How do I do this?
I saw your post saying that you can just pass java Objects to Python methods but this is not working for numpy arrays and TensorFlow tensors. The following, and various variation of this, is what I tried and to no avail.
double[][] anchors = new double[][]{{0.57273, 0.677385}, {1.87446, 2.06253}, {3.33843, 5.47434}, {7.88282, 3.52778}, {9.77052, 9.16828}};
PyObject anchors_ = numpy.callAttr("array", anchors);
I also tried to use concatenate to create this but it does not work. This is because concatenate (and stack, etc.) require a sequence containing the names of the arrays to be passed as an argument and there does not seem to be a way to do that with Chaquopy in Java.
Any advice?
I assume the error you received was "ValueError: only 2 non-keyword arguments accepted".
You probably also got a warning from Android Studio in the call to numpy.array, saying "Confusing argument 'anchors', unclear if a varargs or non-varargs call is desired". This is the source of the problem. You intended to pass one double[][] argument, but unfortunately Java has interpreted it as five double[] arguments.
Android Studio should offer you an automatic fix of casting the parameter to Object, i.e.:
numpy.callAttr("array", (Object)anchors);
This tells the Java compiler that you intend to pass only one argument, and numpy.array will then work correctly.
I have managed to find two ways that actually work in converting this toy array into proper Python arrays.
In Java:
import com.chaquo.python.*;
Python py = Python.getInstance();
PyObject np = py.getModule("numpy");
PyObject anchors_final = np.callAttr("array", anchors[0]);
anchors_final = np.callAttr("expand_dims", anchors_final, 0);
for (int i=1; i < anchors.length; i++){
PyObject temp_arr = np.callAttr("expand_dims", anchors[i], 0);
anchors_final = np.callAttr("append", anchors_final, temp_arr, 0);
// Then you can pass it to your Python file to do whatever
In Python (the simpler way)
After passing the array to your Python function, using for example:
import com.chaquo.python.*;
Python py = Python.getInstance();
PyObject pp = py.getModule("file_name");
PyObject output = pp.callAttr("fnc_head", anchors);
In your Python file, you can simply do:
def fnc_head():
anchors = [list(x) for x in anchors]
return result
These were tested with 2-d arrays. Other array types would likely require modifications.
2017/06/13 EDIT:
I tried using boost as was suggested, but after spending more than 3 days trying to get it to compile and link, and failing, I decided that the stupid painful way was probably the fastest and less painfull.... so now my code just saves a mess of gigantic text files (splitting arrays and the complex/ imaginary parts of the numbers across files) that C++ then reads. Elegant... no.... effective... yes.
I have some scientific code, currently written in Python, that is being slowed down by a numerical 3d integration step within a loop. To overcome this I am re-writing this particular step in C++. (Cython etc is not an option).
Long story short: I want to transfer several very large arrays of complex numbers from the python code to the C++ integrator as conveniently and painlessly as possible. I could do this manually and painfully using text or binary files - but before I embark on this, I was wondering if I have any better options?
I'm using visual studio for C++ and anaconda for python (not my choice!)
Is there any file format or method that would make it quick and convenient to save an array of complex numbers from python and then recreate it in C++?
Many thanks,
An easy solution that I used many times is to build your "C++ side" as a dll (=shared object on Linux/OS X), provide a simple, C-like entrypoint (straight integers, pointers & co., no STL stuff) and pass the data through ctypes.
This avoids boost/SIP/Swig/... build nightmares, can be kept zero-copy (with ctypes you can pass a straight pointer to your numpy data) and allow you to do whatever you want (especially on the build-side - no friggin' distutils, no boost, no nothing - build it with whatever can build a C-like dll) on the C++ side. It has also the nice side-effect of having your C++ algorithm callable from other languages (virtually any language has some way to interface with C libraries).
Here's a quick artificial example. The C++ side is just:
extern "C" {
double sum_it(double *array, int size) {
double ret = 0.;
for(int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
ret += array[i];
return ret;
This has to be compiled to a dll (on Windows) or a .so (on Linux), making sure to export the sum_it function (automatic with gcc, requires a .def file with VC++).
