For the forward (multidimensional) FFTW algorithm you can specify that the input numpy.ndarray is real, and the output should be complex. This is done when creating the byte-aligned arrays that go in the arguments of the fft_object:
import numpy as np
import pyfftw
N = 256 # Input array size (preferrably 2^{a}*3^{b}*5^{c}*7^{d}*11^{e}*13^{f}, (e+f = 0,1))
dx = 0.1 # Spacing between mesh points
a = pyfftw.empty_aligned((N, N), dtype='float64')
b = pyfftw.empty_aligned((N, N//2+1), dtype='complex128')
fft_object = pyfftw.FFTW(a, b, axes=(0, 1), direction='FFTW_FORWARD')
The output array is not symmetric and the second axis is truncated up to the positive frequencies. For the complex FFT you can compute the laplacian with the following np.ndarray
kx, ky = np.meshgrid(np.fft.fftfreq(N, dx), np.fft.fftfreq(N, dx)) # Wave vector components
k2 = -4*np.pi**2*(kx*kx+ky*ky) # np.ndarray for the Laplacian operator in "frequency space"
How would it be done in the truncated case? I thought about using:
kx, ky = np.meshgrid(np.fft.fftfreq(N//2+1, dx), np.fft.fftfreq(N, dx)) # The axes conven-
# tions are different
But, would this really work? It seems like it is neglecting the negative frequencies in the "y" direction.
I'm not familiar with pyfftw, but with the numpy.fft module it would work just fine (assuming you use rfftfreq as mentioned in the comments).
To recap: for a real array, a, the fourier transform, b, has a Hermtian-like property: b(-kx,-ky) is the complex conjugate of b(kx,ky).
The real version of the forward fft discards (most of) the redundant information by omitting the negative kys. The real version of the backward fft assumes that the values at the missing frequencies can be found by complex conjugating the appropriate elements.
If you had used the complex fft and kept all frequencies, -k2 * b would still have the Hermitian-like property. So the assumption made by the real backward fft still holds and would give the correct answer.
I guess with pyfftw it will work just fine provided that you specify a float64 array of the correct size for the output for the direction=FFT_BACKWARD case.
I am using NumPy's linalg.eig on square matrices. My square matrices are a function of a 2D domain, and I am looking at its eigenvectors' complex angles along a parameterized circle on this domain. As long as the path I am considering is smooth, I expect the complex angles of each eigenvector's components to be smooth. However, for some cases, this is not the case with Python (although it is with other programming languages). For the parameter M=0 (some argument in my matrix that appears on its diagonal), I have components that look like:
when they should ideally look like (M=0.1):
What I have tried:
I verified that the matrices are Hermitian in both cases.
When I use linalg.eigh, M=0.1 becomes discontinuous while M=0 sometimes becomes continuous.
Using np.unwrap did nothing.
The difference between component phases (i.e. np.angle(v1-v2) for eigenvector v=[[v1],[v2]]) is smooth/continuous, but this is not what I want.
Fixing the NumPy seed before solving did nothing for different values of the seed. For example: np.random.seed(1).
What else can I do? I am trying to use Sympy's eigenvects just because I am running out of options, and I asked another question asking about another potential approach here: How do I force first component of NumPy eigenvectors to be real? . But, I do not know what else I can try.
Here is a minimal working example that works nicely in a Jupyter notebook:
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
M = 0.01; # nonzero M is okay
M = 0.0; # M=0 causes problems
def matrix_generator(kx,ky,M):
a = 2.46; t = 1; k = np.array((kx,ky));
d1 = (a/2)*np.array((1,np.sqrt(3)));d2 = (a/2)*np.array((1,-np.sqrt(3)));d3 = -a*np.array((1,0));
sx = np.matrix([[0,1],[1,0]]);sy = np.matrix([[0,-1j],[1j,0]]);sz = np.matrix([[1,0],[0,-1]]);
hx = np.cos(k#d1)+np.cos(k#d2)+np.cos(k#d3);hy = np.sin(k#d1)+np.sin(k#d2)+np.sin(k#d3);
return -t*(hx*sx - hy*sy + M*sz)
n_segs = 200; #number of segments in (kx,ky) loop
evecs_along_loop = np.zeros((n_segs,2,2),dtype=float)
# parameterize circular loop
kx0 = 0.5; ky0 = 1; r1=0.2; r2=0.2;
a = np.linspace(0.0, 2*np.pi, num=n_segs+2)
for i in range(n_segs+2):
kloop[i,:]=np.array([kx0 + r1*np.cos(a[i]), ky0 + r2*np.sin(a[i])])
# assign eigenvector complex angles
for j in np.arange(n_segs):
H = matrix_generator(kloop[j][0],kloop[j][1],M)
eval0, psi0 = LA.eig(H)
evecs_along_loop[j,:,:] = np.angle(psi0)
# plot eigenvector complex angles
for p in np.arange(2):
for q in np.arange(2):
print(f"Phase for eigenvector element {p},{q}:")
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes()
Clarification for anon01's comment:
For M=0, a sample matrix at some value of (kx,ky) would look like:
a = np.matrix([[0.+0.j, 0.99286437+1.03026667j],
[0.99286437-1.03026667j, 0.+0.j]])
For M =/= 0, the diagonal will be non-zero (but real).
