Why does this code print out only the first letter? - python

Word=input('please enter a word')
def cap(word):
for char in word:
if char in 'aeiou':
return letter.upper()
return letter
print result

You return immediately after examining the first character. Instead, you should go over all of them, and modify the ones you need.
def cap(word):
result = ''
for letter in word:
if letter in 'aeiou':
result += letter.upper()
result += letter
return result
Note, however, that this may be much easier to do with list comprehensions:
def cap(word):
return ''.join(l.upper() if l in 'aeiou' else l for l in word)

In python you can have functions that continuously return values — they're called generators. You just use yield instead of return. You can then use them as iterators, or call list on them to get the values:
word=input('please enter a word')
def cap(word):
for letter in word:
if letter in 'aeiou':
yield letter.upper()
yield letter
However, if your goal is to translate a set of characters to another set of characters, there is a python string method for that: translate().
word=input('please enter a word')
upper_vowels = word.translate(str.maketrans('aeiou', 'AEIOU'))
This should be more efficient that looping and joining as well being easier to read. Also, you can save the translate table separately if you want to apply it to many strings.


How to replace the specified dash with the letter

I wish to write a hangman program and in order to do so, I have to replace the hash ('-') letter(s) with the user's guessed letter (guess). But when I run the code, it replaces all the hashes with the user's guess letter.
The code seems okay but I don't get the desired result.
words is a list of words I have written before the function.
def word_guess():
word = words[0]
l_count = 0
for letter in word:
l_count += 1
# the hidden words are shown a '-'
blank = '-' * l_count
guess = input("please guess a letter ")
if guess in word:
# a list of the position of all the specified letters in the word
a = [i for i, letter in enumerate(word) if letter == guess]
for num in a:
blank_reformed = blank.replace(blank[num], guess)
e.g: when the word is 'funny', and guess is 'n', the output is 'nnnnn'.
How should I replace the desired hash string with guess letter?
it replaces all the hashes
This is exactly what blank.replace is supposed to do, though.
What you should do is replace that single character of the string. Since strings are immutable, you can't really do this. However, lists of strings are mutable, so you could do blank = ['-'] * l_count, which would be a list of dashes, and then modify blank[num]:
for num in a:
blank[num] = guess
A couple things to note:
inefficient/un-pythonic pop operation (see this)
l_count is just len(word)
un-pythonic, unreadable replacement
Instead, here's a better implementation:
def word_guess() -> str:
word = words.pop()
guess = input()
out = ''
for char in word:
if char == guess:
return out
If you don't plan to use the locations of the correct guess later on, then you can simplify the last section of code:
word = 'hangman'
blank = '-------'
guess = 'a'
if guess in word:
blank_reformed = ''.join(guess if word[i] == guess else blank[i] for i in range(len(word)))
(You still have some work to do make the overall game work...)

How to use insert() in a for loop without making it a endless loop?

I'm trying to make a project in python so that whenever the program encounters a capital letter it makes a white space. So for example "helloThisIsMyProject" > hello This is My Project.
def project(w):
lst = []
for i in w:
for letter in lst:
if letter.isupper():
index = lst.index(letter)
lst.insert(index, " ")
return "".join(lst)
I'm having a problem with insert() and the for loop because the for loop is endlessly looping over the "T" from "This". I tried using continue to skip the letter T but it didn't fix my problem.
Those 1st three lines are simply
lst = list(w)
But you would find this more convenient:
lst = []
for letter in w:
if letter.isupper():
lst.append(" ")
That is, rather than producing a list and going back to fix it up,
you could have it correct from the outset.
You can conditionally output a SPACE before you output the letter.
If you prefer to do it with a list comprehension,
you might enlist the aid of a helper:
def adjust(s: str) -> str:
"""Returns the input string, possibly whitespace adjusted."""
return " " + s if s.isupper() else s
lst = [adjust(letter)
for letter in w]
or more compactly:
lst = list(map(adjust, w))
You could use a join with a list comprehension that adds the space to individual characters:
def spaceCaps(w):
return "".join(" "*c.isupper()+c for c in w)
'hello This Is My Project'
You could also use the sub() function from the regular expression module:
import re
def spaceCaps(w):
return re.sub("([A-Z])",r" \1",w)

