Simply I want to translate the IDL code to python code. This is an easy task for any IDL and Python Expert. But it is not possible for me, if anybody helps me to translate this code then I will thankful to him/her.
RelA = ABS((image1 ) - (image2))
index = where(RelA gt 180.D)
RelA[index] = 360.D- RelA[index]
index = where(RelA le 180.)
RelA[index] = 180.D- RelA[index]
CosRe = cos(RelA * !pi / 180.D)
It's a straightforward conversion to NumPy:
#RelA = ABS((image1 ) - (image2))
RelA = np.abs(image1 - image2)
#index = where(RelA gt 180.D)
index = np.where(RelA > 180.0)
#RelA[index] = 360.D- RelA[index]
RelA[index] = 360.0 - RelA[index]
#index = where(RelA le 180.)
index = np.where(RelA <= 180.0)
#RelA[index] = 180.D- RelA[index]
RelA[index] = 180.0 - RelA[index]
#CosRe = cos(RelA * !pi / 180.D)
CosRe = np.cos(np.radians(RelA))
To translate your second piece of code, just remove the "D" specifiers (Python scalars are automatically higher precision), use "**" instead of "^", and use Numpy's cos function:
D1 = (0.00864 + (0.0000065)) * (0.86D)**(-(3.916 + (0.074 * 0.86)+ (0.05/0.86D)))
D2 = 0.008569 * ((0.8585)**(-4))*(1. + (0.0113 *(0.8585)**(-2)) + (0.00013 * (0.8585D)^(-4)))
D1 = (Pz/Po) * (0.00864 + (0.0000065 * z)) * (0.55)**(-(3.916 + (0.074 * 0.55)+ (0.05/0.55)))
Pr1 = (3./16.*np.pi)* (2/(2+delta))* ((1+delta)+((1+delta)*(np.cos(Agl) * np.cos(Agl))))
Pr2 = (3./16.*np.pi) * (1 + (np.cos(Agl) * np.cos(Agl)))
D1 = (0.00864D + (0.0000065D )) * (0.86D)^(-(3.916 + (0.074 * 0.86D)+ (0.05/0.86D)))
D2 = 0.008569D * ((0.8585D)^(-4))*(1.D + (0.0113D *(0.8585D)^(-2)) + (0.00013D * (0.8585D)^(-4)))
D1 = (Pz/Po) * (0.00864D + (0.0000065D * z)) * (0.55D)^(-(3.916 + (0.074 * 0.55)+ (0.05/0.55)))
Pr1 = (3.D/16.D*!dPi)* (2/(2+delta))* ((1+delta)+((1+delta)*(cos(Agl) * cos(Agl))))
Pr2 = (3.D/16.D*!Pi) * (1 + (cos(Agl) * cos(Agl)))
I am trying to make several plots for a project of mine using the following code:
import pprint
import scipy
import scipy.linalg # SciPy Linear Algebra Library
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lu , lu_factor, lu_solve
from scipy.integrate import quad
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Solving the equations for the Prandtl case
K = 100
alpha = 0.1
visc = 5
diff = 5
N = 0.01
L = 5000
height = 250
subdivisions = 100
tick = 10
points = np.arange(0,L/2+tick,tick)
def H(y):
return ( height * (1 + np.cos(2 * np.pi * y/L)) )
def Bsfc(y):
return 0.1
final_system = []
for q in range(-K,K+1):
equation1 = []
equation2 = []
equation3 = []
Aki = []
Cki = []
Dki = []
for k in range(-K,K+1):
R = 2 * N**2 * np.cos(alpha)**2 / (visc * diff) * (k * np.pi / L)**2
Q = N**2 * np.sin(alpha)**2 / (3 * visc * diff)
S1 = abs(R + np.sqrt(Q**3 + R**2) )**(1/3)
S2 = - abs( np.sqrt(Q**3 + R**2) -R )**(1/3)
phi = np.sqrt(S1**2 + S2**2 - S1*S2)
Lk = np.arccos(- (S1 + S2)/ (2 * phi) )
m1 = - np.sqrt(S1 + S2)
m2 = - np.sqrt(phi) * np.exp(1j * Lk/2)
m3 = m2.conjugate()
def f1r(y):
return (np.exp(m1 * H(y)) * np.cos(2 * (q - k) * np.pi * y / L) ).real
def f1i(y):
return (np.exp(m1 * H(y)) * np.cos(2 * (q - k) * np.pi * y / L) ).imag
gamma1 = 2/L * (quad(f1r,0,L/2,limit=subdivisions)[0] + quad(f1i,0,L/2,limit=subdivisions)[0]*1j)
def f2r(y):
