I'm struggling with FuncAnimation in matplotlib.animation, and I could not find out any examples or post looking similar to my problem (I mean, yes there is post concerning contourf used in funcAnimation but in those posts they succeed to delete the PathCollection object but in my case something is not working).
In a school project concerning One-vs-All notion (multiple binary classifiers), I want to implement functions to animate a figure having 3 Axes and containing multiple Line2D objects, an PathCollection object from scatter method and a QuadContourSet from contourf method.
Here a screen of how it looks like (obtained when I plot the data at the end of the training of the One-vs-All):
Representation of the static graph
Left: Boundary decision in (Herbology)-(Defense against Dark Arts) plane,
Top right: Loss function of each binary classifiers,
Bottom right: Precision and Recall metrics of each classifiers.
I am trying to have a animated version of the plot using FuncAnimation from matplotlib.Animation module. Animated version of the plot is a bonus feature of my project, then the animation part/core is made in functions, you can see a simplification below (a bare bones representation) :
def anim_visu(models, data):
# initialization of the figure and object representing the data
def f_anim():
# Function which update the data at each frames
visu = FuncAnimation(fig, f_anim, ...)
return fig
if __name__ == "__main__":
if bool_dynamic: # activation of the dynamic visualization
anim_visu(models, data)
And here a minimal workish example:
# =========================================================================== #
# |Importation des lib/packages| #
# =========================================================================== #
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
dct_palet = {"C1":"dodgerblue",
fps = 15
# =========================================================================== #
# | Definition des fonctions | #
# =========================================================================== #
def one_vs_all_prediction(classifiers:list, X:np.array) -> np.array:
... Docstring ...
preds = np.zeros((X.shape[0],1))
for clf in classifiers:
tmp = clf.predict(X)
mask = preds == 0
preds[mask] = tmp[mask]
return preds
def one_vs_all_class_onehot(class_pred:np.array):
... Docstring ...
house = {"C1":1., "C2":2., "C3":3., "C4":4.}
onehot_pred = np.chararray((class_pred.shape[0],1), itemsize=2)
for key, item in house.items():
mask = class_pred == item
onehot_pred[mask] = key
return onehot_pred
def do_animation(clfs:list, data:np.ndarray):
""" Core function for the animated vizualisation.
The function defines all the x/y_labels, the titles.
global idx, cost_clf1, cost_clf2, cost_clf3, cost_clf4, \
met1_clf1, met1_clf2, met1_clf3, met1_clf4, \
met2_clf1, met2_clf2, met2_clf3, met2_clf4, \
boundary, axes, \
l_cost_clf1, l_cost_clf2, l_cost_clf3, l_cost_clf4, \
l_met1_clf1, l_met1_clf2, l_met1_clf3, l_met1_clf4, \
l_met2_clf1, l_met2_clf2, l_met2_clf3, l_met2_clf4
# -- Declaring the figure and the axes -- #
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,9.5))
gs = GridSpec(2, 2, figure=fig)
axes = [fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0]), fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1]), fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])]
# --formatting the different axes -- #
axes[0].set_title("Decision boundary")
axes[1].set_xlabel("i: iteration")
axes[1].set_xlim(-10, 1000)
axes[1].set_ylim(-10, 350)
axes[2].set_xlabel("i: iteration")
axes[2].set_ylabel("Scores (metric_1 & metric_2)")
axes[2].set_xlim(-10, 1000)
# -- Reading min and max values along X dimensions-- #
X = data[:,0:2]
X = X.astype(np.float64)
Y = data[:,2].reshape(-1,1)
idx = np.array([0])
X_min, X_max = X[:,:2].min(axis=0), X[:,:2].max(axis=0)
# -- Generate a grid of points with distance h between them -- #
h = 0.01
XX_1, XX_2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(X_min[0], X_max[0], h),
np.arange(X_min[1], X_max[1], h))
zeros_arr = np.zeros((XX_1.shape[0] * XX_1.shape[1], 1))
XX = np.c_[XX_1.ravel(), XX_2.ravel(),
