Do I need to commit .env files into the repository? - python

I have just started learning backend dev using django. My question is do I just commit the project files in the server folder alone, or should I also commit the .env folder to the repository?
I have done the following:
I have created virtual environment and I have also installed django in venv.
I have setup a django server and super admin.
I have setup the config.json to protect my API key.
Included the same in .gitignore.
What happens if I do or do not commit .env?

Assuming that your .env folder is your virtual environment, no you should not commit it.
The virtual environment should be rebuilt on the server using your requirements.txt file. The local environment you built on your development machine may have operating system specific binaries, and other compiled code that was generated for your local environment.
The server will have different compiled binaries, and therefore should rebuild the virtual environment using: pip install -r requirements.txt.

You shouldn't commit/include your .env file in your git repo because env stands for environment. You will different environment variables for your LOCAL, STAGING(development), PRODUCTION environments.
i.e. your LOCAL .env file might have something like
ALLOWED_HOSTS=, localhost
but your PRODUCTION .env will have something different like
Which is why you can't include your .env in your repo and should be created depending on the environment.


AWS Elastic Beanstalk chown PythonPath error

I am deploying a web app on AWS's elastic beanstalk and am coming across the same error:
[StageApplication]. Stop running the command. Error: chown /var/app/staging/venv/bin/python: no such file or directory.
I see in my environment configuration the property: PYTHONPATH : /var/app/venv/staging-LQM1lest/bin
My app runs perfectly fine locally with the command 'python'.
Any advice on how I can fix this?
Make sure you aren't pushing your local venv to your EB referenced Git Repo. I was trying to make updates from another machine and accidentally pushed it to master which caused this exact error. I had to use the following to remove it even after adding to gitignore file. Give that a shot and/or double check.
git rm -r --cached venv
git commit -m 'Remove the now ignored directory venv'
git push origin master
I discovered that eb deploy was deploying my local venv directory, even though it was in .gitignore. I confirmed this by going to "Application versions" in the sidebar and downloading the deployed .zip file under the "source" column. Sure enough, my venv was in there.
I was running eb deploy from a subdirectory in my git repo. As I intended, eb was only deploying this subdirectory. However, for some reason, it was ignoring the .gitignore file I had in this subdirectory. I added a .ebignore file and put my venv in there, and it fixed the problem. Note that when using .ebignore, eb no longer deploys what's commited in git, but rather what's in the working directory. More here.

Will my virtual environment folder still work if i shift it from my local machine to a shared folder?

Currently, I have a Flask app waiting to be shifted to a shared drive in the company's local network. My current plan is to create a virtual environment inside a folder locally, install all the necessary dependencies like Python3, Flask, Pandas and etc. This is to ensure that my Flask app can still reference to necessary dependencies to run the app.
As I can't access my shared drive via command prompt, my plan is to create a virtual environment locally then shift it to the shared folder together with all the scripts required by my Flask app. Will the app be able to run on the shared drive in this manner?
The standard virtualenv hardcodes the path of the environment into some of its files in the environment it creates, and stops working if you rename it etc. So no, you'll probably have to recreate the env on the destination server.
Perhaps your app's startup script could take care of creating the env if it's missing.

How do you run on OpenShift?

To run InstaBot locally, you just clone the repo, install the requirements.txt, put in your login credentials in, and run python I do not know how this translates to OpenShift.
Let's say you push your code to your own GitHub repo with the login credentials in environment variables (in an git ignored file). You can set environment variables on the OpenShift dashboard, but where's the part where you specify python
For OpenShift, if is a self contained Python web application, then you would need to rename it as, or add a .s2i/environment file to your repo and in it add:
The script should then ensure it is listening on all interfaces, ie., and not just localhost. It also needs to use port 8080.
With that done, you can then use Python S2I builder process in OpenShift to deploy it. The packages listed in requirements.txt will be automatically installed for you.
if not familiar with OpenShift, you might consider reading:
It is a free download.
For details on the Python S2I builder and what environment variables you can set to customise it, see:

Deploying django app to production server, should I include environment (env) in git clone?

I have a working django app running on mý localhost. It is running inside a virtual environment.
No I want to deploy the same project into a Google Compute Engine.
For that I have a question.
After I set up the production server including starting the virutal environment with vritualenv env do I need to clone in the project code from git including the env directory or only the source code including
The process is described differently and so it is a bit confusing.
Main problem is the clarity of deploying the django app to production and the virtual environment setup using git for the code transfer.
Thank you for flow explanation.
My local structure is the following:
valuation <-- project directory w/
valuation <-- project w/
prophet <-- app
In my production server I have the following structure
opt/valuation <-- virtual environment
valuation <-- empty directory, [this][1] says I should clone code here
My question is what should I clone from my local project and what do keep out (mainly the, etc) so that the project will run.
no You don't need the clone the env folder, just make the requirements.text file , which will track all the plugins used in that project.You can update the requirements file using command
pip freeze > requirements.text
on the server just create the new env and install all the plugins using below command
pip install -r requirements.text

I added a SECRET_KEY config variable to my Django app on Heroku but now it won't work locally

I changed my secret key to an environment variable on my Heroku app. I changed it because I found out that keeping the secret key in was a security risk.
However, now it won't work locally when I use python runserver. It gives an error about the secret key.
How do I fix it so I can develop my Heroku app locally?
You can export your secret key as an environment variable locally.
export SECRET_KEY=mysecretkey
./ runserver
Or you could change your to use a hardcoded secret key in DEBUG mode. If you do this, make sure you are running with DEBUG = False on Heroku.
import os
SECRET_KEY = 'mysecretkey'
SECRET_KEY = os.environ['SECRET_KEY']
You have to set your environmental variables in your development environment.
Go to Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings.
Go to the Advanced tab, and at the bottom there is an Environment Variables... button.
In there you can edit the variables as you like.
Edit /etc/environment to include:
SECRET_KEY = <yoursecretkey>
You should be using a virtual environment to isolate your system Python installation from your different projects (it solves conflicting version requirements) and to make deployment easier. Virtualenv Tutorial
To activate your virtual environment when you want to use it there is a shell script located at <your_virtualenv>/bin/activate that handles changing all the environmental variables that make the virtual environment work.
to the bottom of the activate file and when it is run it will add (export) the environmental variable.
I had a bit of trouble working this out too, found my answer here: Set up your local environment variables
If you are using heroku local to develop locally, this might work for you. I just needed to include this line in an .env file placed in the top directory with my Procfile:
SECRET_KEY = 'yourkey'
And in
This works great for me. Otherwise if for whatever reason you aren't using heroku local, maybe you could try importing your key from another file when working locally (and placing this file in your gitignore), and swapping back to the heroku config variable for deployment.