On the Python side, we can have a wrapper like
import ctypes
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
cdll = ctypes.CDLL(os.path.join(path, "summer.dll" if sys.platform.startswith("win") else ""))
_sum_it = cdll.sum_it
_sum_it.restype = ctypes.c_double
def sum_it(l):
if isinstance(l, np.ndarray) and l.dtype == np.float64 and len(l.shape)==1:
# it's already a numpy array with the right features - go zero-copy
a =
# it's a list or something else - try to create a copy
arr_t = ctypes.c_double * len(l)
a = arr_t(*l)
return _sum_it(a, len(l))
which makes sure that the data is marshaled correctly; then invoking the function is as trivial as
import summer
import numpy as np
# from a list (with copy)
print summer.sum_it([1, 2, 3, 4.5])
# from a numpy array of the right type - zero-copy
print summer.sum_it(np.array([3., 4., 5.]))
See the ctypes documentation for more information on how to use it. See also the relevant documentation in numpy.
For complex numbers, the situation is slightly more complicated, as there's no builtin for it in ctypes; if we want to use std::complex<double> on the C++ side (which is pretty much guaranteed to work fine with the numpy complex layout, namely a sequence of two doubles), we can write the C++ side as:
extern "C" {
std::complex<double> sum_it_cplx(std::complex<double> *array, int size) {
std::complex<double> ret(0., 0.);
for(int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
ret += array[i];
return ret;
Then, on the Python side, we have to replicate the c_complex layout to retrieve the return value (or to be able to build complex arrays without numpy):
class c_complex(ctypes.Structure):
# Complex number, compatible with std::complex layout
_fields_ = [("real", ctypes.c_double), ("imag", ctypes.c_double)]
def __init__(self, pycomplex):
# Init from Python complex
self.real = pycomplex.real
self.imag = pycomplex.imag
def to_complex(self):
# Convert to Python complex
return self.real + (1.j) * self.imag
Inheriting from ctypes.Structure enables the ctypes marshalling magic, which is performed according to the _fields_ member; the constructor and extra methods are just for ease of use on the Python side.
Then, we have to tell ctypes the return type
_sum_it_cplx = cdll.sum_it_cplx
_sum_it_cplx.restype = c_complex
and finally write our wrapper, in a similar fashion to the previous one:
def sum_it_cplx(l):
if isinstance(l, np.ndarray) and l.dtype == np.complex and len(l.shape)==1:
# the numpy array layout for complexes (sequence of two double) is already
# compatible with std::complex (see
a =
# otherwise, try to build our c_complex
arr_t = c_complex * len(l)
a = arr_t(*(c_complex(r) for r in l))
ret = _sum_it_cplx(a, len(l))
return ret.to_complex()
Testing it as above
# from a complex list (with copy)
print summer.sum_it_cplx([1. + 0.j, 0 + 1.j, 2 + 2.j])
# from a numpy array of the right type - zero-copy
print summer.sum_it_cplx(np.array([1. + 0.j, 0 + 1.j, 2 + 2.j]))
yields the expected results:
I see the OP is over a year old now, but I recently addressed a similar problem using the native Python-C/C++ API and its Numpy-C/C++ extension, and since I personally don't enjoy using ctypes for various reasons (e.g., complex number workarounds, messy code), nor Boost, wanted to post my answer for future searchers.
Documentation for the Python-C API and Numpy-C API are both quite extensive (albeit a little overwhelming at first). But after one or two successes, writing native C/C++ extensions becomes very easy.