Changing lowercase characters to uppercase and vice-versa in Python

I'm trying to write a function which given a string returns another string that flips its lowercase characters to uppercase and viceversa.
My current aproach is as follows:
def swap_case(s):
word = []
for char in s:
for char in word:
if char.islower():
str1 = ''.join(word)
However the string doesn't actually change, how should I alter the characters inside the loop to do so?
PS: I know s.swapcase() would easily solve this, but I want to alter the characters inside the string during a for loop.
def swap_case(s):
swapped = []
for char in s:
if char.islower():
elif char.isupper():
return ''.join(swapped)
you can use swapcase.
Return a copy of s, but with lower case letters converted to upper case and vice versa.
Source : Python docs
>>> name = 'Mr.Ed' or name= ["M","r",".","E","d"]
>>> ''.join(c.lower() if c.isupper() else c.upper() for c in name)
Your code is not working because you are not storing the chars after transforming them. You created a list with all chars and then, you access the values without actually saving them. Also, you should make your function return str1 or you will never get a result. Here's a workaround:
def swap_case(s):
word = []
for char in s:
if char.islower():
str1 = ''.join(word)
return str1
By the way, I know you want to do it with a for loop, but you should know there are better ways to perform this which would be more pythonic.
You can use this code:
s = "yourString"
res = s.swapcase()
Which will output:
def swap_case(s):
x = ''
for i in s:
if i.isupper():
i = i.lower()
i = i.upper()
x += ''.join(i)
return x

python - replace string with condition yields weird result

I wrote a function that replace the letter if the letter is the same as the next letter in the string:
word = 'abcdeefghiijkl'
def replace_letter(word):
for i in range(len(word)-1):
if word[i] == word[i+1]:
word = word.replace(word[i],'7')
return word
This should give me 'abcd7efgh7ijkl', but I got 'abcd77fgh77jkl'. Once the letter is the same with the next one both are replaced with '7'.
You should use:
word = word.replace(word[i],'7', 1)
to indicate that you want to make one character replacement. Calling replace() without indicating how many replacements you wish to make will replace any occurrence of the character "e" (as found at word[i]) by "7".
the answer above has a little bug
for example:
when your word = 'ebcdeefghiijkl'
the result of replace_letter(word) will be '7abcdeefgh7ijkl'
you can try this:
def replace_letter(word):
for i in range(len(word)):
if i!=len(word)-1 and word[i] == word[i+1]:
return ''.join(result)

Why do I get a "string index out of range" error with letter variable above while word: statement but not below?

Below is some code from a game I am creating which scrambles the letters of a random word for a player to guess. I was wondering why when I put my letter variable (which assigns a random letter from one of the words in my word bank to the variable letter) above my while word: statement there is a string index error but if I put the same variable in the while word: statement there is no error.
I know that in the string koala, for example, k is 0 and a is 4. Why would that change within the while statement? Or is there something else going on?
This works:
while word:
letter = random.randrange(len(word))
scrambled_word += word[letter]
word = word[:letter] + word[(letter+1):]
This does not work:
scrambled_word = ''
letter = random.randrange(len(word))
while word:
scrambled_word += word[letter]
word = word[:letter] + word[(letter+1):]
With each iteration of
while word:
scrambled_word += word[letter]
word = word[:letter] + word[(letter+1):]
word is shortened by one letter:
>>> "koala"[:3]
>>> "koala"[4:]
so eventually word[letter] will try to access a letter that's no longer there.
If you want to scramble a word, there's a built-in function for that, though:
>>> word = "koala"
>>> l = list(word)
>>> random.shuffle(l)
>>> word = "".join(l)
>>> word
(taking a detour via a list object because strings themselves are immutable and can't be shuffled directly).
I'm not a python programmer, but this is probably wrong:
word = word[:letter] + word[(letter+1):]
You need to check if the letter is the last one, otherwise word[(letter+1):] is out of bound.

