I want to add a layer to decode a base64 string to a numpy array which is a JPEG image. This layer needs to be in front of my original first layer of the model. I want to add a decoding layer because of this way I can reduce the network traffic and the speed.
I consist of a *.pb file which i load into a graph by this I try to manipulate that graph with the graph_editor module of Tensorflow which i'm stuck at.
def decode(entry):
extracted_image = tf.io.decode_jpeg(tf.io.decode_base64(entry))
expanded = tf.expand_dims(extracted_image, axis=0)
resized = tf.image.resize_images(expanded, size=[320, 320])
squeezed = tf.squeeze(resized, axis=0)
return squeezed
with tf.Session() as sess:
print("load graph")
with tf.gfile.FastGFile(GRAPH_PB_PATH, 'rb') as f:
graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
graph_nodes = [n for n in graph_def.node]
# Get Graph
g = tf.get_default_graph()
input_feat = tf.placeholder(shape=(), dtype=tf.string, name="input_images_str")
decoded_input = tf.map_fn(decode, input_feat, dtype=tf.float32)
input_tensor = g.get_tensor_by_name("input_images:0")
_conn = graph_editor.connect(decoded_input, input_tensor)
I also tried connecting the original input_tensor with the decoding layer in Tensorflow.
input_tensor = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input_images:0")
input_feat = tf.placeholder(shape=(), dtype=tf.string, name="input_images_str")
decoded_input = tf.map_fn(decode, input_feat, dtype=tf.float32)
input_tensor = tf.matmul(decoded_input, input_tensor)
output_tensor = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("feature_fusion/concat_3:0")
# Saving
inputs = {
"input_images_str": input_feat
outputs = {"feature_fusion/concat_3": output_tensor}
sess, './tf_model/1', inputs, outputs
The last method gave this back when making a prediction with a base64 image.
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'input_images' with dtype float and shape [?,?,?,3]
I'm doing my project using tensorflow with pre-trained mobilenet_v2 model which can be found on https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/g3doc/detection_model_zoo.md
I wanted to get hidden layer values so I implemented this source code and I got an invalidargumenterror
if __name__ == '__main__':
im = Image.open('./sample/maltiz.png')
im3 = im.resize((300, 300))
image = np.asarray(im)[:,:,:3]
model_path = 'models/ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco_2018_03_29/'
meta_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'model.ckpt.meta')
model = tf.train.import_meta_graph(meta_path)
sess = tf.Session()
model.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path))
data = np.array([image])
data = data.astype(np.uint8)
X = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[None, None, None, 3])
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
for i in graph.get_operations():
if "Relu" in i.name:
print(sess.run(i.values(), feed_dict = { X : data}))
I got this error message
File "load_model.py", line 42, in <module>
print(sess.run(i.values(), feed_dict = { X : data}))
InvalidArgumentError: You must feed a value for placeholder tensor 'image_tensor' with dtype uint8 and shape [?,?,?,3]
[[node image_tensor (defined at load_model.py:24) ]]
I printed out the placeholder and the shape of data.
placeholder was uint8 typed [?,?,?,3]
and image had a shape with [1,300,300,3]
I don't know what is the problem.
It looks like just perfect matching with the type on the error message.
Please let me know what is the problem.
When you load the predefined graph and restore the graph to the latest checkpoint, the graph is already defined. But when you do
X = tf.placeholder(tf.uint8, shape=[None, None, None, 3])
You are creating an extra node in the graph. and this node has nothing to do with the nodes you want to evaluate, nodes from graph.get_operations() don't depend on this extra node but some other node, and since this other node does not get fed with values, the error says invalid arguments.
The correct way is to get the tensor that the nodes to be evaluated depend upon from the predefined graph.
im = Image.open('./sample/maltiz.png')
im3 = im.resize((300, 300))
image = np.asarray(im)[:,:,:3]
model_path = 'models/ssd_mobilenet_v2_coco_2018_03_29/'
meta_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'model.ckpt.meta')
model = tf.train.import_meta_graph(meta_path)
sess = tf.Session()
model.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path))
data = np.array([image])
data = data.astype(np.uint8)
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
X = graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0')
for i in graph.get_operations():
if "Relu" in i.name:
print(sess.run(i.values(), feed_dict = { X : data}))
PS: I did try the above approach myself but there is some tensorflow (version 1.13.1) internal bug which stops me from evaluating all the nodes that have Relu in their names. But still some nodes can be evaluated this way.