zeros_arr.ravel(), zeros_arr.ravel(), zeros_arr.ravel()]
# -- Predict the function value for the whole grid -- #
preds = one_vs_all_prediction(clfs, XX)
Z = preds.reshape(XX_1.shape)
## Initialisation of the PathCollection for the Axes[0] objects
boundary = axes[0].contourf(XX_1, XX_2, Z, 3,
colors=["red", "green", "goldenrod", "dodgerblue"], alpha=0.5)
lst_colors = np.array([dct_palet[house] for house in data[:,2]])
raw_data = axes[0].scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], c=lst_colors, edgecolor="k")
## Initialisation of the Line2D object for the Axes[1] objects
cost_clf1 = clfs[0].cost()
cost_clf2 = clfs[1].cost()
cost_clf3 = clfs[2].cost()
cost_clf4 = clfs[3].cost()
l_cost_clf1, = axes[1].plot(idx, cost_clf1,
ls='-', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[0].house])
l_cost_clf2, = axes[1].plot(idx, cost_clf2,
ls='-', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[1].house])
l_cost_clf3, = axes[1].plot(idx, cost_clf3,
ls='-', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[2].house])
l_cost_clf4, = axes[1].plot(idx, cost_clf4,
ls='-', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[3].house])
## Initialisation of the Line2D object for the Axes[2] objects
met1_clf1 = clfs[0].dummy_metric1()
met1_clf2 = clfs[1].dummy_metric1()
met1_clf3 = clfs[2].dummy_metric1()
met1_clf4 = clfs[3].dummy_metric1()
met2_clf1 = clfs[0].dummy_metric2()
met2_clf2 = clfs[1].dummy_metric2()
met2_clf3 = clfs[2].dummy_metric2()
met2_clf4 = clfs[3].dummy_metric2()
l_met1_clf1, = axes[2].plot(idx, met1_clf1,
ls='-', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[0].house])
l_met1_clf2, = axes[2].plot(idx, met1_clf2,
ls='-', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[1].house])
l_met1_clf3, = axes[2].plot(idx, met1_clf3,
ls='-', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[2].house])
l_met1_clf4, = axes[2].plot(idx, met1_clf4,
ls='-', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[3].house])
l_met2_clf1, = axes[2].plot(idx, met2_clf1,
ls='--', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[0].house])
l_met2_clf2, = axes[2].plot(idx, met2_clf2,
ls='--', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[1].house])
l_met2_clf3, = axes[2].plot(idx, met2_clf3,
ls='--', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[2].house])
l_met2_clf4, = axes[2].plot(idx, met2_clf4,
ls='--', marker='o', ms=2, lw=1.2, color=dct_palet[clfs[3].house])
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', f_close)
anim_fig = FuncAnimation(fig, f_animate, fargs=(XX_1, XX_2, XX,), frames=int(1000/fps), repeat=False, cache_frame_data = False, blit=False)
return fig
def f_animate(i, XX_1, XX_2, XX):
... Docstring ...
global clfs, idx, \
cost_clf1, cost_clf2, cost_clf3, cost_clf4, \
met1_clf1, met1_clf2, met1_clf3, met1_clf4, \
met2_clf1, met2_clf2, met2_clf3, met2_clf4, \
boundary, axes, l_cost_clf1, l_cost_clf2, l_cost_clf3, l_cost_clf4, \
l_met1_clf1, l_met1_clf2, l_met1_clf3, l_met1_clf4, \
l_met2_clf1, l_met2_clf2, l_met2_clf3, l_met2_clf4
n_cycle = 100
idx = np.concatenate((idx, np.array([i * n_cycle])))
preds = one_vs_all_prediction(clfs, XX)
Z = preds.reshape(XX_1.shape)
cost_clf1 = np.concatenate((cost_clf1, clfs[0].cost()))
cost_clf2 = np.concatenate((cost_clf2, clfs[1].cost()))
cost_clf3 = np.concatenate((cost_clf3, clfs[2].cost()))
cost_clf4 = np.concatenate((cost_clf4, clfs[3].cost()))
tmp_met1_clf1 = clfs[0].dummy_metric1()
tmp_met1_clf2 = clfs[1].dummy_metric1()
tmp_met1_clf3 = clfs[2].dummy_metric1()
tmp_met1_clf4 = clfs[3].dummy_metric1()
tmp_met2_clf1 = clfs[0].dummy_metric2()
tmp_met2_clf2 = clfs[1].dummy_metric2()
tmp_met2_clf3 = clfs[2].dummy_metric2()
tmp_met2_clf4 = clfs[3].dummy_metric2()
met1_clf1 = np.concatenate((met1_clf1, tmp_met1_clf1))
met1_clf2 = np.concatenate((met1_clf2, tmp_met1_clf2))
met1_clf3 = np.concatenate((met1_clf3, tmp_met1_clf3))
met1_clf4 = np.concatenate((met1_clf4, tmp_met1_clf4))
met2_clf1 = np.concatenate((met2_clf1, tmp_met2_clf1))
met2_clf2 = np.concatenate((met2_clf2, tmp_met2_clf2))
met2_clf3 = np.concatenate((met2_clf3, tmp_met2_clf3))
met2_clf4 = np.concatenate((met2_clf4, tmp_met2_clf4))
