i'm trying to build an app for windows using PyInstaller, but skipping libraries (ex django). I'm will run requirements.txt to use the installed libaries on local system python.
The intention is to compile (protect) the code and keep the libraries on system.
Saw about changing the python path on runtime using hook, but not found nothing.
Thanks for the help!
You can exclude modules on the command line like this:
pyinstaller --exclude-module django
I've been trying to install the py2exe module (for Python 3) offline (it's a stand-alone network) without without installing any dependencies first (I couldn't find a list of dependencies anywhere).
When I try to install it, it runs into a module exception :
no module named py2exe_distutils
The file is in a .tar.gz format.
I use the pip install file in cmd while being in the file directory.
I would appreciate any help regarding this.
I think you need this:
this file contain the offline setup 😁
I'm trying to compile a python program in py2exe. It is returning a bunch of missing modules, and when I run the executable, it says: "MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll"
All my 'non-plotting' scripts work perfectly, just scripts utilizing 'matplotlib', and 'pyqtgraph' don't work.
I've even found the file in Numpy/Core/mkl_intel_thread.dll, and placed it into the folder with the .exe, and it still doesn't work. Does anyone have any idea how this can be solved?
I'm using Anaconda Python 3.4, and matplotlib 1.5.1
Never mind! I managed to solve it, by copying the required dll from inside numpy/core, into the dist folder that py2exe creates, not outside of it.
The best way to fix this is to use the nomkl option with conda:
conda install nomkl numpy scipy scikit-learn numexpr
MY PREVIOUS ANSWER: I had this same issue on MAC OSX using pyqtgraph with py2app. I had to put the libmkl_avx2.dylib and libmkl_mc.dylib in the application package. Specifically, I had to right-click on the app and "Show Package Contents". I put the files in the folder
Since python is bundled with the Tide SDK, I can't figure out how to use access external modules. I've tried copying the module folder "Lib/site-packages/YourModuleHere" to the tide SDK directory, and this suggestion here: TIdeSDK Python module import but with no success. The module I'm trying to use is https://github.com/burnash/gspread
Any ideas?
You may try http://www.py2exe.org/index.cgi/Tutorial
to convert your python code to exe with all needed modules then use Ti.Process.createProcess() to call your exe
In current version of TideSDK, loading custom python modules is not supported.It loads default set of Python modules compiled within the SDK.
I've had some luck installing a view external modules by running setup.py install from TideSDK's python.exe
This post helped:
Installing python modules in TideSDK
For Windows 7:
launch powershell
cd into the module folder
C:\ProgramData\TideSDK\Modules\python\1.3.1-beta\python.exe setup.py install
It installs the module in \Lib\site-packages, as it should, and I'm able to use the import function in the python code.
This has worked for PIL and I'm trying to get it to function with pywin32. I'd love to hear if it works for other modules
I'm making a real simple RPG game at college and I would like to use pygame. However, my college has a group policy disabling any Windows executables from running so I can't install pygame. Is there any way I can just import pygame by just having it in the same folder?
One thing I do with external python libraries is to download the source, build it and copy the built library into ${PROJECT_HOME}/lib/${EXTERNAL_LIB_NAME}. This way, I can run my python scripts with just standard python installation on a machine. To be able to use the external lib, you'll have to include the lib directory to sys path like this:
import os
from sys import path as syspath
syspath.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lib'))
P.S.: Since pygame has C/C++ files to be compiled, you'd have to use mingw instead. Refer to this answer for that: error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
EDIT: In case you're wondering how to build pygame from source, you'll need to run setup.py build. This will build the python library into 'build' folder of the package directory and there you'd see how it should be placed in Python's directory. You will face the compilation problem in Windows as I've mentioned before, but you can easily fix that.
EDIT 2: Download link to contents of 'lib' for PyGame:
Python 2.7: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/71422266/pygame27.7z
Python 3.2: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/71422266/pygame32.7z
If you're allowed to run stuff from a USB drive, one option would be to use Portable Python, which includes PyGame 1.9.1.
Trying to build an app on the Mac using py2app. Got everything working fine on my machine, but when moving the app to another, it crashes and the console displays this error.
ERROR: pygame.macosx import FAILED
Anybody have a solution to this?
Found the problem and solution after many hours. Turns out other people have experienced similar problems and their articles were quite helpful:
In case someone else runs into the issue, this particular problem was caused because the Python framework was not being bundled into the application. You can confirm this by right-clicking your app to view package contents, then proceed to Contents/Frameworks/. If Python.framework is not there, it should be.
Be sure to download Python -
My first issue was reliance on Apple's build in Python package. Don't use this. You need to install your own version of python. Go to http://www.python.org/download/releases/, find a version (I stuck with 2.6), download the gzip (not the mac package), and install with the following if you are running Snow Leopard:
./configure --enable-framework MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6 --with-universal-archs=intel --enable-universalsdk=/
sudo make install
Adjust Paths, Install Packages - From here there you need to adjust your paths to ensure you are using your custom-installed version. From here, I reinstalled the following packages - this turned out to be a dependency nightmare so I'm including the version numbers as well:
py2app 0.5.2
macholib 1.3
modulegraph .8.0
If these packages actually worked, you should be able to build and run your app now. Unfortunately, they don't. I'll go into the errors and my hacked solutions in a bit, but there's some settings in the build file that need to be made first.
First the setup.py file should like a little somethin' like this:
from setuptools import setup
APP = ['Game.py']
DATA_FILES = ['data']
"argv_emulation": False,
"compressed" : True,
options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
then to be extra safe, I use a shell script to call this.
## Remove previous builds. Start with clean slate.
rm -rf build dist
## Force python into 32 bit mode.
## Force build with custom installed python
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin/python setup.py py2app
Running build.sh should compile the app. If it does not compile, I have good news -- it's not your fault. Due to glitches in the libraries, you may run into some (or all) of the following:
Potential Problems
If the build script fails, scan the traceback for some of the following keywords:
pygame not found - basic path problem in py2app. Add...
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'lib', 'python2.6','lib-dynload')) ## Added to fix dynlib bug
after the import statements in boot_app.py in the py2app lib.
pythonNone - This appears to be a bug in the macho package where it cannot determine the version number of your python build. To solve this, I added the following lines to build_app.py in py2app.
## Add these two lines...
if not info["version"]:
info["version"] = "2.6"
## Before this line. (line 941 in method copy_python_framework() at time of writing)
pydir = 'python%s'%(info['version'])
No such file or directory...Python.framework/[lib|include] - py2app is simply looking for directories that exist deeper in the file system tree. Go to the Python.framework directory and symlink up the place...
cd /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework
sudo ln -s Versions/Current/include/ include
sudo ln -s Versions/Current/lib lib
That should do it! - These steps created a compiled app that worked on other intel machines.
Thank you for posting what you found!
I had a similar problem. I tried various combinations of what you suggested, and isolated the single issue for me to be the bug in boot_app.py which you identify above.
Once I added the one-line fix to boot_app.py which you identify above, everything worked, even using the pre-installed Apple build of python (version 2.6.1).
I should note that when I say "everything worked," I really mean building a py2app app for actual distribution, i.e. using the normal command:
python setup.py py2app
The "alias" mode. i.e.
python setup.py py2app -A
which the py2app documentation suggests for use during development, still does not work for me (with the same module not found error). But better the actual distribution build working than nothing at all! Again, thanks.