return (np.exp(m2 * H(y)) * np.cos(2 * (q - k) * np.pi * y / L) ).real
def f2i(y):
return (np.exp(m2 * H(y)) * np.cos(2 * (q - k) * np.pi * y / L) ).imag
gamma2 = 2/L * (quad(f2r,0,L/2,limit=subdivisions)[0] + quad(f2i,0,L/2,limit=subdivisions)[0]*1j)
if k == 0:
equation1.append(2 * gamma2.real)
equation1.append(-2 * gamma2.imag)
equation1.append(2 * gamma2.real)
equation1.append(-2 * gamma2.imag)
if q != 0:
if k == 0:
equation2.append(k * gamma1 / (m1**3) )
equation2.append(2 * k * (gamma2 / (m2**3) ).real)
equation2.append(-2 * k * (gamma2 / (m2**3) ).imag)
if k == 0:
equation3.append(2 * (m2**2 * gamma2).real)
equation3.append(-2 * (m2**2 * gamma2).imag)
equation3.append(m1**2 * gamma1)
equation3.append(2 * (m2**2 * gamma2).real)
equation3.append(-2 * (m2**2 * gamma2).imag)
def f4r(y):
return (Bsfc(y) * np.cos(2 * q * np.pi * y / L) ).real
def f4i(y):
return (Bsfc(y) * np.cos(2 * q * np.pi * y / L) ).imag
b.append(2/L * (quad(f4r,0,L/2,limit=subdivisions)[0] + quad(f4i,0,L/2,limit=subdivisions)[0]*1j))
if q != 0:
final_system = np.array(final_system)
#LU solver
P, Ls, U =
Bl = np.linalg.inv(P) # b
Z = np.linalg.solve(Ls,Bl)
X = np.linalg.solve(U,Z)
print (np.allclose(final_system # X, b))
#Getting the values for Ak, Ck and Dk
strings = []
for k in range(-K,K+1):
if k != 0:
Ak = []
Rk = []
Ik = []
for k in range(0,len(X)):
if 'A' in strings[k]:
if 'R' in strings[k]:
if 'I' in strings[k]:
for k in range(0,len(Rk)):
Ck.append(Rk[k] + Ik[k] * 1j)
Ck = np.array(Ck)
Dk = Ck.conjugate()
Ak = np.array(Ak)
#Getting the Buoyancy value
z = np.arange(0,2010,10)
y = np.arange(-L,L+10,10)
Y,Z = np.meshgrid(y,z)
B = np.ones_like(Y)*[0]
for k in range(-K,K+1):
R = 2 * N**2 * np.cos(alpha)**2 / (visc * diff) * (k * np.pi / L)**2
Q = N**2 * np.sin(alpha)**2 / (3 * visc * diff)
S1 = abs(R + np.sqrt(Q**3 + R**2) )**(1/3)
S2 = - abs( np.sqrt(Q**3 + R**2) -R )**(1/3)
phi = np.sqrt(S1**2 + S2**2 - S1*S2)
Lk = np.arccos(- (S1 + S2)/ (2 * phi) )
m1 = - np.sqrt(S1 + S2)
m2 = -np.sqrt(phi) * np.exp(1j * Lk/2)
m3 = m2.conjugate()
if k != 0:
B = B + ( Ak[Aki.index(k)] * np.exp(m1 * Z) * np.exp(2j * (k) * np.pi * Y / L) )
B = B + ( ( Ck[Cki.index(k)] * np.exp(m2 * Z) + Dk[Dki.index(k)] * np.exp(m3 * Z) ) * np.exp(2j * (k) * np.pi * Y / L) )
for k in range(0,B.shape[0]):
for t in range(0,B.shape[1]):
if Z[k][t] < H(Y[k][t]):
B[k][t] = np.nan
if Z[k][t] == H(Y[k][t]):
print (B[k][t], "B value at the ground")
if abs(Z[k][t] - H(Y[k][t])) < 0.1:
if B[k][t] > 0.101:
print (B[k][t],'error -------------------------------------------------')
# print (B[k][t], Z[k][t], H(Y[k][t]), Y[k][t], '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' )
Bp = Bsfc(Y) * np.exp(-Z * np.sqrt(N * np.sin(alpha) ) / (4*visc*diff)**(1/4) ) * np.cos(np.sqrt(N*np.sin(alpha)) /((4*visc*diff)**(1/4))*Z )
##Plotting the buoyancy
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # create a figure
plt.xlabel("Y axis")
The following plot shows a run that yielded a good result:
However, when I increase the "height" parameter, I start getting unstable results, which I suspect occurs because of numerical instabilities:
Buoyancy unstable
Is there a way to increase numerical precision in python? I have experimented a bit with numpy.double, but with unsuccessful results so far.
