Get object of calling method - python

I need to get the object method who called another function. I don't want its name, but the actual object.
So far, I got this.
import inspect
def info():
stack_call = inspect.stack()
cls_method = stack_call[1][3]
cls_obj = stack_call[1].frame.f_locals["self"]
cls_members = inspect.getmembers(cls_obj)
my_obj = None
for el in cls_members:
if el[0] == cls_method:
my_obj = el[1]
class Bob:
def __int__(self):
def jim(self):
test = Bob()
It does what I want to do, but I don't like having to go through the list to find the right method with its name.
I tried many things, but can't see how to make it better.
Would anybody have a better version?

A little different:
def info():
stack_call = inspect.stack()
cls_obj = stack_call[1].frame.f_locals[list(stack_call[1].frame.f_locals.keys())[0]]
cls_method = getattr(cls_obj, stack_call[1][3])


How do I run two or more methods in a class like a chain?

I'm trying to learn OOP but I'm getting very confused with how I'm supposed to run the methods or return values. In the following code I want to run read_chapters() first, then sendData() with some string content that comes from read_chapters(). Some of the solutions I found did not use __init__ but I want to use it (just to see/learn how i can use them).
How do I run them? Without using __init__, why do you only return 'self'?
import datetime
class PrinceMail:
def __init__(self):
self.date2 =, 2, 6)
self.date1 =
self.days = (self.date1 - self.date2).days
self.file = 'The_Name.txt'
self.chapter = '' # Not sure if it would be better if i initialize chapter here-
# or if i can just use a normal variable later
def read_chapters(self):
with open(self.file, 'r') as book:
content = book.readlines()
indexes = [x for x in range(len(content)) if 'CHAPTER' in content[x]]
indexes = indexes[self.days:]
heading = content[indexes[0]]
for i in (content[indexes[0]:indexes[1]]):
self.chapter += i # can i use normal var and return that instead?
except IndexError:
for i in (content[indexes[0]:]):
self.chapter += i
return self????? # what am i supposed to return? i want to return chapter
# The print works here but returns nothing.
# sendData has to run after readChapters automatically
def sendData(self):
#i want to get the chapter into this and do something with it
def run(self):
# I tried this method but it doesn't work for sendData
# Is there anyother way to run the two methods?
obj = PrinceMail()
#This is kinda confusing as well
Chaining methods is just a way to shorten this code:
temp = self.read_chapters()
So, whatever is returned by read_chapters has to have the method sendData. You should put whatever you want to return in read_chapters in a field of the object itself (aka self) in order to use it after chaining.
First of all, __init__ has nothing to do with what you want to achieve here. You can consider it as a constructor for other languages, this is the first function that is called when you create an object of the class.
Now to answer your question, if I am correct you just want to use the output of read_chapters in sendData. One of the way you can do that is by making the read_chapters a private method (that is if you don't want it to use through the object) using __ in the starting of the name like __read_chapters then make a call to the function inside the sendData function.
Another point to consider here is, when you are using self and don't intend to use the function through the object you don't need to return anything. self assigns the value to the attribute of the current instance. So, you can leave the function read_chapters at self.chapter = i and access the same in sendData.
Ex -
def sendData(self):
I'm not an expert but, the reason to return self is because it is the instance of the class you're working with and that's what allows you to chain methods.
For what you're trying to do, method chaining doesn't seem to be the best approach. You want to sendData() for each iteration of the loop in read_chapters()? (you have self.chapter = i which is always overwritten)
Instead, you can store the chapters in a list and send it after all the processing.
Also, and I don't know if this is a good practice but, you can have a getter to return the data if you want to do something different with (return self.chapter instead of self)
I'd change your code for:
import datetime
class PrinceMail:
def __init__(self):
self.date2 =, 2, 6)
self.date1 =
self.days = (self.date1 - self.date2).days
self.file = 'The_Name.txt'
self.chapter = []
def read_chapters(self):
with open(self.file, 'r') as book:
content = book.readlines()
indexes = [x for x in range(len(content)) if 'CHAPTER' in content[x]]
indexes = indexes[self.days:]
heading = content[indexes[0]]
for i in (content[indexes[0]:indexes[1]]):
except IndexError:
#not shure what you want to do here
for i in (content[indexes[0]:]):
return self
# sendData has to run after readChapters automatically
def sendData(self):
#do what ever with self.chapter
def get_raw_chapters(self):
return self.chapter
Also, check PEP 8 Style Guide for naming conventions (
More reading in
Method chaining - why is it a good practice, or not?
What __init__ and self do on Python?