Here is an example C++ function that can be called from Python. It integrates a 3D numpy array of either real or complex (numpy.double or numpy.cdouble) type. The function will be imported through a DLL (.so) via the module
#include "Python.h"
#include "numpy/arrayobject.h"
#include <math.h>
static PyObject * integrate3(PyObject * module, PyObject * args)
PyObject * argy=NULL; // Regular Python/C API
PyArrayObject * yarr=NULL; // Extended Numpy/C API
double dx,dy,dz;
// "O" format -> read argument as a PyObject type into argy (Python/C API)
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "Oddd", &argy,&dx,&dy,&dz)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Error parsing arguments.");
return NULL;
// Determine if it's a complex number array (Numpy/C API)
int DTYPE = PyArray_ObjectType(argy, NPY_FLOAT);
int iscomplex = PyTypeNum_ISCOMPLEX(DTYPE);
// parse python object into numpy array (Numpy/C API)
yarr = (PyArrayObject *)PyArray_FROM_OTF(argy, DTYPE, NPY_ARRAY_IN_ARRAY);
if (yarr==NULL) {
return Py_None;
//just assume this for 3 dimensional can generalize to N dims
if (PyArray_NDIM(yarr) != 3) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Expected 3 dimensional integrand");
return NULL;
npy_intp * dims = PyArray_DIMS(yarr);
npy_intp i,j,k,m;
double * p;
//initialize variable to hold result
Py_complex result = {.real = 0, .imag = 0};
if (iscomplex) {
for (i=0;i<dims[0];i++)
for (j=0;j<dims[1];j++)
for (k=0;k<dims[1];k++) {
p = (double*)PyArray_GETPTR3(yarr, i,j,k);
result.real += *p;
result.imag += *(p+1);
} else {
for (i=0;i<dims[0];i++)
for (j=0;j<dims[1];j++)
for (k=0;k<dims[1];k++) {
p = (double*)PyArray_GETPTR3(yarr, i,j,k);
result.real += *p;
//multiply by step size
result.real *= (dx*dy*dz);
result.imag *= (dx*dy*dz);
//copy result into returnable type with new reference
if (iscomplex) {
return Py_BuildValue("D", &result);
} else {
return Py_BuildValue("d", result.real);
Simply put that into a source file (we'll call it cintegrate.cxx along with the module definition stuff, inserted at the bottom:
static PyMethodDef cintegrate_Methods[] = {
{"integrate3", integrate3, METH_VARARGS,
"Pass 3D numpy array (double or complex) and dx,dy,dz step size. Returns Reimman integral"},
{NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
static struct PyModuleDef module = {
"cintegrate", /* name of module */
NULL, /* module documentation, may be NULL */
-1, /* size of per-interpreter state of the module,
or -1 if the module keeps state in global variables. */
Then compile that via much like Walter's boost example with just a couple obvious changes- replacing there with our file cintegrate.cxx, removing boost dependencies, and making sure the path to "numpy/arrayobject.h" is included.
In python then you can use it like:
import cintegrate
import numpy as np
arr = np.random.randn(4,8,16) + 1j*np.random.randn(4,8,16)
# arbitrary step size dx = 1., y=0.5, dz = 0.25
ans = cintegrate.integrate3(arr, 1.0, 0.5, .25)
This specific code hasn't been tested but is mostly copied from working code.
Note added in edit.
As mentioned in the comments, python itself, being an interpreted language, has little potential for computational efficiency. So in order to make python scripts efficient, one must use modules which aren't all interpreted, but under the hood call compiled (and optimized) code written in, say, C/C++. This is exactly what numpy does for you, in particular for operations on whole arrays.
Therefore, the first step towards efficient python scripts is the usage of numpy. Only the second step is to try to use your own compiled (and optimized) code. Therefore, I have assumed in my example below that you were using numpy to store the array of complex numbers. Everything else would be ill-advised.
There are various ways in which you can access python's original data from within a C/C++ program. I personally have done this with boost.Python, but must warn you that the documentation and support are lousy at best: you're pretty much on your own (and stack overflow, of course).
For example your C++ file may look like this
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/numpy.hpp>
namespace p = boost::python;
namespace n = p::numpy;
n::ndarray func(const n::ndarray&input, double control_variable)
your code here, see documentation for boost python
you pass almost any python variable, doesn't have to be numpy stuff
n::initialize(); // only needed if you use numpy in the interface
p::def("function", func, "doc-string");
to compile this, you may use a python script such as
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
module_name = Extension(
and run it as python build, which will create an appropriate .so file in a sub-directory of build, which you can import from python.
I am trying to import a C++ function in Python. I know there are already some post about this. However, I haven't found anything about functions which take vectors as arguments. My C++ function is something like this:
double many_body_pot(
std::vector< std::vector<double> > &par,
std::vector< std::vector<double> > &geometry,
double x, double y, double z
// ...
As you can see it takes 2 vectors and 3 doubles as arguments, and returns a double as result. I have also read this post about extending Python with C++.
But I am still completely lost, the only thing I got clear is that I have to include in my C++ code:
#include <Python.h>
So I want to import this function in Python, and use lists or arrays as arguments for the C++ vectors. How can this be done?
I have a variable number of numpy arrays, which I'd like to pass to a C function. I managed to pass each individual array (using <ndarray>.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)), but the number of array may vary a lot.
