I have a curve-fitting problem. I am measuring a system's response over a range of input values (both input and output values are scalar and real).
I change a particular parameter for the system between trials that results in different outputs for the same inputs.
This behavior is illustrated below:
I need to fit a model that essentially takes that parameter and x values and produce the observed y values as closely as possible.
I am trying to fit a Gaussian function as follows:
I am modeling $f_\alpha(c)$ as $a0 + a1*c$
I am modeling $f_\beta(c)$ as $b1 + b1*c$
Essentially make the peak and mean location shift as a function of the parameter c.
The problem is I am having convergence issues related to $f_\beta(c)$. If I just set the median to a constant I am able to estimate a0 and a1, but obviously the fit is poor.
I am using scipy.optimize.curve_fit
So my question is basically, is there a better way to tackle this problem? For e.g., a function that can model this better, better forms for $f_\alpha$; and $f_\beta$?
Sample data here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QPjrpxaDnnj3pmqzjZgjJJLKWnQjLikc
Sample code here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=135P9euXYAoa9CR3hrLOg6ja_6XfGndDN
(Dataset is slightly different than what I have shown in the figure in the posting)
Two questions:
1. Is there a methodical way to make the guesses such that I am guaranteed to converge?
2. Are there better functions that I could use to approximate my observations?
Thanks for any help in advance
With python I want to compare a simulated light curve with the real light curve. It should be mentioned that the measured data contain gaps and outliers and the time steps are not constant. The model, however, contains constant time steps.
In a first step I would like to compare with a statistical method how similar the two light curves are. Which method is best suited for this?
In a second step I would like to fit the model to my measurement data. However, the model data is not calculated in Python but in an independent software. Basically, the model data depends on four parameters, all of which are limited to a certain range, which I am currently feeding mannualy to the software (planned is automatic).
What is the best method to create a suitable fit?
A "Brute-Force-Fit" is currently an option that comes to my mind.
This link "https://imgur.com/a/zZ5xoqB" provides three different plots. The simulated lightcurve, the actual measurement and lastly both together. The simulation is not good, but by playing with the parameters one can get an acceptable result. Which means the phase and period are the same, magnitude is in the same order and even the specular flashes should occur at the same period.
If I understand this correctly, you're asking a more foundational question that could be better answered in https://datascience.stackexchange.com/, rather than something specific to Python.
That said, as a data science layperson, this may be a problem suited for gradient descent with a mean-square-error cost function. You initialize the parameters of the curve (possibly randomly), then calculate the square error at your known points.
Then you make tiny changes to each parameter in turn, and calculate how the cost function is affected. Then you change all the parameters (by a tiny amount) in the direction that decreases the cost function. Repeat this until the parameters stop changing.
(Note that this might trap you in a local minimum and not work.)
More information: https://towardsdatascience.com/implement-gradient-descent-in-python-9b93ed7108d1
Edit: I overlooked this part
The simulation is not good, but by playing with the parameters one can get an acceptable result. Which means the phase and period are the same, magnitude is in the same order and even the specular flashes should occur at the same period.
Is the simulated curve just a sum of sine waves, and are the parameters just phase/period/amplitude of each? In this case what you're looking for is the Fourier transform of your signal, which is very easy to calculate with numpy: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/fftpack.html
I have two variables, y being the number of targets achieved and x the number of individuals involved in the operation. The relationship is positive and non-linear (there are only so many individuals you can add before the returns of adding individuals are diminishing), however I am not sure what is the function of x that best predict y.
Using Python, I would like to find the best fitting line/function and identify the maximum of the function to advise how many individuals include in each team to achieve the maximum number of targets [controlling for different variables]
How to do it?
You can use ridge-regression with kernels. kernels helps in transforming linear function to non-linear function without changing its actual form. This is what Graipher was pointing.
Here is a script, which shows an example to use it.
Also, these selection comes with experience and understanding. You can also guess closely(eg. which polynomial can fit in), by visualizing the function form.