I think that in general this is a tough problem. The fundamental issue is that eigenvectors (unlike eigenvalues) are not unambiguously defined. An eigenvector v of M with eigenvalue c is any non-zero vector for which
M*v = c*v
In particular for any non zero scalar s, multiplying an eigenvector by s yields an eigenvector, and even if you demand (as usual) that eigenvectors have length 1, we are still free to multiply by any scalar of absolute value 1. Even worse, if v1,..vd are orthogonal eigenvectors for c, then any non-zero linear combination of the v's is also an eigenvector for c.
Different eigendecomposition routines might well, therefore, come up with very different eigenvectors and still be doing their job. Moreover some routines might produce eigenvectors that are far apart for matrices that are close together.
A simple tractable case is where you know that all your eigenvalues are non-degenerate (i.e. each eigenspace is of dimension 1) and you happen to know that for a particular i, the i'th component of each eigenvector will be non zero. Then you could multiply the eigenvector v by a scalar, of absolute value 1, chosen so that after the multiplication v[i] is a positive real number. In C
s = conj(v[i])/cabs(v[i])
conj(z) is the complex conjugate of the complex number z,
and cabs(z) is the absolute value of the complex number z
Note that the above supposes that we are using the same index for every eigenvector, though the factor s varies from eigenvector to eigenvector.
This would impose a uniqueness on the eigenvectors, and, one would hope, mean that they varied continuously with the parameters of your matrix.
I want to implement ifft2 using DFT matrix. The following code works for fft2.
import numpy as np
def DFT_matrix(N):
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
omega = np.exp( - 2 * np.pi * 1j / N )
W = np.power( omega, i * j ) # Normalization by sqrt(N) Not included
return W
# Matrix multiply the 3 matrices together
mA = dftMtxM # rA # dftMtxN
print(np.allclose(np.abs(mA), np.abs(rAfft)))
print(np.allclose(np.angle(mA), np.angle(rAfft)))
To get to ifft2 I assumd I need to change only the dft matrix to it's transpose, so expected the following to work, but I got false for the last two print any suggesetion please?
import numpy as np
def DFT_matrix(N):
i, j = np.meshgrid(np.arange(N), np.arange(N))
omega = np.exp( - 2 * np.pi * 1j / N )
W = np.power( omega, i * j ) # Normalization by sqrt(N) Not included
return W
# Matrix multiply the 3 matrices together
mA = dftMtxM # rA # dftMtxN
print(np.allclose(np.abs(mA), np.abs(rAfft)))
print(np.allclose(np.angle(mA), np.angle(rAfft)))
I am going to be building on some things from my answer to your previous question. Please note that I will try to distinguish between the terms Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Remember that DFT is the transform while FFT is only an efficient algorithm for performing it. People, including myself, however very commonly refer to the DFT as FFT since it is practically the only algorithm used for computing the DFT
The problem here is again the normalization of the data. It's interesting that this is such a fundamental and confusing part of any DFT operations yet I couldn't find a good explanation on the internet. I will try to provide a summary at the end about DFT normalization however I think the best way to understand this is by working through some examples yourself.
Why the comparisons fail?
It's important to note, that even though both of the allclose tests seemingly fail, they are actually not a very good method of comparing two complex number arrays.
