Generating two different numbers not close to each other in Python - python

I know how to generate different random numbers in a specific range but i want to choose a random number out of two numbers that are not close to each other and there are numbers between them that i don't want to be included in the generation process.
for example: i don't want one to be generated in this command.
play = (random.randint(0, 2)), (random.randint(0, 2))

If the number of values to choose from is small, and the values are discrete (i.e. not "between 0 to 1 or between 2 to 3") the easiest way would be to use random.choice, which will select either of the provided values, i.e. random.choice([0, 2]) does not mean "chose a number between 0 and 2" but "chose either 0 or 2".
play = (random.choice([0, 2]), random.choice([0, 2]))
Of course, you can also provide more than two values, and those do not have to be integers, so you could also use this variant, which may or may not be clearer:
play = random.choice([(0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 0), (2, 2)])
If you also want the two parts of play to be different numbers, you can modify this accordingly:
play = random.choice([(0, 2), (2, 0)])
Or use random.sample to select k distinct values from a given population:
play = random.sample([0, 2], 2)

The first step is to check the difference between your two values such as
diff = abs(play[0] - play[1])
This will yield the difference as a positive number. It is up to you if you want to check if the number should be a static value ( if diff < 10 ) or a percentage ( if diff < play[0] / 10 and diff < play[1] / 10 ).
Once you have the value, you can either brute force the values ( not the best, should only be used if your range of possible values is very big and the probabilities of have to get an other value is low. Else, choose a safer method ).
The other possibility is to add an other value ( random or not ) such as :
play[1] = (play[1] + random.randint(0, max_value)) % max_value
Using a modulo with your max value will ensure that you do not end up will an overflow or an other similar issue.
There are many more ways to do what you need, these are just two simple examples.


Py: random int distribution of numbers over [list] with exact sum

I'll be as concice as I can be.
I have a number generated by other means:
topic_interest_0 = 50 # this number is generated elsewhere
I have a list with a number of items, in this case 7:
topic_interest_literature = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
I need to distribute topic_interest_0 randomly over topic_interest_literature but where the sum of all items in topic_interest_literature is topic_interest_0 and no item is larger than 10.
I have tried a while loop:
while topic_interest_0 > 0:
if topic_interest_0 >= 10:
topic_interest_literature[0] = random.randint(0, 10)
topic_interest_literature[0] = random.randint(0, topic_interest_0)
topic_interest_0 -= topic_interest_literature[0]
And run this for every item in topic_interest_literature 0 to 6. But this is tedious since I have multiple other such lists to go through, plus it will always leave me with either a surplus or a deficit on the last possible random.
If I understand correctly, what you are looking for is sampling uniformly from a discrete/integer simplex. You'd probably get better answers asking on another SE such as Math; although the actual implementation is a CS question, the algorithm is more Math-y.
Some googling got me this:
That answer gives an algorithm for the continuous case. Adapting it to the discrete case,
from random import choices
samples = choices(range(topic_interest_0+1), k = topic_interest_0-1)
samples.extend([0, topic_interest_0])
topic_interest_literature = [b-a for a,b in zip(samples[0:-1], samples[1:])]
This doesn't guarantee that some won't be more than 10, however. I'm not sure what the optimum way of fixing this is, but if you're not too concerned about uniformity, you could take every entry that exceeds 10, and distribute the excess to the smaller numbers. You could also distribute out the average to each bucket, then pair buckets up and add a random number to one of the buckets in the pair, and subtract from the other.