I guess you'll find your answer here on Stackoverflow
In the standard library, the decimal module may be what you're looking
for. Also, I have found mpmath to be quite helpful...
I have code that looks like this:
n = 2
disc_weights = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, 4*n)
phi = (disc_weights[0] * QubitOperator('X0') +
disc_weights[1] * QubitOperator('Y0') +
disc_weights[2] * QubitOperator('Z0') +
disc_weights[3] * QubitOperator('X1') +
disc_weights[4] * QubitOperator('Y1') +
disc_weights[5] * QubitOperator('Z1') +
disc_weights[6] * QubitOperator('') +
disc_weights[7] * QubitOperator('') )
where QubitOperator is a command in a package I am using. How can I automate this to iterate over X, Y, Z, , 1, 2...n and create phi?
This somewhat does the trick but not quite there yet
phi= functools.reduce(operator.add, (1 * QubitOperator(f'{a}{n}') for a,n in itertools.product(["X", "Y", "Z"], range(n))))
n = 2
disc_weights = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, 4*n)
iter_ = itertools.product('XYZ', range(n))
tuple_wrapper = lambda t: f'{t[0]}{t[1]}'
sum_ = 0.0 * QubitOperator('')
for dw in disc_weights:
sum_ += dw * QubitOperator(tuple_wrapper(next(iter_)))
except StopIteration:
sum_ += dw * QubitOperator('')
I am trying to solve a PDE using odeint and the method of lines. My code is definitely wrong - and I'm trying to figure out where it is going wrong.
I am calling the ode solver using odeint(odefunc,y0,tspan) where tspan = np.linspace(0.0, 0.5, 5) & y0 = 1.0*np.ones(3).
I tried printing t within odefunc and am confused by the output. Despite the fact that I am solving up to t=0.5, the last t-value to print is 0.015081203121127767. The number of outputs matches tspan, but I cannot see how it could possibly be solving up to t = 0.5 when the last time in the de function is 0.015. What am I missing?
My DE is time dependent - so this is making it very hard to figure out where things are going wrong because I don't seem to be seeing the times where everything fails.
ETA - this is failing, but running this without some of the irrelevant stuff I am getting the warning ODEintWarning: Excess work done on this call (perhaps wrong Dfun type). Run with full_output = 1 to get quantitative information., which I'm assuming is part of the issue - but it doesn't appear to be halting the code.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import sys
sigma = 2320
rho = 1000
gravity = 9.81 # [m/s^2]
g = gravity*3600*3600 # [m/hour^2]
S = 0.01
settlingVelocity = 0.02 # [m/s]
ws = settlingVelocity*3600 # [m/hour]
n = 0.04 # [SI]
J = 400 # [Ws/m]
k = 0.02
Cstar = 0.2 * sigma # [kg/m^3]
W = 2 # [m]
D0 = 1.2
Lw = 20
L = 100
tend = 0.5 # in hours
tspan = np.linspace(0.0, tend, 5)
def d(t): # metres
if t < 50: # hours
return 0.5
return 0.05
def Q(t):
return 3600 * (math.sqrt(S)/n)*((W*d(t))**(5/3))/((2*d(t) + W)**(2/3))
def h(t):
return d(t)/2
def beta(t):
return (sigma - rho) * g * h(t)/sigma
def Omega(t):
return rho * g * S * Q(t) # [W/m]
def PsiTime(t):
return rho * g * Q(t) * (D0 - d(t))/(Lw)
N = 10
X = np.linspace(0, L, N)
delX = L/ (N-1)
def odefunc(y, t):
def zetaEh(t):
return k * (PsiTime(t) + Omega(t)) / (J + beta(t))
def zetaEW(t):
return (2*d(t)/(W + 2*d(t))) * k * Omega(t)/(J + beta(t))
def zetaR(t):
return (W/(W + 2*d(t))) * k*Omega(t)/(beta(t))
def zetaEF(t,i):
return (W/(W + 2*d(t))) * k * Omega(t) / (J + beta(t))
C = y[:N]
M = y[N:]
print("time: ", t)
dCdt = np.zeros(X.shape)
dMdt = np.zeros(X.shape)
dCdt[0] = ( # forward difference for dCdx
-Q(t) / (W*d(t)) * (C[1] - C[0]) / delX
+ (zetaEh(t) / (W * d(t))) * ((Cstar - C[0]) / Cstar)
- (ws * C[0] * (beta(t))) / (d(t) * (J + beta(t)))
dMdt[0] = 0