Difference between two angles
In particular, the problem is when it comes to comparing angles. If you just take the difference of two close angles that are on the border between -pi and pi, you can get a value that is around 2*pi. The allclose just takes differences between values and checks that they are bellow some threshold. Thus in our cases, it can report a false negative.
A better way to compare angles is something along the lines of this function:
def angle_difference(a, b):
diff = a - b
diff[diff < -np.pi] += 2*np.pi
diff[diff > np.pi] -= 2*np.pi
return diff
You can then take the maximum absolute value and check that it's bellow some threshold:
np.max(np.abs(angle_difference(np.angle(mA), np.angle(rAfft)))) < threshold
In the case of your example, the maximum difference was 3.072209153742733e-12.
So the angles are actually correct!
Magnitude scaling
We can get an idea of the issue is when we look at the magnitude ratio between the matrix iDFT and the library iFFT.
We find that all the values in mA are 800, which means that our absolute values are 800 times larger than those computed by the library. Suspiciously, 800 = 40 * 20, the dimensions of our data! I think you can see where I am going with this.
Confusing DFT normalization
We spot some indications why this is the case when we have a look at the FFT formulas as taken from the Numpy FFT documentation:
You will notice that while the forward transform doesn't normalize by anything. The reverse transform divides the output by 1/N. These are the 1D FFTs but the exact same thing applies in the 2D case, the inverse transform multiplies everything by 1/(N*M)
So in our example, if we update this line, we will get the magnitudes to agree:
mA = dftMtxM # rA/(sizeM * sizeN) # dftMtxN
A side note on comparing the outputs, an alternative way to compare complex numbers is to compare the real and imaginary components:
print(np.allclose(mA.real, rAfft.real))
print(np.allclose(mA.imag, rAfft.imag))
And we find that now indeed both methods agree.
Why all this normalization mess and which should I use?
The fundamental property of the DFT transform must satisfy is that iDFT(DFT(x)) = x. When you work through the math, you find that the product of the two coefficients before the sum has to be 1/N.
There is also something called the Parseval's theorem. In simple terms, it states that the energy in the signals is just the sum of square absolutes in both the time domain and frequency domain. For the FFT this boils down to this relationship:
Here is the function for computing the energy of a signal:
def energy(x):
return np.sum(np.abs(x)**2)
You are basically faced with a choice about the 1/N factor:
You can put the 1/N before the DFT sum. This makes senses as then the k=0 DC component will be equal to the average of the time domain values. However you will have to multiply the energy in frequency domain by N in order to match it with time domain frequency.
N = len(x)
X = np.fft.fft(x)/N # Compute the FFT scaled by `1/N`
# Energy related by `N`
np.allclose(energy(x), energy(X) * N) == True
# Perform some processing...
Y = X * H
y = np.fft.ifft(Y*N) # Compute the iFFT, remember to cancel out the built in `1/N` of ifft
You put the 1/N before the iDFT. This is, slightly counterintuitively, what most implementations, including Numpy do. I could not find a definitive consensus on the reasoning behind this, but I think it has something to do with the implementation efficiency. (If anyone has a better explanation for this, please leave it in the comments) As shown in the equations earlier, the energy in the frequency domain has to be divided by N to match the time domain energy.
N = len(x)
X = np.fft.fft(x) # Compute the FFT without scaling
# Energy, related by 1/N
np.allclose(energy(x), energy(X) / N) == True
# Perform some processing...
Y = X * H
y = np.fft.ifft(Y) # Compute the iFFT with the build in `1/N`
You can split the 1/N by placing 1/sqrt(N) before each of the transforms making them perfectly symmetric. In Numpy, you can provide the parameter norm="ortho" to the fft functions which will make them use the 1/sqrt(N) normalization instead: np.fft.fft(x, norm="ortho") The nice property here is that the energy now matches in both domains.
X = np.fft.fft(x, norm='orth') # Compute the FFT scaled by `1/sqrt(N)`
# Perform some processing...
# Energy are equal:
np.allclose(energy(x), energy(X)) == True
Y = X * H
y = np.fft.ifft(Y, norm='orth') # Compute the iFFT, with scaling by `1/sqrt(N)`
In the end it boils down to what you need. Most of the time the absolute magnitude of your DFT is actually not that important. You are mostly interested in the ratio of various components or you want to perform some operation in the frequency domain but then transform back to the time domain or you are interested in the phase (angles). In all of these case, the normalization does not really play an important role, as long as you stay consistent.
