I am using python with matplotlib and need to visualize distribution percentage of sub-groups of an data set.
imagine this tree:
Data --- group1 (40%)
--- group2 (25%)
--- group3 (35%)
group1 --- A (25%)
--- B (25%)
--- c (50%)
and it can go on, each group can have several sub-groups and same for each sub group.
How can i plot a proper chart for this info?
I created a minimal reproducible example that I think fits your description, but please let me know if that is not what you need.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame()
n_rows = 100
data['group'] = np.random.choice(['1', '2', '3'], n_rows)
data['subgroup'] = np.random.choice(['A', 'B', 'C'], n_rows)
For instance, we could get the following counts for the subgroups.
In [1]: data.groupby(['group'])['subgroup'].value_counts()
Out[1]: group subgroup
1 A 17
C 16
B 5
2 A 23
C 10
B 7
3 C 8
A 7
B 7
Name: subgroup, dtype: int64
I created a function that computes the necessary counts given an ordering of the columns (e.g. ['group', 'subgroup']) and incrementally plots the bars with the corresponding percentages.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm
def plot_tree(data, ordering, axis=False):
Plots a sequence of bar plots reflecting how the data
is distributed at different levels. The order of the
levels is given by the ordering parameter.
data: pandas DataFrame
ordering: list
Names of the columns to be plotted.They should be
ordered top down, from the larger to the smaller group.
axis: boolean
Whether to plot the axis.
fig: matplotlib figure object.
The final tree plot.
# Frame set-up
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9.2, 3*len(ordering)))
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-1, len(ordering)) + 0.5)
ax.set_xticklabels(['All'] + ordering, fontsize=18)
if not axis:
# Get colormap
labels = ['All']
for o in reversed(ordering):
# Pastel is nice but has few colors. Change for a larger map if needed
cmap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('Pastel1', len(labels))
colors = dict(zip(labels, [cmap(i) for i in range(len(labels))]))
# Group the counts
counts = data.groupby(ordering).size().reset_index(name='c_' + ordering[-1])
for i, o in enumerate(ordering[:-1], 1):
if ordering[:i]:
counts['c_' + o]=counts.groupby(ordering[:i]).transform('sum')['c_' + ordering[-1]]
# Calculate percentages
counts['p_' + ordering[0]] = counts['c_' + ordering[0]]/data.shape[0]
for i, o in enumerate(ordering[1:], 1):
counts['p_' + o] = counts['c_' + o]/counts['c_' + ordering[i-1]]
# Plot first bar - all data
ax.bar(-1, data.shape[0], width=1, label='All', color=colors['All'], align="edge")
ax.annotate('All -- 100%', (-0.9, 0.5), fontsize=12)
comb = 1 # keeps track of the number of possible combinations at each level
for bar, col in enumerate(ordering):
labels = sorted(data[col].unique())*comb
comb *= len(data[col].unique())
# Get only the relevant counts at this level
local_counts = counts[ordering[:bar+1] +
['c_' + o for o in ordering[:bar+1]] +
['p_' + o for o in ordering[:bar+1]]].drop_duplicates()
sizes = local_counts['c_' + col]
percs = local_counts['p_' + col]
bottom = 0 # start at from 0
for size, perc, label in zip(sizes, percs, labels):
ax.bar(bar, size, width=1, bottom=bottom, label=label, color=colors[label], align="edge")
ax.annotate('{} -- {:.0%}'.format(label, perc), (bar+0.1, bottom+0.5), fontsize=12)
bottom += size # stack the bars
return fig
With the data shown above we would get the following.
fig = plot_tree(data, ['group', 'subgroup'], axis=True)
Have you tried stacked bar graph?