Overwrite custom class exceptions

So I have this thing I don’t know if I can do on python. I want to handle access to undefined variables. Example:
class example():
def __init__():
self.variableA = 'jaa'
def set_b(self):
self.variableB = 'nope'
Here if I instantiate a object X of example and try to access variableB without calling x.set_b() I will get an Class has no attribute error. Is there any way to dig into this exception? I would like to return and error with a custom message.
May I suggest to do the following:
class Example():
def __init__(self):
self.variableA = 'jaa'
self._variableB = None
def variableB(self):
if self._variableB is None:
return 'Sorry, you need to set this using `Set_b` first'
# better would probably be
# raise AttributeError("'Sorry, you need to set this using `Set_b`")
return self._variableB
def variableB(self, value):
raise AttributeError("'Sorry, you need to set this using `Set_b`")
def set_b(self):
self._variableB = 'nope'
example = Example()
print(example.variableB) # Sorry, you need to set this using `Set_b` first
example.variableB = 'mymy'
except Exception as error:
print(repr(error)) # AttributeError('Sorry, you need to set this using `Set_b`)
print(example.variableB) # 'nope

Adding a new object to a class with user-input(input) in python

I am trying to add new objects to a class(emne) but the new instances of the class needs to be created using user input. So i need a way to be able to chose the name for the object and set some of the values of the objects with user input.
I have already tried to create a function that passes the value of the user input into a x = emner(x) to create it but it only returns:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'fagKode'
so i think my issue is that the value of the input is created as a string so that it is not understood as a way to create the function
class Emne:
def __init__(self,fagKode):
self.fagKode = fagKode
self.karakter = ""
def leggTilEmne():
nyttEmne = input("test:")
expected result is that the code creates a new instance of the class.
If by choosing a name you mean your fagKode attribute, what you need is:
fagKode = input('Enter code: ')
You're adding the instances of Enme to the list in the constructor, so you don't need to save them to a variable.
Alternatively, you can handle that in the function:
class Emne:
def __init__(self,fagKode):
self.fagKode = fagKode
self.karakter = ""
def leggTilEmne():
nyttEmne = input("test:")
I'm not sure what exactly you are asking, since you haven't responded to the comments. So,
class Emne:
def __init__(self,fagKode):
self.fagKode = fagKode
self.karakter = ""
def leggTilEmne(self, value): # <--- is this what you want
self.nyttEmne= Emne(value)
This is an example of when to use a class method. __init__ should not be appending to a global variable, though. Either 1) have the class method append to a class attribute, or 2) have it return the object and let the caller maintain a global list.
emne = []
class Emne:
emne = []
def __init__(self, fag_kode):
self.fag_kode = fag_kode
self.karakter = ""
def legg_til_emne_1(cls):
nytt_emne = input("test:")
def legg_til_emne_2(cls):
nyttEmne = input("test:")
return cls(nyttEmne)
Emne.legg_til_emne_1() # Add to Emne.emne
e = Emne.legg_til_emne_2()

How can I refer to a function not by name in its definition in python?