I am new to tensorflow and i am trying to implement a GAN by following this example in jupyter notebook.
Example here
Instead of using the MNIST data-set as used in this example i am trying to use my own data-set. I am creating an input pipeline for reading in TFRecords files and producing random batches of images. For associating objects with a randomly selected batch of images i am using this function tf.train.shuffle_batch(). But as soon i start my training and run sess.run([image_batch]) to get a random batch of images i get this error.
"ValueError: Fetch argument cannot be interpreted as a Tensor. (Tensor Tensor("shuffle_batch:0", shape=(100, 4096), dtype=float32) is not an element of this graph.)"
Is this error because i have written my get_image() function separately?
Here is the complete code:
# imports
# Paths to DIRs
def get_image(files, num_classes):
# Convert filenames to a queue for an input pipeline.
file_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(files)
# Create object to read TFRecords.
reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
# Read the full set of features for a single example.
key, example = reader.read(file_queue)
# Parse the example to get a dict mapping feature keys to tensors.
# image/class/label: integer denoting the index in a classification layer.
# image/encoded: string containing JPEG encoded image
features = tf.parse_single_example(
'image/class/label': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
'image/encoded': tf.FixedLenFeature([], dtype=tf.string,
label = features['image/class/label']
image_encoded = features['image/encoded']
# Decode the JPEG.
image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(image_encoded, channels=1)
image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, dtype=tf.float32)
image = tf.reshape(image, [IMAGE_WIDTH*IMAGE_HEIGHT])
# Represent the label as a one hot vector.
label = tf.stack(tf.one_hot(label, num_classes))
return image
labels = io.open(DEFAULT_LABEL_FILE, 'r', encoding='utf-8').read().splitlines()
num_classes = len(labels)
print('Processing data...')
tf_record_pattern = os.path.join(DEFAULT_TFRECORDS_DIR, '%s-*' % 'train')
train_data_files = tf.gfile.Glob(tf_record_pattern)
image = get_image(train_data_files, num_classes)
# Associate objects with a randomly selected batch of labels and images.
image_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
[image], batch_size=100,
def model_inputs(real_dim, z_dim):
inputs_real = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, real_dim), name='input_real')
inputs_z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, z_dim), name='input_z')
return inputs_real, inputs_z
def generator(z, out_dim, n_units=128, reuse=False, alpha=0.01):
# return output
def discriminator(x, n_units=128, reuse=False, alpha=0.01):
# return output
# Size of input image to discriminator
input_size = 4096
# Size of latent vector to generator
z_size = 100
# Sizes of hidden layers in generator and discriminator
g_hidden_size = 128
d_hidden_size = 128
# Leak factor for leaky ReLU
alpha = 0.01
# Smoothing
smooth = 0.1
# Create our input placeholders
input_real, input_z = model_inputs(input_size, z_size)
# Build the model
g_model = generator(input_z, input_size, n_units=g_hidden_size, alpha=alpha)
# g_model is the generator output
d_model_real, d_logits_real = discriminator(input_real, n_units=d_hidden_size, alpha=alpha)
d_model_fake, d_logits_fake = discriminator(g_model, reuse=True, n_units=d_hidden_size, alpha=alpha)
# Calculate losses
# Optimizers
learning_rate = 0.002
# Get the trainable_variables, split into G and D parts
t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('generator')]
d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if var.name.startswith('discriminator')]
d_train_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(d_loss, var_list=d_vars)
g_train_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(g_loss, var_list=g_vars)
batch_size = 100
epochs = 100
samples = []
losses = []
# Only save generator variables
saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=g_vars)
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Initialize the queue threads.
coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord)
for e in range(epochs):
for ii in range(391510//batch_size): # training_images//batchsize
# Get a random batch of images.
batch = sess.run([image_batch])
# Get images, reshape and rescale to pass to D
batch_images = batch[0].reshape((batch_size, 4096))
batch_images = batch_images*2 - 1
# Sample random noise for G
batch_z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(batch_size, z_size))
# Run optimizers
_ = sess.run(d_train_opt, feed_dict={input_real: batch_images, input_z: batch_z})
_ = sess.run(g_train_opt, feed_dict={input_z: batch_z})
# At the end of each epoch, get the losses and print them out
train_loss_d = sess.run(d_loss, {input_z: batch_z, input_real: batch_images})
train_loss_g = g_loss.eval({input_z: batch_z})
# calculate accuracy
# Save training generator samples
with open('train_samples.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pkl.dump(samples, f)
# Stop queue threads and close session.
In the code, after creating the image_batch tensor, you are resetting the graph by using "tf.reset_default_graph()".
So the graph gets reset and all the tensors created before the resetting of the graph are no more elements of the new graph, because of which you are getting this error.
Create all your required tensors after resetting the graph and check. It should work.
I am creating a tensor flow code and get an error when I try to run with variables.
The base code is
import tensor flow as tf
import numpy as np
graph = tf.Graph()
with graph.as_default():
with tf.name_scope("variables"):
# keep track of how many times the model has been run
global_step = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, trainable=False, name="global_step")
# keep track of sum of all outputs over time
total_output = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.float32, trainable=False, name="total_output")
with tf.name_scope("transformation"):
# separate input layer
with tf.name_scope("input"):
# create input placeholder which takes in a vector
a = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name = "input_placeholder_A")
#separate the middle layer
with tf.name_scope("middle"):
b = tf.reduce_prod(a, name = "product_b")
c = tf.reduce_sum(a, name = "sum_c")
# separate the output layer
with tf.name_scope("output"):
output = tf.add(b,c, name="output")
# separate the update layer and store the variables
with tf.name_scope("update"):
update_total = total_output.assign(output)
increment_step = global_step.assign_add(1)
# now create namescope summaries and store these in the summary
with tf.name_scope("summaries"):
avg = tf.divide(update_total, tf.cast(increment_step, tf.float32), name = "average")
# create summary for output node
tf.summary.scalar("output_summary", output)
with tf.name_scope("global_ops"):
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
merged_summaries = tf.summary.merge_all()
sess = tf.Session(graph=graph)
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./improved_graph', graph)
def run_graph(input_tensor):
feed_dict = {a: input_tensor}
_, step, summary = sess.run([output, increment_step, merged_summaries],feed_dict=feed_dict)
writer.add_summary(summary, global_step=step)
when I try to run the above code
I get the error
InvalidArgumentError Traceback (most recent call
last) InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): You must feed a
value for placeholder tensor
'transformation_2/input/input_placeholder_A' with dtype float and
shape [?][[Node: transformation_2/input/input_placeholder_A =
Placeholderdtype=DT_FLOAT, shape=[?],
I do not understand what I am doing wrong in this since the code is all corrected for the version of tensor flow installed.
Your placeholder a is defined as being of type float32 but [5, 8] contain int values.
run_graph([2., 8.]) or run_graph(np.array([5, 8], dtype=np.float32)) should work.
i'm stuck working on a Tensorflow Convolutional Neural Network for a university project and i hope somebody can help me.
it's supposed to output a picture for a picture input. left is input, right is output. both are in .jpeg format.
input and output
The weights look like this. left image shows the weights before learning, right is after a few epochs and it does not change at all with further training.
The net does not seem to learn anything useful and i have a feeling i forgot something basic.
the accuracy peeks around 5% when learning
here is what it looks when i save the input image x
i dont know if i make a mistake loading or saving the image
And this is what the output y of the net looks like
i based the code on the tensorflow mnist tutorial.