I would be so thankful if someone would be able to help me with this. I am creating a graph in matplotib however I would to love to split up the 14 lines created from the while loop into the x and y values of P, so instead of plt.plot(t,P) it would be plt.plot(t,((P[1])[0]))) and
plt.plot(t,((P[1])[1]))). I would love if someone could help me very quick, it should be easy but i am just getting errors with the arrays
#Altering Alpha in Tumor Cells vs PACCs
#What is alpha? α = Rate of conversion of cancer cells to PACCs
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from google.colab import files
value = -6
counter = -1
array = []
pac = []
while value <= 0:
def modelP(x,t):
P, C = x
λc = 0.0601
K = 2000
α = 1 * (10**value)
ν = 1 * (10**-6)
λp = 0.1
γ = 2
#returning odes
dPdt = ((λp))*P*(1-(C+(γ*P))/K)+ (α*C)
dCdt = ((λc)*C)*(1-(C+(γ*P))/K)-(α*C) + (ν***P)
return dPdt, dCdt
C0= 256
P0 = 0
Pinit = [P0,C0]
#time points
t = np.linspace(0,730)
#solve odes
P = odeint(modelP,Pinit,t)
value += 1
#plot results
plt.xlabel('Time [days]')
plt.ylabel('Number of PACCs')
You can use subplots() to create two subplots and then plot the individual line into the plot you need. To do this, firstly add the subplots at the start (before the while loop) by adding this line...
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) ## Plot will 2 rows, 1 column... change if required
Then... within the while loop, replace the plotting line...
with (do take care of the space so that the lines are within while loop)
if value < -3: ## I am using value = -3 as the point of split, change as needed
ax[0].plot(t,P)#, ax=ax[0]) ## Add to first plot
ax[1].plot(t,P)#,ax=ax[1]) ## Add to second plot
This will give a plot like this.
This is a code for a waterfall chart. I'd kindly like to ask:
if there is a way to simplify this code. The code is far too long and I'm sure there is a lot of extra lines of code that could be reduced.
How I can make the first and last bars black?. Since I am creating a waterfall chart I am looking for the first and last value to be black at all times and the values in between to be green or red depending on whether or not it is a negative or positive number.
Bars greater than zero green.
Bars less than zero red.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
#Use python 2.7+ syntax to format currency
def money(x, pos):
'The two args are the value and tick position'
return "${:,.0f}".format(x)
formatter = FuncFormatter(money)
#Data to plot. Do not include a total, it will be calculated
index = ['sales','returns','credit fees','rebates','late charges','shipping']
data = {'amount': [350000,-30000,-7500,-25000,95000,-7000]}
#Store data and create a blank series to use for the waterfall
trans = pd.DataFrame(data=data,index=index)
blank = trans.amount.cumsum().shift(1).fillna(0)
#Get the net total number for the final element in the waterfall
total = trans.sum().amount
trans.loc["net"]= total
blank.loc["net"] = total
#The steps graphically show the levels as well as used for label placement
step = blank.reset_index(drop=True).repeat(3).shift(-1)
step[1::3] = np.nan
#When plotting the last element, we want to show the full bar,
#Set the blank to 0
blank.loc["net"] = 0
#Plot and label
my_plot = trans.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, bottom=blank,legend=None, figsize=(10, 5), title="2014 Sales Waterfall")
my_plot.plot(step.index, step.values,'k')
my_plot.set_xlabel("Transaction Types")
#Format the axis for dollars
#Get the y-axis position for the labels
y_height = trans.amount.cumsum().shift(1).fillna(0)
#Get an offset so labels don't sit right on top of the bar
max = trans.max()
neg_offset = max / 25
pos_offset = max / 50
plot_offset = int(max / 15)
#Start label loop
loop = 0
for index, row in trans.iterrows():
# For the last item in the list, we don't want to double count
if row['amount'] == total:
y = y_height[loop]
y = y_height[loop] + row['amount']
# Determine if we want a neg or pos offset
if row['amount'] > 0:
y += pos_offset
y -= neg_offset
#Scale up the y axis so there is room for the labels
#Rotate the labels
Answer to questions 2, 3 and 4: set the colors of the bar patches after plotting them:
for p, c in zip(my_plot.containers[0].patches, np.r_[0, np.sign(trans.amount[1:-1]), 0]):
p.set_color({0: 'k', 1: 'g', -1: 'r'}[c])
I have a data set with 8 columns and several rows. The columns contain measurements for different variable (6 in total) under 2 different conditions, each consisting of 4 columns that contain repeated measurements for a particular condition.