I am maintaining a little library of useful functions for interacting with my company's APIs and I have come across (what I think is) a neat question that I can't find the answer to.
I frequently have to request large amounts of data from an API, so I do something like:
class Client(object):
def __init__(self): = []
def get_data(self, offset = 0):
done = False
while not done:
data = get_more_starting_at(offset)
offset += 1
if not data:
done = True
This works fine and allows me to restart the retrieval where I left off if something goes horribly wrong. However, since python functions are just regular objects, we can do stuff like:
def yo():
yo.hi = "yo!"
return None
and then we can interrogate yo about its properties later, like:
yo.hi => "yo!"
my question is: Can I rewrite my class-based example to pin the data to the function itself, without referring to the function by name. I know I can do this by:
def get_data(offset=0):
done = False = []
while not done:
data = get_more_starting_from(offset)
offset += 1
if not data:
done = True
but I would like to do something like:
def get_data(offset=0):
done = False = [] # <===== this is the bit I can't figure out
while not done:
data = get_more_starting_from(offset) # <====== also this!
offset += 1
if not data:
done = True
return # <======== want to refer to the "current" object
Is it possible to refer to the "current" object by anything other than its name?
Something like "this", "self", or "memememe!" is what I'm looking for.
I don't understand why you want to do this, but it's what a fixed point combinator allows you to do:
import functools
def Y(f):
def Yf(*args):
return inner(*args)
inner = f(Yf)
return Yf
def get_data(f):
def inner_get_data(*args):
# This is your real get data function
# define it as normal
# but just refer to it as 'f' inside itself
print 'setting to', args = args
return inner_get_data
get_data(1, 2, 3)
So you call get_data as normal, and it "magically" knows that f means itself.
You could do this, but (a) the data is not per-function-invocation, but per function (b) it's much easier to achieve this sort of thing with a class.
If you had to do it, you might do something like this:
def ybother(a,b,c,yrselflambda = lambda: ybother):
yrself = yrselflambda()
#other stuff
The lambda is necessary, because you need to delay evaluation of the term ybother until something has been bound to it.
Alternatively, and increasingly pointlessly:
from functools import partial
def ybother(a,b,c,yrself=None):
#whatever = [] # this will blow up if the default argument is used
#more stuff
bothered = partial(ybother, yrself=ybother)
def unbothered(a,b,c):
def inbothered(yrself):
#whatever = []
return inbothered, inbothered(inbothered)
This last version gives you a different function object each time, which you might like.
There are almost certainly introspective tricks to do this, but they are even less worthwhile.
Not sure what doing it like this gains you, but what about using a decorator.
import functools
def add_self(f):
def wrapper(*args,**kwargs):
if not getattr(f, 'content', None):
f.content = []
return f(f, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def example(self, arg1):
print self.content
[1, 2]
[1, 2, 3]

Python: How to enable the following API using class magic

Given something like:
I want it converted into the following:
I have been able to achieve that, using the following class:
class SO(object):
def __init__(self,**kwargs):
self.base_url = kwargs.pop('base_url',[]) or ''
self.uriparts = kwargs.pop('uriparts',[])
for k,v in kwargs.items():
def __getattr__(self,key):
return self.__class__(**self.__dict__)
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
def __call__(self,**kwargs):
return "%s/%s"%(self.base_url,"/".join(self.uriparts))
if __name__ == '__main__':
print SO().abc.mno.ghi.jkl()
print SO().abc.mno['ghi'].jkl()
#prints the following
Now my problem is I can't do something like:
stackoverflow = SO()
user1 = stackoverflow.users['55562']
user2 = stackoverflow.users['55462']
print user1.questions.unanswered
print user2.questions.unanswered
#prints the following
Essentially, the user1 and user2 refer to the same SO object, so it can't represent different users.
I have been thinking any pointers to do that would be helpful, because this additional level of functionality would make the API far more interesting.
IMHO, when you recreate a new stackoverflow object, you need to separate the arguments from old instance attributes with a deep copy
import copy
def __getattr__(self,key):
dict = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
return self.__class__(**dict)
If you want more flexibility on the URI parts, an abstraction is needed for a cleaner design. For example:
class SOURIParts(object):
def __init__(self, so, uriparts, **kwargs): = so
self.uriparts = uriparts
for k,v in kwargs.items():
def __getattr__(self,key):
return SOURIParts(, self.uriparts+[key])
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
def __call__(self,**kwargs):
return "%s/%s"%(,"/".join(self.uriparts))
class SO(object):
def __init__(self, base_url=''):
self.base_url = base_url
def __getattr__(self,key):
return SOURIParts(self, [])
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.__getattr__(key)
I hope this helps.
You could override __getslice__(Python 2.7), or getitem()(Python3.x) and use a memorizing decorator so that if the slice you request (the userid) has already been looked up it would use cached results -- otherwise it could retrieve the results and populate the existing SO instance object.
However, I think a more OO way to solve the problem is make SO a pure lookup module that returns stack overflow user objects which would then have the deeper-digging lookups for profile details. But thats just me.

