bounce from there. Not only that I have no idea on how to make the balls follow instead of continuously printing circles to Track the movement of the balls. I use ".undraw()" but its very jumpy and not smooth at all.
I would appreciate the help very much! The assignment is due tomorrow and this is what i have:
# Projectile hits a wall and again is launced
from math import sin, cos, radians
from graphics import *
class Projectile:
def __init__(self, angle, velocity, height):
self.xpos = 0.0
self.ypos = height
theta = radians(angle)
self.xvel = velocity * cos(theta)
self.yvel = velocity * sin(theta)
def update(self, time):
self.xpos = self.xpos + time * self.xvel
yvel1 = self.yvel - 9.8 * time
self.ypos = self.ypos + time * (self.yvel + yvel1) / 2.0
self.yvel = yvel1
def getY(self):
return self.ypos
def getX(self):
return self.xpos
def reset(self, angle, velocity, height):
self.xpos = self.getX()
self.ypos = height
theta = radians(angle)
self.xvel = velocity * cos(theta)
self.yvel = velocity * sin(theta)
class Tracker:
def __init__(self, window, objToTrack): = window
self.obj = objToTrack
def update(self):
a = Circle( Point(self.obj.getX(), self.obj.getY()), 5)
def getInputs():
a1 = 60
a2 = 30
v1 = 60
v2 = 60
h1 = 10
h2 = 10
t = 0.1
return a1, a2, v1, v2, h1, h2, t
def main():
print("This program graphically depicts the flight of a cannonball.\n")
win = GraphWin("TRACKER", 600, 500)
win.setCoords(0.0, 0.0, 600, 500)
angle1, angle2, vel1, vel2, h01, h02, time = getInputs()
cball1 = Projectile(angle1, vel1, h01)
cball2 = Projectile(angle2, vel2, h02)
tracker_cball1 = Tracker(win, cball1)
tracker_cball2 = Tracker(win, cball2)
while True:
if cball1.getY() <= 0: #<---ball 1
cball1.reset(60, 60, 10)
if cball2.getY() <= 0: #<---ball 2
cball2.reset(30, 60, 10)
if __name__ == '__main__' : main()
Thank you!, I am a big noob at coding at the moment. Much appreciated!