Using Searborn, I would like to generate a bar chart displaying the mean and standard deviation of every 4 columns, grouped by index key (i.e. measured variable). The dataframe structure is as follows:
df = pd.DataFrame({
},index= ['var1','var2','var3','var4','var5','var6'])
How do I pass to seaborn that I would like only 2 bars, 1 for the first 4 columns and 1 for the second. With each bar displaying the mean (and standard deviation or some other measure of dispersion) across 4 columns.
I was thinking of using multi-indexing, adding a second column level to group the columns into 2 condition,
df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['Condition 1'] * 4 + ['Condition 2'] * 4,df.columns])
but I can't figure out what I should pass to Seaborn to generate the plot I want.
If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be a great help!
Update Based on Comment
Plotting is all about reshaping the dataframe for the plot API
# still create the groups
l = df.columns
n = 4
groups = [l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]
num_gps = len(groups)
# stack each group and add an id column
data_list = list()
for group in groups:
id_ = group[0][1]
data = df[group].copy().T
data['id_'] = id_
df2 = pd.concat(data_list, axis=0).reset_index()
df2.rename({'index': 'sample'}, axis=1, inplace=True)
# melt df2 into a long form
dfm = df2.melt(id_vars=['sample', 'id_'])
# plot
p = sns.catplot(kind='bar', data=dfm, x='variable', y='value', hue='id_', ci='sd', aspect=3)
sample YAL001C YAL002W YAL004W YAL005C YAL007C YAL008W YAL011W YAL012W YAL013W YAL014C id_
0 S2_1 -13.062716 -8.084685 2.360795 -0.740357 3.086768 -0.117259 -5.678183 2.527573 -17.326287 -1.319402 2
1 S2_2 -5.431474 -12.676807 0.070569 -4.214761 -4.318011 -4.489010 -10.268632 0.691448 -24.189106 -2.343884 2
2 S2_3 -9.365509 -12.281169 0.497772 -3.228236 0.212941 -2.287206 -10.250004 1.111842 -27.811564 -4.329987 2
3 S2_4 -7.582111 -15.587219 -1.286167 -4.531494 -3.090265 -4.718281 -8.933496 2.079757 -21.580854 -2.834441 2
4 S3_1 -12.618254 -20.010779 -2.530541 -3.203072 -2.436503 -2.922565 -15.972632 3.551605 -35.618485 -4.925495 3
sample id_ variable value
0 S2_1 2 YAL001C -13.062716
1 S2_2 2 YAL001C -5.431474
2 S2_3 2 YAL001C -9.365509
3 S2_4 2 YAL001C -7.582111
4 S3_1 3 YAL001C -12.618254
Plot Result
A box plot might be a better to convey the distribution
p = sns.catplot(kind='box', data=dfm, y='variable', x='value', hue='id_', height=12)
Original Answer
Use a list comprehension to chunk the columns into groups of 4
This uses the original, more comprehensive data that was posted. It can be found in revision 4
Create a figure with subplots and zip each group to an ax from axes
Use each group to select data from df and transpose the data with .T.
Using sns.barplot the default estimator is mean, so the length of the bar is the mean, and set ci='sd' so the confidence interval is the standard deviation.