I thought I could pass all of these "pointers" in a list and use the PyList_GetItem() function in the C code. It works like a charm, except that the values of all elements are not the pointers I usually get when they are passed as function arguments.
Though, if I have :
from numpy import array
from ctypes import py_object
a1 = array([1., 2., 3.8])
a2 = array([222.3, 33.5])
values = [a1, a2]
my_cfunc(py_object(values), c_long(len(values)))
And my C code looks like :
void my_cfunc(PyObject *values)
int i, n;
n = PyObject_Length(values)
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
unsigned long long *pointer;
pointer = (unsigned long long *)(PyList_GetItem(values, i);
printf("value 0 : %f\n", *pointer);
The printed value are all 0.0000
I have tried a lot of different solutions, using ctypes.byref(), ctypes.pointer(), etc. But I can't seem to be able to retrieve the real pointer values. I even have the impression the values converted by c_void_p() are truncated to 32 bits...
While there are many documentations about passing numpy pointers to C, I haven't seen anything about c_types within Python list (I admit this may seem strange...).
Any clue ?
After a few hours spent reading many pages of documentation and digging in numpy include files, I've finally managed to understand exactly how it works. Since I've spent a great amount of time searching for these exact explanations, I'm providing the following text as a way to avoid anyone to waste its time.
I repeat the question :
How to transfer a list of numpy arrays, from Python to C
(I also assume you know how to compile, link and import your C module in Python)
Passing a Numpy array from Python to C is rather simple, as long as it's going to be passed as an argument in a C function. You just need to do something like this in Python
from numpy import array
from ctypes import c_long
values = array([1.0, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5])
my_c_func(values.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p), c_long(values.size))
And the C code could look like :
void my_c_func(double *value, long size)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
printf("%ld : %.10f\n", i, values[i]);
That's simple... but what if I have a variable number of arrays ? Of course, I could use the techniques which parses the function's argument list (many examples in Stackoverflow), but I'd like to do something different.
I'd like to store all my arrays in a list and pass this list to the C function, and let the C code handle all the arrays.
In fact, it's extremely simple, easy et coherent... once you understand how it's done ! There is simply one very simple fact to remember :
Any member of a list/tuple/dictionary is a Python object... on the C side of the code !
You can't expect to directly pass a pointer as I initially, and wrongly, thought. Once said, it sounds very simple :-) Though, let's write some Python code :
from numpy import array
my_list = (array([1.0, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5]),
array([2.9, 3.8. 4.7, 5.6]))
Well, you don't need to change anything in the list, but you need to specify that you are passing the list as a PyObject argument.
And here is the how all this is being accessed in C.
void my_c_func(PyObject *list)
int i, n_arrays;
// Get the number of elements in the list
n_arrays = PyObject_Length(list);
for (i = 0; i LT n_arrays; i++)
PyArrayObject *elem;
double *pd;
elem = PyList_GetItem(list,
pd = PyArray_DATA(elem);
printf("Value 0 : %.10f\n", *pd);
Explanation :
The list is received as a pointer to a PyObject
We get the number of array from the list by using the PyObject_Length() function.
PyList_GetItem() always return a PyObject (in fact a void *)
We retrieve the pointer to the array of data by using the PyArray_DATA() macro.
Normally, PyList_GetItem() returns a PyObject *, but, if you look in the Python.h and ndarraytypes.h, you'll find that they are both defined as (I've expanded the macros !):
typedef struct _object {
Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt;
struct _typeobject *ob_type;
} PyObject;
And the PyArrayObject... is exactly the same. Though, it's perfectly interchangeable at this level. The content of ob_type is accessible for both objects and contain everything which is needed to manipulate any generic Python object. I admit that I've used one of its member during my investigations. The struct member tp_name is the string containing the name of the object... in clear text; and believe me, it helped ! This is how I discovered what each list element was containing.
While these structures don't contain anything else, how is it that we can access the pointer of this ndarray object ? Simply using object macros... which use an extended structure, allowing the compiler to know how to access the additional object's elements, behind the ob_type pointer. The PyArray_DATA() macro is defined as :
#define PyArray_DATA(obj) ((void *)((PyArrayObject_fields *)(obj))->data)
There, it's casting the PyArayObject * as a PyArrayObject_fields * and this latest structure is simply (simplified and macros expanded !) :
typedef struct tagPyArrayObject_fields {
Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt;
struct _typeobject *ob_type;
char *data;
int nd;
npy_intp *dimensions;
npy_intp *strides;
PyObject *base;
PyArray_Descr *descr;
int flags;
PyObject *weakreflist;
} PyArrayObject_fields;
As you can see, the first two element of the structure are the same as a PyObject and PyArrayObject, but additional elements can be addressed using this definition. It is tempting to directly access these elements, but it's a very bad and dangerous practice which is more than strongly discouraged. You must rather use the macros and don't bother with the details and elements in all these structures. I just thought you might be interested by some internals.