Python Get Random Unique N Pairs

Say I have a range(1, n + 1). I want to get m unique pairs.
What I found is, if the number of pairs is close to n(n-1)/2 (maxiumum number of pairs), one can't simply generate random pairs everytime because they will start overriding eachother. I'm looking for a somewhat lazy solution, that will be very efficient (in Python's world).
My attempt so far:
def get_input(n, m):
res = str(n) + "\n" + str(m) + "\n"
buffet = range(1, n + 1)
points = set()
while len(points) < m:
x, y = random.sample(buffet, 2)
points.add((x, y)) if x > y else points.add((y, x)) # meeh
for (x, y) in points:
res += "%d %d\n" % (x, y);
return res
You can use combinations to generate all pairs and use sample to choose randomly. Admittedly only lazy in the "not much to type" sense, and not in the use a generator not a list sense :-)
from itertools import combinations
from random import sample
n = 100
If you want to improve performance you can make it lazy by studying this
Python random sample with a generator / iterable / iterator
the generator you want to sample from is this: combinations(range(1,n)
Here is an approach which works by taking a number in the range 0 to n*(n-1)/2 - 1 and decodes it to a unique pair of items in the range 0 to n-1. I used 0-based math for convenience, but you could of course add 1 to all of the returned pairs if you want:
import math
import random
def decode(i):
k = math.floor((1+math.sqrt(1+8*i))/2)
return k,i-k*(k-1)//2
def rand_pair(n):
return decode(random.randrange(n*(n-1)//2))
def rand_pairs(n,m):
return [decode(i) for i in random.sample(range(n*(n-1)//2),m)]
For example:
>>> >>> rand_pairs(5,8)
[(2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 2), (2, 0), (3, 2), (4, 1), (1, 0), (4, 0)]
The math is hard to easily explain, but the k in the definition of decode is obtained by solving a quadratic equation which gives the number of triangular numbers which are <= i, and where i falls in the sequence of triangular numbers tells you how to decode a unique pair from it. The interesting thing about this decode is that it doesn't use n at all but implements a one-to-one correspondence from the set of natural numbers (starting at 0) to the set of all pairs of natural numbers.
I don't think any thing on your line can improve. After all, as your m get closer and closer to the limit n(n-1)/2, you have thinner and thinner chance to find the unseen pair.
I would suggest to split into two cases: if m is small, use your random approach. But if m is large enough, try
pairs = list(itertools.combination(buffet,2))
ponits = random.sample(pairs, m)
Now you have to determine the threshold of m that determines which code path it should go. You need some math here to find the right trade off.

Find values for a given mean

I'm pretty new to python and trying to generate a defined number of numbers (e.g 3 numbers) which mean is equal to a given value.
For example, let's say I'm trying to get different list of 3 numbers whose means equals 10, which would make these lists for example :
(5,10,15) & (0, 0, 30) & (5,5,20).
As I fixed the number of elements in the list I know I could use only the sum but even for that I can't find how to compute different list with the same sum in a pythonic way.
Edit :
I want to generate a defined number of list, not all the possible combination and now that I think about it, it should be only integers
Here you go.
This is only for positive integers with no duplicates
def make_lists(mean):
'without duplicates'
for i in range(0, mean+1):
for j in range(i, mean+1):
k = mean * 3 - i - j
assert (k+i+j) / 3.0 == float(mean), ((k+i+j) / 3.0) #just testing
yield (i,j, k)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print( list(make_lists(10)))