When doing ifft of a 2D ndarray using pyfftw, I found the resultant phase is discontinuous in many positions. My code is as follows:
import numpy as np
import pyfftw
from scipy.fft import ifftshift,fftshift
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N = 256
kx = np.linspace(-np.floor(N/2),np.ceil(N/2)-1,N)
kX,kY = np.meshgrid(kx,kx)
kR = np.sqrt(kX**2 + kY**2)
mask = np.where((kR<=15),1,0)
ifft_obj =
wave = fftshift(ifft_obj())
The phase image is as follows
The minimum phase value is -3.141592653589793 and the maximum value is 3.141592653589793 and their difference is larger than 2pi. Using scipy.fft just gets the same results.
However, when I turn to Matlab, the result looks more reasonable. My code is:
N = 256;
kx = linspace(-floor(N/2),ceil(N/2)-1,N);
[kX,kY] = meshgrid(kx,kx);
kR = sqrt(kX.^2 + kY.^2);
mask = single(kR<=15);
wave = fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(mask)));
caxis([min(angle(wave),[],'all') max(angle(wave),[],'all')]);
axis image; colormap jet;colorbar;
The phase image is
I wonder what leads to the phase discontinuity in python code and how can I correct it.
A phase is best shown as an angle on a unit circle. And a circle does not have a begin and an end. Going around the circle does not create a discontinuity. Adding exactly 2*pi (one trip around the circle) does not change the phase, so +pi and -pi are the same phase. The absolute difference of those two phases is thus not 2*pi, but zero. If you take in account tiny rounding errors, it is almost zero.
My suggestion is to use a "cyclic" color scheme (don't know a better term), where approaching +pi on one end and -pi on the other end colors the graph with the same color.
Your input is symmetric, which leads to a purely real transform (phase is 0 for positive and π for negative values). But because of numerical inaccuracies of the FFT algorithm, the result has very small imaginary values. Thus, the phase deviates a little bit from 0 and π. In your colormapped image, small deviations from 0 are not seen, but small deviations from π can lead to values close to -π (as already discussed by VPfB).
MATLAB does not show this issue because MATLAB's ifft recognizes that the input is (conjugate) symmetric and outputs a purely real image. It simply ignores those small imaginary values.
You can do the same in Python with
wave = np.real_if_close(wave, tol=1000)
The tolerance here is np.finfo(wave.dtype).eps * tol (2.22 10-13 for double float). Adjust as necessary.
I am interested in computing the power spectrum of a system of particles (~100,000) in 3D space with Python. What I have found so far is a group of functions in Numpy (fft,fftn,..) which compute the discrete Fourier transform, of which the square of the absolute value is the power spectrum. My question is a matter of how my data are being represented - and truthfully may be fairly simple to answer.
The data structure I have is an array which has a shape of (n,2), n being the number of particles I have, and each column representing either the x, y, and z coordinate of the n particles. The function I believe I should be using it the fftn() function, which takes the discrete Fourier transform of an n-dimensional array - but it says nothing about the format. How should the data be represented as a data structure to be fed into fftn?
Here is what I've tried so far to test the function:
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
DATA = np.zeros((100,3))
for i in range(len(DATA)):
DATA[i,0] = random.uniform(-1,1)
DATA[i,1] = random.uniform(-1,1)
DATA[i,2] = random.uniform(-1,1)
FFT = np.fft.fftn(DATA)
PS = abs(FFT)**2
The array entitled DATA is a mock array, ultimately the thing which will be 100,000 by 3 in shape. The output of the code gives me something like:
As you can see, I think this is giving me three 1D power spectra (1 for each column of my data), but really I'd like a power spectrum as a function of radius.
Does anybody have any advice or alternative methods/packages they know of to compute the power spectrum (I'd even settle for the two point autocorrelation function).
It doesn't quite work the way you are setting it out...
You need a function, lets call it f(x, y, z), that describes the density of mass in space. In your case, you can consider the galaxies as point masses, so you will have a delta function centered at the location of each galaxy. It is for this function that you can calculate the three-dimensional autocorrelation, from which you could calculate the power spectrum.