here is my code that i have shortened to make it more readable:
import tensorflow as tf
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
def weight_variable(dim,stddev=0.35):
init = tf.random_normal(dim, stddev=stddev)
return tf.Variable(init)
def bias_variable(dim,val=0.1):
init = tf.constant(val, shape=dim)
return tf.Variable(init)
def conv2d(x,W):
return tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding = 'SAME')
def max_pool2x2(x):
return tf.nn.max_pool(x, ksize=[1,2,2,1], strides=[1,2,2,1], padding = 'SAME')
def output_pics(pic): # for weights
#1 color (dimension) array cast to uint8 and output as jpeg to file
def output_pics_color(pic):
#3 colors (dimensions) array cast to uint8 and output as jpeg to file
def show_pic(pic):
#3 colors (dimensions) array cast to uint8 and shown in window
filesX = [...] # filenames of inputs for training
filesY = [...] # filenames of outputsfor training
test_filesX = [...]# filenames of inputs for testing
test_filesY = [...]# filenames of outputs for testing
px_size = 128 # size of images 128x128 (resized)
filename_queueX = tf.train.string_input_producer(filesX)
filename_queueY = tf.train.string_input_producer(filesY)
filename_testX = tf.train.string_input_producer(test_filesY)
filename_testY = tf.train.string_input_producer(test_filesY)
image_reader = tf.WholeFileReader()
img_name, img_dataX = image_reader.read(filename_queueX)
imageX = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img_dataX)
imageX = tf.image.resize_images(imageX, [px_size,px_size])
imageX=tf.cast(imageX, tf.float32)
same for imageY, test_imageX, test_imageY
trainX = []
trainY = []
testX = []
testY = []
with tf.name_scope('model'):
x=tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, px_size,px_size,3])
prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# load images into lists
with tf.Session() as sess:
coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord)
for i in range(1,65):
for i in range(1, 10):
# layer 1
x_img = tf.reshape(x,[-1,px_size,px_size, 3])
W1 = weight_variable([20,20,3,3])
b1 = bias_variable([3])
y1 = tf.nn.softmax(conv2d(x_img,W1)+b1)
# layer 2
W2 = weight_variable([30,30,3,3])
b2 = bias_variable([3])
y2=tf.nn.softmax(conv2d(y1, W2)+b2)
# layer 3
W3 = weight_variable([40,40,3,3])
b3 = bias_variable([3])
y3=tf.nn.softmax(conv2d(y2, W3)+b3)
y = y3
with tf.name_scope('train'):
y_ =tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, px_size,px_size,3])
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=y))
opt = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=0.5, momentum=0.1).minimize(cross_entropy)
with tf.name_scope('eval'):
correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, tf.float32))
nEpochs = 1000
batchSize = 10
res = 0
with tf.Session() as sess:
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
trAccs = []
for i in range(nEpochs):
if i%100 == 0 :
train_accuracy = sess.run(accuracy, feed_dict={x:trainX, y_:trainY, prob: 1.0})
output_pics(W1)#output weights of layer 1 to file
output_pics_color(x)#save input image
output_pics_color(y)#save net output
sess.run(opt, feed_dict={x:trainX, y_:trainY, prob: 0.5})
This is an Image generation problem
The model you selected is a very bad model for Image generation tasks
Normal CNNs are used for image recognition and object detection tasks
The tutorial on MNIST is image classification problem and not image generation problem
It is very important to select an appropriate model type for a particular problem
Clearly with this model there is no chance of achieving the output that you have mentioned
I do not event understand that how are you even calculating the accuracy because this is unsupervised learning problem
You have used softmax after every layer which is really a bad idea.. Tensorflow mnist tutorial does not even has this code
Softmax is only used in the last layer
In the hidden layers leaky relu or simple relu should be used
I would suggest you to look for a more appropriate deep-learning model
Specifically combination of Variational Auto-Encoder Generative Adversarial Networks or simple Generative Adversarial Networks
I'm trying to build a softmax regression model for CIFAR classification. At first when I tried to pass in my images and labels into the feed dictionary, I got an error that said that feed dictionaries do not accept Tensors. I then converted them into numpy arrays using .eval() but the program hangs at the .eval() line and does not continue any further. How can I pass this data into the feed_dict?