splitting a list dynamically with range and value to split

I want to split the value into number of spits provided. so for example if I have a value = 165340
and split = 5 then the list should become ['0-33068', '33069-66137', '66138-99204', '99205-132272', '132273-165340']...
so far I have just come up with something like this but this is not dynamic...
so thinking how can I build a list of strings like of numbers split with the difference val/split
for i in range(split):
if i==0:
lst.append('%s-%s' % (i, val/split))
elif i==1:
lst.append('%s-%s' % (val/split+i, val/split*2+1))
elif i == 2:
lst.append('%s-%s' % (val/split*i+2, val/split*3))
elif i == 3:
lst.append('%s-%s' % (val/split*i+1, val/split*4))
elif i == 4:
lst.append('%s-%s' % (val/split*i+1, val/split*5))
I made a bunch of attempts here, especially in using remainder = value % numsplits, then int(i * remainder // numsplits) to try and keep things close. Eventually, though, I had to give up and go back to floating point which seems to give the closest results. The usual floating point concerns apply.
def segment(value, numsplits):
return ["{}-{}".format(
int(round(1 + i * value/(numsplits*1.0),0)),
int(round(1 + i * value/(numsplits*1.0) +
value/(numsplits*1.0)-1, 0))) for
i in range(numsplits)]
>>> segment(165340, 5)
['1-33068', '33069-66136', '66137-99204', '99205-132272', '132273-165340']
>>> segment(7, 4)
['1-2', '3-4', '4-5', '6-7']
I don't see a huge issue with this one. I did start at 1 instead of 0, but that's not necessary (change both the int(round(1 + i * ... to int(round(i * ... to change that). Old results follow.
value = 165340
numsplits = 5
result = ["{}-{}".format(i + value//numsplits*i, i + value//numsplits*i + value//numsplits) for i in range(numsplits)]
Probably worth tossing in a function
def segment(value,numsplits):
return ["{}-{}".format(value*i//numsplits, 1 + value//numsplits*i + value//numsplits) for i in range(numsplits)]
The following will cut it off at your value
def segment(value, numsplits):
return ["{}-{}".format(max(0,i + value*i//numsplits), min(value,i + value*i//numsplits + value//numsplits)) for i in range(numsplits)]
To answer this question, it's important to know exactly how we should treat 0 - but it doesn't seem like you've asked yourself this question. The intervals in your example output are inconsistent; you're starting with 0 in the first interval and the first two intervals both have 33,069 elements (counting 0) in them, but you're also ending your last interval at 165340. If 0 and 165340 are both counted in the number of elements, then 165340 is not divisible into five even intervals.
Here are a few different solutions that might help you understand the problem.
Even intervals, counting from zero
Let's start with the assumption that you really do want both 0 and the "top" value counted as elements and displayed in the result. In other words, the value 11 would actually indicate the following 12-element range:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
And be evenly split into the following non-negative intervals:
['0-3', '4-7', '8-11']
If we're only concerned with evenly-divisible cases, we can use a fairly short function (NOTE: These solutions are valid for Python 3.x, or for Python 2.x with from __future__ import division):
>>> def evenintervals(value, n):
... binsize = (value + 1) // n
... intervals = ((x * binsize, (x + 1) * binsize - 1) for x in range(n))
... return ['{}-{}'.format(x, y) for x, y in intervals]
>>> evenintervals(11, 3)
['0-3', '4-7', '8-11']
>>> evenintervals(17, 2)
['0-8', '9-17']
However, this function deals with 165340 (and any other not-evenly-divisible case) by dropping some numbers off the end:
>>> evenintervals(165340, 5)
['0-33067', '33068-66135', '66136-99203', '99204-132271', '132272-165339']
From a purely mathematical perspective, this just doesn't work. However, we could fudge it a bit if for some reason you want to display 0, but not actually count it as an element of the first interval.
Even intervals, counting from one
Here's a function that doesn't count 0 as an element of the list, but does give you the option of displaying it, if you're just that zany:
>>> def evenintervals1(value, n, show_zero=False):
... binsize = value // n
... intervals = [[x * binsize + 1, (x + 1) * binsize] for x in range(n)]
... if show_zero:
... intervals[0][0] = 0
... return ['{}-{}'.format(x, y) for x, y in intervals]
>>> evenintervals1(20, 4)
['1-5', '6-10', '11-15', '16-20']
>>> evenintervals1(20, 5, show_zero=True)
['0-5', '6-10', '11-15', '16-20']
This version of the function might be the closest thing to what you asked for in your question, even though it doesn't show the exact values you gave in your example output:
>>> evenintervals1(165340, 5, show_zero=True)
['0-33068', '33069-66136', '66137-99204', '99205-132272', '132273-165340']
But we still have problems with inputs that aren't evenly divisible. What if we wanted a more general solution?
Uneven intervals
Let's think about how to deal with a wider range of inputs. We should be able to produce, from any positive integer n, anywhere from 1 to n non-overlapping ranges of positive integers. In other words, if our integer is 5, we want to be able to produce a list with as many as five ranges. But how should we distribute "extra" elements, in order to make the ranges as even as possible?
We probably don't want to distribute them randomly. We could just lengthen or shorten the last range in the list, but that has the potential to be very lop-sided:
# 40 split 7 times, adding remainder to last item
['1-5', '6-10', '11-15', '16-20', '21-25', '26-30', '31-40']
# 40 split 7 times, subtracting excess from last item
['1-6', '7-12', '13-18', '19-24', '25-30', '31-36', '37-40']
In the former case the last element is 100% larger than the others and in the latter case it's 33% smaller. If you're splitting a very large value into a much smaller number of intervals, this may not be as much of a problem.
More likely, we want a function that produces the most even set of ranges possible. I'm going to do this by spreading the remainder of the division out among the first elements of the list, with a little help from itertools:
>>> from itertools import zip_longest # izip_longest for Python 2.7
>>> def anyintervals(value, n):
... binsize, extras = value // n, value % n
... intervals = []
... lower = 0
... upper = 0
... for newbinsize in map(sum, zip_longest([binsize] * n, [1] * extras, fillvalue=0)):
... lower, upper = upper + 1, upper + newbinsize
... intervals.append((lower, upper))
... return ['{}-{}'.format(x, y) for x, y in intervals]
>>> anyintervals(11, 3)
['1-4', '5-8', '9-11']
>>> anyintervals(17, 2)
['1-9', 10-17']
Finally, with the example inputs given in the OP:
>>> anyintervals(165340, 5)
['1-33068', '33069-66136', '66137-99204', '99205-132272', '132273-165340']
If it were really important to show the first interval starting at zero, we could apply the same logic here that was used in evenintervals1 to modify the very first integer in intervals before returning, or write a similar function to this one that started counting at zero.
I did implement another version that distributes the "extras" among the last ranges rather than the first, and there are certainly many other implementations that you might be interested in fiddling around with, but those solutions are left as an exercise to the reader. ;)
One possibility using numpy:
from numpy import arange
v = 165340
s = 5
splits = arange(s + 1) * (v / s)
lst = ['%d-%d' % (splits[idx], splits[idx+1]) for idx in range(s)]
print '\n'.join(lst)