# -- Plot the contour and training examples -- #
# Update the plot objects: remove the previous collections to save memory.
#l = len(boundary.collections)
for coll in boundary.collections:
# Remove the existing contours
boundary = axes[0].contourf(XX_1, XX_2, Z, 3, colors=["red", "green", "goldenrod", "dodgerblue"], alpha=0.5)
l_cost_clf1.set_data(idx, cost_clf1)
l_cost_clf2.set_data(idx, cost_clf2)
l_cost_clf3.set_data(idx, cost_clf3)
l_cost_clf4.set_data(idx, cost_clf4)
l_met1_clf1.set_data(idx, met1_clf1)
l_met1_clf2.set_data(idx, met1_clf2)
l_met1_clf3.set_data(idx, met1_clf3)
l_met1_clf4.set_data(idx, met1_clf4)
l_met2_clf1.set_data(idx, met2_clf1)
l_met2_clf2.set_data(idx, met2_clf2)
l_met2_clf3.set_data(idx, met2_clf3)
l_met2_clf4.set_data(idx, met2_clf4)
return boundary.collections, l_cost_clf1, l_cost_clf2, l_cost_clf3, l_cost_clf4, \
l_met1_clf1, l_met1_clf2, l_met1_clf3, l_met1_clf4, \
l_met2_clf1, l_met2_clf2, l_met2_clf3, l_met2_clf4
def f_close(event):
""" Functions called when the graphical window is closed.
It prints the last value of the theta vector and the last value of the
cost function.
class DummyBinary():
def __init__(self, house, theta0, theta1, alpha=1e-3):
self.house = house
self.theta0 = theta0
self.theta1 = theta1
self.alpha = alpha
if self.house == "C1":
self.border_x = 6
self.border_y = 6
if self.house == "C2":
self.border_x = 6
self.border_y = 13
if self.house == "C3":
self.border_x = 13
self.border_y = 6
if self.house == "C4":
self.border_x = 13
self.border_y = 13
def fit(self, n_cycle:int):
for _ in range(n_cycle):
self.theta0 = self.theta0 + self.alpha * (self.border_x - self.theta0)
self.theta1 = self.theta1 + self.alpha * (self.border_y - self.theta1)
def cost(self) -> float:
cost = (self.theta0 - self.border_x)**2 + (self.theta1 - self.border_y)**2
return cost
def predict(self, X:np.array) -> np.array:
if self.house == 'C1':
mask = (X[:,0] < self.theta0) & (X[:,1] < self.theta1)
if self.house == 'C2':
mask = (X[:,0] < self.theta0) & (X[:,1] > self.theta1)
if self.house == 'C3':
mask = (X[:,0] > self.theta0) & (X[:,1] < self.theta1)
if self.house == 'C4':
mask = (X[:,0] > self.theta0) & (X[:,1] > self.theta1)
pred =np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1))
pred[mask] = int(self.house[1])
return pred
def dummy_metric1(self):
return np.array([0.5 * (self.theta0 / self.border_x + self.theta1 / self.border_y)])
def dummy_metric2(self):
return np.array([0.5 * ((self.theta0 / self.border_x)**2 + (self.theta1 / self.border_y)**2)])
# =========================================================================== #
# _________________________________ MAIN __________________________________ #
# =========================================================================== #
if __name__ == "__main__":
# -- Dummy data -- #
x1 = np.random.randn(60,1) * 2.5 + 3.5
x2 = np.random.randn(60,1) * 2.5 + 3.5
x3 = np.random.randn(60,1) * 2.5 + 15.5