Note that all PyArrayObject macros are documented in
For instance, the size of a PyArrayObject can be obtained using the macro PyArray_SIZE(PyArrayObject *)
Finally, it's very simple and logical, once you know it :-)
I am trying to write a piece of code in C++ which can produce an array and return it as as a Python list. I understand that I can return the list as a NumPy array using the typemaps in numpy.i instead, but NumPy is not installed on some of the clusters I am using. The main difference between this question and some similar ones I've seen on here is that I want to return a C array of variable length as a Python list.
The stripped down C++ routine is below:
/* File get_rand_list.cpp */
#include "get_rand_list.h"
/* Define function implementation */
double* get_rand_list(int length) {
output_list = new double[length];
/* Populate input NumPy array with random numbers */
for (int i=0; i < length; i++)
output_list[i] = ((double) rand()) / RAND_MAX;
return output_list;
I would like to be able to use this in Python as so:
from get_rand_list import *
list = get_rand_list(10)
Which would return a Python list of 10 random floats. How can I use SWIG typemaps to wrap the C++ routine to do this? If there is a simpler way which requires some small modifications to the C++ routine that is most likely fine.
Since you are using C++ it is easiest to use STL: SWIG knows how to convert std::vector to Python list, so use
std::vector<double> get_rand_list(int length) { ... }
Don't forget to %import std_vector.i. This trick is very useful in general, see the Library section of SWIG docs for other typemaps pre-written. Always favor pre-written typemaps over making your own.
This question has been answered several times already
return double * from swig as python list
SWIG C-to-Python Int Array
I am running to some problems and would like some help. I have a piece code, which is used to embed a python script. This python script contains a function which will expect to receive an array as an argument (in this case I am using numpy array within the python script).
I would like to know how can I pass an array from C to the embedded python script as an argument for the function within the script. More specifically can someone show me a simple example of this.
Really, the best answer here is probably to use numpy arrays exclusively, even from your C code. But if that's not possible, then you have the same problem as any code that shares data between C types and Python types.
In general, there are at least five options for sharing data between C and Python:
Create a Python list or other object to pass.
Define a new Python type (in your C code) to wrap and represent the array, with the same methods you'd define for a sequence object in Python (__getitem__, etc.).
Cast the pointer to the array to intptr_t, or to explicit ctypes type, or just leave it un-cast; then use ctypes on the Python side to access it.
Cast the pointer to the array to const char * and pass it as a str (or, in Py3, bytes), and use struct or ctypes on the Python side to access it.
Create an object matching the buffer protocol, and again use struct or ctypes on the Python side.
In your case, you want to use numpy.arrays in Python. So, the general cases become:
Create a numpy.array to pass.
(probably not appropriate)
Pass the pointer to the array as-is, and from Python, use ctypes to get it into a type that numpy can convert into an array.
Cast the pointer to the array to const char * and pass it as a str (or, in Py3, bytes), which is already a type that numpy can convert into an array.
Create an object matching the buffer protocol, and which again I believe numpy can convert directly.
For 1, here's how to do it with a list, just because it's a very simple example (and I already wrote it…):
PyObject *makelist(int array[], size_t size) {
PyObject *l = PyList_New(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
PyList_SET_ITEM(l, i, PyInt_FromLong(array[i]));
return l;
And here's the numpy.array equivalent (assuming you can rely on the C array not to be deleted—see Creating arrays in the docs for more details on your options here):
PyObject *makearray(int array[], size_t size) {
npy_int dim = size;
return PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, &dim, (void *)array);
At any rate, however you do this, you will end up with something that looks like a PyObject * from C (and has a single refcount), so you can pass it as a function argument, while on the Python side it will look like a numpy.array, list, bytes, or whatever else is appropriate.