Rounding Numbers that fall within variable number of ranges in Python

I have an input list of numbers:
lst = [3.253, -11.348, 6.576, 2.145, -11.559, 7.733, 5.825]
I am trying to think of a way to replace each number in a list with a given number if it falls into a range. I want to create multiple ranges based on min and max of input list and a input number that will control how many ranges there is.
Example, if i said i want 3 ranges equally divided between min and max.
numRanges = 3
lstMin = min(lst)
lstMax = max(lst)
step = (lstMax - lstMin) / numRanges
range1 = range(lstMin, lstMin + step)
range2 = range(range1 + step)
range3 = range(range2 + step)
Right away here, is there a way to make the number of ranges be driven by the numRanges variable?
Later i want to take the input list and for example if:
for i in lst:
if i in range1:
finalLst.append(1) #1 comes from range1 and will be growing if more ranges
elif i in range2:
finalLst.append(2) #2 comes from range2 and will be growing if more ranges
else i in range3:
finalLst.append(3) #3 comes from range2 and will be growing if more ranges
The way i see this now it is all "manual" and I am not sure how to make it a little more flexible where i can just specify how many ranges and a list of numbers and let the code do the rest. Thank you for help in advance.
finalLst = [3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3]
This is easy to do with basic mathematical operations in a list comprehension:
numRanges = 3
lstMin = min(lst)
lstMax = max(lst) + 1e-12 # small value added to avoid floating point rounding issues
step = (lstMax - lstMin) / numRanges
range_numbers = [int((x-lstMin) / step) for x in lst]
This will give an integer for each value in the original list, with 0 indicating that the value falls in the first range, 1 being the second, and so on. It's almost the same as your code, but the numbers start at 0 rather than 1 (you could stick a + 1 in the calculation if you really want 1-indexing).
The small value I've added to lstMax is there for two reasons. The first is to make sure that floating point rounding issues don't make the largest value in the list yield numRange as its range index rather than numRange-1 (indicating the numRangeth range). The other reason is to avoid a division by zero error if the list only contains a single value (possibly repeated multiple times) such that min(lst) and max(lst) return the same thing.
Python has a very nice tool for doing exactly this kind of work called bisect. Lets say your range list is defined as such:
ranges = [-15, -10, -5, 5, 10, 15]
For your input list, you simply call bisect, like so:
lst = [3.253, -11.348, 6.576, 2.145, -11.559, 7.733, 5.825]
results = [ranges[bisect(ranges, element)] for element in lst]
Which results in
>>>[5, -10, 10, 5, -10, 10, 10]
You can then extend this to any arbitrary list of ranges using ranges = range(start,stop,step) in python 2.7 or ranges = list(range(start,stop,step)) in python 3.X
Reread your question, and this is probably closer to what you're looking for (still using bisect):
from numpy import linspace
from bisect import bisect_left
def find_range(numbers, segments):
mx = max(numbers)
mn = mn(numbers)
ranges = linspace(mn, mx, segments)
return [bisect_left(ranges, element)+1 for element in numbers]
>>> find_range(lst, 3)
[3, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3]