# gully channel
for i in range (1, N-1): # central difference
if M[i] + W *C[i] * ws - zetaR(t) * (Cstar - C[i]) / Cstar < 0:
reMass = M[i] + W * C[i] * ws
dCdt[i] = (
-Q(t) / (W*d(t)) * (C[i+1] - C[i - 1]) / (2*delX)
+ 1 / (W * d(t)) * ((zetaEW(t) + zetaEF(t,i)) * (Cstar - C[i]) / Cstar
+ reMass * (1 - (beta(t))/ (J + beta(t))))
- C[i] * ws/d(t)
dMdt[i] = -M[i]
dCdt[i] = (
-Q(t) / (W*d(t)) * (C[i+1] - C[i - 1]) / (2*delX)
+ 1 / (W * d(t)) * (zetaEW(t) + zetaR(t)) * (Cstar - C[i]) / Cstar
- C[i] * ws / d(t)
dMdt[i] = W * C[i] * ws - zetaR(t) * (Cstar - C[i]) / Cstar
# Final node - backward difference
if M[N-1] + W * C[N-1] * ws - zetaR(t) * (Cstar - C[N-1]) / Cstar < 0:
reMass = M[N-1] + W * C[N-1] * ws
dCdt[N-1] = (
-Q(t) / (W * d(t)) * (C[N-1] - C[N-2]) / delX
+ 1 / (W * d(t)) * ((zetaEW(t) + zetaEF(t, i)) * (Cstar - C[N-1]) / Cstar
+ reMass * (1 - (beta(t)) / (J + beta(t))))
- C[i] * ws / d(t)
dMdt[N-1] = -M[N-1]
dCdt[N-1] = (
-Q(t) / (W * d(t)) * (C[N-2] - C[N - 1]) / delX
+ 1 / (W * d(t)) * (zetaEW(t) + zetaR(t)) * (Cstar - C[N-1]) / Cstar
- C[N-1] * ws / d(t)
dMdt[N-1] = W * C[N-1] * ws - zetaR(t) * (Cstar - C[N-1]) / Cstar
dydt = np.ravel([dCdt, dMdt])
return dydt
init_C = 0.0 * np.ones(X.shape)
init_M = 0.0 * np.ones(X.shape)
init= np.ravel([init_C, init_M])
sol = odeint(odefunc, init, tspan)
conc = sol[:, :N]
I have written code to solve the protoplanetary hydrostatic equilibria equations using first order euler method, and the results are as expected. I now want to rewrite it using fourth order Runge-Kutta solution, which is builtin to scipy.integrate.ode
Expected result, attained by using a custom written euler method:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import ode
universalGasConstant = 8.31
gravitationalConstant = 6.67 * 10**-11
astronomicalUnit = 1.5 * (10**11)
coreMass = 5.9 * 10**24
sunMass = 2 * (10**30)
coreRadius = 0
coreDensity = 5500.0
semiMajorAxis = 5 * astronomicalUnit
gasMeanMolecularMass = 2.3 * 10**-3
coreRadius = (coreMass / ((4 / 3) * np.pi * coreDensity))**(1 / 3)
print('coreradius is', coreRadius)
hillSphere = (1**-4)*(semiMajorAxis) * (((coreMass) / (3 * sunMass))**(1 / 3))
print('hillsphere is', hillSphere)#THIS IS THE HILLSPHERE
numberOfSlices = 100000000 #NUMBER OF SLICES
deltaRadius = hillSphere / numberOfSlices
print('slice length is', deltaRadius)
#gravitationalForce = ((gravitationalConstant * coreMass) /
#(coreRadius + (deltaRadius)))
sunSurfaceTemperature = 5800
sunRadius = 6.96 * 10**8
equilibriumTemperature = sunSurfaceTemperature * \
(sunRadius / (2 * semiMajorAxis))**(1 / 2)
print('equilibrium temperature at', semiMajorAxis,
'metres is', equilibriumTemperature, 'kelvin')
pressureAtRadius = 0
initialDensity = 10.0 #INITIAL DENSITY
densityAtRadius = 0
muOverRT = gasMeanMolecularMass/(equilibriumTemperature * universalGasConstant)
print('muOverRT is', muOverRT)
totalMass = coreMass
densityAtRadius = initialDensity
def function(y, r):
totalMass = y[0]
distanceFromCOG = y[1]
# the differential equations
dRhodr = -(((gravitationalConstant*totalMass*
dMdr = 4*np.pi*gravitationalConstant*densityAtRadius
#dPdr = (1/(muOverRT))*dRhodr
return [dRhodr, dMdr]
distanceFromCOG = coreRadius+np.linspace(0,numberOfSlices) #number of points
initialDensity = [0,0]
solution = ode(function,initialDensity,distanceFromCOG).set_integrator('vode', method = 'dopri5')
I've been working on a computational physics project (plotting related rates of chemical reactants with respect to eachother to show oscillatory behavior) with a fair amount of success. However, one of my simulations involves more than two active oscillating agents (five, in fact) which would obviously be unsuitable for any single visual plot...