Is there a function or library in Python to automatically compute the best polynomial fit for a set of data points? I am not really interested in the ML use case of generalizing to a set of new data, I am just focusing on the data I have. I realize the higher the degree, the better the fit. However, I want something that penalizes or looks at where the error elbows? When I say elbowing, I mean something like this (although usually it is not so drastic or obvious):
One idea I had was to use Numpy's polyfit: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.15.0/reference/generated/numpy.polyfit.html to compute polynomial regression for a range of orders/degrees. Polyfit requires the user to specify the degree of polynomial, which poses a challenge because I don't have any assumptions or preconceived notions. The higher the degree of fit, the lower the error will be but eventually it plateaus like the image above. Therefore if I want to automatically compute the degree of polynomial where the error curve elbows: if my error is E and d is my degree, I want to maximize (E[d+1]-E[d]) - (E[d+1] - E[d]).
Is this even a valid approach? Are there other tools and approaches in well-established Python libraries lik Numpy or Scipy that can help with finding the appropriate polynomial fit (without me having to specify the order/degree)? I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions! Thanks!
To select the "right" fit and prevent over-fitting, you can use the Akiake Information Criterion or the Bayesian Information Criterion. Note that your fitting procedure can be non-Bayesian and you can still use these to compare fits. Here is a quick comparison between the two methods.
This question is regarding curve fitting in python.
First, I would say that I do not know the curve fit function to insert into "curve_fit" function in the scipy library; therefore, I am trying to use a polyfit which is OK if I am interested in interpolation but my goal is to predict values at future points, in other words extrapolation.
I have attached a screenshot of a raw signal, smoothed and its polyfit result. It has the correct poly order but still fails at extrapolation. My conclusion is that poly fit is not the right approach here, but I can not estimate the curve function. What are you thoughts?
Please note that this is not a distribution since the y values may keep slowly decreasing infinitely, even below 0.
I'd say the function looks like an exponential Gaussian but again it's not a distribution so dont want to do that.
My last thought was to split the plot into two, the first model can certainly be modeled as a polynomial and the second as an exponential. (values are different than first png cuz it's of a different signal).
Then, maybe combine the two. What do you think about this?
Attached is a screenshot of this too.
Since many curves can fit the data and extrapolate differently, you need to choose the right basis functions to get the behaviour you want.
So far you have tried polynomials for instance, these however tend to +- infinite, which is perhaps not what you want.
I would try and use curve_fit on a sum of Hermite polynomials or Laguerre polynomials. For instance, for Laguerre polynomials, you could try
a + b*exp(-k x) + c*(1-x)*exp(-k x) + d*(x^2 - 4*x + 2)*exp(-k x) + ...
Python has a lot of convenience functions built in for this, see e.g. https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.13.0/reference/routines.polynomials.laguerre.html
Note however that you should also fit k to your data, which you could use curve_fit for.
I use a python package called emcee to fit a function to some data points. The fit looks great, but when I want to plot the value of each parameter at each step I get this:
In their example (with a different function and data points) they get this:
Why is my function converging so fast, and why does it have that weird shape in the beginning. I apply MCMC using likelihood and posterior probability. And even if the fit looks very good, the error on parameters of function are very small (10^10 smaller than the actual value) and I think it is because of the random walks. Any idea how to fix it? Here is their code for fitting: http://dan.iel.fm/emcee/current/user/line/ I used the same code with the obvious modifications for my data points and fitting function.
I would not say that your function is converging faster than the emcee line-fitting example you're linked to. In the example, the walkers start exploring the most likely values in the parameter space almost immediately, whereas in your case it takes more than 200 iterations to reach the high probability region.
The jump in your trace plots looks like a burn-in. It is a common feature of MCMC sampling algorithms where your walkers are given starting points away from the bulk of the posterior and then must find their way to it. It looks like in your case the likelihood function is fairly smooth so you only need a hundred or so iterations to achieve this, giving your function this "weird shape" you're talking about.
If you can constrain the starting points better, do so; if not, you might consider discarding this initial length before further analysis is made (see here and here for discussions on burn in lengths).
As for whether the errors are realistic or not, you need to inspect the resulting posterior models for that, because the ratio of the actual parameter value to its uncertainties does not have a say in this. For example, if we take your linked example and change the true value of b to 10^10, the resulting errors will be ten magnitudes smaller while remaining perfectly valid.