x4 = np.random.randn(60,1) * 2.5 + 15.5
stud_house = 60 * ['C1'] + 60 * ['C2'] + 60 * ['C3'] + 60 * ['C4']
c_house = [dct_palet[house] for house in stud_house]
y1 = np.random.randn(60,1) * 2.5 + 3.5
y2 = np.random.randn(60,1) * 2.5 + 15.5
y3 = np.random.randn(60,1) * 2.5 + 3.5
y4 = np.random.randn(60,1) * 2.5 + 15.5
X = np.concatenate((x1, x2, x3, x4)) # shape: (240,1)
Y = np.concatenate((y1, y2, y3, y4)) # shape: (240,1)
data = np.concatenate((X, Y, np.array(stud_house).reshape(-1,1)), axis=1) # shape: (240,3)
clf1 = DummyBinary("C1", np.random.rand(1), np.random.rand(1))
clf2 = DummyBinary("C2", np.random.rand(1), np.random.rand(1))
clf3 = DummyBinary("C3", np.random.rand(1), np.random.rand(1))
clf4 = DummyBinary("C4", np.random.rand(1), np.random.rand(1))
clfs = [clf1, clf2, clf3, clf4]
## Visualize the raw dummy data.
#plt.scatter(X, Y, c=c_house, s=5)
do_animation(clfs, data)
The Class DummyBinary mimics in a simplified way, what my One-vs-All class can do.
You can see a bunch of global in anim_visu and f_anim, in this way the code "works", but I'm aware there is something very wrong.
No global variables, everything were passed to f_anim via fargs, but when returning from f_anim, all the modification of the variables in f_anim scope were lost (normal behavior obviously),
Moving the definition of the f_anim within the body of anim_visu, to make f_anim an inner_function. I'm not experienced enough, so I did not succeed to make it works this way, I noticed that It may appeared it is not possible to modify variable declared in the anim_visu scope in the inner function.
Declare all the variables I need as global, it work in a way, but as you can see by running the code (in the axes[0]), the PathCollections are not cleared/deleted (despite the loop with boundary.collections.remove(coll)) and the number of PathCollection in the axes[0] seems to increased, leading to a drop of the speed the frames are updated.
Looking forward for your advice (and solution+explanation I hope).
And thank you for your times and neurons.
So I've created several charts using the matplotlib library in python 3.5, but I want to be able to have the flexibility to utilize a button to alternate between the views I created within a single window. I've been trying to experiment with an example here, but have not succeeded in doing so. I was curious in how to have the flexibility to click through different views that I created.
My code is sort of organized like this:
def plot1(data1, 'name1'):
def plot2(data2, 'name2'):
def plot3(data3, 'name3'):
Currently it will show up in three different windows. Now when I try to make this all into one view accessible via buttons, I'm unable to do so because quite frankly I'm unfamiliar with how to pass on the variables in my methods to create my desired subplots with the callback function. Is there a way to sort of structure my code to have them all run under one matplotlib window?