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import tensorflow.models.image.cifar10 as cf
def loadimagesandlabels(size):
# Load the images from the CIFAR data directory
FLAGS = tf.app.flags.FLAGS
data_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.data_dir, 'cifar-10-batches-bin')
filenames = [os.path.join(data_dir, 'data_batch_%d.bin' % i) for i in xrange(1, 6)]
filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(filenames)
read_input = cf.cifar10_input.read_cifar10(filename_queue)
# Reshape and crop the image
height = IMAGE_SIZE
width = IMAGE_SIZE
reshaped_image = tf.cast(read_input.uint8image, tf.float32)
cropped_image = tf.random_crop(reshaped_image, [height, width, 3])
# Generate a batch of images and labels by building up a queue of examples
print('Filling queue with CIFAR images')
num_preprocess_threads = 16
min_fraction_of_examples_in_queue = 0.4
min_queue_examples = int(BATCH_SIZE*min_fraction_of_examples_in_queue)
images, label_batch = tf.train.batch([cropped_image,read_input.label],batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, num_threads=num_preprocess_threads, capacity=min_queue_examples+3*BATCH_SIZE)
return images, tf.reshape(label_batch, [BATCH_SIZE])
#Set up placeholder vectors for image and labels
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [None, 1728])
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape = [None,10])
W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1728,10]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))
#Implement regression model. Multiply input images x by weight matrix W, add the bias b
#Compute the softmax probabilities that are assigned to each class
y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x,W) + b)
#Define cross entropy
#tf.reduce sum sums across all classes and tf.reduce_mean takes the average over these sums
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_*tf.log(y), reduction_indices = [1]))
#Train the model
#Each training iteration we load 128 training examples. We then run the train_step operation
#using feed_dict to replace the placeholder tensors x and y_ with the training examples
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).minimize(cross_entropy)
#Open up a Session
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
for i in range(1000) :
images, labels = CIFARImageLoading.loadimagesandlabels(size=BATCH_SIZE)
unrolled_images = tf.reshape(images, (1728, BATCH_SIZE))
#convert labels to their one_hot representations
# should produce [[1,0,0,...],[0,1,0...],...]
one_hot_labels = tf.one_hot(indices= labels, depth=NUM_CLASSES, on_value=1.0, off_value= 0.0, axis=-1)
images_numpy, labels_numpy = unrolled_images.eval(session=sess), one_hot_labels.eval(session=sess)
sess.run(train_step, feed_dict = {x: images_numpy, y_:labels_numpy})
#Evaluate the model
#.equal returns a tensor of booleans, we want to cast these as floats and then take their mean
#to get percent correctness (accuracy)
test_images, test_labels = CIFARImageLoading.loadimagesandlabels(TEST_SIZE)
test_images_unrolled = tf.reshape(test_images, (1728, TEST_SIZE))
test_images_one_hot = tf.one_hot(indices= test_labels, depth=NUM_CLASSES, on_value=1.0, off_value= 0.0, axis=-1)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
print(accuracy.eval(feed_dict = {x: unrolled_images.eval(), y_ : test_images_one_hot.eval()}))
Theres a couple of things that you not are understanding really well. Throughout your graph you will work with Tensors. You define Tensors by either using tf.placeholder and feeding them in the session.run(feed_dict{}) or with tf.Variable and initializing it with session.run(tf.initialize_all_variables()). You must feed your input this way, and it should be numpy arrays in the same as shape as you expect in the placeholders. Here's a simple example:
images = tf.placeholder(type, [1728, BATCH_SIZE])
labels = tf.placeholder(type, [size])
Build your network here so you have the variable: Output
images_feed, labels_feed = CIFARImageLoading.loadimagesandlabels(size=BATCH_SIZE)
# here you can see your output
print sess.run(Output, feed_dict = {x: images_feed, y_:labels_feed})
You do not feed tf.functions with numpy arrays, you always feed them with Tensors. And the feed_dict is always fed with numpy arrays. The thing is: you will never have to convert tensors to numpy arrays for the input, that does not make sense. Your input must be numpy arrays, if it's a list, you can use np.asarray(list), if it's a tensor, you are doing this wrong.
I do not know what CIFARImageLoading.loadimagesandlabels returns to you, but I imagine it's not a Tensor, it's probably a numpy array already, so just get rid of this .eval().