My scheme was hence to have the user select which two reactants they wanted plotted on the x-axis and y-axis respectively. I tried (foolishly) to convert string input values into the respective variable names, but I guess I need a radically different approach if any exist?
If it helps clarify any, here is part of my code:
def coupledBrusselator(A, B, t_trial,display_x,display_y):
t = 0
t_step = .01
X = 0
Y = 0
E = 0
U = 0
V = 0
dX = (A) - (B+1)*(X) + (X**2)*(Y)
dY = (B)*(X) - (X**2)*(Y)
dE = -(E)*(U) - (X)
dU = (U**2)*(V) -(E+1)*(U) - (B)*(X)
dV = (E)*(U) - (U**2)*(V)
array_t = [0]
array_X = [0]
array_Y = [0]
array_U = [0]
array_V = [0]
while t <= t_trial:
X_1 = X + (dX)*(t_step/2)
Y_1 = Y + (dY)*(t_step/2)
E_1 = E + (dE)*(t_step/2)
U_1 = U + (dU)*(t_step/2)
V_1 = V + (dV)*(t_step/2)
dX_1 = (A) - (B+1)*(X_1) + (X_1**2)*(Y_1)
dY_1 = (B)*(X_1) - (X_1**2)*(Y_1)
dE_1 = -(E_1)*(U_1) - (X_1)
dU_1 = (U_1**2)*(V_1) -(E_1+1)*(U_1) - (B)*(X_1)
dV_1 = (E_1)*(U_1) - (U_1**2)*(V_1)
X_2 = X + (dX_1)*(t_step/2)
Y_2 = Y + (dY_1)*(t_step/2)
E_2 = E + (dE_1)*(t_step/2)
U_2 = U + (dU_1)*(t_step/2)
V_2 = V + (dV_1)*(t_step/2)
dX_2 = (A) - (B+1)*(X_2) + (X_2**2)*(Y_2)
dY_2 = (B)*(X_2) - (X_2**2)*(Y_2)
dE_2 = -(E_2)*(U_2) - (X_2)
dU_2 = (U_2**2)*(V_2) -(E_2+1)*(U_2) - (B)*(X_2)
dV_2 = (E_2)*(U_2) - (U_2**2)*(V_2)
X_3 = X + (dX_2)*(t_step)
Y_3 = Y + (dY_2)*(t_step)
E_3 = E + (dE_2)*(t_step)
U_3 = U + (dU_2)*(t_step)
V_3 = V + (dV_2)*(t_step)
dX_3 = (A) - (B+1)*(X_3) + (X_3**2)*(Y_3)
dY_3 = (B)*(X_3) - (X_3**2)*(Y_3)
dE_3 = -(E_3)*(U_3) - (X_3)
dU_3 = (U_3**2)*(V_3) -(E_3+1)*(U_3) - (B)*(X_3)
dV_3 = (E_3)*(U_3) - (U_3**2)*(V_3)
X = X + ((dX + 2*dX_1 + 2*dX_2 + dX_3)/6) * t_step
Y = Y + ((dX + 2*dY_1 + 2*dY_2 + dY_3)/6) * t_step
E = E + ((dE + 2*dE_1 + 2*dE_2 + dE_3)/6) * t_step
U = U + ((dU + 2*dU_1 + 2*dY_2 + dE_3)/6) * t_step
V = V + ((dV + 2*dV_1 + 2*dV_2 + dE_3)/6) * t_step
dX = (A) - (B+1)*(X) + (X**2)*(Y)
dY = (B)*(X) - (X**2)*(Y)
t_step = .01 / (1 + dX**2 + dY**2) ** .5
t = t + t_step
where previously
display_x = raw_input("Choose catalyst you wish to analyze in the phase/field diagrams (X, Y, E, U, or V) ")
display_y = raw_input("Choose one other catalyst from list you wish to include in phase/field diagrams ")
coupledBrusselator(A, B, t_trial, display_x, display_y)
Once you have calculated the different arrays, you could add them to a dict that maps names to arrays. This can then be used to look up the correct arrays for display_x and display_y:
named_arrays = {
"X": array_X,
"Y": array_Y,
"E": array_E,
return (named_arrays[display_x], named_arrays[display_y])