I am using a TKinter Entry widget to visualize a path. Now, the path string is actually longer than the widget and after inserting it I can only see the beginning of the path. Since I do this to select a particular file, it would be better to show the end of the path string where the file name is. Is there a way to view the end of the Entry widget?
There are two approaches:
the first is to set the cursor towards the end of the string in order to display the filename.
the other is to set a label that will get the value of the entry and display its entirety.
This example combines both :
import tkinter as tk
def update_label(e):
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
entry = tk.Entry(root)
var = tk.StringVar()
label = tk.Label(root, textvar=var)
var.set('this is a very long link with the filename at the end filename.txt')
entry.insert(0, var.get())
entry.bind('<Enter>', update_label)
entry.xview(len(var.get()) - 10)
Thanks a lot Reblochon Masque for your answer. The code you added actually led me to an even easier solution, that is the use of the attribute xview_moveto. Indeed, if I use the following code:
The end of the entry is visualized together with the file name as I needed.
Hi i'm a beginner in python and I really got int trouble with some methods, I wanna give some number from Entry of tkinter class and show them with a chart,
but the thing is that I cant get int number:
so the chart wont work [here is the picture of my code , I get some bumber from entry but i cant make them integer number]
1: https://i.stack.imgur.com/2Vuvn.jpg
2: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Pa23V.jpg
Welcome. I'm posting a complete, I think, answer to this question but there are a couple of etiquette things you should know:
Please don't post screenshots of your code. Copy and paste into the editor.
Please post just enough code to show your problem, but which is complete enough that we can just copy it into our own editors / IDEs and run without a lot of modification.
The previous commenters are correct that this question has probably been answered a hundred times, so please try to search through previous answers before posting your question.
Having said that, I have not answered this question before, so here's my rendition. I know you're a beginner so I've tried to keep it as simple as possible, but you're also tackling TKinter so I've not made it overly simplistic.
import tkinter as tk
def main():
global entryVar, lableVar
#create a tkinter window:
rootWin = tk.Tk() #creates a root window
rootWin.title('Entry Test') #shows text on the title bar
rootWin.geometry('500x200') #sets the displayable size of the window
#we'll need these variables and they MUST be tk.StringVar()
entryVar = tk.StringVar() #variable to hold the entry value
lableVar = tk.StringVar() #variable to hold the lable value
#create an entry widget:
entry = tk.Entry(
width = 5,
textvariable = entryVar
entry.bind('<Return>', getEntryValue) #bind enter key to widget
entry.bind('<KP_Enter>', getEntryValue, add='+') #bind the other enter key to widget
#create a lable widget
lable = tk.Label(
textvariable = lableVar
lableVar.set("This is where the lable is.")
entry.focus_set() #set focus on the entry widget for convenience
def getEntryValue(event):
global entryVar, lableVar
x = entryVar.get() #get the value from Entry
x = int(x) #change it to an int
lableVar.set(x) #set the lable variable
entryVar.set("") #clear the entry variable
if __name__ == "__main__":
So, what's going on here is that we make a window in the usual way. I've created both an Entry() widget to get some input, and a Label() widget to show whatever has been input. I've broken the Entry() and Label() declarations up over multiple lines just to make them easier to read.
You can attach variables to many TKinter widgets to that you can .get() and .set() their values more easily, but they almost always need to be TKinter variable types such as StringVar() or IntVar(). I've created two such variables, one for the Entry() widget and another for the Label() widget.
I've also added "bindings" to the Entry() widget to both show how that works and to make data entry a bit more convenient. I don't know if you have a separate number pad on your computer keyboard so I've bound both the main <enter> key as well as the number pad's <enter> key. When you hit either one of those keys, the Entry() widget will call the getEntryValue() function which does the work of getting the value and displaying it on the window.
For convenience, entry.focus_set() immediately puts the focus on the Entry() widget, then the TKinter window enters the .mainloop() to do its stuff.
The getEntryValue() function is called by the events which we set on the Entry() widget. I broke it down into more lines than necessary to illustrate what needs to happen. First we retrieve the value of the Entry() widget through its variable, entryVar. You do that using entryVar's .get() method: x = entryVar.get(). That returns a string value which you will have to convert to an integer using the normal int() function available in Python. For this purposes of this demonstration I've chosen to display that value to a Label() widget which I've placed in the window, so I use the Label() widget's variable lableVar: lableVar.set(x). You don't have to convert the integer back into a string before doing this.
I then clear out the entryVar variable so that there isn't anything left in the Entry() widget to get in the way of our next entry.
I've used entryVar and lableVar as globals just to simplify the example.
And that's how you do it.
I guess the problem is here:
Try something like this:
Since what you want is an integer
i have a password generator script that works fine, problem is, i present the password in the GUI in a label and it doesn't give me the option to copy it so i can put the password where i want it, how can i print the password to the GUI so i can copy it after, is there a better way than label?
I am using the function
k being the variable where the password is stored
Alternately if there is some python function that enables me to just straight up copy the contents of k to the clipboard that might be even better, thanks
The simplest solution is to use an Entry widget with the state set to "readonly".
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
entry = tk.Entry(root)
entry.pack(side="top", padx=20, pady=20)
# insert the password
entry.insert(0, "SuperSecretPassw0rd!")