The following would be a class that uses the functions that you create. Those would not actually plot anything, but provide the required data. They should be put in a list called funcs, and when you click next or prev the corresponding graph would pop up. This should get you started.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Button
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x = range(-50,50)
y = range(-50,50)
l, = plt.plot(x, y, lw=2)
ax.title.set_text('y = x')
class Index(object):
ind = 0
global funcs # used so yu can access local list, funcs, here
def next(self, event):
self.ind += 1
i = self.ind %(len(funcs))
x,y,name = funcs[i]() # unpack tuple data
l.set_xdata(x) #set x value data
l.set_ydata(y) #set y value data
ax.title.set_text(name) # set title of graph
def prev(self, event):
self.ind -= 1
i = self.ind %(len(funcs))
x,y, name = funcs[i]() #unpack tuple data
l.set_xdata(x) #set x value data
l.set_ydata(y) #set y value data
ax.title.set_text(name) #set title of graph
def plot1():
x = range(-20,20)
y = x
name = "y = x"
return (x,y, name)
def plot2():
x = range(-20,20)
y = np.power(x, 2)
name = "y = x^2"
return (x,y,name)
def plot3():
x = range(-20,20) # sample data
y = np.power(x, 3)
name = "y = x^3"
return (x,y, name)
funcs = [plot1, plot2, plot3] # functions in a list so you can interate over
callback = Index()
axprev = plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075])
axnext = plt.axes([0.81, 0.05, 0.1, 0.075])
bnext = Button(axnext, 'Next')
bprev = Button(axprev, 'Previous')
I am trying to solve two independent variables varying geometrically over a given domain. I want to plot their variance in a single viewer display. How can I get two different contour plots one each for the independent variable in single viewer box? I have used the following code for double contour but cannot get different contours for both the variables (phasegamma and phasesigma in my case). Please suggest how it can be corrected or any other possible way to get two contours in one plot.
import pylab
class PhaseViewer(Matplotlib2DGridViewer):
def __init__(self, phasesigma, phasegamma, title = None, limits ={}, **kwlimits):
self.phasesigma = phasesigma
self.contour1 = None
self.phasegamma = phasegamma
self.contour2 = None
Matplotlib2DGridViewer.__init__(self, vars=(1-phasegamma-phasesigma),title=title,cmap=pylab.cm.hot,limits ={}, **kwlimits)
def _plot(self):
if self.contour1 is not None or self.contour2 is not None:
for Ccr in self.contour1.collections:
for Cni in self.contour1.collections:
mesh = self.phasesigma.getMesh()
mesh2 = self.phasegamma.getMesh()
shape = mesh.getShape()
shape2 = mesh2.getShape()
x, y = mesh.getCellCenters()
z = self.phasesigma.getValue()
x, y, z = [a.reshape(shape, order="FORTRAN") for a in (x, y, z)]
self.contour1 = pylab.contour(x, y, z, (0.5,))
l, m = mesh1.getCellCenters()
w = self.phasegamma.getValue()
l, m, w = [b.reshape(shape, order ="FORTRAN") for b in (l, m, w)]
self.contour2 = pylab.contour(l, m, w, (0.5,))
viewer = PhaseViewer(phasesigma=phasesigma, phasegamma=phasegamma,\
title = r"%s & %s" % (phasegamma.name, phasesigma.name), datamin=0., datamax=1.)
except ImportError:
viewer = MultiViewer(viewers=(Viewer(vars=phasesigma,datamin=0.,datamax=1),Viewer(vars=phasegamma,datamin=0.,datamax=1.)))
I just saw this, so hopefully it's still useful to you. I'm not sure why your version didn't work, although I generally find that pylab works at too high a level and does too many things automatically.
I based the following on Matplotlib2DContourViewer and it seems to do what you want:
class PhaseViewer(Matplotlib2DGridViewer):
def __init__(self, phasesigma, phasegamma, title = None, limits ={}, **kwlimits):
self.phasesigma = phasesigma
self.contour1 = None
self.phasegamma = phasegamma
self.contour2 = None
self.number = 10
self.levels = None
Matplotlib2DGridViewer.__init__(self, vars=(1-phasegamma-phasesigma),title=title,cmap=pylab.cm.hot,limits ={}, **kwlimits)
def _plot(self):
if hasattr(self, "_contourSet"):
for countourSet in self._contourSet:
for collection in ccontourSet.collections:
ix = self.axes.collections.index(collection)
except ValueError, e:
ix = None
if ix is not None:
del self.axes.collections[ix]
self._contourSet = []
for var in (self.phasesigma, self.phasegamma):
mesh = var.mesh
x, y = mesh.cellCenters
z = var.value
xmin, ymin = mesh.extents['min']
xmax, ymax = mesh.extents['max']
from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
xi = fp.numerix.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)
yi = fp.numerix.linspace(ymin, ymax, 1000)