If you want to use numpy to do that for you, you are first going to have to discretize your function. A possible mock example would be:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
space = np.zeros((100, 100, 100), dtype=np.uint8)
x, y, z = np.random.randint(100, size=(3, 1000))
space[x, y, z] += 1
space_ps = np.abs(np.fft.fftn(space))
space_ps *= space_ps
space_ac = np.fft.ifftn(space_ps).real.round()
space_ac /= space_ac[0, 0, 0]
And now space_ac holds the three-dimensional autocorrelation function for the data set. This is not quite what you are after, and to get you one-dimensional correlation function you would have to average the values on spherical shells around the origin:
dist = np.minimum(np.arange(100), np.arange(100, 0, -1))
dist *= dist
dist_3d = np.sqrt(dist[:, None, None] + dist[:, None] + dist)
distances, _ = np.unique(dist_3d, return_inverse=True)
values = np.bincount(_, weights=space_ac.ravel()) / np.bincount(_)
plt.plot(distances[1:], values[1:])
There is another issue with doing things yourself this way: when you compute the power spectrum as above, mathematically is as if your three dimensional array wrapped around the borders, i.e. point [999, y, z] is a neighbour to [0, y, z]. So your autocorrelation could show two very distant galaxies as close neighbours. The simplest way to deal with this is by making your array twice as large along every dimension, padding with extra zeros, and then discarding the extra data.
Alternatively you could use scipy.ndimage.filters.correlate with mode='constant' to do all the dirty work for you.
I want numerically compute the FFT on a numpy array Y. For testing, I'm using the Gaussian function Y = exp(-x^2). The (symbolic) Fourier Transform is Y' = constant * exp(-k^2/4).
import numpy
X = numpy.arange(-100,100)
Y = numpy.exp(-(X/5.0)**2)
The naive approach fails:
from numpy.fft import *
from matplotlib import pyplot
def plotReIm(x,y):
f = pyplot.figure()
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(x, numpy.real(y), 'b', label='R()')
ax.plot(x, numpy.imag(y), 'r:', label='I()')
ax.plot(x, numpy.abs(y), 'k--', label='abs()')
Y_k = fftshift(fft(Y))
k = fftshift(fftfreq(len(Y)))
real(Y_k) jumps between positive and negative values, which correspond to a jumping phase, which is not present in the symbolic result. This is certainly not desirable. (The result is technically correct in the sense that abs(Y_k) gives the amplitudes as expected ifft(Y_k) is Y.)
Here, the function fftshift() renders the array k monotonically increasing and changes Y_k accordingly. The pairs zip(k, Y_k) are not changed by applying this operation to both vectors.
This changes appears to fix the issue:
Y_k = fftshift(fft(ifftshift(Y)))
k = fftshift(fftfreq(len(Y)))
Is this the correct way to employ the fft() function if monotonic Y and Y_k are required?
The reverse operation of the above is:
Yx = fftshift(ifft(ifftshift(Y_k)))
x = fftshift(fftfreq(len(Y_k), k[1] - k[0]))
For this case, the documentation clearly states that Y_k must be sorted compatible with the output of fft() and fftfreq(), which we can achieve by applying ifftshift().
Those questions have been bothering me for a long time: Are the output and input arrays of both fft() and ifft() always such that a[0] should contain the zero frequency term, a[1:n/2+1] should contain the positive-frequency terms, and a[n/2+1:] should contain the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency [numpy reference], where 'frequency' is the independent variable?
The answer on Fourier Transform of a Gaussian is not a Gaussian does not answer my question.
The FFT can be thought of as producing a set vectors each with an amplitude and phase. The fft_shift operation changes the reference point for a phase angle of zero, from the edge of the FFT aperture, to the center of the original input data vector.
The phase (and thus the real component of the complex vector) of the result is sometimes less "jumpy" when this is done, especially if some input function is windowed such that it is discontinuous around the edges of the FFT aperture. Or if the input is symmetric around the center of the FFT aperture, the phase of the FFT result will always be zero after an fft_shift.
An fft_shift can be done by a vector rotate of N/2, or by simply flipping alternating sign bits in the FFT result, which may be more CPU dcache friendly.
The definition for the output of fft (and ifft) is here:
This is what the routines compute, no more and no less. Observe that the discrete Fourier transform is rather different from the continuous Fourier transform. For a densely sampled function there is a relation between the two, but the relation also involves phase factors and scaling in addition to fftshift. This is the cause of the oscillations you see in your plot. The necessary phase factor you can work out yourself from the above mathematical formula for the DFT.