# configure the entry to readonly
You can also automatically add it to the clipboard with the clipboard_clear and clipboard_append methods:
If I understand your problem correctly, you want to get or set a value in a TK gui? Instead of using a Label, I would use an Entry, and I would use one of the TK variable classes (such as StringVar) for k, which have get and set methods
here's a example of a script I use to get and set text values in a TK widget:
frame = tk.Frame(master)
filepath = tk.StringVar()
fileentry = tk.Entry(frame, textvariable=filepath, width=125)
if something:
a = filepath.get()
reference to TK variable classes: https://effbot.org/tkinterbook/variable.htm
I am a new python user. I'm used to programing on matlab.
I've trying to make a simple GUI with Tkinter pack, but I'm having some problems with that. I had already read and searched what i want but I couldn't develop it.
What I'm trying to do is to make a listbox and when I choose one (or more) options the index be returned (and stored) as a variable (array or vector) that could be used to indexing another array.
The best result I got was a listbox where the index were printed, but not stored as a variable (at least it hasn't been shows in the variables list)
I'm using spyder (anaconda).
I tryied a lot of codes and I don't have this anymore.
Sorry for the dumb question. I guess I still thinking in a Matlab way to write
To keep this application simple, your best option is to get the listbox selection when you want to do something with it:
from tkinter import Tk, Listbox, MULTIPLE, END, Button
def doStuff():
selected = lb.curselection()
if selected: # only do stuff if user made a selection
for index in selected:
print(lb.get(index)) # how you get the value of the selection from a listbox
def clear(lb):
lb.select_clear(0, END) # unselect all
root = Tk()
lb = Listbox(root, selectmode=MULTIPLE) # create Listbox
for n in range(5): lb.insert(END, n) # put nums 0-4 in listbox
lb.pack() # put listbox on window
# notice no parentheses on the function name doStuff
doStuffBtn = Button(root, text='Do Stuff', command=doStuff)
# if you need to add parameters to a function call in the button, use lambda like this
clearBtn = Button(root, text='Clear', command=lambda: clear(lb))
I've also added a button to clear the listbox selection because you cannot unselect items by default.
First, import tkinter, then, create the listbox. Then, you can use curselection to get the contents of the listbox.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk() #creates the window
myListbox = tk.Listbox(root, select=multiple) #allows you to select multiple things
contentsOfMyListbox = myListbox.curselection(myListbox) #stores selected stuff in tuple
See the documentation here.
I have some pretty simple code right now that I am having issues with.
root = Tk()
label1 = Label(root, text ="Enter String:")
userInputString = Entry(root)
submit = Button(root,text = "Submit", command = root.destroy)
submit.pack(side =BOTTOM)
When I run the code everything operates as I would expect except
for an input asdf in the Entry print will return something like 0.9355325
But it will never be the same value back to back always random.
I am using python 3.5 and Eclipse Neon on a Windows 7 Machine.
Ultimately the goal is to accept a string from the user in the box that pops up and then be able to use that value as string later on. For example, it might be a file path that needs to be modified or opened.
Is Entry not the correct widget I should be using for this? Is there something inherently wrong with the code here? I am new to python and don't have a lot of strong programming experience so I am not even certain that this is set up right to receive a string.
Thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas.
There are two things wrong with your print statement. First, you print the widget, not the text in the widget. print(widget) prints str(widget), which is the tk pathname of the widget. The '.' represents the root window. The integer that follows is a number that tkinter assigned as the name of the widget. In current 3.6, it would instead be 'entry', so you would see ".entry".
Second, you try to print the widget text after you destroy the widget. After root.destroy, the python tkinter wrapper still exists, but the tk widget that it wrapped is gone. The following works on 3.6, Win10.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
label = tk.Label(root, text="Enter String:")
entry = tk.Entry(root)
def print_entry(event=None):
entry.bind('<Key-Return>', print_entry)
submit = tk.Button(root, text="Submit", command=print_entry)
Bonus 1: I set the focus to the entry box so one can start typing without tabbing to the box or clicking on it.
Bonus 2: I bound the key to the submit function so one can submit without using the mouse. Note that the command then requires an 'event' parameter, but it must default to None to use it with the button.
The NMT Reference, which I use constantly, is fairly complete and mostly correct.
I need a widget in TKinter to be a global widget, however, I need the text displayed in it to be different every time. I'm quite new with TKinter and haven't yet successfully managed to edit an option in a widget.
I assume it's something to do with widget.add_option() but the documentation is quite confusing to me and I can't figure out the command.
I specifically just need to edit the text = "" section.
gm1_b_current_choice_label = Label(frame_gm1_b, text = "Current input is:\t %s"% str(save_game[6]))
I specifically need to update the save_game[6] (which is a list) in the widget creation, but I assume once the widget is created that's it. I could create the widget every time before I place it but this causes issues with destroying it later.
You can use the .config method to change options on a Tkinter widget.
To demonstrate, consider this simple script:
from Tkinter import Tk, Button, Label
root = Tk()
label = Label(text="This is some text")
def click():
label.config(text="This is different text")
Button(text="Change text", command=click).grid()
When the button is clicked, the label's text is changed.
Note that you could also do this:
label["text"] = "This is different text"
or this:
label.configure(text="This is different text")
All three solutions ultimately do the same thing, so you can pick whichever you like.
You can always use the .configure(text = "new text") method, as iCodez suggested.
Alternatively, try using a StringVar as the text_variable parameter:
my_text_var = StringVar(frame_gm1_b)
my_text_var.set("Current input is:\t %s"% str(save_game[6]))
gm1_b_current_choice_label = Label(frame_gm1_b, textvariable = my_text_var)
Then, you can change the text by directly altering my_text_var:
my_text_var.set("Some new text")
This can be linked to a button or another event-based widget, or however else you want to change the text.