sns.barplot(data=data, ci='sd', ax=ax) can easily be replaced with sns.boxplot(data=data, ax=ax)
import seaborn as sns
# using the first comma separated data that was posted, create groups of 4
l = df.columns
n = 4 # chunk size for groups
groups = [l[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(l), n)]
num_gps = len(groups)
# plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(num_gps, 1, figsize=(12, 6*num_gps))
for ax, group in zip(axes, groups):
data = df[group].T
sns.barplot(data=data, ci='sd', ax=ax)
Example of data
The bar is the mean of each column, and the line is the standard deviation
S8_1 -1.731388 -17.215712 -3.518643 -2.358103 0.418170 -1.529747 -12.630343 2.435674 -27.471971 -4.021264
S8_2 -1.325524 -24.056632 -0.984390 -2.119338 -1.770665 -1.447103 -10.618954 2.156420 -30.362998 -4.735058
S8_3 -2.024020 -29.094027 -6.146880 -2.101090 -0.732322 -2.773949 -12.642857 -0.009749 -28.486835 -4.783863
S8_4 2.541671 -13.599049 -2.688125 -2.329332 -0.694555 -2.820627 -8.498677 3.321018 -31.741916 -2.104281
Plot Result
I am iteratively plotting the np.exp results of 12 rows of data from a 2D array (12,5000), out_array. All data share the same x values, (x_d). I want the first 4 iterations to all plot as the same color, the next 4 to be a different color, and next 4 a different color...such that I have 3 different colors each corresponding to the 1st-4th, 5th-8th, and 9th-12th iterations respectively. In the end, it would also be nice to define these sets with their corresponding colors in a legend.
I have researched cycler (https://matplotlib.org/examples/color/color_cycle_demo.html), but I can't figure out how to assign colors into sets of iterations > 1. (i.e. 4 in my case). As you can see in my code example, I can have all 12 lines plotted with different (default) colors -or- I know how to make them all the same color (i.e. ...,color = 'r',...)
for i in range(out_array.shape[0]):
plt.plot(x_d, np.exp(out_array[i]),linewidth = 1, alpha = 0.6)
I expect a plot like this, only with a total of 3 different colors, each corresponding to the chunks of iterations described above.
An other solution
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(10)
color = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'p']
for i in range(12):
plt.plot(x, i*x, color[i//4])
n = 0
color = ['r','g','b']
for i in range(out_array.shape[0]):
n = n+1
if n/4 <= 1:
c = 1
elif n/4 >1 and n/4 <= 2:
c = 2
elif n/4 >2:
c = 3
plt.plot(x_d, np.exp(out_array[i]),color = color[c-1])
I want to get a plot similar to the following plot that has different colors based on values for x-axis. Ignore the u and f letters and also the blue curve and gray lines. I only need the green and red lines. So, if you use my code, you will get a plot that is all one color. What I want is to have different color when x is between 0 and the turning point (in this case it is x=50%) and then a different color for the rest.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def GRLC(values):
n = len(values)
assert(n > 0), 'Empty list of values'
sortedValues = sorted(values) #Sort smallest to largest
#Find cumulative totals
cumm = [0]
for i in range(n):
cumm.append(sum(sortedValues[0:(i + 1)]))
#Calculate Lorenz points
LorenzPoints = [[], []]
sumYs = 0 #Some of all y values
robinHoodIdx = -1 #Robin Hood index max(x_i, y_i)
for i in range(1, n + 2):
x = 100.0 * (i - 1)/n
y = 100.0 * (cumm[i - 1]/float(cumm[n]))
sumYs += y
maxX_Y = x - y
if maxX_Y > robinHoodIdx: robinHoodIdx = maxX_Y
giniIdx = 100 + (100 - 2 * sumYs)/n #Gini index
return [giniIdx, giniIdx/100, robinHoodIdx, LorenzPoints]
result_reg = GRLC(reg)
print 'Gini Index Reg', result_reg[0]
print 'Gini Coefficient Reg', result_reg[1]
print 'Robin Hood Index Reg', result_reg[2]
plt.plot(result_reg[3][0], result_reg[3][1], [0, 100], [0, 100], '--')
plt.legend(['Reg-ALSRank#10','Equity-Line'], loc='upper left',prop={'size':16})
plt.xlabel('% of items ')
plt.ylabel('% of times being recommended')
This is how you would plot two lines of different colors, knowing the index in the array at which the color should change.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(0,49, num=50)
y = x**2
x0 = 23
plt.plot(x[:x0+1], y[:x0+1])
plt.plot(x[x0:], y[x0:])
This works because by default, subsequent line plots have a different color, but you could of course set the color yourself,
plt.plot(x[:x0+1], y[:x0+1], color="cornflowerblue")