Now, how do you actually pass function arguments? Well, the sample code in Pure Embedding that you referenced in your comment shows how to do this, but doesn't really explain what's going on. There's actually more explanation in the extending docs than the embedding docs, specifically, Calling Python Functions from C. Also, keep in mind that the standard library source code is chock full of examples of this (although some of them aren't as readable as they could be, either because of optimization, or just because they haven't been updated to take advantage of new simplified C API features).
Skip the first example about getting a Python function from Python, because presumably you already have that. The second example (and the paragraph right about it) shows the easy way to do it: Creating an argument tuple with Py_BuildValue. So, let's say we want to call a function you've got stored in myfunc with the list mylist returned by that makelist function above. Here's what you do:
if (!PyCallable_Check(myfunc)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "function is not callable?!");
return NULL;
PyObject *arglist = Py_BuildValue("(o)", mylist);
PyObject *result = PyObject_CallObject(myfunc, arglist);
return result;
You can skip the callable check if you're sure you've got a valid callable object, of course. (And it's usually better to check when you first get myfunc, if appropriate, because you can give both earlier and better error feedback that way.)
If you want to actually understand what's going on, try it without Py_BuildValue. As the docs say, the second argument to [PyObject_CallObject][6] is a tuple, and PyObject_CallObject(callable_object, args) is equivalent to apply(callable_object, args), which is equivalent to callable_object(*args). So, if you wanted to call myfunc(mylist) in Python, you have to turn that into, effectively, myfunc(*(mylist,)) so you can translate it to C. You can construct a tuple like this:
PyObject *arglist = PyTuple_Pack(1, mylist);
But usually, Py_BuildValue is easier (especially if you haven't already packed everything up as Python objects), and the intention in your code is clearer (just as using PyArg_ParseTuple is simpler and clearer than using explicit tuple functions in the other direction).
So, how do you get that myfunc? Well, if you've created the function from the embedding code, just keep the pointer around. If you want it passed in from the Python code, that's exactly what the first example does. If you want to, e.g., look it up by name from a module or other context, the APIs for concrete types like PyModule and abstract types like PyMapping are pretty simple, and it's generally obvious how to convert Python code into the equivalent C code, even if the result is mostly ugly boilerplate.
Putting it all together, let's say I've got a C array of integers, and I want to import mymodule and call a function mymodule.myfunc(mylist) that returns an int. Here's a stripped-down example (not actually tested, and no error handling, but it should show all the parts):
int callModuleFunc(int array[], size_t size) {
PyObject *mymodule = PyImport_ImportModule("mymodule");
PyObject *myfunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(mymodule, "myfunc");
PyObject *mylist = PyList_New(size);
for (size_t i = 0; i != size; ++i) {
PyList_SET_ITEM(l, i, PyInt_FromLong(array[i]));
PyObject *arglist = Py_BuildValue("(o)", mylist);
PyObject *result = PyObject_CallObject(myfunc, arglist);
int retval = (int)PyInt_AsLong(result);
return retval;
If you're using C++, you probably want to look into some kind of scope-guard/janitor/etc. to handle all those Py_DECREF calls, especially once you start doing proper error handling (which usually means early return NULL calls peppered through the function). If you're using C++11 or Boost, unique_ptr<PyObject, Py_DecRef> may be all you need.
But really, a better way to reduce all that ugly boilerplate, if you plan to do a lot of C<->Python communication, is to look at all of the familiar frameworks designed for improving extending Python—Cython, boost::python, etc. Even though you're embedding, you're effectively doing the same work as extending, so they can help in the same ways.
For that matter, some of them also have tools to help the embedding part, if you search around the docs. For example, you can write your main program in Cython, using both C code and Python code, and cython --embed. You may want to cross your fingers and/or sacrifice some chickens, but if it works, it's amazingly simple and productive. Boost isn't nearly as trivial to get started, but once you've got things together, almost everything is done in exactly the way you'd expect, and just works, and that's just as true for embedding as extending. And so on.
The Python function will need a Python object to be passed in. Since you want that Python object to be a NumPy array, you should use one of the NumPy C-API functions for creating arrays; PyArray_SimpleNewFromData() is probably a good start. It will use the buffer provided, without copying the data.
That said, it is almost always easier to write the main program in Python and use a C extension module for the C code. This approach makes it easier to let Python do the memory management, and the ctypes module together with Numpy's cpython extensions make it easy to pass a NumPy array to a C function.