# grid the data.
zi = griddata(x, y, z, xi, yi, interp='linear')
zmin, zmax = self._autoscale(vars=[var],
datamin=self._getLimit(('datamin', 'zmin')),
datamax=self._getLimit(('datamax', 'zmax')))
self.norm.vmin = zmin
self.norm.vmax = zmax
if self.levels is not None:
levels = self.levels
levels = fp.numerix.arange(self.number + 1) * (zmax - zmin) / self.number + zmin
self._contourSet.append(self.axes.contour(xi, yi, zi, levels=levels, cmap=self.cmap))
if self.colorbar is not None:
I have multiple lines plots that are plotted on the same axes in Matplotlib. I'm trying to use the Slider widget to adjust the lines, but for some reason only the first line plot is showing, and nothing is updated when I move the slider:
import matplotlib.pyplot as p
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button, RadioButtons
yPosition = []
yVelocity = []
yTarget = []
yForce = []
lpos= []
lvel = []
ltarget = []
lforce = []
def runSimulation(positionGain=1.5, velocityGain=60.0):
global Kd, Ks, mass, yPosition, yVelocity, yTarget, yForce, width
velocity = 0.0
acceleration = 0.0
reference = 100.0
target = 0.0
position = 0.0
force = 0.0
yPosition = []
yVelocity = []
yTarget = []
yForce = []
for i in range(0,width*10):
acceleration = (force - Kd*velocity - Ks*position)/mass
# Equations of motion for constant acceleration
position = position + (velocity*T) + (0.5*acceleration*T*T)
velocity = velocity + acceleration*T
e1 = target - position # Output of 1st control system
e2 = positionGain * e1 - velocity # Output of 2nd control system
force = velocityGain * e2
if i % 10 == 0: #Plot 1 point for every 10 iterations of simulation
if i>=30:
target = reference
target = 0
def plotGraph():
global yPosition, yVelocity, yTarget, yForce, lpos, lvel, ltarget, lforce
x = range(0,width)
ax = p.subplot(111)
lpos, = ax.plot(x,yPosition,'r')
lvel, = ax.plot(x,yVelocity,'g')
ltarget, = ax.plot(x,yTarget,'k')
lforce, = ax.plot(x,yForce,'b')
ax = p.subplot(111)
p.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25)
p.axis([0, 1, -10, 10])
axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow'
axpos = p.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor)
axvel = p.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor)
spos = Slider(axpos, 'Position Gain', 1.0, 20.0, valinit=1.5)
svel = Slider(axvel, 'Velocity Gain', 5.0, 500.0, valinit=60.0)
def update(val):
global yPosition,yVelocity,yTarget,yForce
If you remove the lines between plotGraph() and p.show() you can see the original plots.
To be honest, you made a little mess with the axis positioning and on the update function. I took the liberty to write again the plotting part and put the comment in there:
# run your simulation like usual
#create a ordered grid of axes, not one in top of the others
axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow'
fig = p.figure()
axdata = p.subplot2grid((7,4),(0,0),colspan=4,rowspan=4)
axpos = p.subplot2grid((7,4),(-2,0),colspan=4, axisbg=axcolor)
axvel = p.subplot2grid((7,4),(-1,0),colspan=4, axisbg=axcolor)
# create your plots in the global space.
# you are going to reference these lines, so you need to make them visible
# to the update functione, instead of creating them inside a function
# (and thus losing them at the end of the function)
x = range(width)
lpos, = axdata.plot(x,yPosition,'r')
lvel, = axdata.plot(x,yVelocity,'g')
ltarget, = axdata.plot(x,yTarget,'k')
lforce, = axdata.plot(x,yForce,'b')
# same as usual
spos = Slider(axpos, 'Position Gain', 1.0, 20.0, valinit=1.5)
svel = Slider(axvel, 'Velocity Gain', 5.0, 500.0, valinit=60.0)
def update(val):
# you don't need to declare the variables global, as if you don't
# assign a value to them python will recognize them as global
# without problem
# you need to update only the canvas of the figure
By the way, if you want to simulate an damped oscillation, I strongly suggest you to give a look to the integrate module of scipy, wich contain the odeint function to integrate differential equation in a better way than what are you doing (that is called Euler integration, and is really error-prone)